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Are Americans Really Serious About Supporting Trump?

Trump has been giving interviews for over 20 year years complaining about how the US has become about a few thousand people and the heck with the rest of us.
Anyone who follows suit and gets some media attention will win our votes."

You do know Trump is a con man.
Trump being a conman or not, I think you are right on target for the reason why Trump was found acceptable as your president. Thanks for the comments. We should set the con man suggestion aside for a little while.
I think you are right on target for the reason why Trump was found acceptable as your president.

Excuse me
, surada quoted me.
When I posted that, you were offended.
Please limit your comments to a size which I can address. This thread is all of a sudden very busy.

One comment or suggestion please, instead of a long string of assertions that areen't relevant to the question. Thanks!

THis is a debate site. If you are looking for a circle jerk, instead, this isn't the place.

Placing this in clean debate does not mean that you get to control what everybody is allowed to say.
Donald H always tries to dictate what others post when they disagree with him.
I think your bad behaviour is an example of bad behaviour of Americans in general and so I think it's a good reason to give up on this thread and ask the moderators to either move it out of this section or shut it down completely.

I'm out of here now. This is not working out well for people of decency!
I detailed why millions of Americans voted for Trump and your response was that my response was too long and that this Thread is being inundated.
Why don't you define how long a response should be?
Debaters, especially from other countries, cannot offer an opinion on another's nation without background information.

Anyone who calls for Americans to have an opportunity to succeed in America will get my vote.


The real decision is between national sovereignty and globalism. Trump represents National sovereignty. His opponents have represented globalism.

Trump is a globalist, genius.

Trump has projects worldwide and borrows from foreign banks.. none of which impacts "national sovereignty".. but let these clots blubber on about globalism and national sovereignty.
You can't so business internationally without having accounts internationally.
Trump signed an EO suppressing Business Visas; if Biden cancels that EO, thousands of Americans will be fired.
Trump wants to get rid of Trespassers which will increase job opportunities and wages for Blue Collar Workers.
Trump is not offering tax breaks to move out of the US.

There are products, such as certain foods, that cannot be grown in the US.

Trump and Jarod have been selling business visas.

Nobody is offering tax breaks to move out of the US.
GW offered Tax Write-Offs for leaving the US.
Is there a Link to these business visas?

To be honest, I'm not a fan of the Kushners...at all.
"Vee vill make ze Germany GRRREAT again! Germany FIRST!" - Adolf Hitler
Did they think by rioting, they could persuade?
It sure served the Democrats, that's for sure. The Harris /Biden ticket used the rioting of Burn Loot Murder and Antifa as a weapon, and while "persuade" isn't the right word, "intimidate" sure is. The ticket contributed funds to getting arsonists out of jail so they could burn down the businesses of innocent people.

It was vote for them or else.
So business owners who’s businesses burned down voted with antifa?
Good point. The Democrats neither supported looting and burning after police shootings of blacks, nor benefited from them. This is a fact the Trumpster conspiracy theorists can never appreciate.

Such criminality by blacks without a doubt hurt Democrats, and most of them are fully aware of this. Yet black working people have suffered proportionally much more and for a longer time than their white brothers and sisters hurt by modern economic changes. Of course criminal elements, or extremely frustrated and out of control marginalized blacks (and young city whites) sometimes engaged in violence, even in repeated “political theatre” confrontations, after police killings. Local Democratic Mayors often tried to constrain, or in some cases just ride out this violence. This strategy didn’t always work. Of course Trump threw fuel on the fire whenever he could. The early massive integrated BLM demonstrations, as in NYC, were in fact positive celebrations of interracial solidarity — something crucial for Democratic mayors in integrated cities to actively promote, and something crucial for all people who live and work in cities like N.Y.C.!

Meanwhile many poor or aggrieved whites were convinced by rightwing propaganda that all such criminal activities were actively encouraged and financed by liberals and Democrats, Soros, the Chinese, whatnot. Their answer was guns and local militia — something that in rural contexts might make sense ... if they were being invaded, which was of course not the case.

Americans who voted for Trump may indeed eventually find another right populist cult figure, especially if the U.S. economy continues to leave behind so many Americans, and if dramatic social democratic reforms are not adopted. The same may happen if economic conflict with China evolves into useless and dangerous proxy wars in Asia.

But Trump will be long gone by then. His personal legacy will be forever besmirched by Jan. 6th. Trump used new media to perfection, dumbing down America, madly spreading social divisions, using lies and fantastic, conspiratorial demagoguery. He popularized weird partisan madness that attacks not just Democrats but all elites almost indiscriminately. He is finished. But a better and smarter rightwing nationalist populist movement may yet arise to win over his old voters and so march back into the White House and Congress ... legally.
Did they think by rioting, they could persuade?

It sure served the Democrats, that's for sure.

It was vote for them or else.
This is what you wrote. So you think rioters when they burned down peoples businesses they were trying to send a message to get the people to for them or else?

First of all, it wasn’t democrats who burned down bus8nesses but I’m assuming you meant the looters were trying to scare the business owners into voting democratic? It would have the exact opposite effect.
I'm no more closed minded than you. I am able to exchange opinions with several Liberals/Independents on this board. This is a debate zone, so debate me, don't just hand out wimpy 'snarkies'.

Laughing at people's posts in order to deride is a form of personal attack.

The people who do so know they are attacking somebody and the recipient knows they are being attacked.
When that’s all they can come back with, I imagine an android who overloads and shorts out when you tell him something that does not compute. Cognitive dissonance
This is what you wrote. So you think rioters when they burned down peoples businesses they were trying to send a message to get the people to for them or else?

That is most certainly not what I wrote, but do have yourself a very nice time on whatever drugs you are on right now that make you think it was.
This is what you wrote. So you think rioters when they burned down peoples businesses they were trying to send a message to get the people to for them or else?

That is most certainly not what I wrote, but do have yourself a very nice time on whatever drugs you are on right now that make you think it was.
Tom Payne got it. Of course what you said wasn’t what you meant but it is what you wrote.
I'm no more closed minded than you. I am able to exchange opinions with several Liberals/Independents on this board. This is a debate zone, so debate me, don't just hand out wimpy 'snarkies'.

Laughing at people's posts in order to deride is a form of personal attack.

The people who do so know they are attacking somebody and the recipient knows they are being attacked.
Good...I'd hate to have my intent misconstrued.
BTW...I collect smiles at a prodigious rate....from most regs here...part of the game.

Fair enough..I think the odds of the Republican party nominating a Black woman as President to be slightly less than the odds of a planet-killer asteroid hitting the planet.

If you wonder why..i can only direct you to any wide angle photo of the Republican convention and have you count the black faces.
There is no question the current GOP is predominantly White. But there are more Blacks and Hispanics migrating to the Republican Party and the leadership realizes they have to be more inclusive to survive. I think it is better than 50-50 that a Black candidate will head the 2024 ticket.
Did they think by rioting, they could persuade?
It sure served the Democrats, that's for sure. The Harris /Biden ticket used the rioting of Burn Loot Murder and Antifa as a weapon, and while "persuade" isn't the right word, "intimidate" sure is. The ticket contributed funds to getting arsonists out of jail so they could burn down the businesses of innocent people.

It was vote for them or else.
So business owners who’s businesses burned down voted with antifa?
Good point. The Democrats neither supported looting and burning after police shootings of blacks, nor benefited from them. This is a fact the Trumpster conspiracy theorists can never appreciate.

Such criminality by blacks without a doubt hurt Democrats, and most of them are fully aware of this. Yet black working people have suffered proportionally much more and for a longer time than their white brothers and sisters hurt by modern economic changes. Of course criminal elements, or extremely frustrated and out of control marginalized blacks (and young city whites) sometimes engaged in violence, even in repeated “political theatre” confrontations, after police killings. Local Democratic Mayors often tried to constrain, or in some cases just ride out this violence. This strategy didn’t always work. Of course Trump threw fuel on the fire whenever he could. The early massive integrated BLM demonstrations, as in NYC, were in fact positive celebrations of interracial solidarity — something crucial for Democratic mayors in integrated cities to actively promote, and something crucial for all people who live and work in cities like N.Y.C.!

Meanwhile many poor or aggrieved whites were convinced by rightwing propaganda that all such criminal activities were actively encouraged and financed by liberals and Democrats, Soros, the Chinese, whatnot. Their answer was guns and local militia — something that in rural contexts might make sense ... if they were being invaded, which was of course not the case.

Americans who voted for Trump may indeed eventually find another right populist cult figure, especially if the U.S. economy continues to leave behind so many Americans, and if dramatic social democratic reforms are not adopted. The same may happen if economic conflict with China evolves into useless and dangerous proxy wars in Asia.

But Trump will be long gone by then. His personal legacy will be forever besmirched by Jan. 6th. Trump used new media to perfection, dumbing down America, madly spreading social divisions, using lies and fantastic, conspiratorial demagoguery. He popularized weird partisan madness that attacks not just Democrats but all elites almost indiscriminately. He is finished. But a better and smarter rightwing nationalist populist movement may yet arise to win over his old voters and so march back into the White House and Congress ... legally.
" Of course criminal elements, or extremely frustrated and out of control marginalized blacks (and young city whites) sometimes engaged in violence, even in repeated “political theatre” confrontations, after police killings. Local Democratic Mayors often tried to constrain, or in some cases just ride out this violence. This strategy didn’t always work."

And thereby earned their reputation for favoring crime over law and order. And Blacks over anybody else except possibly illegal aliens or Muslims. Fact not propaganda.
Gun and ammunition sales and militia membership have increased sharply and constantly since Obama's election due to his obvious racial and religious prejudices as well as his lack of Nationalism and periodic insults of suburban and rural Americans. Simple, if you insult people it tends to piss them off. Hillary continued that tradition with her talk of "deplorables" and total disregard for National security including those people whose security she was supposed to be responsible for as Sec. of State. Benghazi and the government's refusal to hold her accountable for her negligence are not forgotten. Why was she held to be above the law? Did that not fit with someone's agenda because she was being groomed for bigger things? On this site rural residents are taunted as being stupid Rednecks frequently and told by reputed BLM members that they are "coming for us" next. Invasion? Yes, we've expected invasion and the probability of invasion appears to have only increased over recent events and now appears almost certain. It was hoped that Obama would unite us but instead he proved to be the most divisive President since Lincoln. President Trump managed to right some of Obama's most blatant wrongs but the advent of Biden may well be the final straw. Many Americans consider Biden's stated agenda to be grossly unconstitutional and will consider him an enemy of the Constitution and therefore the Nation it defines if he attempts to implement it. That would make him a wannabe tyrant and enemy of the people.
What I fail to understand is why there a so many claims that President Trump influenced the American people when it was actually the other way around. President Trump didn't elect himself (contrary to what appears to have happened with Biden) and he gave us what we wanted which is as democratic as it gets. I submit that the idea that recent events have lessened Trump's popularity or changed what the American people want and demand is simply wishful thinking. Being an old soldier I have become convinced that acting from wishful thinking rather than an accurate appraisal of reality very often gets you killed.
This is a serious question and it's time to ask the question. For people outside of America it seems quite surreal that Trump would be seriously supported by anyone!

And so, besides asking the question stated above, we could get into hearing some answers on why some people support Trump.

I have my own reasons why many people turned to Trump, and I will air those answers as we proceed to dealing with the main question.

As always, I sincerely hope that political bias won't interfere with the opportunity this thread creates to get at least somewhere on figuring out what Americans are thinking when it comes to Trump as their president.


Please moderators, the only way we can have a decent and respectable conversation on this forum is to keep it on the CDZ section. Give clean debate a chance!
Folks outside America are going to get various Soviet news sites and nothing more . It’s all part of the New World Order
T won the election and has done great things . He is my favorite man on earth
This is a serious question and it's time to ask the question. For people outside of America it seems quite surreal that Trump would be seriously supported by anyone!

And so, besides asking the question stated above, we could get into hearing some answers on why some people support Trump.

I have my own reasons why many people turned to Trump, and I will air those answers as we proceed to dealing with the main question.

As always, I sincerely hope that political bias won't interfere with the opportunity this thread creates to get at least somewhere on figuring out what Americans are thinking when it comes to Trump as their president.


Please moderators, the only way we can have a decent and respectable conversation on this forum is to keep it on the CDZ section. Give clean debate a chance!
Yes, Americans are really serious about supporting Trump......they staged an insurrection and stormed the capitol for the first time in 200 years....

However, most of those people were just looking for an excuse to do it anyway and Trump and lots of the GOP cheering them on and ACTUALLY providing assistance to them, emboldened them...

But for the most part -- most of the Trumpers you encounter, if they were truly honest; will tell you that they only support Trump simply to "own the libs"....period..not for policies, or any other types of real positions...just trolling and gaslighting...

As I have said many times before.....if Trumpers thought not breathing air would "trigger the libs" -- they would suffocate themselves to death...
"But for the most part -- most of the Trumpers you encounter, if they were truly honest; will tell you that they only support Trump simply to "own the libs"....period..not for policies, or any other types of real positions...just trolling and gaslighting..."

More wishful thinking. What in the world made you arrogant enough to decide that one side considers actual issues while the other doesn't? You have any evidence of the truth of that or was it only intended to be the insult that it is. You seem to foster hatred and divisiveness and then want to blame it all on Trump. Nasty.
This is a serious question and it's time to ask the question. For people outside of America it seems quite surreal that Trump would be seriously supported by anyone!

And so, besides asking the question stated above, we could get into hearing some answers on why some people support Trump.

I have my own reasons why many people turned to Trump, and I will air those answers as we proceed to dealing with the main question.

As always, I sincerely hope that political bias won't interfere with the opportunity this thread creates to get at least somewhere on figuring out what Americans are thinking when it comes to Trump as their president.


Please moderators, the only way we can have a decent and respectable conversation on this forum is to keep it on the CDZ section. Give clean debate a chance!
Yes, Americans are really serious about supporting Trump......they staged an insurrection and stormed the capitol for the first time in 200 years....

However, most of those people were just looking for an excuse to do it anyway and Trump and lots of the GOP cheering them on and ACTUALLY providing assistance to them, emboldened them...

But for the most part -- most of the Trumpers you encounter, if they were truly honest; will tell you that they only support Trump simply to "own the libs"....period..not for policies, or any other types of real positions...just trolling and gaslighting...

As I have said many times before.....if Trumpers thought not breathing air would "trigger the libs" -- they would suffocate themselves to death...
Right! The attempted taking of the capitol was no revolution obviously and looked more like a buch of children acting out against authority. However, the law can very easily make it out to be a serious revolutionary attempt against government and come down very hard on the leaders.
That will accomplish sending a stern lesson at least!
Folks outside America are going to get various Soviet news sites and nothing more . It’s all part of the New World Order
T won the election and has done great things . He is my favorite man on earth
You sound quite sincere, but it's just hard for a Canadian to believe you could be honstly supportive of Trump. That question has a lot to do with the reason for starting this thread. Thanks for contributing!
This is a serious question and it's time to ask the question. For people outside of America it seems quite surreal that Trump would be seriously supported by anyone!

And so, besides asking the question stated above, we could get into hearing some answers on why some people support Trump.

I have my own reasons why many people turned to Trump, and I will air those answers as we proceed to dealing with the main question.

As always, I sincerely hope that political bias won't interfere with the opportunity this thread creates to get at least somewhere on figuring out what Americans are thinking when it comes to Trump as their president.


Please moderators, the only way we can have a decent and respectable conversation on this forum is to keep it on the CDZ section. Give clean debate a chance!
Yes, Americans are really serious about supporting Trump......they staged an insurrection and stormed the capitol for the first time in 200 years....

However, most of those people were just looking for an excuse to do it anyway and Trump and lots of the GOP cheering them on and ACTUALLY providing assistance to them, emboldened them...

But for the most part -- most of the Trumpers you encounter, if they were truly honest; will tell you that they only support Trump simply to "own the libs"....period..not for policies, or any other types of real positions...just trolling and gaslighting...

As I have said many times before.....if Trumpers thought not breathing air would "trigger the libs" -- they would suffocate themselves to death...
Right! The attempted taking of the capitol was no revolution obviously and looked more like a buch of children acting out against authority. However, the law can very easily make it out to be a serious revolutionary attempt against government and come down very hard on the leaders.
That will accomplish sending a stern lesson at least!
Right. And the lesson it would send is that this Nation is indeed becoming tyrannical just as they suspected. Stupid.
Americans who voted for Trump may indeed eventually find another right populist cult figure, especially if the U.S. economy continues to leave behind so many Americans, and if dramatic social democratic reforms are not adopted. The same may happen if economic conflict with China evolves into useless and dangerous proxy wars in Asia.

The Democratic party shows no real promise of breaking the hold of the establishment yet.
And the Repulican party's support seems even further from the concept of the need to break the hold.

Yet there are many indications that the move is on in both parties and at least the political situation won't be stagnant for the next few years.

The stagnancy was a sure sign that no progress was possible.

Now at least, neither party shows an agenda of seriously upholding the establishment that has worked so well against the people. It's more like both parties acting out to cause pain against the other, and there's no direction indicated in that.

The people know what the issue is and both parties can't help but knowing.

The best thing Americans can do is not allow the situation to become stagnant again and allow it to slip back to the do nothing status quo.
Folks outside America are going to get various Soviet news sites and nothing more . It’s all part of the New World Order
T won the election and has done great things . He is my favorite man on earth
You sound quite sincere, but it's just hard for a Canadian to believe you could be honstly supportive of Trump. That question has a lot to do with the reason for starting this thread. Thanks for contributing!
Have you not read my post #91? I took considerable time and trouble to explain it to you. No commit? Why would Americans place much value on what a Canadian believes? You guys obviously have your own problems and have screwed your own country up at least as much as we have ours.

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