Arctic Sea Ice ^UP^ By 60%. Global Warming?


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Wow. I just found out that the "global warming" loons are way off of the mark. The Arctic Sea increased sea ice by 60% in 2013. That's huge!!!


About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013," the Daily Mail noted.

"We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped,” Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin told London’s Mail on Sunday.

"The absence of any significant change in the global annual average temperature over the past 16 years has become one of the most discussed topics in climate science," wrote David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in June. "It has certainly focused the debate about the relative importance of greenhouse gas forcing of the climate versus natural variability."

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013 | Fox News

Okay loons ... time to find a new strawman!!! :lol:
Thick or thin ... it counters the prediction that there would be zero ice by 2013. The fear mongers are going to have to find a new boogie man.
Wow. I just found out that the "global warming" loons are way off of the mark. The Arctic Sea increased sea ice by 60% in 2013. That's huge!!!


About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013," the Daily Mail noted.

"We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped,” Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin told London’s Mail on Sunday.

"The absence of any significant change in the global annual average temperature over the past 16 years has become one of the most discussed topics in climate science," wrote David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in June. "It has certainly focused the debate about the relative importance of greenhouse gas forcing of the climate versus natural variability."

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013 | Fox News

Okay loons ... time to find a new strawman!!! :lol:

No. Your strawman was debunked yesterday. Loon.

Coldest Year On Record So Far In The US | Real Science

What can you say except, who's not winning?:D:D

Its almost June and here in New York, everybody is still going out in the morning with heavy hoodies.......

Is it any wonder that the goofballs in the government picked this week to sound the global warming panic alarm?:up::up::fu:

Steven Goddard? You're using a blog by a nom de plume (that's a fake name since you're not all that bright) and one of the two or three climate change deniers out there as a source???


Really Sciency: Who Is Steven Goddard?

Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice

While Arctic melts, Antarctic ice hits record. Is warming debunked? -

This is my favorite:

The gold medal goes to Steven Goddard of The Register. On Friday August 15, he published a scathing article, “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered: There’s something rotten north of Denmark” attacking the National Snow and Ice Data Center plot of Arctic Sea Ice Extent (below) that I and pretty much everyone else on the planet use.

Based on some (mis)analysis too obscure for mortal men and women to follow, he concluded “The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct”:
The Arctic did not experience the meltdowns forecast by NSIDC and the Norwegian Polar Year Secretariat. It didn’t even come close. Additionally, some current graphs and press releases from NSIDC seem less than conservative. There appears to be a consistent pattern of overstatement related to Arctic ice loss….

Unless you are a denier, you may not be surprised to learn the amateur denier was wrong and the country’s leading cryosphere scientists were right. But you might be surprised that Goddard issued an unequivocal retraction within days at the site of the original article:
Steven Goddard writes: “Dr. Walt Meier at NSIDC has convinced me this week that their ice extent numbers are solid…. It is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year – just as NSIDC had stated.”
In the words of Rosanne Rosanna Danna, “Never Mind.”

Kudos to Walt Meier of NSIDC for the rapidity with which NSIDC handled this. As he posted on Real Climate last Friday NSIDC has worked with Mr. Goddard to get to the bottom of the issue … and as has been mentioned in the comments above, he has posted a correction. I thank Mr. Goddard for his cooperation in this matter.
Natural variations like storms and the polar vortex are much more important to ice extent and volume. Next comes the ocean temperature which is controlled by the PDO and AMO. Last comes air temp which is heavily corrupted by UHI effect and infilling of empty grids.

Besides, ice has been melting since we came out of the Little Ice Age. What portion is natural and what is man made?
How is it that the AUTHOR of the opening post's article, withdrawing his claim and stating that NSIDC was correct, can be so easily ignored by the lot of you?
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Yep......a lot of bad news for the AGW k00ks lately. On top of 6 months of bitter temperatures, the frozen over Great Lakes, record lows in tornado activity etc.......the k00ks are getting taken to the cleaners.

Ask me how much Im laughing?
Natural variability never factors into the AGW Cult members models. The will continue to ram the square peg into the round hole ....

What will they call it next week?

Climate dispersion

Climate dissipation

Climate dissatisfaction

Climate dissonance
Wow. I just found out that the "global warming" loons are way off of the mark. The Arctic Sea increased sea ice by 60% in 2013. That's huge!!!


About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013," the Daily Mail noted.

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013 | Fox News

Okay loons ... time to find a new strawman!!! :lol:

No. Your strawman was debunked yesterday. Loon.

Steven Goddard? You're using a blog by a nom de plume (that's a fake name since you're not all that bright) and one of the two or three climate change deniers out there as a source???


Really Sciency: Who Is Steven Goddard?

Watts Up With That's ignorance regarding Antarctic sea ice

While Arctic melts, Antarctic ice hits record. Is warming debunked? -

This is my favorite:

The gold medal goes to Steven Goddard of The Register. On Friday August 15, he published a scathing article, “Arctic ice refuses to melt as ordered: There’s something rotten north of Denmark” attacking the National Snow and Ice Data Center plot of Arctic Sea Ice Extent (below) that I and pretty much everyone else on the planet use.

Based on some (mis)analysis too obscure for mortal men and women to follow, he concluded “The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct”:
The Arctic did not experience the meltdowns forecast by NSIDC and the Norwegian Polar Year Secretariat. It didn’t even come close. Additionally, some current graphs and press releases from NSIDC seem less than conservative. There appears to be a consistent pattern of overstatement related to Arctic ice loss….

Unless you are a denier, you may not be surprised to learn the amateur denier was wrong and the country’s leading cryosphere scientists were right. But you might be surprised that Goddard issued an unequivocal retraction within days at the site of the original article:
Steven Goddard writes: “Dr. Walt Meier at NSIDC has convinced me this week that their ice extent numbers are solid…. It is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year – just as NSIDC had stated.”
In the words of Rosanne Rosanna Danna, “Never Mind.”

Kudos to Walt Meier of NSIDC for the rapidity with which NSIDC handled this. As he posted on Real Climate last Friday NSIDC has worked with Mr. Goddard to get to the bottom of the issue … and as has been mentioned in the comments above, he has posted a correction. I thank Mr. Goddard for his cooperation in this matter.

I don't see the DE part of DE-Bunked there SpongeBob. Which leaves Bunk. You don't debunk by attacking just one source of bad news, and you're confusing the Arctic with the Antarctic. And furthermore -- Your phoney ass thinikprogress knownothings are talking about a Goddard retraction in 2008.. What's the date today Howey? Which hemisphere are we on? Which way is up ?? :lol:
How is it that the AUTHOR of the opening post's article, withdrawing his claim and stating that NSIDC was correct, can be so easily ignored by the lot of you?

Wait, so the ice really isn't there?

Go to and check out the latest ice extents graph. Extents have been well BELOW 2012 values for months. And the data at PIOMAS certainly doesn't support Goddard's original ideas.
Wow. I just found out that the "global warming" loons are way off of the mark. The Arctic Sea increased sea ice by 60% in 2013. That's huge!!!


About a million more square miles of ocean are covered in ice in 2013 than in 2012, a whopping 60 percent increase -- and a dramatic deviation from predictions of an "ice-free Arctic in 2013," the Daily Mail noted.

"We are already in a cooling trend, which I think will continue for the next 15 years at least. There is no doubt the warming of the 1980s and 1990s has stopped,” Anastasios Tsonis of the University of Wisconsin told London’s Mail on Sunday.

"The absence of any significant change in the global annual average temperature over the past 16 years has become one of the most discussed topics in climate science," wrote David Whitehouse of the Global Warming Policy Foundation in June. "It has certainly focused the debate about the relative importance of greenhouse gas forcing of the climate versus natural variability."

Arctic sea ice up 60 percent in 2013 | Fox News

Okay loons ... time to find a new strawman!!! :lol:

Weather controls the sea ice extent by about a million sq miles based on the pattern. Look up 2008, 2009, 2010 and you will understand that the trend isn't one year, but the means.
While there may be more ice there it's not the real good ice like you get at 7-11 for your soda and drinks and stuff.This ice doesn't have that same....Well it's just different.

So the left will say...

Less warming or climate change or whatever the new slogan is out there now.
More ice.... Well that just proves the lefty loons are right again...

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