Arctic ice thins dramatically

The ice has been melting for 14K years now. Pasted articles that state that the ice continues to melt don't strike me as grounds for fear, or grounds for mild concern, or grounds for anything other than to question the rationality of those who do find reason to angst in the fact that ice continues to melt.

True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:
The ice has been melting for 14K years now. Pasted articles that state that the ice continues to melt don't strike me as grounds for fear, or grounds for mild concern, or grounds for anything other than to question the rationality of those who do find reason to angst in the fact that ice continues to melt.

True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

Really? For two million years the ice ages have been occuring as regular as a heart beat. And now we are seeing a dramatic departure from where we should be in the warming and cooling cycles. But it is best to deny the science and keep in line with our hero, the obese junkie.
True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

Really? For two million years the ice ages have been occuring as regular as a heart beat. And now we are seeing a dramatic departure from where we should be in the warming and cooling cycles. But it is best to deny the science and keep in line with our hero, the obese junkie.
Your religion has to cheat to attain the desired results, yeah, REALLY. :eusa_whistle:
True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

Really? For two million years the ice ages have been occuring as regular as a heart beat. And now we are seeing a dramatic departure from where we should be in the warming and cooling cycles. But it is best to deny the science and keep in line with our hero, the obese junkie.
We just got over an iceage 15,000 years ago....just how often have they been "occuring.....regularly like clockwork"?
The ice has been melting for 14K years now. Pasted articles that state that the ice continues to melt don't strike me as grounds for fear, or grounds for mild concern, or grounds for anything other than to question the rationality of those who do find reason to angst in the fact that ice continues to melt.

True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

I thought the skeptic/deniers were claiming Earth's climate IS predictable?!?! They swear up and down this is a "natural cycle", so they must be making that claim from data of past events, right? You can't have it both ways. If it's being unpredictable, just maybe it's because we put more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS than all the volcanoes on Earth do in a normal year!!!
True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

I thought the skeptic/deniers were claiming Earth's climate IS predictable?!?! They swear up and down this is a "natural cycle", so they must be making that claim from data of past events, right? You can't have it both ways. If it's being unpredictable, just maybe it's because we put more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS than all the volcanoes on Earth do in a normal year!!!

The Earth IS unpredictable...yes there are cycles....but when....we have no control over that. A volcano erupts and throws a twist into the mix. There are so many intangibles.
The ice has been melting for 14K years now. Pasted articles that state that the ice continues to melt don't strike me as grounds for fear, or grounds for mild concern, or grounds for anything other than to question the rationality of those who do find reason to angst in the fact that ice continues to melt.

True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

:lol::lol::lol:They changed their minds because the planet began another warming trend that was so obvious a kindergartner could see it, and secondly they weren't getting any funding.
True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

Really? For two million years the ice ages have been occuring as regular as a heart beat. And now we are seeing a dramatic departure from where we should be in the warming and cooling cycles. But it is best to deny the science and keep in line with our hero, the obese junkie.

:lol::lol::lol: What was that MENSA man? Seems to me there was a 100,000 year gap here, a 55,000 year gap there, etc. If that's your definition of a regular heartbeat I suggest you see a real good cardiologist. I can recommend one for you!
True, but as the skeptics like to point out, back in the 70s some scientists were saying we were heading to a new Ice Age. Given the regular cycles Earth has gone through, that should have seemed reasonable to everyone. But the fact is, we're seeing a trend towards more warming. So, what happened to the normal cycle? Why shouldn't we pay attention when scientists change their minds that fast? It couldn't all be the money, because as anyone who knows about the grant system is aware, the theory has to precede the money or nothing gets funded. If we didn't see some indication of unusual temps, we'd be studying the coming Ice Age, instead.

The Earth is really unpredictable isn't it? With or without Man. :razz:

I thought the skeptic/deniers were claiming Earth's climate IS predictable?!?! They swear up and down this is a "natural cycle", so they must be making that claim from data of past events, right? You can't have it both ways. If it's being unpredictable, just maybe it's because we put more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS than all the volcanoes on Earth do in a normal year!!!

My gosh. Are you really that ignorant? Or are you just playing dumb? Where oh where have sceptics ever claimed that the climate was predictable? That is the mantra of the AGW hand wringing crowd buckwheat. Our mantra is all observed phenomena are not "exceptional" or "unusual" or "unprecedented" Our mantra is all observed weather and climate phenomena are natural and are occuring regardless of mans influence.

Get your facts straight....oh wait, I'm don't "do" facts.
A cat5 anti-ice melt pattern has taken place within the arctic. Clouds, low pressure, and shit. We may still be within the top 5, but I think we will be behind 2007, 2008, 2010 as of right now. Unless things change back. There is a million km^2 variability within the arctic on either side of the means for weather patterns and this is such a case.

Only 25-35 thousand a day melts...I'd say the fourth lowest.

O'well, maybe next year.:(
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"And then the Goracle spoke onto the believers and said,"Fear not any cooling, for it is not a cooling but a climate change, brought forth by the works of the non-believers." And the believers feared the global cooler warming and prayed to the Goracle for proof to show the blasphemers. And the Goracle gave them anomalies, a hockey stick, and the IPCC and steeled their resolve to bring the light to the darkness of skepticism. All hail the Goracle. "

The Tao of Algorianism, The Book of Cooler Warming, Chapter IV, Verse 8.
"And then the Goracle spoke onto the believers and said,"Fear not any cooling, for it is not a cooling but a climate change, brought forth by the works of the non-believers." And the believers feared the global cooler warming and prayed to the Goracle for proof to show the blasphemers. And the Goracle gave them anomalies, a hockey stick, and the IPCC and steeled their resolve to bring the light to the darkness of skepticism. All hail the Goracle. "

The Tao of Algorianism, The Book of Cooler Warming, Chapter IV, Verse 8.

We both know that weather patterns within the arctic controls the level of ice extent to a huge extent.
"And then the Goracle spoke onto the believers and said,"Fear not any cooling, for it is not a cooling but a climate change, brought forth by the works of the non-believers." And the believers feared the global cooler warming and prayed to the Goracle for proof to show the blasphemers. And the Goracle gave them anomalies, a hockey stick, and the IPCC and steeled their resolve to bring the light to the darkness of skepticism. All hail the Goracle. "

The Tao of Algorianism, The Book of Cooler Warming, Chapter IV, Verse 8.

We both know that weather patterns within the arctic controls the level of ice extent to a huge extent.

And we both know that weather is no indicator of climate, yet here we are...

I still don't see open water there at the pole....... Wonder why? Being how its so hot and all that. I mean based on your constant blathering there should be tons of open water there. Right?


  • $3-subs-north-pole-1987.jpg
    31 KB · Views: 28

I still don't see open water there at the pole....... Wonder why? Being how its so hot and all that. I mean based on your constant blathering there should be tons of open water there. Right? are soooooooo retarded, walleyed......LOLOLOL....

"I still don't see open water there at the pole....... Wonder why?"....maybe 'cause you're looking at a graphic depicting ice extent, not a satellite photograph, you silly moron.

I already debunked your idiotic contention that past openings in the Arctic sea ice cover must have been caused by previous, otherwise undetected, global warming and not, as the science says, by the normal action of wind and waves. I guess you're just too retarded to let go of a debunked propaganda meme.
The polar ice cap in the Arctic has melted to near its 2007 record minimum level and in some areas is 50 per cent smaller than average, Russia's environmental monitoring agency says.

"According to the results of observations, the Arctic ice sheet is currently near the minimum that was observed in 2007 in the polar region," the Roshydromet agency said in a statement.

It said the ice sheet covered an area of 6.8 billion square kilometres and was much smaller than normal in Russia's Arctic seas.

"The ice cap is smaller than the norm in all the Russian seas: by 56 per cent in the southwest of the Kara Sea, by 20 per cent in the northeast of the Kara Sea, by 40 per cent in the Laptev Sea, by 14 per cent in the East Siberia Sea and by 35 per cent in Sea of Chukotka," it said.

Arctic ice cap 'near 2007 record minimum'

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