Are Americans' best interests politically speaking served by the following?

White helmets were portrayed by the MSM as heroes. Here's them faking a rescue:

And people wonder why the internet is being censored...
Can you just imagine the nuclear armageddon level apoplexy the psuedocons would have experienced if Obama had ever made that pussy grabbing comment?

Holy shit!

Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?

Do you think he has to use those exact words before he says and does things that make it clear where his beliefs lie? His campaign was the most anti-immigrant I have ever seen, and we see how he compares the kkk/Nazis to anyone else.
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?

Do you think he has to use those exact words before he says and does things that make it clear where his beliefs lie? His campaign was the most anti-immigrant I have ever seen, and we see how he compares the kkk/Nazis to anyone else.

PLEASE prove to me where in ANY ANY campaign, advertising, etc. where TRUMP was ever "anti-immigrant"! GEEZ how f...king dumb are you?

Trump's MARRIED to a LEGAL immigrant. All of us including 40+million LEGAL immigrants and relatives KNOW that ! And you don't?
Trump was like we are against "ILLEGAL" immigrants simply because IT IS ILLEGAL to come into this country by sneaking across the border!
It is that simple! But you and the MSM keep declaring Trump and millions like me are ANTI-immigrant! GEEZ I'll tell another thing that distinguishes you from
the millions like me. WE KNOW that it was the "LEGAL immigrants" that have come to America that MAKE America exceptional ... and the sad dumb fact on
your part is YOU don't not AGREE but you hate that statement..."America is exceptional" because you are so provincial, so intellectually dishonest that you buy into
the pseudo-intellectual anti American clap trap!
It is because of America's exceptionalism that over 150 million people around the world want to come here....LEGALLY!

NOW as far as "compares to kkk/Nazis? Here let's repeat his quote word for word!!
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Now if you were an intellectually honest person instead of a "pseudo-intellectual" you'd have to be honest that the that interrupted the protest in Charlottesville were paid organizers primarily ANTIFA thugs!
Want some facts on that?
"They used militarized defensive maneuvers, shouting commands at one another to ‘move forward’ or ‘retreat,’ and would form a line of shields or a phalanx — it’s like they watched ‘300 a few times — to gain ground or shepherd someone through projectiles. It seemed that they had practiced for this.”
“The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet.”
Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say

NOW this was what Trump was decrying when he said "BOTH SIDES"!!!
As disgusting as most honest people find, the KKK,White Supremacists, HAVE A RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY!
What right do idiots like the ANTIFA and supposedly "peaceful" people like those that through urine at the peaceful assembly have? NONE!

Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville
Faith Goldy warned that the left was spinning out of control. “Hundreds and hundreds of antifa, weird BLM, idiots dressed like clowns,” said Goldy, a reporter for the Canadian alt-right news site The Rebel. “This is okay, as long as you’re not the alt-right. The alt-right wasn’t allowed to demonstrate any show of force.”
As if on cue, activists began chanting “black lives matter” in the background of Goldy’s shot.
“Chant BLM, and all of a sudden the cops don’t care!” she said. “Where are the riot police now?”
Goldy’s report, which transformed into police evidence after James Alex Fields Jr. allegedly plowed his car into counterprotesters, was representative of a theme that had risen from far-right media to the mainstream since President Trump’s inauguration. The growth of “antifa,” a loose and often ad hoc network of left-wing “antifascist” groups, has been covered as a rising danger to law and order, a justification for alt-right organizations to organize armed rallies — and for ordinary Americans to arm themselves, too.
Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?

Do you think he has to use those exact words before he says and does things that make it clear where his beliefs lie? His campaign was the most anti-immigrant I have ever seen, and we see how he compares the kkk/Nazis to anyone else.

PLEASE prove to me where in ANY ANY campaign, advertising, etc. where TRUMP was ever "anti-immigrant"! GEEZ how f...king dumb are you?

Trump's MARRIED to a LEGAL immigrant. All of us including 40+million LEGAL immigrants and relatives KNOW that ! And you don't?
Trump was like we are against "ILLEGAL" immigrants simply because IT IS ILLEGAL to come into this country by sneaking across the border!
It is that simple! But you and the MSM keep declaring Trump and millions like me are ANTI-immigrant! GEEZ I'll tell another thing that distinguishes you from
the millions like me. WE KNOW that it was the "LEGAL immigrants" that have come to America that MAKE America exceptional ... and the sad dumb fact on
your part is YOU don't not AGREE but you hate that statement..."America is exceptional" because you are so provincial, so intellectually dishonest that you buy into
the pseudo-intellectual anti American clap trap!
It is because of America's exceptionalism that over 150 million people around the world want to come here....LEGALLY!

NOW as far as "compares to kkk/Nazis? Here let's repeat his quote word for word!!
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Now if you were an intellectually honest person instead of a "pseudo-intellectual" you'd have to be honest that the that interrupted the protest in Charlottesville were paid organizers primarily ANTIFA thugs!
Want some facts on that?
"They used militarized defensive maneuvers, shouting commands at one another to ‘move forward’ or ‘retreat,’ and would form a line of shields or a phalanx — it’s like they watched ‘300 a few times — to gain ground or shepherd someone through projectiles. It seemed that they had practiced for this.”
“The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet.”
Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say

NOW this was what Trump was decrying when he said "BOTH SIDES"!!!
As disgusting as most honest people find, the KKK,White Supremacists, HAVE A RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY!
What right do idiots like the ANTIFA and supposedly "peaceful" people like those that through urine at the peaceful assembly have? NONE!

Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville
Faith Goldy warned that the left was spinning out of control. “Hundreds and hundreds of antifa, weird BLM, idiots dressed like clowns,” said Goldy, a reporter for the Canadian alt-right news site The Rebel. “This is okay, as long as you’re not the alt-right. The alt-right wasn’t allowed to demonstrate any show of force.”
As if on cue, activists began chanting “black lives matter” in the background of Goldy’s shot.
“Chant BLM, and all of a sudden the cops don’t care!” she said. “Where are the riot police now?”
Goldy’s report, which transformed into police evidence after James Alex Fields Jr. allegedly plowed his car into counterprotesters, was representative of a theme that had risen from far-right media to the mainstream since President Trump’s inauguration. The growth of “antifa,” a loose and often ad hoc network of left-wing “antifascist” groups, has been covered as a rising danger to law and order, a justification for alt-right organizations to organize armed rallies — and for ordinary Americans to arm themselves, too.
Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?

Do you think he has to use those exact words before he says and does things that make it clear where his beliefs lie? His campaign was the most anti-immigrant I have ever seen, and we see how he compares the kkk/Nazis to anyone else.

PLEASE prove to me where in ANY ANY campaign, advertising, etc. where TRUMP was ever "anti-immigrant"! GEEZ how f...king dumb are you?

Trump's MARRIED to a LEGAL immigrant. All of us including 40+million LEGAL immigrants and relatives KNOW that ! And you don't?
Trump was like we are against "ILLEGAL" immigrants simply because IT IS ILLEGAL to come into this country by sneaking across the border!
It is that simple! But you and the MSM keep declaring Trump and millions like me are ANTI-immigrant! GEEZ I'll tell another thing that distinguishes you from
the millions like me. WE KNOW that it was the "LEGAL immigrants" that have come to America that MAKE America exceptional ... and the sad dumb fact on
your part is YOU don't not AGREE but you hate that statement..."America is exceptional" because you are so provincial, so intellectually dishonest that you buy into
the pseudo-intellectual anti American clap trap!
It is because of America's exceptionalism that over 150 million people around the world want to come here....LEGALLY!

NOW as far as "compares to kkk/Nazis? Here let's repeat his quote word for word!!
"Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

Now if you were an intellectually honest person instead of a "pseudo-intellectual" you'd have to be honest that the that interrupted the protest in Charlottesville were paid organizers primarily ANTIFA thugs!
Want some facts on that?
"They used militarized defensive maneuvers, shouting commands at one another to ‘move forward’ or ‘retreat,’ and would form a line of shields or a phalanx — it’s like they watched ‘300 a few times — to gain ground or shepherd someone through projectiles. It seemed that they had practiced for this.”
“The streets were not barricaded. Violent antifa [anti-fascists] were not penned in their own area as per our agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department, but were roaming the streets and blocking the entrance to Lee Park. They immediately launched an attack on our group with mace, pepper spray, bricks, sticks and foul liquids. The police stood idly by on the sidelines while a brawl was allowed to ensue. We had to fight our way into Lee Park and dozens of our people were injured by mace and pepper spray as we marched through the gauntlet.”
Who was responsible for the violence in Charlottesville? Here's what witnesses say

NOW this was what Trump was decrying when he said "BOTH SIDES"!!!
As disgusting as most honest people find, the KKK,White Supremacists, HAVE A RIGHT TO PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY!
What right do idiots like the ANTIFA and supposedly "peaceful" people like those that through urine at the peaceful assembly have? NONE!

Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville
Faith Goldy warned that the left was spinning out of control. “Hundreds and hundreds of antifa, weird BLM, idiots dressed like clowns,” said Goldy, a reporter for the Canadian alt-right news site The Rebel. “This is okay, as long as you’re not the alt-right. The alt-right wasn’t allowed to demonstrate any show of force.”
As if on cue, activists began chanting “black lives matter” in the background of Goldy’s shot.
“Chant BLM, and all of a sudden the cops don’t care!” she said. “Where are the riot police now?”
Goldy’s report, which transformed into police evidence after James Alex Fields Jr. allegedly plowed his car into counterprotesters, was representative of a theme that had risen from far-right media to the mainstream since President Trump’s inauguration. The growth of “antifa,” a loose and often ad hoc network of left-wing “antifascist” groups, has been covered as a rising danger to law and order, a justification for alt-right organizations to organize armed rallies — and for ordinary Americans to arm themselves, too.
Fear of ‘violent left’ preceded events in Charlottesville

Are you truly that DENSE not to comprehend the difference between an "ILLEGAL" and a "LEGAL" situation?
President Trump was describing ANY "ILLEGAL" Immigrant LIKE this guy..
And President Trump was describing how these "ILLEGAL" NOT "LEGALs" get constantly deported because Obama was a wuss!
President Trump doesn't want single American to be killed because an "ILLEGAL" wasn't deported or convicted and incarcerated!

Kate Steinle was walking on a busy pier in San Francisco with her father when there was a single popping sound in the air.
The man accused of firing the deadly shot -- 45-year-old Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez -- is an undocumented immigrant, a repeat felon who has been deported five times to Mexico, according to immigration officials. It would have been six, a federal law enforcement source told CNN, except authorities in San Francisco wanted him on a drug-related warrant.

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Suspect in San Francisco woman's death deported 5 times - CNN

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