Are Allah & God the same?

Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

The god of Islam Allah, no relation to God of Jews and Christians, authorizes Muslims to go to war with Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims
Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

The god of Islam Allah, no relation to God of Jews and Christians, authorizes Muslims to go to war with Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims
Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

The god of Islam Allah, no relation to God of Jews and Christians, authorizes Muslims to go to war with Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims
why are you even saying this?
Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

The god of Islam Allah, no relation to God of Jews and Christians, authorizes Muslims to go to war with Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims
You are wrong there. Both Christianity and Islam "piggybacked" off of the ancient, tribal form of Judaism. At least most modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage. When are those who call themselves "Christians" coming out of the woodwork?
why are you even saying this?
Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

The god of Islam Allah, no relation to God of Jews and Christians, authorizes Muslims to go to war with Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims
You are wrong there. Both Christianity and Islam "piggybacked" off of the ancient, tribal form of Judaism. At least most modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage. When are those who call themselves "Christians" coming out of the woodwork?

Islam ridiculously claims to predate Judaism and Christianity which, according to Islamic idiocy, were somehow changed from the original religions.
You are wrong there. Both Christianity and Islam "piggybacked" off of the ancient, tribal form of Judaism. At least most modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage. When are those who call themselves "Christians" coming out of the woodwork?

Christianity is the oldest of today's three Abraham religions. Jesus started it 2000 years ago as a fulfillment of the Old Testament. Talmudism (so-called Judaism) came next, developing slowly after the first century, as Antichrists belatedly responded to Christianity. And, third came Islam in the 7th century.

"Modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage" is just your way of saying that modern Jews do not follow the religion of the Old Testament.

There's actually also a fourth religion, a very modern religion. They call themselves Christians, but they are not Christians. They say Jews are God's chosen people. Christians believe Christians are God's chosen people.
All religions transmit limited images of what, at the same time, they claim to be an illimitable 'God'. Thus, if one believes in 'God', they are all blasphemy.
Just what is the point of posting foolish and useless articles such as this one? Arguments about Supreme Beings have cause a tremendous amount of bloodshed throughout history and up until this day. I have visited the place venerated as the House of the Virgin Mary. Muslims were there praying beside the Christians.

House of the Virgin Mary Near Ancient Ephesus in Turkey

Please, people, cut this crap out for the sake of humanity. No one needs to fight over beliefs. Cheesy fights about beliefs are ruining the U.S. of A., and are causing so many deaths in other countries. I will not be a party to this. If a person tries to use his/her "religious beliefs" to attack others, as has been occurring here in the U.S., I will fight back.

Muslims attacked Church of the Holy Sepulchre that contributed to the Crusades

Muslim theology is “Muslim Jesus” will proclaim Islam and destroy Christianity

Islam teaches that Christians are “guilty” of the “monstrous sin” of proclaiming Jesus son of God

Islam is not the friend of Christians, though there are fine Muslims
But the posts of the type you wrote seem to be promoting fighting among the religions, when there is no need for it. What is your goal? All of this inter-religious squabbling does not contribute anything of value to our society and to the world's people. There are things about Islam, Christianity, and Judaism (don't know enough about Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, etc. to comment) that I find offensive. But there is no reason to fan the flames.
There are ignorant goofballs here in the U.S. who want to start WWIII because they have some weird belief that their version of Jesus will come back. Play nice with religions, but be wary of all of them.
You are wrong there. Both Christianity and Islam "piggybacked" off of the ancient, tribal form of Judaism. At least most modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage. When are those who call themselves "Christians" coming out of the woodwork?

Christianity is the oldest of today's three Abraham religions. Jesus started it 2000 years ago as a fulfillment of the Old Testament. Talmudism (so-called Judaism) came next, developing slowly after the first century, as Antichrists belatedly responded to Christianity. And, third came Islam in the 7th century.

"Modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage" is just your way of saying that modern Jews do not follow the religion of the Old Testament.

There's actually also a fourth religion, a very modern religion. They call themselves Christians, but they are not Christians. They say Jews are God's chosen people. Christians believe Christians are God's chosen people.
You are wrong there. Both Christianity and Islam "piggybacked" off of the ancient, tribal form of Judaism. At least most modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage. When are those who call themselves "Christians" coming out of the woodwork?

Christianity is the oldest of today's three Abraham religions. Jesus started it 2000 years ago as a fulfillment of the Old Testament. Talmudism (so-called Judaism) came next, developing slowly after the first century, as Antichrists belatedly responded to Christianity. And, third came Islam in the 7th century.

"Modern Jews have pulled themselves out of this garbage" is just your way of saying that modern Jews do not follow the religion of the Old Testament.

There's actually also a fourth religion, a very modern religion. They call themselves Christians, but they are not Christians. They say Jews are God's chosen people. Christians believe Christians are God's chosen people.
A most impressive rewriting of history. If Jesus started Christianity and Judaism did not appear until later, what was the religion of Jesus' mother?
Christianity is not the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Judaism is. They just celebrated the New Year 5778. The Babylonian exile took place over 600 years before the birth of Jesus.
Babylonian captivity - Wikipedia
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
Moreover, I had a friend who died this year who was a Hindu in his 70's, and his wife took his ashes back to the Ganges. The Hindus also trace their religion back 5,000 years.
Christianity is not the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Judaism is. They just celebrated the New Year 5778. The Babylonian exile took place over 600 years before the birth of Jesus.
Babylonian captivity - Wikipedia
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
Moreover, I had a friend who died this year who was a Hindu in his 70's, and his wife took his ashes back to the Ganges. The Hindus also trace their religion back 5,000 years.

Judaism came first Anyone not aware of this is embarrassingly ignorant Global Connections . Religion | PBS
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
A fluke of history. There were two opposing Christian schools of thought in the years after he died. The mother church was located in Jerusalem and headed up by Jesus' brother James. They were Jews and believed that to follow Jesus you had to first become a Jew. Paul was in the opposite school. The winning school and the future of Christianity was inadvertently determined by the Romans when they crushed the Jewish rebellion and massacred the Jews of Jerusalem.
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
A fluke of history. There were two opposing Christian schools of thought in the years after he died. The mother church was located in Jerusalem and headed up by Jesus' brother James. They were Jews and believed that to follow Jesus you had to first become a Jew. Paul was in the opposite school. The winning school and the future of Christianity was inadvertently determined by the Romans when they crushed the Jewish rebellion and massacred the Jews of Jerusalem.

IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
A fluke of history. There were two opposing Christian schools of thought in the years after he died. The mother church was located in Jerusalem and headed up by Jesus' brother James. They were Jews and believed that to follow Jesus you had to first become a Jew. Paul was in the opposite school. The winning school and the future of Christianity was inadvertently determined by the Romans when they crushed the Jewish rebellion and massacred the Jews of Jerusalem.

IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault

Gospels are not historical accounts, esp John written about 70 years after Jesus. “Gospels” means “good news” and were basically promos for conversion.
IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault
If you're looking for a scholarly book on the NT I can recommend Bart Ehrman. As for Constantine, you put a lot on his shoulders. He supported the Roman Church against the others for purely political reasons, he wanted them close to be able to control them.
And Jesus did not start a religion. Some of his followers, including the crazy Saul/Paul who never met him, decided to start a religion based on his life. The problem: they left his teaching entirely out of their organization. What a wonderful world we would be living in if "Christians" had actually decided to follow his example and his teachings.
A fluke of history. There were two opposing Christian schools of thought in the years after he died. The mother church was located in Jerusalem and headed up by Jesus' brother James. They were Jews and believed that to follow Jesus you had to first become a Jew. Paul was in the opposite school. The winning school and the future of Christianity was inadvertently determined by the Romans when they crushed the Jewish rebellion and massacred the Jews of Jerusalem.

IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault

Gospels are not historical accounts, esp John written about 70 years after Jesus. “Gospels” means “good news” and were basically promos for conversion.

right-----that's why bits and pieces are reliably true. Bits and pieces of THE ODYSSEY are also reliably true. Bits and pieces of historical fiction novels are also reliably true. I have
whatever knowledge of history that I do have from historical
IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault
If you're looking for a scholarly book on the NT I can recommend Bart Ehrman. As for Constantine, you put a lot on his shoulders. He supported the Roman Church against the others for purely political reasons, he wanted them close to be able to control them.

Constantine's "support" was far more than mere support.
HE CREATED THE 'holy' roman empire----aka REICH.
centered in rome. He did not merely ALLOW the religion
to flourish------he outlawed all others and established its
IMPERIALIST agenda. I have seen Ehrman--long ago.
IMHO----the BIGGEST fluke of history was Constantine. I am not sure all that much is actually KNOWN about James or if
there really was a James. " Q " is only a conjecture. I have no doubt that SOME of the story that appears in the NT is true-----bits and pieces only. Constantine created a perversion that inspired islam and shariah, the Inquisition
and adolf. Hussein bin ali and his idiot wife Fartimah
(something like lady Macbeth) run a close second. Iran
is Fartimah's fault
If you're looking for a scholarly book on the NT I can recommend Bart Ehrman. As for Constantine, you put a lot on his shoulders. He supported the Roman Church against the others for purely political reasons, he wanted them close to be able to control them.

Constantine's "support" was far more than mere support.
HE CREATED THE 'holy' roman empire----aka REICH.
centered in rome. He did not merely ALLOW the religion
to flourish------he outlawed all others and established its
IMPERIALIST agenda. I have seen Ehrman--long ago.

Constantine legalized Christianity. It was Theodosius who made it the only legal religion and who imposed severe penalties on Jews

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