Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common?

Richard Dawkins What if scientists worked like religions?

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Your well presented apologetics have convinced me. You win the debate.

Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common?

Richard Dawkins What if scientists worked like religions?

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Your well presented apologetics have convinced me. You win the debate.

Simple question asked by you. It Didn’t require a complex response
BREAKING: The crazy eyed congresswoman who can't do math throws up what the Fake News and their bots call "white supremacy sign". How ironic.



She just proved Trump's point!
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
No he's not A make believe Independent transformed into a republican believing all the crap Trump throws and I've known of him for over 15 years But you leecross have a chance to surpass him


I'm no Republican, nor Democrat. I am strictly issue driven and vote the way I do because being an American, the Democrats have not in years and years offered me any direction or policy that is not in its essence pure unadulterated idiocy, and maddeningly redundant to what has gone before in various failed nations across the planet..
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
No he's not A make believe Independent transformed into a republican believing all the crap Trump throws and I've known of him for over 15 years But you leecross have a chance to surpass him

Although I am a zealous Trump fan, I don't mind if others exceed my zeal.

I sloppily love the guy.

If I could choose a father to be the Daddy I never knew, (and he wouldn't even have to give me any money), I would choose Donald Trump.

He is smart, wise, has great values, high standards, good judgement and has a strong mind and a big heart.

He has done things no one else has ever done

And he enjoys his family and good friends and his wife.

I love this man like crazy.

Anyone who loves a child glows with the warmth of others who also love their child.

I love America and President Trump loves my country too.

My heart glows from the love he has for my country. And I am grateful he would devote his time and skill and experience to take on MY ENEMIES.

MY ENEMIES are those who are enemies of America.

And I don't have to fight them alone.

I know he is fighting as hard as he can.

He is awesome.

He is like a main battle tank and we are like the supporting infantry.

He is vulnerable without us and we would be easy pickings for America's enemies were it not for him.

We have a proven plan that has worked pretty well for 200+ years to get us to where we are now, with the bad guys trying to illegally take power after they lost an election.

The plan that the Left and their factions hide from us behind attacks on Trump, is bankrupt and extreme and dangerous and unworkable.

Our enemies are manipulating us into believing they have a reasonable case to make.

They do not.

They deserve to lose and they will lose.
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

I don't think it is easier to believe a lie. It is just that people choose to hold onto and perpetuate a lie because they WANT it to be true so badly that they avoid all information that would expose it as a lie. Usually they attack and/or punish and/or resent or are offended by or avoid those who offer such information. That is too often true of substance etc. abusers, hoarders, those enamored of certain products, those holding certain religious beliefs, obsessive compulsive disorder types, and those holding certain political positions among others.

I would add the tribal natures we all have that will put fellowship over a moral sense.

This was demonstrated by the Republicans who publicly held their noses while voting for Trump.


And then there are those who say you are exhibiting the very denial that most of the anti-Trump people exhibit, i.e. they refuse to believe that those of us who voted for Trump did so for an agenda we could believe in and a vision superior to all others. That we were able to put a greater good ahead of political loyalties, personalities, or the assigned talking points and propaganda. To say that most of us had to hold our noses to do that is perpetuating a huge lie.
BREAKING: The crazy eyed congresswoman who can't do math throws up what the Fake News and their bots call "white supremacy sign". How ironic.



She just proved Trump's point!

Rush said this about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on today's show.

"The media has built this woman up and promoted this woman and created this massive star about whom there’s all this curiosity. She hasn’t done that on her own. And she’s not spouting anything that any other card-carrying socialist hasn’t ever said or proposed. There’s nothing unique about Cortez other than maybe the fly-like eyes and the fact that she was a bartender. They get on Trump for being an outside, but so is she, but she’s on the right side of the insiders now that she’s in there.

But one day, one day it’s gonna happen. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi is eventually behind it.

One day they’re gonna pull the rug out from under this woman, and she’s not gonna know what happened.

Her Twitter followers are gonna abandon her. It would be impossible to say when this is going to happen, but it will"

From the RLS app.
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You tend to believe most strongly that which you hear first

If you change, it will be most likely to that which you hear repeated many times

You tend to believe that which you WANT to believe or that which fits your preconceived ideas or notions

Last, humans are least likely to believe that which is logical and makes sense... ESPECIALLY if it contradicts that which they hear most - (excerpt from sermon delivered at the Anglo Israelite Christian Church)

The ultimate reality is that power brokers use the same technique and, just like being amazed by a magic trick a person knows the secret to, the masses still fall for the technique over and over.

Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis
* Create the problem (Thesis)
*Generate they hysteria and chaos; control both sides of the issue (Anti-thesis)
* Offer up predetermined "solutions" so that the power broker wins no matter which proposed solution is chosen (Synthesis)

It's called Hegelian Dialectics

It's also easier to believe a lie told a thousand times than a truth nobody ever heard before
No forums change minds.

It is rare but it does happen.

You are generally correct though as the average poster is obtuse and belligerent.

Agnostics are likely the only fairly open minds and do as wise men say we should all do when entering a conversation, which is to not be for or against the proposition.

That is damned hard to do as we are all full of biases.


I think not killing children is a good bias to have
Would be nice if republicans truly acted like they cared and helped feed and clothe them.

Gee, here I always thought that's what parents were for.

The grand parents are too busy spending the next generations cash as they do not even cover their children's education or health care via the tax system.


Sorry to hear that, maybe you ought to pay for your own.
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
No he's not A make believe Independent transformed into a republican believing all the crap Trump throws and I've known of him for over 15 years But you leecross have a chance to surpass him


I'm no Republican, nor Democrat. I am strictly issue driven and vote the way I do because being an American, the Democrats have not in years and years offered me any direction or policy that is not in its essence pure unadulterated idiocy, and maddeningly redundant to what has gone before in various failed nations across the planet..
People tend to do what is easy. It is often easier to believe the lie.

That is a true statement, beautifully expressed for those who support the Left.

I know you are a Good Guy, Billy_Kinetta.
No he's not A make believe Independent transformed into a republican believing all the crap Trump throws and I've known of him for over 15 years But you leecross have a chance to surpass him

Although I am a zealous Trump fan, I don't mind if others exceed my zeal.

I sloppily love the guy.

If I could choose a father to be the Daddy I never knew, (and he wouldn't even have to give me any money), I would choose Donald Trump.

He is smart, wise, has great values, high standards, good judgement and has a strong mind and a big heart.

He has done things no one else has ever done

And he enjoys his family and good friends and his wife.

I love this man like crazy.

Anyone who loves a child glows with the warmth of others who also love their child.

I love America and President Trump loves my country too.

My heart glows from the love he has for my country. And I am grateful he would devote his time and skill and experience to take on MY ENEMIES.

MY ENEMIES are those who are enemies of America.

And I don't have to fight them alone.

I know he is fighting as hard as he can.

He is awesome.

He is like a main battle tank and we are like the supporting infantry.

He is vulnerable without us and we would be easy pickings for America's enemies were it not for him.

We have a proven plan that has worked pretty well for 200+ years to get us to where we are now, with the bad guys trying to illegally take power after they lost an election.

The plan that the Left and their factions hide from us behind attacks on Trump, is bankrupt and extreme and dangerous and unworkable.

Our enemies are manipulating us into believing they have a reasonable case to make.

They do not.

They deserve to lose and they will lose.
so in your eyes a man that cheats on his pregnant wife with a porn star has great values high standards and good judgement???

oh and he didnt even wear a condom when he banged the porn star

hate to see the guy you dont support
Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

Who knows the truth and is the truth certain

What is a lie

Is there a good lie

Is there a bad lie

Is a lie determined by what is known

ie - if i go around telling people that the world will end tomorrow then people will say I am a liar

If I say the earth is round yet everybody believes that it is flat by simple observation, then I am branded a liar

The problem with lies is the reason why you would lie

You may not have all knowledge necessary to determine the truth or you may like being lied too

People generally like to be told what to do (but some don't like to be told what to do)

Being told what to do makes life simpler

You don't have to think about anything

So if you trust the person and they tell you a lie then you believe them because you belief that they have your best interest at heart

It may be the truth or it may be a lie

The problem if you tell a lie yet there is undeniable truth that your motive for the lie is harmful and self serving

Thus you loose credibility eventually

A good liar will move on to the next unsuspecting person

Is there a good lie

Parents lie to their children all the time

So if Trump lies and many believe that he does, yet there are those who just ignore his lies

And the earth continues to spin
Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common?

Richard Dawkins What if scientists worked like religions?

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

Not your reality but then again your reality is delusional...........

How can I deny such a detailed argument, oh wait -----

If I was like you (along with the vast majority of people in the world) and developed a specific world view I could search the internet for confirmation bias just as you did and just as easily find it......... Thankfully I can separate the wheat from the chaff, the bull shit from reality. You should try it some time but then again it would destroy your cherished beliefs.
You see, having a psych degree does come in handy sometimes....... Oops......
Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common?

Richard Dawkins What if scientists worked like religions?

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

Not your reality but then again your reality is delusional...........

The Six Blind Men Describe An Elephant

Hence the what, 3,000 different Christian denominations.


Welcome to the real world........
Are Americans especially, and the world, conditioned to believe lies?

The information age and statistics are showing us who the liars are. Yet, we do not seem to care as we knowingly let our tribal natures override our common sense and decency. We knowingly support liars, whether they be in the political or religious spheres.

We are knowingly allowing ourselves to be manipulated and socially controlled. Businesses and organizations, in politics and religions; deceive us, while putting cash and power over us in their hands. That self-deception does not seem to be satisfactory to many.

Are we insane to think that while we continue to do so; we can expect a different outcome? This is what the world population is doing by continuing to knowingly support liars.

Do I perceive reality incorrectly?

What Do Con Artists and Religious Leaders Have in Common?

Richard Dawkins What if scientists worked like religions?

Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


cnn and msnbc think so...…...

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