Arctic ice thins dramatically

08,29,2011, 4,900,938

2002 5,646,875
2003 6,032,031
2004 5,784,688
2005 5,315,156
2006 5,781,719
2007 4,254,531*(first)
2008 4,707,813*(Second)
2009 5,249,844
2010 4,813,594*(third)

LESS THEN 200,000 fucking thousand from number 2#!!!

200,000/(40,000/day)=5 days melt or if we get more days like today 200,000/50,000=4 days.

We have about 12-15 days before the peak. I think we will get to number 3 and have a very good chance at 2#. I think 2007 will remain the king!
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:lol::lol::lol::lol: First off congrats to the rowers for gaining their goal, but, and it's a big but, they rowed to where the magnetic pole was back in 1996. They are in fact 738 km SOUTH of the actual North Pole. BTW Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson and James May drove there in 2007 at the beginning of spring.

Nice try but a pretty huge fail there olfraud.

From their website....

"The expedition to the Magnetic North Pole (as certified in 1996) will set off from Resolute Bay in July/August 2011, the crew plan to row for 450 miles before finally reaching the Magnetic North Pole at 78 degrees, 35.724 minutes North, 104 degrees, 11.915 minutes West."

The expedition

:lol::lol::lol::lol: First off congrats to the rowers for gaining their goal, but, and it's a big but, they rowed to where the magnetic pole was back in 1996. They are in fact 738 km SOUTH of the actual North Pole. BTW Top Gear presenters Jeremy Clarkson and James May drove there in 2007 at the beginning of spring.

Nice try but a pretty huge fail there olfraud.

From their website....

"The expedition to the Magnetic North Pole (as certified in 1996) will set off from Resolute Bay in July/August 2011, the crew plan to row for 450 miles before finally reaching the Magnetic North Pole at 78 degrees, 35.724 minutes North, 104 degrees, 11.915 minutes West."

The expedition

Would that be the magnetic pole or the geographic one?:lol:
08,30,2011, 4,803,438 NOW THIRD!!! YAY!!!!:lol: Less then 95,000 away from second!

2002 5,646,875
2003 6,032,031
2004 5,784,688
2005 5,315,156
2006 5,781,719
2007 4,254,531*(first)
2008 4,707,813*(Second)
2009 5,249,844
2010 4,813,594
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I notice something odd with your graph ... Notice in June this year the ice extent was lower than the record in 2007? Yet in ending July when we set all those heat records the actual ice extent was greater than the 2007 record? WTH????

Dude how is that possible if this is evidence of AGW? You have been broadcasting record highs for a couple months now and all to show some kind of proof of AGW, and yet the ice extent you just showed was at a record low BEFORE the record heat, and since the record heat has maintained ice extent greater than 2007... :cuckoo:

It verifies one thing... That weather is no indicator of climate nor what the ice will do. Not for a season, a year, or even a decade. Its bigger than that, and to pretend anything else is asinine...
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The United Nations' most recent global climate report "fails to capture trends in Arctic sea-ice thinning and drift, and in some cases substantially underestimates these trends," says a new research from MIT.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, released in 2007, forecasts an ice-free Arctic summer by the year 2100.

However, the Arctic sea ice may be thinning four times faster than predicted, according to Pierre Rampal and his research team of MIT'S Department of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS).

UN Climate Report Fails to Capture Arctic Ice Thinning Reality: MIT - International Business Times
The United Nations' most recent global climate report "fails to capture trends in Arctic sea-ice thinning and drift, and in some cases substantially underestimates these trends," says a new research from MIT.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, released in 2007, forecasts an ice-free Arctic summer by the year 2100.

However, the Arctic sea ice may be thinning four times faster than predicted, according to Pierre Rampal and his research team of MIT'S Department of Earth, Atmosphere, and Planetary Sciences (EAPS).

UN Climate Report Fails to Capture Arctic Ice Thinning Reality: MIT - International Business Times

C'mon Chris. The 4th report has been proven to be sooooo ridiculously poor it's been relegated to bird cage liner by reputable scientists the world over. Best wait for the next one, or even better yet go back to the 1st report, before the process got so political.
08,31,2011, 4,737,969

30,156 km^2 away from NUMBER FUCKING TWO!!! SHOULD DO IT TOMORROW!!!

Normal peak of melt season around the 15th of september, so I will say 15,000k overall melt per dayx15 days=225,000km^2 to 250,000km^2, I'd expect for the peak. My prediction for the peak will be near 4,487,969km^2 or a solid second. Just shows how much of a anomaly 2007 was!

2002 5,646,875
2003 6,032,031
2004 5,784,688
2005 5,315,156
2006 5,781,719
2007 4,254,531*(first)
2008 4,707,813*(Second)
2009 5,249,844
2010 4,813,594
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Satellites in 2008 saw the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic and the Northern Sea Route above Russia were open simultaneously for the first time since satellite measurements started, and researchers say it has happened again, the European Space Agency reported in a release from its Paris headquarters this week.

The ESA monitors arctic ice with its Envisat, CryoSat and SMOS satellites.

Satellites have recorded reductions in the minimum ice extent at the end of summer during the last 30 years, from around 3 million square miles in the early 1980s to the historic minimum of less than 1.6 million square miles in 2007.

The early opening of both sea passages this year suggests a possible record low in ice cover.

“Whether we reach an absolute minimum or not, this year again confirms that we are in a new regime with substantially less summer ice than before,” Leif Toudal Pedersen, a senior scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, said. ”The last five summers are the five minimum ice extent summers on record.

Two major Arctic Ocean shipping routes open simultaneously as ice recedes — MercoPress
Satellites in 2008 saw the Northwest Passage in the Canadian Arctic and the Northern Sea Route above Russia were open simultaneously for the first time since satellite measurements started, and researchers say it has happened again, the European Space Agency reported in a release from its Paris headquarters this week.

The ESA monitors arctic ice with its Envisat, CryoSat and SMOS satellites.

Satellites have recorded reductions in the minimum ice extent at the end of summer during the last 30 years, from around 3 million square miles in the early 1980s to the historic minimum of less than 1.6 million square miles in 2007.

The early opening of both sea passages this year suggests a possible record low in ice cover.

“Whether we reach an absolute minimum or not, this year again confirms that we are in a new regime with substantially less summer ice than before,” Leif Toudal Pedersen, a senior scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, said. ”The last five summers are the five minimum ice extent summers on record.

Two major Arctic Ocean shipping routes open simultaneously as ice recedes — MercoPress

The coldest SUMMER in Ireland since 1851......

"ONE of our coldest summers ever has been followed by the coldest August in 25 years.

Following an "unspectacular summer" of the coldest June in nearly 40 years and the coldest July in 50 years, this month is now one of the coldest since records began in 1851.

The last time temperatures for the month were as low was when the country was struck by Hurricane Charley in 1986 and witnessed record rainfall and flooding.

Met Eireann records show temperatures have been up to 1.3C below average this month at all 10 of its stations across the country. The lowest temperature has been a nippy 2.7C in Mullingar, with highest temperatures across the nation ranging from 15-17C, at best.

A forecaster for Met Eireann said: "While the current weather hasn't been brilliant, it hasn't been a bad summer.

"It has been very cool but it hasn't been a wet one and rainfall is well below average in most places."

Early season sunny spells were soon forgotten about and the maximum temperature this summer only managed to be 25.5C in Co Carlow, on June 3.

The last time Ireland's peak summer temperature was so low was 46 years ago when the top temperature was 25.2C.

Met Eireann said Dublin's main weather station, at the airport, averaged just 13.8C, the coldest since July 1965, which saw 13.1C.

A forecast for the next seven days shows that the current situation is not due to change and is described as "unsettled".

Any suggestions that the current weather dip is building up for winter were dismissed with Met Eireann saying it has no bearing on what can be expected towards the end of the year.

- David Whelan

Irish Independent"

What summer? August was coldest in 25 years - National News, Frontpage -
09,03,2011, 4,682,188

2002 5,646,875
2003 6,032,031
2004 5,784,688
2005 5,315,156
2006 5,781,719
2007 4,254,531*(first)
2008 4,707,813
2009 5,249,844
2010 4,813,594

NUMBER FUCKING TWO!!!! About 7-9 days more...nearly 430km^2 to get to first. NOT GOING TO OCCUR, but that shows how amazing 2007 was.

It is like 1998 for global temperature, but likely bigger anomaly.
PASADENA, Calif. – Arctic sea ice thinned dramatically between the winters of 2004 and 2008, with thin seasonal ice replacing thick older ice as the dominant type for the first time on record.

The new results, based on data from a NASA Earth-orbiting spacecraft, provide further evidence for the rapid, ongoing transformation of the Arctic’s ice cover.

Scientists from NASA and the University of Washington in Seattle conducted the most comprehensive survey to date using observations from NASA’s Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite, known as ICESat, to make the first basin-wide estimate of the thickness and volume of the Arctic Ocean’s ice cover.

Ron Kwok of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., led the research team, which published its findings July 7 in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.

The Arctic ice cap grows each winter as the sun sets for several months and intense cold ensues. In the summer, wind and ocean currents cause some of the ice naturally to flow out of the Arctic, while much of it melts in place. But not all of the Arctic ice melts each summer; the thicker, older ice is more likely to survive. Seasonal sea ice usually reaches about 2 meters (6 feet) in thickness, while multi-year ice averages 3 meters (9 feet).

Using ICESat measurements, scientists found that overall Arctic sea ice thinned about 0.17 meters (7 inches) a year, for a total of 0.68 meters (2.2 feet) over four winters. The total area covered by the thicker, older “multi-year” ice that has survived one or more summers shrank by 42 percent.

Arctic ice thinned dramatically between 2004 and 2008 | VANCOUVERITE

When's that thing gonna melt and get done with it anyway? I'm tired of hearin' about it!
Just hope the Asian markets pull through! Perhaps in a few years AFTER the environment collapses and the world is a starving mess, then we just might realize there is something more important than the economy.
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Just hope the Asian markets pull through! Perhaps in a few years AFTER the environment collapses and the world is a starving mess, then we just might realize there is something more important than the economy.

I guess you havn't figured out yet that without an economy you wouldn't be alive. Here's an experiment for you. Take yourself off the grid (I have). You figure out how to power your home completely off the grid then you can come back and preach. Till then try reaing something to educate yourself. You'll find the environment never collapses. It changes for sure but it never go's away.
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