Are Americans Too Image Conscious To Elect A Fat President?

Are we becoming less image-conscious as a nation?

Or are we becoming more so?

I say the latter...what say you? And why?

Have to agree with you on that. Way back in our past we elected some very Ugly and very over weight Presidents. I think one could win today, but it certainly would be an issue.

Then shouldn't you guys be carefully considering the folks you put up against your political opponent(s)?

Let's face can't be fat and ugly.

Usually fat and ugly goes hand in hand.

Nixon was the last one that was even slightly fat. Carter was nice and trim, Reagan...same thing, Bush I, same thing, Clinton...same thing, Bush II, fits. to even thin/skinny.

Anyone who thinks a FATSO can make it in such a high profile position needs to have their head examined.

And I'm including ALL the names that's been bandied good as they may appeal to the bases and/or their local/statewide constituents.

Fatsoes are a no-go in the big times folks. Cold, hard truth of the 21st Century.


Wow.... so just how shallow are you?
Are we becoming less image-conscious as a nation?

Or are we becoming more so?

I say the latter...what say you? And why?

The real question should be Why should we care?

If you're correct on the latter, which you probably are (dam did i say you where right? lol...) it explains a lot....

What I believe you have made clear is that we are vain and the MSM leads a large number of us around by the nose....

Have to agree with you on that. Way back in our past we elected some very Ugly and very over weight Presidents. I think one could win today, but it certainly would be an issue.

Then shouldn't you guys be carefully considering the folks you put up against your political opponent(s)?

Let's face can't be fat and ugly.

Usually fat and ugly goes hand in hand.

Nixon was the last one that was even slightly fat. Carter was nice and trim, Reagan...same thing, Bush I, same thing, Clinton...same thing, Bush II, fits. to even thin/skinny.

Anyone who thinks a FATSO can make it in such a high profile position needs to have their head examined.

And I'm including ALL the names that's been bandied good as they may appeal to the bases and/or their local/statewide constituents.

Fatsoes are a no-go in the big times folks. Cold, hard truth of the 21st Century.


Wow.... so just how shallow are you?

Thread is enough to out this idiot... ;)
Are we becoming less image-conscious as a nation?

Or are we becoming more so?

I say the latter...what say you? And why?

Have to agree with you on that. Way back in our past we elected some very Ugly and very over weight Presidents. I think one could win today, but it certainly would be an issue.

Then shouldn't you guys be carefully considering the folks you put up against your political opponent(s)?

Let's face can't be fat and ugly.

Usually fat and ugly goes hand in hand.

Nixon was the last one that was even slightly fat. Carter was nice and trim, Reagan...same thing, Bush I, same thing, Clinton...same thing, Bush II, fits. to even thin/skinny.

Anyone who thinks a FATSO can make it in such a high profile position needs to have their head examined.

And I'm including ALL the names that's been bandied good as they may appeal to the bases and/or their local/statewide constituents.

Fatsoes are a no-go in the big times folks. Cold, hard truth of the 21st Century.


Don't forget that black people are more prone to getting deadly diseases than other races. America took a big chance voting for Obama. Responsible Americans should make sure that he only serves one term by voting for the non-black candidate.
I didn't create the rules folks...I just abide by them.

The American media is CATERED to pretty faces...the GOP has CERTAINLY fell for that philosophy lock, stock and barrel.

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, crazy RW pundits like Michele Maulkin, and all the FAUXNoise Bimbos...come to think of it, it seems it would be HARDER for a Republican to make it while being fat and/or ugly, but just like the misogynistic people RWers tend to be, they judge their women by completely different standards than the men, so hence you have your Krauthammers, your Hughes, your booklickers like Dick Morris, et al.

The Dems tend to treat them all gotta be pretty if you're a man or a woman, or ugly or regular, doesn't matter, but they all get treated equally. Hence there's not as many bimbo looking women, or beef-cake looking men, just more average looking folks, nobody too busted or too attractive...even keel.

You RWers betta be careful who you may end up shooting yourselves in your own foot.,...once again.

Have to agree with you on that. Way back in our past we elected some very Ugly and very over weight Presidents. I think one could win today, but it certainly would be an issue.

Then shouldn't you guys be carefully considering the folks you put up against your political opponent(s)?

Let's face can't be fat and ugly.

Usually fat and ugly goes hand in hand.

You say you folks as if I fit into your Preconceived Version of me. I am not a Republican, and I have 0 say in who the Candidates are.

What I am is a fiscally conservative, socially Liberal Independent. Who believes The Left wing of the Democrat Party, who is in control of the party today, is even worse than Bush was for this country. I think giving Obama the WH while his party had near super Majorities in Both houses was a mistake. I thought it was a mistake when Bush had Both houses as well. I do not like the Idea of either party being fully in control.

I will be voting Republican for the WH this time around because the Fiscal Conservative in me thinks Obama and Democrats Polcies are unsustainable and destructive. Not because I like Republicans. Unless of course Obama makes some wild change of Direction and convinces me we are done with the Insane Deficit spending, and considering he just fought over cutting 39 Billion. I doubt that will happen.

On a personal Level I would vote for a fat Candidate. Chris Christi in particular. Not really a Newt Fan. However I acknowledge you are right. Being Fat would put him at a disadvantage, Though I don't think as bad as you think. While we do care about Image a lot. You have to remember that over half of Americans are over weight themselves, which means over half the people voting are fat as well. You would think.
Smokers? Everyone smoked in the White House until when, the Clintons? Second hand smoke from presidents and staffers was common and then Bubba Bill had a better idea. Why not spread second hand DNA around?

That's real nice to know.

How many people in/around the WH are smoking NOW?
Well, the current President has enormous ears, is cross eyed, and has a fat head. Does that count?
You say you folks as if I fit into your Preconceived Version of me. I am not a Republican, and I have 0 say in who the Candidates are.

What I am is a fiscally conservative, socially Liberal Independent. Who believes The Left wing of the Democrat Party, who is in control of the party today, is even worse than Bush was for this country. I think giving Obama the WH while his party had near super Majorities in Both houses was a mistake. I thought it was a mistake when Bush had Both houses as well. I do not like the Idea of either party being fully in control.

I will be voting Republican for the WH this time around because the Fiscal Conservative in me thinks Obama and Democrats Polcies are unsustainable and destructive. Not because I like Republicans. Unless of course Obama makes some wild change of Direction and convinces me we are done with the Insane Deficit spending, and considering he just fought over cutting 39 Billion. I doubt that will happen.

On a personal Level I would vote for a fat Candidate. Chris Christi in particular. Not really a Newt Fan. However I acknowledge you are right. Being Fat would put him at a disadvantage, Though I don't think as bad as you think. While we do care about Image a lot. You have to remember that over half of Americans are over weight themselves, which means over half the people voting are fat as well. You would think.

Conventional wisdom says your right, but we all know that today's average joe is neither conventional or wise.

Take a look at, just about any magazine, as you check out of your local supermarket...almost everything is talking about losing weight, or about how you look.

In women's magazine's its all about how to trick your man into X, in men's its all about how to get a woman to, X. The women are BOMBARDED with losing weight. Its already late you should be able to find tons of ads pushing pills and other BS contraptions that tells the watcher they will lose weight the easy way.

The more people are fat, the more they worship the thin...that's the society we live in now.

Since you claim not to be a RWer, I'll fall for THEY should be careful in who they choose...if they know what's good for them.
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Smokers? Everyone smoked in the White House until when, the Clintons? Second hand smoke from presidents and staffers was common and then Bubba Bill had a better idea. Why not spread second hand DNA around?

That's real nice to know.

How many people in/around the WH are smoking NOW?

Who gives a flying fuck?

The voters stupid.

I guess the point of this thread has gone COMPLETELY over your head.

Its odd how its OK to demonize and HATE "fat "people, yet you call a clown like Jesse Jackson the wrong word and He'll be up your ass and certain people will support his bullshit baseless claims...

But no, there is no dividing society??

This society is SO Orwellian already....
Are Americans Too Image Conscious To Elect A Fat President?


I dunno, but if the republicans do after talking so much about our first ladys butt....
I find this thread to be incredible. Do radical lefties really think democrats support homely women while fun loving republicans support only pretty female candidates? You gotta laugh.
Who gives a flying fuck?

The voters stupid.

I guess the point of this thread has gone COMPLETELY over your head.


Smoking wasn't enough to keep him out of the White House, now was it, cum dumpster?

He actually stopped.

This was confirmed by the doctors, not to mention his wife.

He started again...but only in secret, which, incidentally, came out via his wife.

So he did a BIG thing, considering he smoked his entire adult life.
Its odd how its OK to demonize and HATE "fat "people, yet you call a clown like Jesse Jackson the wrong word and He'll be up your ass and certain people will support his bullshit baseless claims...

But no, there is no dividing society??

This society is SO Orwellian already....

Bashing the fat is an equal opportunity thing.

You should know, weren't you a bully in school?
Its odd how its OK to demonize and HATE "fat "people, yet you call a clown like Jesse Jackson the wrong word and He'll be up your ass and certain people will support his bullshit baseless claims...

But no, there is no dividing society??

This society is SO Orwellian already....

Bashing the fat is an equal opportunity thing.

You should know, weren't you a bully in school?

*OBFUSCATION*...AVOID this post like the the OP is...

YES Marc...YOU are a plague...
Are we becoming less image-conscious as a nation?

Or are we becoming more so?

I say the latter...what say you? And why?

If FDR was on television in a wheelchair, he would have never been elected.

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