Arctic Sea Ice

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
Figure 3. Monthly February ice extent for 1979 to 2009 shows 2009 as the fourth-lowest February on record.
—Credit: National Snow and Ice Data Center

High-resolution image
February 2009 compared to past Februaries

Monthly average ice extent for February 2009 was the fourth lowest in the satellite record. February 2005 had the lowest ice extent for the month; February 2006 was the second lowest; and February 2007 is in third place. Including 2009, the downward linear trend in February ice extent over the satellite record stands at –2.8% per decade.

First of all stop your babling bullshit all the crap that you spew is not a complete picture of the earth from its beginning and the whole purpose for all this climate shit, that all the do gooders preach is being mulitiplated by Greed... (so you are not as smart as you think)

What What you say pal its all about
MONEY my company is paid hundreds of thousand of dollars PER YEAR over the last 15 years to clean up so called polutants..What a joke.

YOUR theroies and Educated guesses cost trillions every year all
to improve the climate,,I'll GRANTyou some cleaning is ovious, but you guys have the public scared to death and you should be shot for it.
Oh yeah, as you have so kindly pointed out how higher education is so great guess what I make most of my money watching
schools and universities make dumb requirements about spending your money.

The unintended confessions of a koolaid drinker.

Peter Foster: The crumbling case for global warming - Full Comment

Peter Foster: The crumbling case for global warming

Posted: March 10, 2009, 8:05 PM by NP Editor
Peter Foster, climate change
Voters should ask politicians one simple question: ‘Why do you want to raise my energy prices?’

By Peter Foster

One young radical turned up at the Heartland Institute’s climate change skeptics’ conference in New York this week to declare that he had never witnessed so much hypocrisy. How, he asked the panelists of a session on European policy, could they sleep at night? Clearly puzzled, one of the panelists asked him with which parts of their presentations he disagreed. “Oh,” he said “I didn’t come here to listen to the presentations.”

The Heartland Institute is a political organization, not a scientific society. They, nor their conferance, has the slightest credibility among real scientists. When their presenters or panelists can write an article rebutting the present evidence for AGW that will pass peer review for Nature, Science, or the Journal of Geophysical Research, then they will have some input.

case in point

Welcome to the Heartland Institute

Welcome to the Heartland Institute
The Heartland Institute is a national nonprofit research and education organization, tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and founded in Chicago in 1984. It is not affiliated with any political party, business, or foundation.
Although Heartland calls itself "a genuinely independent source of research and commentary," its has been a frequent ally of, and funded by, the tobacco industry. According to a 1995 internal report by Philip Morris USA (PM) on its corporate contributions budget, the company uses its contributions "as a strategic tool to promote our overall business objectives and to advance our government affairs agenda," in particular by supporting "the work of free market 'think tanks' and other public policy groups whose philosophy is consistent with our point of view. ... [W]e have given general support over the years to such groups as the Heritage Foundation, Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Washington Legal Foundation and a variety of other organizations that help provide information about the ultimate course of legislation, regulation and public opinion through their studies, papers, op-ed pieces and conferences."[9]

Internal company documents show the following contributions from PM to Heartland (which is probably an incomplete list):

$25,000 in 1993[10]
$65,000 in 1995[11]
$50,000 in 1996[12]
$50,000 in 1997[13]
$50,000 in 1998 (proposed)[14][15]
Roy E. Marden, a former member of Heartland's board of directors, was until May 2003 the manager of industry affairs for the Philip Morris (PM) tobacco company, where his responsibilities included lobbying and "managing company responses to key public policy issues," which he accomplishes by "directing corporate involvement with industry, business, trade, and public policy organizations and determining philanthropic support thereto." In a May 1991 document prepared for PM, Marden listed Heartland's "rapid response network" as a "potential spokesperson" among the "portfolio of organizations" that the company had cultivated to support its interests.[16]

In January 1993, PM executive Craig L. Fuller reported that Heartland was one of the "public policy organizations" being considered to sponsor a "conference on the impact of federal mandates/EPA regulations," as part of PM's strategic response to the EPA's decision that secondhand smoke should be classified as a proven lung carcinogen.[17]

In an April 1993 report, Marden noted that he was "developing strategy and tactics" to defeat legislation in California aimed at restricting smoking in public places. He was "liaising with contacts in the public policy arena (think tanks, public interest legal foundations) and the media to generate editorial, op-eds, letters-to-the-editor and position papers." With the Heartland Institute, he was working "re sponsorship of environmental seminars for interested journalists and legislators throughout the Midwest." Simultaneously, he was talking with PM's Washington office to decide how much money the company should give to public policy organizations in 1993.[18]

Fuller's monthly report for August 1993 noted that he had "leveraged numerous contacts in the public policy arena to generate positive publicity for PM and/or a fair hearing on our issues, with particular reference to the misapplication of science by the EPA and the resulting poor public policy ... and the policy arguments against the use of excise taxes to fund proposed health care reform." The Heartland Institute was one of the contacts they had "leveraged," along with the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, the Alexis de Tocqueville Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, Capital Research Center, Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy, Consumer Alert, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, and the National Center for Policy Analysis. He had also provided "background material" about environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) to "various policy groups and media contacts. As a result, EPA Watch, the Heartland Institute and Capital Research Center wrote commentaries addressing the EPA and ETS. These commentaries are expected to appear in various newspapers around the country."[19
Heartland Institute - SourceWatch
Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors

Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors
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Tags: Heartland global warming conference, Heartland Institute, Heartland Institute climate conference, Heartland new york conference, International Conference on Climate Change, international conference on climate change new york, new york climate conference
Our research into the listed "sponsors" for the Heartland Institute's upcoming "International Conference on Climate Change" finds that these organizations have received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from the Scaife Family of foundations.

According to the Media Transparency project the Scaife Family of Foundations is, "financed by the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Became active in funding conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman of the foundation. According to a recent article, 'In 1993, the Carthage and Sarah Scaife Foundations...gave more than $17.6 million to 150 conservative think tanks.'"

George C. Marshall Institute
Received $745,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $30,000 from Koch Foundations in 2004.
Received $3,182,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

F.A. v. Hayek Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Heritage Foundation
Received $565,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $2,417,000 from Koch Foundations between 1986-2005.
Received $23,096,640 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.
Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors

Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors
View Track
Tags: Heartland global warming conference, Heartland Institute, Heartland Institute climate conference, Heartland new york conference, International Conference on Climate Change, international conference on climate change new york, new york climate conference
Our research into the listed "sponsors" for the Heartland Institute's upcoming "International Conference on Climate Change" finds that these organizations have received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from the Scaife Family of foundations.

According to the Media Transparency project the Scaife Family of Foundations is, "financed by the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Became active in funding conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman of the foundation. According to a recent article, 'In 1993, the Carthage and Sarah Scaife Foundations...gave more than $17.6 million to 150 conservative think tanks.'"

George C. Marshall Institute
Received $745,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $30,000 from Koch Foundations in 2004.
Received $3,182,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

F.A. v. Hayek Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Heritage Foundation
Received $565,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $2,417,000 from Koch Foundations between 1986-2005.
Received $23,096,640 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Being grossly deceptive there are we. The Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute are 2 different entities.

Welcome to the Heartland Institute

Funding for Heartland's programs comes from approximately 1,600 individuals, foundations, and corporations. In 2007, the organization raised and spent approximately $5.2 million. Sixteen percent of the organization's income came from corporations and 84 percent from individuals and foundations. Heartland does not accept government funds and does not conduct "contract" research for special-interest groups.
Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors

Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors
View Track
Tags: Heartland global warming conference, Heartland Institute, Heartland Institute climate conference, Heartland new york conference, International Conference on Climate Change, international conference on climate change new york, new york climate conference
Our research into the listed "sponsors" for the Heartland Institute's upcoming "International Conference on Climate Change" finds that these organizations have received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from the Scaife Family of foundations.

According to the Media Transparency project the Scaife Family of Foundations is, "financed by the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Became active in funding conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman of the foundation. According to a recent article, 'In 1993, the Carthage and Sarah Scaife Foundations...gave more than $17.6 million to 150 conservative think tanks.'"

George C. Marshall Institute
Received $745,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $30,000 from Koch Foundations in 2004.
Received $3,182,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

F.A. v. Hayek Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Heritage Foundation
Received $565,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $2,417,000 from Koch Foundations between 1986-2005.
Received $23,096,640 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Being grossly deceptive there are we. The Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute are 2 different entities.

Welcome to the Heartland Institute

Funding for Heartland's programs comes from approximately 1,600 individuals, foundations, and corporations. In 2007, the organization raised and spent approximately $5.2 million. Sixteen percent of the organization's income came from corporations and 84 percent from individuals and foundations. Heartland does not accept government funds and does not conduct "contract" research for special-interest groups.

84% of Heartland funding for the "Climate Conferance" comes from organizations which are heavily funded by groups like the Heritage Foundation. Which are fronts for the energy corperations. End of story.
Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors

Heartland Institute's 2009 Climate Conference in New York: funding history of the sponsors
View Track
Tags: Heartland global warming conference, Heartland Institute, Heartland Institute climate conference, Heartland new york conference, International Conference on Climate Change, international conference on climate change new york, new york climate conference
Our research into the listed "sponsors" for the Heartland Institute's upcoming "International Conference on Climate Change" finds that these organizations have received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from the Scaife Family of foundations.

According to the Media Transparency project the Scaife Family of Foundations is, "financed by the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation. Became active in funding conservative causes in 1973, when Richard Mellon Scaife became chairman of the foundation. According to a recent article, 'In 1993, the Carthage and Sarah Scaife Foundations...gave more than $17.6 million to 150 conservative think tanks.'"

George C. Marshall Institute
Received $745,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $30,000 from Koch Foundations in 2004.
Received $3,182,000 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.
Here is a link to other funding.

F.A. v. Hayek Institute
No funding records from ExxonMobil, Scaife, or Koch.

The Heritage Foundation
Received $565,000 from ExxonMobil between 1998-2006.
Received $2,417,000 from Koch Foundations between 1986-2005.
Received $23,096,640 from Scaife Foundations between 1985-2006.

Being grossly deceptive there are we. The Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute are 2 different entities.

Welcome to the Heartland Institute

Funding for Heartland's programs comes from approximately 1,600 individuals, foundations, and corporations. In 2007, the organization raised and spent approximately $5.2 million. Sixteen percent of the organization's income came from corporations and 84 percent from individuals and foundations. Heartland does not accept government funds and does not conduct "contract" research for special-interest groups.

84% of Heartland funding for the "Climate Conferance" comes from organizations which are heavily funded by groups like the Heritage Foundation. Which are fronts for the energy corperations. End of story.

Well your idiotic article doesn't show that so prove it.
Being grossly deceptive there are we. The Heritage Foundation and the Heartland Institute are 2 different entities.

Welcome to the Heartland Institute

Funding for Heartland's programs comes from approximately 1,600 individuals, foundations, and corporations. In 2007, the organization raised and spent approximately $5.2 million. Sixteen percent of the organization's income came from corporations and 84 percent from individuals and foundations. Heartland does not accept government funds and does not conduct "contract" research for special-interest groups.

84% of Heartland funding for the "Climate Conferance" comes from organizations which are heavily funded by groups like the Heritage Foundation. Which are fronts for the energy corperations. End of story.

Well your idiotic article doesn't show that so prove it.

Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?
84% of Heartland funding for the "Climate Conferance" comes from organizations which are heavily funded by groups like the Heritage Foundation. Which are fronts for the energy corperations. End of story.

Well your idiotic article doesn't show that so prove it.

Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?

Sure spending alot of money THINK GREEN GREEN ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK ASSHOLES:cuckoo:
anytime old rocks is confronted by scientists which are far more educated than he, he attacks the individual as a quack.
anytime old rocks is confronted by scientists which are far more educated than he, he attacks the individual as a quack.

That's because they are usually on the payroll of the oil, gas, or cigarette companies.
84% of Heartland funding for the "Climate Conferance" comes from organizations which are heavily funded by groups like the Heritage Foundation. Which are fronts for the energy corperations. End of story.

Well your idiotic article doesn't show that so prove it.

Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?

So using your logic, Obama and Ayers were buddies. That means that Obama supported bombing police stations.
Well your idiotic article doesn't show that so prove it.

Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?

So using your logic, Obama and Ayers were buddies. That means that Obama supported bombing police stations.

No, it would mean that conservative Republican Anneberg would support bombing police stations, since he is the one the funded the charity board that Ayers and Obama were on.
Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?

So using your logic, Obama and Ayers were buddies. That means that Obama supported bombing police stations.

No, it would mean that conservative Republican Anneberg would support bombing police stations, since he is the one the funded the charity board that Ayers and Obama were on.

Convaluted logic could get even more convaluted only when placed in the hands of the irrelevant one.
Of course none of these diversions change the fact that volcanic activity is a much more rational cause of artic melting. Particularly when global warming has no answer (that's zero, zilch, nada) to why some glaciers are expanding.
anytime old rocks is confronted by scientists which are far more educated than he, he attacks the individual as a quack.

That's because they are usually on the payroll of the oil, gas, or cigarette companies.

It's a big conspiracy. you should hang out in the conspiracy forums with 9/11 inside job and yoda whatever his name is.
Being purposely obtuse are we? The energy corperations fund the Scaife Trust, which funds the Heritage Foundation, which funds the Heartland Institute. By the way, which peer reviewed scientifc journal are the results of the Heartland Institute's results published in? Just one article, even?

So using your logic, Obama and Ayers were buddies. That means that Obama supported bombing police stations.

No, it would mean that conservative Republican Anneberg would support bombing police stations, since he is the one the funded the charity board that Ayers and Obama were on.

the statement you just made shows obama is a terrorist, you moron.
Of course none of these diversions change the fact that volcanic activity is a much more rational cause of artic melting. Particularly when global warming has no answer (that's zero, zilch, nada) to why some glaciers are expanding.

You are the one with no answers.

It is sad really.
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