Are Allah & God the same?

Jesus did not say to spread his ideology by force. OTOH, Muhammad did

I disagree a bit---------it is not really clear what Muhummad said------he was illiterate. His followers SAID and WROTE.----later on. Jesus was literate in Aramaic and Hebrew---but left NO WRITINGS AT ALL (ambitious Israelis are digging
up their cellars) Holy roman empire used LOTS OF FORCE to enlarge itself-------muslims emulated

Muhammad was literate. Muslims later made up that he was illiterate to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran.

Islamic sources say Muhammad threatened foreign rulers such as Heraclius to convert (Look up Muhammad’s letter to Heraclius) which was interpreted to mean that Muhammad wanted Islam imposed on the world

oh----I never bought into the "muhummad was illiterate" BS---persons with normal brains in their heads DO NOT REMAIN
densely illiterate if they live amongst literate people ----like in
MECCA ----stopover for CARAVANS of the east --west, west - east trade with HIGHLY literate hindus, Zoroastrians, jews and Christians ALL OVER THE PLACE. One would be
forced to accept that the guy was BRAIN DAMAGED

Here, for example, Muhammad is recorded as having been literate⤵️

Muslims invented Muhammad’s illiteracy as a defense against charges that he plagiarized the Bible (he did) and to show that it had to have come from “Allah”

one good reason-----another---to attract the illiterate (most arabs) to the "faith" Over there in mecca------arabs faced
off with------HIGHLY LITERATE PEOPLE------hindus, Christians, jews, Zoroastrians ---etc. THINK HOW
INFERIOR THEY FELT. Then their "god" chose an
illiterate----just like them, to be HIS PERSONAL PAL
and HANDED HIM A WHOLE BOOK------now arabs could see themselves as "HUMAN BEINGS WITH A BOOK" ----just like
hindus and Zoroastrians and Christians and Jews

Koran was simply the Bible recycled for Arabs without scripture Here the Koran embarrassingly boasts “Hey look at me, I’m written in Arabic!” The Bible doesn’t boast it’s in Hebrew LOL ⤵️


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Jesus did not say to spread his ideology by force. OTOH, Muhammad did

I disagree a bit---------it is not really clear what Muhummad said------he was illiterate. His followers SAID and WROTE.----later on. Jesus was literate in Aramaic and Hebrew---but left NO WRITINGS AT ALL (ambitious Israelis are digging
up their cellars) Holy roman empire used LOTS OF FORCE to enlarge itself-------muslims emulated

Muhammad was literate. Muslims later made up that he was illiterate to embellish the “miraculous” nature of the Koran.

Islamic sources say Muhammad threatened foreign rulers such as Heraclius to convert (Look up Muhammad’s letter to Heraclius) which was interpreted to mean that Muhammad wanted Islam imposed on the world

oh----I never bought into the "muhummad was illiterate" BS---persons with normal brains in their heads DO NOT REMAIN
densely illiterate if they live amongst literate people ----like in
MECCA ----stopover for CARAVANS of the east --west, west - east trade with HIGHLY literate hindus, Zoroastrians, jews and Christians ALL OVER THE PLACE. One would be
forced to accept that the guy was BRAIN DAMAGED

Here, for example, Muhammad is recorded as having been literate⤵️

Muslims invented Muhammad’s illiteracy as a defense against charges that he plagiarized the Bible (he did) and to show that it had to have come from “Allah”

one good reason-----another---to attract the illiterate (most arabs) to the "faith" Over there in mecca------arabs faced
off with------HIGHLY LITERATE PEOPLE------hindus, Christians, jews, Zoroastrians ---etc. THINK HOW
INFERIOR THEY FELT. Then their "god" chose an
illiterate----just like them, to be HIS PERSONAL PAL
and HANDED HIM A WHOLE BOOK------now arabs could see themselves as "HUMAN BEINGS WITH A BOOK" ----just like
hindus and Zoroastrians and Christians and Jews

To their credit, Arabs in Muhammad’s time were knowledgeable about the Bible Here they ridicule Muhammad for plagiarizing the Bible, which he did ⤵️


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sheeesh---no wonder muhummad wanted all non muslims OUT OF HIS EMPIRE----who needs witnesses?
sheeesh---no wonder muhummad wanted all non muslims OUT OF HIS EMPIRE----who needs witnesses?

Exactly correct. Jews and Christians verified what Arabs knew: That Muhammad was a complete fraud and a clown. His bogus “messages” screwing up Biblical material and historical facts are infamous Here he places Haman and Tower of Babel in Egypt! LOL ⤵️


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sheeesh---no wonder muhummad wanted all non muslims OUT OF HIS EMPIRE----who needs witnesses?

Exactly correct. Jews and Christians verified what Arabs knew: That Muhammad was a complete fraud and a clown. His bogus “messages” screwing up Biblical material and historical facts are infamous Here he places Haman and Tower of Babel in Egypt! LOL ⤵️

sheeeeesh----very creative. The Egyptians did think of the Pharoah as "god" ---------easy to get the tower of babel
GRAFTED onto the king of Egypt------both places DISTANT
as in fairy tales-------like the DISTANT MOSQUE somewhere out there where no one knows in aksaland where horses fly and carpets float around like blimps. The arabs at that time LIVED on fairy tales------talented story tellers who spun their yarns in poetic language
sheeesh---no wonder muhummad wanted all non muslims OUT OF HIS EMPIRE----who needs witnesses?

Exactly correct. Jews and Christians verified what Arabs knew: That Muhammad was a complete fraud and a clown. His bogus “messages” screwing up Biblical material and historical facts are infamous Here he places Haman and Tower of Babel in Egypt! LOL ⤵️

sheeeeesh----very creative. The Egyptians did think of the Pharoah as "god" ---------easy to get the tower of babel
GRAFTED onto the king of Egypt------both places DISTANT
as in fairy tales-------like the DISTANT MOSQUE somewhere out there where no one knows in aksaland where horses fly and carpets float around like blimps. The arabs at that time LIVED on fairy tales------talented story tellers who spun their yarns in poetic language

Muhammad was seriously confused and made many mistakes in just one Koran verse: Haman was Persian not Egyptian and would have lived several centuries AFTER “Pharaoh”. Tower of Babel was in Mesopotamia not Egypt. And ancient Egyptians built with stone not clay.

These kinds of foolish errors confirmed to Jews and Christians well-versed in the Bible that Muhammad was a fake. Muhammad’s hostility toward them is reflected in the Koran verses that attack them.
Christianity is not the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Judaism is.

Christianity is true biblical Judaism. What you call Judaism today is Talmudism, and is no more biblical than is Islam. But, unthinking animals can only regurgitate what they're trained to believe, so you have no ability to address what I've explained to you. All you can do is repeat yourself like a dumb parrot.
Christianity is not the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Judaism is.

Christianity is true biblical Judaism. What you call Judaism today is Talmudism, and is no more biblical than is Islam. But, unthinking animals can only regurgitate what they're trained to believe, so you have no ability to address what I've explained to you. All you can do is repeat yourself like a dumb parrot.
First, it is a mistake to go on about what is "biblical." What has come down as the "bible" was put together by a committee assembled by Constantine. These guys even stuck Paul's correspondence file in the back and Revelation, which has nothing to do with anything but some unknown writer's (it may have been written by someone known as John of Patmos) nightmare, and they left a whole bunch of writings on the floor. Moreover, what is accepted in some circles as "Christianity" has nothing to do with Jesus and/or God whatsoever. It's crap straight out of "brains" of the likes of monkeys like falwell, dobson, and graham. Don't even try to get these fools to follow Leviticus or Deuteronomy and take their ritual baths, etc. What is known as "Christianity" now has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism.
It is you who are the parrot. Bet you got your theory from dobson or the southern baptists or some other fraud.
Christianity is not the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions. Judaism is.

Christianity is true biblical Judaism. What you call Judaism today is Talmudism, and is no more biblical than is Islam. But, unthinking animals can only regurgitate what they're trained to believe, so you have no ability to address what I've explained to you. All you can do is repeat yourself like a dumb parrot.
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.

By my logic, Christianity began with Adam and Eve, when God announced the seed, Jesus, of Eve would bruise the serpent's head. Christianity flowed through Noah, and Abraham, and David, and the Apostles, and to the Church.

After Christ, Satan fought back by building up the Antichrist religion of Talmudism and calling it Judaism. But, Christianity is true Judaism.
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.

By my logic, Christianity began with Adam and Eve, when God announced the seed, Jesus, of Eve would bruise the serpent's head. Christianity flowed through Noah, and Abraham, and David, and the Apostles, and to the Church.

After Christ, Satan fought back by building up the Antichrist religion of Talmudism and calling it Judaism. But, Christianity is true Judaism.
I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.

By my logic, Christianity began with Adam and Eve, when God announced the seed, Jesus, of Eve would bruise the serpent's head. Christianity flowed through Noah, and Abraham, and David, and the Apostles, and to the Church.

After Christ, Satan fought back by building up the Antichrist religion of Talmudism and calling it Judaism. But, Christianity is true Judaism.

That is BS. Vespasian is the Father, Titus is the Son and Domitian is the Holy Spirit. Most observant Jews do not like Christians esp Roman Catholics.

There was no Noah , Abraham David as depicted in the bible. Also there is no Satan.
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.

By my logic, Christianity began with Adam and Eve, when God announced the seed, Jesus, of Eve would bruise the serpent's head. Christianity flowed through Noah, and Abraham, and David, and the Apostles, and to the Church.

After Christ, Satan fought back by building up the Antichrist religion of Talmudism and calling it Judaism. But, Christianity is true Judaism.

That is BS. Vespasian is the Father, Titus is the Son and Domitian is the Holy Spirit. Most observant Jews do not like Christians esp Roman Catholics.

There was no Noah , Abraham David as depicted in the bible. Also there is no Satan.

You have no idea what you’re talking about
When you write about Christianity do you mean Catholics? If you don't believe they are true Christians then, by your logic, Christianity began with Luther or John Smith and is the youngest.

By my logic, Christianity began with Adam and Eve, when God announced the seed, Jesus, of Eve would bruise the serpent's head. Christianity flowed through Noah, and Abraham, and David, and the Apostles, and to the Church.

After Christ, Satan fought back by building up the Antichrist religion of Talmudism and calling it Judaism. But, Christianity is true Judaism.

That is BS. Vespasian is the Father, Titus is the Son and Domitian is the Holy Spirit. Most observant Jews do not like Christians esp Roman Catholics.

There was no Noah , Abraham David as depicted in the bible. Also there is no Satan.

You have no idea

You believe in fairy tales. Someone needs to read Runaway Bunny to you. Do you believe in the 3 little pigs too.
I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.

Much of the Talmud is from ideas predating Christ. We see some Talmudic themes displayed by evil Jews in the New Testament. But, the Talmud was still created after Christ. And, it was created to deal with the lack of a priesthood and other post-70 AD realities, as well as to let the most corrupt strain of Judaism become the dominate strain.

Anyway, Christians (regardless of idiots and liars) can't look at modern Judaism as authentic because it's a contradiction of Christianity and a perversion of Hebrew scripture. In Christianity, Christianity is the true Judaism.
I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.

Much of the Talmud is from ideas predating Christ. We see some Talmudic themes displayed by evil Jews in the New Testament. But, the Talmud was still created after Christ. And, it was created to deal with the lack of a priesthood and other post-70 AD realities, as well as to let the most corrupt strain of Judaism become the dominate strain.

Anyway, Christians (regardless of idiots and liars) can't look at modern Judaism as authentic because it's a contradiction of Christianity and a perversion of Hebrew scripture. In Christianity, Christianity is the true Judaism.

No you are Greco Roman and Zoroastrian. The new testament was wrote to appease the jews. Emperor Vespasian was their savior, same as King Cyrus needed to be used.
I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.

Much of the Talmud is from ideas predating Christ. We see some Talmudic themes displayed by evil Jews in the New Testament. But, the Talmud was still created after Christ. And, it was created to deal with the lack of a priesthood and other post-70 AD realities, as well as to let the most corrupt strain of Judaism become the dominate strain.

Anyway, Christians (regardless of idiots and liars) can't look at modern Judaism as authentic because it's a contradiction of Christianity and a perversion of Hebrew scripture. In Christianity, Christianity is the true Judaism.

No you are Greco Roman and Zoroastrian. The new testament was wrote to appease the jews. Emperor Vespasian was their savior, same as King Cyrus needed to be used.

I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.

Much of the Talmud is from ideas predating Christ. We see some Talmudic themes displayed by evil Jews in the New Testament. But, the Talmud was still created after Christ. And, it was created to deal with the lack of a priesthood and other post-70 AD realities, as well as to let the most corrupt strain of Judaism become the dominate strain.

Anyway, Christians (regardless of idiots and liars) can't look at modern Judaism as authentic because it's a contradiction of Christianity and a perversion of Hebrew scripture. In Christianity, Christianity is the true Judaism.


Christianity does not follow Jewish law, beliefs, customs, practices or rituals
I think you rewrite history here. The Talmud is the written version of the oral traditions of Jewish Biblical debate that date to before Jesus.

Much of the Talmud is from ideas predating Christ. We see some Talmudic themes displayed by evil Jews in the New Testament. But, the Talmud was still created after Christ. And, it was created to deal with the lack of a priesthood and other post-70 AD realities, as well as to let the most corrupt strain of Judaism become the dominate strain.

Anyway, Christians (regardless of idiots and liars) can't look at modern Judaism as authentic because it's a contradiction of Christianity and a perversion of Hebrew scripture. In Christianity, Christianity is the true Judaism.
An interesting side note is that the Talmud in its current form was redacted under the watchful eye of Roman authorities before being released for widespread publication about the same time they compiled and redacted the gospels and destroyed all other documents that cast doubt on the new catholic religion that they imposed on the world based on the already popular practice of worshipping Mithras in a candlelit cave to participate in the divine by the ritual eating of a mangod in the form of a lifeless piece of bread,.

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