Arctic sea ice thinner than ever before

Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
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LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that you have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.
Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
Sign In to E-Mail or Save This
LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that I have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

fixed that for you.
Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
Sign In to E-Mail or Save This
LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that I have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

fixed that for you.

Which proves what, Del?
Seems that I have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

fixed that for you.

Which proves what, Del?

nothing, same thing that you repeatedly prove here.
happy easter, short round.
So...NOAA, NSIDC and all other weather data gathering sites are manufacturing data solely for the purpose of making money? That's ludicrous:cuckoo:

I will agree that any big corporation (usually Republican owned) will jump on the green (money not environmental friendly) bandwagon to make money, but I do not believe for a minute that all scientists (there's no denying that most scientists agree we are warming up) are saying the global mean temperature is increasing for the sake of the almighty dollar.

What some scientists might say and what their data reveals may be different things. Data from GISS seems to reveal that while we were warming, we are now cooling. In this link, I guess I need to research to find how to post cut and past stuff, it shows three graphs of GISS data.

Do the Leprechaun’s updates to GISSTemp “matter”? | The Blackboard

The first shows that temperatures rose from 1900 to date. The second shows that temperatures rose from 1980 to date.

The third shows that temperatures dropped from 2001 to date.

IF we had started the Carbon reduction program in the Clinton Administration, this would be hailed as the proof of the CO2 causes warming theory. When the cooling effect occurs when all we have done is talk about reducing carbon, it gives new meaning to a war of words.

If all we need to do is talk about reducing carbon to reduce climate, then we here on this board are doing our part in talking about this.

Maybe we should talk about reducing man's inhumanity to man.
Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
Sign In to E-Mail or Save This
LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that you have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

Old Rocks, why are you linking to an article that itself references a study that we have already disproven in here in another thread? I believe you participated in that thread - you certainly read it, and within that very thread the "new" Antarctic study was shown as utilzing false data estimates. And yet here you are now, attempting to promote that falsity in here yet again.

By doing so, you are simply providing further proof of the global warming junta's inability to approach this issue with any semblance of credible and non-biased discourse. Just look at that last line you cite - "coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice meleted away..." Yes, I imagine if the entire continent of Antarctica melted away, there would be some raising of sea levels - and yet, NO study has suggested all of Antarctica is melting away. You plug an NPR slant, posting it in here as credible science???

Once again, shame on you.

If you wish to participate in discussions of climate, do so with principled honesty - otherwise, I will continue to ignore your participation, as it simply warrants no more than that.
Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
Sign In to E-Mail or Save This
LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that you have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

Old Rocks, why are you linking to an article that itself references a study that we have already disproven in here in another thread? I believe you participated in that thread - you certainly read it, and within that very thread the "new" Antarctic study was shown as utilzing false data estimates. And yet here you are now, attempting to promote that falsity in here yet again.

By doing so, you are simply providing further proof of the global warming junta's inability to approach this issue with any semblance of credible and non-biased discourse. Just look at that last line you cite - "coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice meleted away..." Yes, I imagine if the entire continent of Antarctica melted away, there would be some raising of sea levels - and yet, NO study has suggested all of Antarctica is melting away. You plug an NPR slant, posting it in here as credible science???

Once again, shame on you.

If you wish to participate in discussions of climate, do so with principled honesty - otherwise, I will continue to ignore your participation, as it simply warrants no more than that.

No, you never disproved a thing. You post wingnut sites, I post from NASA, NOAA, and peer reviewed journals.

(CNN) -- Between 1.5 trillion and 2 trillion tons of ice in Greenland, Antarctica and Alaska have melted at an accelerating rate since 2003, according to NASA scientists, in the latest signs of what they say is global warming.

This image shows the changing rate of mass in mountain glaciers on the Gulf of Alaska.

Using new satellite technology that measures changes in mass in mountain glaciers and ice sheets, NASA geophysicist Scott Luthcke concluded that the losses amounted to enough water to fill the Chesapeake Bay 21 times.

"The ice tells us in a very real way how the climate is changing," said Luthcke, who will present his findings this week at the American Geophysical Union conference in San Francisco, California.

NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, or GRACE, mission uses two orbiting satellites to measure the "mass balance" of a glacier, or the net annual difference between ice accumulation and ice loss.

Ice melting across globe at accelerating rate, NASA says -
Oops another dart in the heart of the wicked.

Scientists Find Active Volcano in Antarctica
Sign In to E-Mail or Save This
LinkedinDiggFacebookMixxMy SpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalinkBy KENNETH CHANG
Published: January 21, 2008
Here is another factor that might be contributing to the thinning of some of the Antarctica’s glaciers: volcanoes.

This is the western part. Just where the thinning has occurred. Not only doe the volcanoes warm the waters the ash on the ice causes greater heat absorption. Seems there is little to no volcanic activity in the rest of the Antarctic where the ice is thriving.

Seems that you have not the faintest idea of what you are talking about.

Study Busts Antarctica's Chill On Global Warming : NPR

All Things Considered, January 21, 2009 · Antarctica was seemingly the only continent on Earth that had not been warming up, as far as scientists could tell. But now a new study finds that large parts of the southern continent have in fact been getting warmer.

Researchers are particularly interested in Antarctica's fate because the coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice melted away and raised global sea level.

Old Rocks, why are you linking to an article that itself references a study that we have already disproven in here in another thread? I believe you participated in that thread - you certainly read it, and within that very thread the "new" Antarctic study was shown as utilzing false data estimates. And yet here you are now, attempting to promote that falsity in here yet again.

By doing so, you are simply providing further proof of the global warming junta's inability to approach this issue with any semblance of credible and non-biased discourse. Just look at that last line you cite - "coastlines of the world would be obliterated if Antarctic ice meleted away..." Yes, I imagine if the entire continent of Antarctica melted away, there would be some raising of sea levels - and yet, NO study has suggested all of Antarctica is melting away. You plug an NPR slant, posting it in here as credible science???

Once again, shame on you.

If you wish to participate in discussions of climate, do so with principled honesty - otherwise, I will continue to ignore your participation, as it simply warrants no more than that.

He does those sorts of things rather often, heh?

Must be getting downright desperate. Hell it's just a debate about the falshoods contained in AGW theory. Nothing to get so serious about as to taint one's character over.
No, you never disproved a thing. You post wingnut sites, I post from NASA, NOAA, and peer reviewed journals.

By NASA he means GISS who puts out data from "cook the books" Hansen. Can't be trusted when the head guy is more political than scientist.
You know what, it dont matter what these dumb asses post, you can post the most relevant informationt that exsists and the come back is always the same. let me give it a try

You right wing, christian bigoted baby killing asshole

yep thats the response we get, dont matter if what we post is fact, the liberal dogs can always deginerate into vile spewing machines of bigotry. Point that out and we are the evil.

Fuck these fucks is what I say, they post nothing more than garbage.

I actually see a few that speak of the heart, with passion, but so many on thier supposed side speak such foul vile that the intellect the few speak is overwhelmed by the bigots.
No, you never disproved a thing. You post wingnut sites, I post from NASA, NOAA, and peer reviewed journals.

By NASA he means GISS who puts out data from "cook the books" Hansen. Can't be trusted when the head guy is more political than scientist.

Not really.

You are the one that is political.

The ice is melting. That is not political.

Oh geez, the Wing Chun has returned.

Sorry, no facts in your posts, only opinions, all data shows temps increasing.
Only for those still stuck in the 20th century. Welcome to the 21st


CHURCHVILLE VA—Now it’s not just the sunspots that predict a 23-year global cooling. The new Jason oceanographic satellite shows that 2007 was a “cool” La Nina year—but Jason also says something more important is at work: The much larger and more persistent Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has turned into its cool phase, telling us to expect moderately lower global temperatures until 2030 or so.

For the past century at least, global temperatures have tended to mirror the 20-to 30-year warmings and coolings of the north-central Pacific Ocean. We don’t know just why, but the pattern of the last century is clear: the earth warmed from about 1915 to1940, while the PDO was also warming (1925 to 46). The earth cooled from 1940 to 1975, while the PDO was cooling (1946 to 1977). The strong global warming from 1976 to 1998 was accompanied by a strong and almost-constant warming of the north-central Pacific. Ancient tree rings in Baja California and Mexico show there have been 11 such PDO shifts since 1650, averaging 23 years on length.

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 - Telegraph

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998

By Bob Carter
Last Updated: 12:07AM BST 10 Apr 2006

For many years now, human-caused climate change has been viewed as a large and urgent problem. In truth, however, the biggest part of the problem is neither environmental nor scientific, but a self-created political fiasco. Consider the simple fact, drawn from the official temperature records of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, that for the years 1998-2005 global average temperature did not increase (there was actually a slight decrease, though not at a rate that differs significantly from zero).

Yes, you did read that right. And also, yes, this eight-year period of temperature stasis did coincide with society's continued power station and SUV-inspired pumping of yet more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
As for GISS

Quote: Originally Posted by FactFinder
heehee Hansen's own admission of his arbitrary SAT measurements.

Data @ NASA GISS: GISTEMP -- Elusive Absolute Surface Air Temperature

GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
The Elusive Absolute Surface Air Temperature (SAT)

When asked what is meant by Surface Air Temperature (SAT) Dr Hansen explains:

“I doubt that there is a general agreement how to answer this question. Even at the same location, the temperature near the ground may be very different from the temperature 5 ft above the ground and different again from 10ft or 50ft above the ground. Particularly in the presence of vegetation (say in a rain forest) the temperature above the vegetation may be very different from the temperature below the top of the vegetation. A reasonable suggestion might be to use the average temperature of the first 50ft of air either above ground or on top of the vegetation. To measure SAT we have to agree on what it is and, as far as I know, no such standard has been adopted. I cannot imagine that a weather station would build a 50ft stack of thermometers to be able to find the true SAT at its location.”

The moral of the story...You can't trust GISS data as long as Hansen is in charge.
some scientist are believing because of increase in the level of temperature the polar ice caps and the big glaciers are melting very rapidly which will result in the rise in level of sea.

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