Arctic sea ice melting toward record

When you catch your doctor faking tests that say you have cancer, should you continue to believe him?

I know you believe the denier cult conspiracy theories about all the world's climate scientists "faking" their research and data but nobody with any intelligence or understanding of science does.
Ever seen the signatory list for the scientists petition denying global warming?
Yeah, I've heard of that and it is bullshit just like most the trumped up crap you braindead cultists believe in. I should have known that an extremely ignorant hard core denier cultist like you would still be fool enough to take that massively debunked propaganda ploy seriously.

Oregon Petition

This fraud is the source of the Denier myth that (variously) 17,000, 30,000, 60,000 etc "scientists have signed a petition denying man caused global warming.

The Oregon Petition is a project by Arthur B. Robinson head of the tiny, industry funded so-called Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

It is an updated version of his notoriously fraudulent earlier attempts , the most recent being the 1998 Oregon Petition.

It's even been debunked at the Skeptics Society (the irony) "Misleading by Petition & Just What is the Consensus on Global Warming?

For a thorough debunking of the alleged science accompanying the Petition

* Of moles and whacking: Oregon Petition, Redux
* Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
* The Oregon Petition
* Debunking the Oregon Petition Project
* debunked Oregon Petition on global warming
* Ignore Oregon petition
* Infamous Oregon Global Warming Petition
* RealClimate scientists take on latest manifestation of global warming disinformation campaign

Most of the names (of those that are legitimate, which aren't many) are from over a decade ago, in some cases almost twice that age - like there's been no updates in the science recently?

Quote from National Academy of Sciences

"The petition was so misleading that the National Academy issued a news release stating that:

The petition project was a deliberate attempt to mislead scientists and to rally them in an attempt to undermine support for the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was not based on a review of the science of global climate change, nor were its signers experts in the field of climate science." Source

Some of the alleged signatories are actually dead.

Of tobacco apologist Frederick Seitz see (enough said)

Oh yeah, here's another example of Denier math (19=500) when counting "skeptics"

And on and on; it's a joke. A sad pathetic joke that is a waste of everyone's time.

A more up to date debunking of the Oregon Petition is available here:

What if the Oregon Petition names were real?

Tens of thousands of people better educated than you and me disbelieve that bullshit.
Everybody is better educated than you are, retard. I've met dogs who seemed better educated. You are as completely clueless about my education though as you are everything else. However not many scientists and only a handful of actual climate scientists reject anthropogenic causes for the current abrupt warming. Your belief that there are large numbers of scientists who disagree with AGW is an artifact of the the propaganda campaign that has duped you so completely but it is not really true.

How's it coming on proving my four points? It shouldn't be too har... Ohhh that's right. You can't. The evidence doesn't exist. Oohhh my bad. Calling out your voodoo religion. Again. delusional little cretin. You have no 'points', you have only denier cult drivel and nonsense. Don't expect me to go hunting for some nonsense you may (or may not) have posted at some nebulous time in the past. If you imagine that you have anything valid, post it again. It will turn out to be as idiotic as everything else you've posted, I'm sure.
I know you believe the denier cult conspiracy theories about all the world's climate scientists "faking" their research and data but nobody with any intelligence or understanding of science does.
Ever seen the signatory list for the scientists petition denying global warming?
Yeah, I've heard of that and it is bullshit just like most the trumped up crap you braindead cultists believe in. I should have known that an extremely ignorant hard core denier cultist like you would still be fool enough to take that massively debunked propaganda ploy seriously.

Oregon Petition

This fraud is the source of the Denier myth that (variously) 17,000, 30,000, 60,000 etc "scientists have signed a petition denying man caused global warming.

The Oregon Petition is a project by Arthur B. Robinson head of the tiny, industry funded so-called Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

It is an updated version of his notoriously fraudulent earlier attempts , the most recent being the 1998 Oregon Petition.

It's even been debunked at the Skeptics Society (the irony) "Misleading by Petition & Just What is the Consensus on Global Warming?

For a thorough debunking of the alleged science accompanying the Petition

* Of moles and whacking: Oregon Petition, Redux
* Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
* The Oregon Petition
* Debunking the Oregon Petition Project
* debunked Oregon Petition on global warming
* Ignore Oregon petition
* Infamous Oregon Global Warming Petition
* RealClimate scientists take on latest manifestation of global warming disinformation campaign

Most of the names (of those that are legitimate, which aren't many) are from over a decade ago, in some cases almost twice that age - like there's been no updates in the science recently?

Quote from National Academy of Sciences

"The petition was so misleading that the National Academy issued a news release stating that:

The petition project was a deliberate attempt to mislead scientists and to rally them in an attempt to undermine support for the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was not based on a review of the science of global climate change, nor were its signers experts in the field of climate science." Source

Some of the alleged signatories are actually dead.

Of tobacco apologist Frederick Seitz see (enough said)

Oh yeah, here's another example of Denier math (19=500) when counting "skeptics"

And on and on; it's a joke. A sad pathetic joke that is a waste of everyone's time.

A more up to date debunking of the Oregon Petition is available here:

What if the Oregon Petition names were real?

Tens of thousands of people better educated than you and me disbelieve that bullshit.
Everybody is better educated than you are, retard. I've met dogs who seemed better educated. You are as completely clueless about my education though as you are everything else. However not many scientists and only a handful of actual climate scientists reject anthropogenic causes for the current abrupt warming. Your belief that there are large numbers of scientists who disagree with AGW is an artifact of the the propaganda campaign that has duped you so completely but it is not really true.

How's it coming on proving my four points? It shouldn't be too har... Ohhh that's right. You can't. The evidence doesn't exist. Oohhh my bad. Calling out your voodoo religion. Again. delusional little cretin. You have no 'points', you have only denier cult drivel and nonsense. Don't expect me to go hunting for some nonsense you may (or may not) have posted at some nebulous time in the past. If you imagine that you have anything valid, post it again. It will turn out to be as idiotic as everything else you've posted, I'm sure.

Id put the names on that list against the names on your list any day... Guys who sell out like your pseudo-scientists are no longer scientists... THey by their own hand and careless security have shown their level of integrity and ethical standards..... From their misleading use of inconsequentials and deceptive manipulation of data, to their unconscionable abuse of of the public trust to further themselves and their backers agenda; they have shown themselves the lowest of the low...

So id put em up against your list anyday douchebag propaganda boy...:lol:
Ever seen the signatory list for the scientists petition denying global warming?
Yeah, I've heard of that and it is bullshit just like most the trumped up crap you braindead cultists believe in. I should have known that an extremely ignorant hard core denier cultist like you would still be fool enough to take that massively debunked propaganda ploy seriously.

Oregon Petition

This fraud is the source of the Denier myth that (variously) 17,000, 30,000, 60,000 etc "scientists have signed a petition denying man caused global warming.

The Oregon Petition is a project by Arthur B. Robinson head of the tiny, industry funded so-called Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine.

It is an updated version of his notoriously fraudulent earlier attempts , the most recent being the 1998 Oregon Petition.

It's even been debunked at the Skeptics Society (the irony) "Misleading by Petition & Just What is the Consensus on Global Warming?

For a thorough debunking of the alleged science accompanying the Petition

* Of moles and whacking: Oregon Petition, Redux
* Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
* The Oregon Petition
* Debunking the Oregon Petition Project
* debunked Oregon Petition on global warming
* Ignore Oregon petition
* Infamous Oregon Global Warming Petition
* RealClimate scientists take on latest manifestation of global warming disinformation campaign

Most of the names (of those that are legitimate, which aren't many) are from over a decade ago, in some cases almost twice that age - like there's been no updates in the science recently?

Quote from National Academy of Sciences

"The petition was so misleading that the National Academy issued a news release stating that:

The petition project was a deliberate attempt to mislead scientists and to rally them in an attempt to undermine support for the Kyoto Protocol. The petition was not based on a review of the science of global climate change, nor were its signers experts in the field of climate science." Source

Some of the alleged signatories are actually dead.

Of tobacco apologist Frederick Seitz see (enough said)

Oh yeah, here's another example of Denier math (19=500) when counting "skeptics"

And on and on; it's a joke. A sad pathetic joke that is a waste of everyone's time.

A more up to date debunking of the Oregon Petition is available here:

What if the Oregon Petition names were real?

Tens of thousands of people better educated than you and me disbelieve that bullshit.
Everybody is better educated than you are, retard. I've met dogs who seemed better educated. You are as completely clueless about my education though as you are everything else. However not many scientists and only a handful of actual climate scientists reject anthropogenic causes for the current abrupt warming. Your belief that there are large numbers of scientists who disagree with AGW is an artifact of the the propaganda campaign that has duped you so completely but it is not really true.

How's it coming on proving my four points? It shouldn't be too har... Ohhh that's right. You can't. The evidence doesn't exist. Oohhh my bad. Calling out your voodoo religion. Again. delusional little cretin. You have no 'points', you have only denier cult drivel and nonsense. Don't expect me to go hunting for some nonsense you may (or may not) have posted at some nebulous time in the past. If you imagine that you have anything valid, post it again. It will turn out to be as idiotic as everything else you've posted, I'm sure.

Id put the names on that list against the names on your list any day... Guys who sell out like your pseudo-scientists are no longer scientists... THey by their own hand and careless security have shown their level of integrity and ethical standards..... From their misleading use of inconsequentials and deceptive manipulation of data, to their unconscionable abuse of of the public trust to further themselves and their backers agenda; they have shown themselves the lowest of the low...

So id put em up against your list anyday douchebag propaganda boy...
I naturally assumed that an insanely delusional retarded troll like you, slack-jawed-troll, would of course still believe in the thoroughly debunked and discredited piece of shit called the Oregon Petition. You are, as usual, just frothing at the mouth and spewing deranged nonsense.

Just out of curiosity, exactly what "list of names" of mine are you hallucinating about? Are you perhaps insanely referring to the list of scientific organizations mentioned in the OP on the 'World Consensus About Anthropogenic Climate Change' thread?
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Suggested Climatology Summer Reading:

Your SUV is melting the Polar Ice Caps

No, we still can't demonstrated AGW in a lab but be afraid, be very afraid and stop asking questions

Carbon Credits for Dummies

Demonstrated in 1858, idiot child.
Strawman. So typical of you. I would say it was dishonesty on your part, but I am pretty sure you just don't get much of anything.
Suggested Climatology Summer Reading:

Your SUV is melting the Polar Ice Caps

No, we still can't demonstrated AGW in a lab but be afraid, be very afraid and stop asking questions

Carbon Credits for Dummies

Demonstrated in 1858, idiot child.

I'm not even mad any more.

I know you can't demonstrate your "Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes" in a lab setting, so you trot out the "CO2 really is a greenhouse gas!" argument time and time again in response.

Do you think you rail at Catholics for their faith because they remind you so much of your perverted version of "science"?
You are as completely clueless about my education though as you are everything else.

I know you are an egotistical elitist who has a lower IQ than some pairs of pants I've worn. I've met many idiots who were sentient enough to jump through hoops put out for doctorates but couldn't function in society. This is not a great endorsement of anything other than your tolerance for pain and wasting money. I also know you're a liar, a retread, and a bigger loudmouth know-it-all than even me without a shred of shame or ability to think for yourself or follow a chain of logic.

So that's what I do know about you. Nothing to crow about.

You have no 'points', you have only denier cult drivel and nonsense.

The truth scares you a lot doesn't it. I think you fear-piddled as you typed that. get a towel.

So id put em up against your list anyday douchebag propaganda boy...

And yet you haven't been able to. My four points stand strong because you run away like a little bitch.

You can't prove conclusively man's at fault.

You can't prove conclusively that CO2 is really the source of a threat to life on this planet.

You can't prove that we can actually affect what's going on in any meaningful way.

You can't prove any harm's been done.

Therefore, you don't even have a case worth a hill of dung beetles in a court of law.

Again. If Climate Change is man's fault, where are the dinosaurs?
You call this Science?

"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.
"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.
What is a denier denying?

Note: This is an automated message.
"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.
You need to learn to use the quote function here bud. Are you saying the first part or the second part?

The first half disproves itself by sheer logic. Damn that stuff. We're here, we've had major bouts of CO2 before and we've warmed and cooled inspite of it or with it. So that throws out the irreversible aspect.

The second part I have one question: What are the "lies" being spread? All I see are you throwing up false assertations based on sciencey like material and a bunch of handwavium saying that it proves we're responsible. And when it is quickly disproven or shown to come from compromised sources, you scream lie. This is not a lie this is a debunking OF a lie. So where, pray tell, are the lies?

It's almost as if you hope the accusation, screamed loud enough, will make it truth. and shut down all questions or accurate exposure of fraud. But no. That couldn't be the case!
"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.
You need to learn to use the quote function here bud. Are you saying the first part or the second part?

The first half disproves itself by sheer logic. Damn that stuff. We're here, we've had major bouts of CO2 before and we've warmed and cooled inspite of it or with it. So that throws out the irreversible aspect.

The second part I have one question: What are the "lies" being spread? All I see are you throwing up false assertations based on sciencey like material and a bunch of handwavium saying that it proves we're responsible. And when it is quickly disproven or shown to come from compromised sources, you scream lie. This is not a lie this is a debunking OF a lie. So where, pray tell, are the lies?

It's almost as if you hope the accusation, screamed loud enough, will make it truth. and shut down all questions or accurate exposure of fraud. But no. That couldn't be the case!

You just described yourself.
"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.
You need to learn to use the quote function here bud. Are you saying the first part or the second part?

The first half disproves itself by sheer logic. Damn that stuff. We're here, we've had major bouts of CO2 before and we've warmed and cooled inspite of it or with it. So that throws out the irreversible aspect.

The second part I have one question: What are the "lies" being spread? All I see are you throwing up false assertations based on sciencey like material and a bunch of handwavium saying that it proves we're responsible. And when it is quickly disproven or shown to come from compromised sources, you scream lie. This is not a lie this is a debunking OF a lie. So where, pray tell, are the lies?

It's almost as if you hope the accusation, screamed loud enough, will make it truth. and shut down all questions or accurate exposure of fraud. But no. That couldn't be the case!

You just described yourself.
All you have to do is prove it, but dammit, reality keeps debunking your assertations. I'll still meet you halfway. Show me free market solutions.

The onus of proof (that means responsibility) is on you to prove it is happening, and you most certainly have not. Start over. Clean slate. No presuppositions and study what IS happening instead of trying to be a fascism delivery system
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The onus of proof (that means responsibility) is on you to prove it is happening, and you most certainly have not. Start over. Clean slate. No presuppositions and study what IS happening instead of trying to be a fascism delivery system

Isn't there some onus on the deniers, too? It's not enough to simply slough this off as a political question!
"Deminimus increases in the atmospheric trace element CO2 cause instant, cataclysmic and irreversible changes"

Do you have cite for when someone said that or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? I don't know of anyone that's said that, so assuming I'm right about its origin, this is just another thing to file under DENIER LIES.

So you don't even know what your hypothesis is?????!!!

Tell me in your own simple words what you believe the central thesis of AGW is. Please!
The onus of proof (that means responsibility) is on you to prove it is happening, and you most certainly have not. Start over. Clean slate. No presuppositions and study what IS happening instead of trying to be a fascism delivery system

Isn't there some onus on the deniers, too? It's not enough to simply slough this off as a political question!
First of all, nothing is proven in science, it is only supported.

With that established, no, there is no onus on a denier (whatever that is). The one making the claim and/or proposing a hypothesis/theory must support that hypothesis/theory.

IF and only IF a claim and/or hypothesis/theory is actually supported, then the onus is on the one disagreeing to actually rebutt it.

Ball in your (and so many other's) court.

It's called burden, and it rests firmly on the one claiming that something exists or is true. If one wishes to be logical, that is.
The onus of proof (that means responsibility) is on you to prove it is happening, and you most certainly have not. Start over. Clean slate. No presuppositions and study what IS happening instead of trying to be a fascism delivery system

Isn't there some onus on the deniers, too? It's not enough to simply slough this off as a political question!

Poor delusional konrad,

All of the AGW agenda is politicially and monetarily driven but you are too blind to see....
The only onus on those who disbelieve is to show where the science is wrong. A few (gslack, Crusader Frank, Dude, Westwall) have been consistently doing this. I've managed to find enough logic holes in your theory from time to time that you can drive a freight train through. Plus then you get into the political side of it where following the money has lead into a den of scum and villiany the likes of which have never before been seen in 'reputable science'.

We do not have to prove anything. We just have to show why not.

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