Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

You offer a lie that those not responsible for the pregnancy should somehow have to offer a solution to the birth of that baby.

They do if they hinder a woman's free choice to be in charge of her own reproduction. You would have her and her children live in poverty without offering two cents.

No forums change minds.

It is rare but it does happen.

You are generally correct though as the average poster is obtuse and belligerent.

Agnostics are likely the only fairly open minds and do as wise men say we should all do when entering a conversation, which is to not be for or against the proposition.

That is damned hard to do as we are all full of biases.


I think not killing children is a good bias to have
Would be nice if republicans truly acted like they cared and helped feed and clothe them.

Gee, here I always thought that's what parents were for.

The grand parents are too busy spending the next generations cash as they do not even cover their children's education or health care via the tax system.

its not the job of our tax system to pay for education and healthcare,,,

you want that move to a country that does
Contra ception is the answer to abortions. Don't get pregnant. I think this is the whole key to stopping abortion. Less babies conceived is less abortions. A win win. No excuse for an unwanted pregnancy these days with all the options.

That, yes, and education, which is in a downward spiral as governments work to dumb down the population for easier social control and manipulation.

It is rare but it does happen.

You are generally correct though as the average poster is obtuse and belligerent.

Agnostics are likely the only fairly open minds and do as wise men say we should all do when entering a conversation, which is to not be for or against the proposition.

That is damned hard to do as we are all full of biases.


I think not killing children is a good bias to have
Would be nice if republicans truly acted like they cared and helped feed and clothe them.

Gee, here I always thought that's what parents were for.

The grand parents are too busy spending the next generations cash as they do not even cover their children's education or health care via the tax system.

its not the job of our tax system to pay for education and healthcare,,,

you want that move to a country that does

Too stupid to rate a reply.

Contra ception is the answer to abortions. Don't get pregnant. I think this is the whole key to stopping abortion. Less babies conceived is less abortions. A win win. No excuse for an unwanted pregnancy these days with all the options.

That, yes, and education, which is in a downward spiral as governments work to dumb down the population for easier social control and manipulation.

WTF??? in one comment you want the government to supply education and in another you slam them for doing it,,,WTF!!!!

pick one already
I think not killing children is a good bias to have
Would be nice if republicans truly acted like they cared and helped feed and clothe them.

Gee, here I always thought that's what parents were for.

The grand parents are too busy spending the next generations cash as they do not even cover their children's education or health care via the tax system.

its not the job of our tax system to pay for education and healthcare,,,

you want that move to a country that does

Too stupid to rate a reply.


its you thats stupid with that crazy made up socialist bullshit
Contra ception is the answer to abortions. Don't get pregnant. I think this is the whole key to stopping abortion. Less babies conceived is less abortions. A win win. No excuse for an unwanted pregnancy these days with all the options.

That, yes, and education, which is in a downward spiral as governments work to dumb down the population for easier social control and manipulation.

WTF??? in one comment you want the government to supply education and in another you slam them for doing it,,,WTF!!!!

pick one already

Learn to read or go away.

You offer a lie that those not responsible for the pregnancy should somehow have to offer a solution to the birth of that baby.

They do if they hinder a woman's free choice to be in charge of her own reproduction. You would have her and her children live in poverty without offering two cents.

its called adoption,,,

I spoke to that above.

and then you ignored it
No forums change minds.

It is rare but it does happen.

You are generally correct though as the average poster is obtuse and belligerent.

Agnostics are likely the only fairly open minds and do as wise men say we should all do when entering a conversation, which is to not be for or against the proposition.

That is damned hard to do as we are all full of biases.


I think not killing children is a good bias to have

Thinking of all the aspects is a better bias.

You offer a lie that those not responsible for the pregnancy should somehow have to offer a solution to the birth of that baby.

They do if they hinder a woman's free choice to be in charge of her own reproduction. You would have her and her children live in poverty without offering two cents.

More of the lies of which you believe.

I stated that an adult would be prepared financially for the burden of a pregnancy prior to getting pregnant in addition to the fact that adults believe that they should not burden others with their poor choices. Of course, we also do not advocating the killing of another to avoid the hardships of poor life choices.

Seems to Me you sure do enjoy believing your lies over the truth.
No forums change minds.

It is rare but it does happen.

You are generally correct though as the average poster is obtuse and belligerent.

Agnostics are likely the only fairly open minds and do as wise men say we should all do when entering a conversation, which is to not be for or against the proposition.

That is damned hard to do as we are all full of biases.


I think not killing children is a good bias to have

Thinking of all the aspects is a better bias.


well when one result in the death of a child and the other doesnt,,,guess which one I choose??
Oh my. I thought all Democrats and Republicans were Americans.

What do you think they are? All Mexican illegal immigrants?

if they were then they would call themselves that,,,but they dont

I even question if they are human when you consider how they treat children by killing them,,,baby killers the lot of them

The baby killers are those who would force a woman to have an un-wanted baby without offering the wherewithal to support that bay so that it just does not add to the horrid stats that we know it will have.

There are a number of issues within the abortion laws. If you are only looking at one aspect to decide your position, you are not one of the bright minds that should judge such things.


you ever heard of adoptions???

obviously not,,,and you accuse me of being a dullard

the one aspect I see is a dead child and a democrat or republican holding the bloody knife

Adoption agencies generally look for a male and female adoptive couple or a gay couple when the other is not available.

That is hard to find in your Christian nation when 50% of all households are now manned by single women.

If American men would step up to their parenting responsibilities, your abortion stats would not be the highest in the world.

Talk to your deadbeat dads and young men as the women are pulling their load while the men run for the hills.

funny how women get 9 months and 3 days to decide if they want to be a mother but the man has zero options

give men that same right and abortions will also drop

When men get pregnant, they can have the same rights as women.
We are done on this deflection. Take your sick woman controlling view with you on the way out. If you ever educate yourself on all aspects of the issue, come on back.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled.

plenty of examples .....for starters hope & change /maga.....both horsesh*t lines

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome?

and one can set one's watch to the partisan fools claiming just that here


Yes. a Change sound bite without showing the change proposed, only a fool would believe or trust.

Nothings 'changed' for the middle class in generations

despite the continual swing from right/left or Rep/Dem

It's a complete fascade


Not generations but way too long.

It is all in the tax system and trump gave a huge gift to his rich friends.

People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
No he's not A make believe Independent transformed into a republican believing all the crap Trump throws and I've known of him for over 15 years But you leecross have a chance to surpass him


I'm no Republican, nor Democrat. I am strictly issue driven and vote the way I do because being an American, the Democrats have not in years and years offered me any direction or policy that is not in its essence pure unadulterated idiocy, and maddeningly redundant to what has gone before in various failed nations across the planet..
And republicans have ?? They gave you Iraq and you were silent Bush gave you a near depression and you remained silent Trump sets record for govt shut down and you remain silent Fiscal responsibility a repub thing ?? LOL Once more not a peep from you .............Stick with your support for repubs
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
90% of the people in the world believe you are brainwashed misinformed ignorant functional morons. The only people believing lies are GOP base voters. Fox Rush Limbaugh etc etc are a disgrace. You don't know that the middle class and the country are falling apart under GOP giveaway to the rich, but you know every detail of imaginary Hillary Obama FBI etc etc phony scandals.
Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

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