Are Americans' best interests politically speaking served by the following?

AND???? So the "professional" journalists are suppose to be like snowflakes hurt by big old Nasty TRUMP?
So I guess then when Obama was deigned a God by an editor of NewsWeek that is to be a professional, hardened journalistic reporting?

I love it when cupcakes cry an moan, and then call people snowflakes. What goes around, comes around.

I'll bet President Grabby whines like a baby when he gets Perp-Walked out of the White House. The press will cheer!

That orange jumpsuit will look just fine on him.
jfc, an orange jump suit will make him look like one of those 90's Batman movie villians

Or The Great Pumpkin.
What action has Trump taken that logically would poll well with a majority? He claims successes on growth and jobs, but those continuing trend lines, and while I'd say politically the potus can take the credit for that .... a rising dow and jobs that don't seem to effect the rust belt aren't much use to him politically. Nobody outside of McConnell and the chamber of commerce gives a rats ass that Gorsuch got confirmed.

Well for starters he doesn't blame white people for everything wrong with the world.
By branding all TV & news outlets fake if they don't share your point of view, you do your self a disservice, The point of education is to look at all views, separate the wheat from the shaft & draw your own conclusions. we suffer because as a country we fail with out effort toward unity.
Should the press report the news or spin the news by reporting twisted half truths and lies?

If you can't distinguish reporting from editorializing, you can thank FOX. They're the network that started scrambling the two. All others just followed suit.

Google the words 'trump nazi' and keep flapping your gums about an unbiased press.

Trump had many chances to clearly disavow Nazi's and the KKK. The only time he did was weak - and he contradicted it within a few days.

So if the shoe fits, wear it!

If you want to see ridiculous bullshit being spread try googling 'Obama Birth Certificate'

Or 'Clinton Child slavery'.
By branding all TV & news outlets fake if they don't share your point of view, you do your self a disservice, The point of education is to look at all views, separate the wheat from the shaft & draw your own conclusions. we suffer because as a country we fail with out effort toward unity.

Any media organization that publishes obvious lies and propaganda on a regular basis is not to be trusted, and that description fits the majority of western press.
Should the press report the news or spin the news by reporting twisted half truths and lies?

If you can't distinguish reporting from editorializing, you can thank FOX. They're the network that started scrambling the two. All others just followed suit.

Google the words 'trump nazi' and keep flapping your gums about an unbiased press.

Trump had many chances to clearly disavow Nazi's and the KKK. The only time he did was weak - and he contradicted it within a few days.

So if the shoe fits, wear it!

If you want to see ridiculous bullshit being spread try googling 'Obama Birth Certificate'

Or 'Clinton Child slavery'.

He has disavowed a million times but it's never good enough.
AND???? So the "professional" journalists are suppose to be like snowflakes hurt by big old Nasty TRUMP?
So I guess then when Obama was deigned a God by an editor of NewsWeek that is to be a professional, hardened journalistic reporting?

I love it when cupcakes cry an moan, and then call people snowflakes. What goes around, comes around.

I'll bet President Grabby whines like a baby when he gets Perp-Walked out of the White House. The press will cheer!

That orange jumpsuit will look just fine on him.
jfc, an orange jump suit will make him look like one of those 90's Batman movie villians

Or The Great Pumpkin.
Oh man, that's different day. Like with Bloom County. America was a nicer place. Thanks though. I'll check out Netflix to see about Charlie Brown movies. I was in my 40s before I saw the humor there. We're binging Shameless, which strkes closer to home, LOL
What action has Trump taken that logically would poll well with a majority? He claims successes on growth and jobs, but those continuing trend lines, and while I'd say politically the potus can take the credit for that .... a rising dow and jobs that don't seem to effect the rust belt aren't much use to him politically. Nobody outside of McConnell and the chamber of commerce gives a rats ass that Gorsuch got confirmed.

Well for starters he doesn't blame white people for everything wrong with the world.
He doesn't BLAME other people? JFC I'm LAUGHING MY ASS OFF NOW. fuck me, trash. I know you're fucking trash, but now stupid fucking trash too. LOL
Should the press report the news or spin the news by reporting twisted half truths and lies?

If you can't distinguish reporting from editorializing, you can thank FOX. They're the network that started scrambling the two. All others just followed suit.

Google the words 'trump nazi' and keep flapping your gums about an unbiased press.
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
The way I see it is that if the mainstream media wasn't feeding the people what they wanted to hear then they wouldn't stay mainstream.
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In reference to people who cross the border illegally.
In reference to Mexicans.

It's a jug of piss his Chumps drank down greedily.

Literally in reference to illegal border crossers who aren't always mexican or even hispanic. It's you people on the left who lose your goddamn minds when anyone talks about enforcing laws.
"They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

In reference to people who cross the border illegally.
In reference to Mexicans.

It's a jug of piss his Chumps drank down greedily.

Literally in reference to illegal border crossers who aren't always mexican or even hispanic. It's you people on the left who lose your goddamn minds when anyone talks about enforcing laws.
No, Trump specifically referred to Mexico.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

It just doesn't get more bigoted than that.
The Summer of Trump

- Lil Donnie and key Trump aides found colluding with Russia
- Obamacare repeal failed
- Trump attacks Mika Brzezinski
- Trump equates protestors against Nazis to the Nazis
- Trump fires anyone who looks sideways at him

You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

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