Are Americans Too Image Conscious To Elect A Fat President?

William Howard Taft

"Evidence from eyewitnesses, and from Taft himself, strongly suggests that during his presidency he had severe obstructive sleep apnea because of his obesity. Within a year of leaving the presidency, Taft lost approximately 80 pounds. His somnolence problem resolved and, less obviously, his systolic blood pressure dropped 40–50 mmHg (from 210 mmHg). Undoubtedly, this weight loss extended his life. Soon after his weight loss, he had a revival of interest in the outdoors; this led him to explore Alaska.

Taft was reluctant to use federal authority to enforce the 15th amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guaranteed African Americans the right to vote. As a result, state governments were able to enforce voter registration requirements that prevented African Americans from voting. Lynching by whites was common throughout the South at the time; however, Taft did nothing to stop the practice. Taft publicly endorsed Booker T. Washington's program for uplifting the black race, advising them to stay out of politics at the time."


Are we becoming less image-conscious as a nation?

Or are we becoming more so?

I say the latter...what say you? And why?

It has very little to do with image and more to do with the fact that, a fat person (generally speaking) cares little for their own well being. It is also a fact that, the amount of risks involved with being an older, morbidly obese/fat person are drastic in comparison to health sensitive people.:cuckoo:
William Howard Taft

How long ago was that again?

What was the state of the media?

What was the definition of beauty at the time?

Were thin women in?

Or volumptoush*cough*fat women in?

Or did you even stop to consider that before you thought to yourself "I know who...I'll show him!?"

volumptoush isn't even a word. However, considering what you were trying to convey, it is a known fact that women, (who very often don't vote anyway) are the ones who vote based on looks. Case in point tricky dick. As for how we vote today, it is also a known(though thinly veiled) fact that race, gender, faith and party seems to guide us to our choice/opposition/slander of our leader.
William Howard Taft

How long ago was that again?

What was the state of the media?

What was the definition of beauty at the time?

Were thin women in?

Or volumptoush*cough*fat women in?

Or did you even stop to consider that before you thought to yourself "I know who...I'll show him!?"

I think the main issue would be a health one, and if we are willing to Elect a Smoker I don't see why we would not Elect a fat person.

On a side note. I would be willing to bet they would lose weight in the job :)

Well, that's easy. Smokers don't have a problem with impulse control. Not to mention the fact that, you don't see handicapped plates on a smokers car. Now if you want to make this feeble comparison, I charge you with this task. Start treating fat folks the way you treat a smoker, then we'll talk. So, as long as fatties are treated as disabled victims and smokers are treated as vile and deplorable, you have no argument.:eusa_hand:

How much am I laughing??

This asshole is making fun of fat people and he's sitting home like a fcukking hermit making almost 9,000 posts in one year!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: This forum is most fun when the social invalids are making dumb and fat jokes!!!!:D
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Imagine the perfect world for the far left:

:up::up::bow2:.......epic levels of awesome...........

No fatties
No smokers
70 hp SMARTCARS for all Americans
6 month wait for a CAT scan
A big windmill on every rooftop ( painted white by the way )
Government installed gps on every vehicle
The teachings of Mao in every school textbook
Zero private sector jobs
No fast food establishments ( except veggie bars)
$600/month electric bills
No toll bridges at the borders

I'll let some of my compadres add to the list........................
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As long as he or she can do the job why should I care if they are fat or ugly??

It sure won't be one of my prime reasons for voting for someone.

Their qualifications will be.
9000 posts of 20 words or less made up entirely of idiotic non sequitors , emoticons, silly pictures and colored like they were done by a 4 year old with a brand new box of crayons.
Certainly in the video age looks have become much more important than they once were.

Consider the famous Nixon v Kennedy televised debate.

Ask yourselves this...would we elect somebody who stutters?
I didn't create the rules folks...I just abide by them.

The American media is CATERED to pretty faces...the GOP has CERTAINLY fell for that philosophy lock, stock and barrel.

Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, crazy RW pundits like Michele Maulkin, and all the FAUXNoise Bimbos...come to think of it, it seems it would be HARDER for a Republican to make it while being fat and/or ugly, but just like the misogynistic people RWers tend to be, they judge their women by completely different standards than the men, so hence you have your Krauthammers, your Hughes, your booklickers like Dick Morris, et al.

The Dems tend to treat them all gotta be pretty if you're a man or a woman, or ugly or regular, doesn't matter, but they all get treated equally. Hence there's not as many bimbo looking women, or beef-cake looking men, just more average looking folks, nobody too busted or too attractive...even keel.

You RWers betta be careful who you may end up shooting yourselves in your own foot.,...once again.


Naah it simply that people are most comfortable among their own and democrats tend to be ugly.
You say you folks as if I fit into your Preconceived Version of me. I am not a Republican, and I have 0 say in who the Candidates are.

What I am is a fiscally conservative, socially Liberal Independent. Who believes The Left wing of the Democrat Party, who is in control of the party today, is even worse than Bush was for this country. I think giving Obama the WH while his party had near super Majorities in Both houses was a mistake. I thought it was a mistake when Bush had Both houses as well. I do not like the Idea of either party being fully in control.

I will be voting Republican for the WH this time around because the Fiscal Conservative in me thinks Obama and Democrats Polcies are unsustainable and destructive. Not because I like Republicans. Unless of course Obama makes some wild change of Direction and convinces me we are done with the Insane Deficit spending, and considering he just fought over cutting 39 Billion. I doubt that will happen.

On a personal Level I would vote for a fat Candidate. Chris Christi in particular. Not really a Newt Fan. However I acknowledge you are right. Being Fat would put him at a disadvantage, Though I don't think as bad as you think. While we do care about Image a lot. You have to remember that over half of Americans are over weight themselves, which means over half the people voting are fat as well. You would think.

Conventional wisdom says your right, but we all know that today's average joe is neither conventional or wise.

Take a look at, just about any magazine, as you check out of your local supermarket...almost everything is talking about losing weight, or about how you look.

In women's magazine's its all about how to trick your man into X, in men's its all about how to get a woman to, X. The women are BOMBARDED with losing weight. Its already late you should be able to find tons of ads pushing pills and other BS contraptions that tells the watcher they will lose weight the easy way.

The more people are fat, the more they worship the thin...that's the society we live in now.

Since you claim not to be a RWer, I'll fall for THEY should be careful in who they choose...if they know what's good for them.

I don't know who you are, but what is abundantly clear is, you have no idea what you're talking about. liberal independent, lol Do you mean libertarian? If so, that negates the conservative's a fun fact. Doesn't it seem odd that fat people are the ones complaining but never the ones that are proactive(unless auditioning for biggest loser counts). Here's another fun fact. The TEA PARTY are the ones who first coined the phrase tea bagger. You see, not only do they not know what it conotates, but they actually have NO idea what the boston tea party was even about. Here's another fun fact. The tea party republicans(aka OLD white people) don't know, that the boston tea party was put together by the freemasons, the worlds oldest socialist group. Oh, by the way, they were also in part, our founding fathers. And thanking Obama for the tea baggers? really?!? So what you're saying is, to avoid upsetting the tea brained republicans, we should avoid having a colored commander in chief. Bearing in mind that 90% of what Obama is trying to institute, are republican ideas. Check you political history if you don't believe me. If President BARACK OBAMA is so radical with his views and polices and it's destroying this country, then where was the tea party when nixon tried to introduce them? Or reagan? bush sr.? I know, they waited for dubya right? Wrong. They didn't even do that to clinton, the weed smoking draft dodger, that had extra marital affairs while IN the white house. And let's not forget trading secrets with the Chinese,(that was one of the republican complaints) you know the country that practically owns us AND N.A.F.T.A. the program that Both sides said was a mistake. Where was your tea party then? Well I guess the old saying is true(if it's all white, it's all right). Please, prove that there was ANY president in recent history that was treated with more disrespect or contempt. For that matter, in History. Special note, assassinations don't count, you see, the only ones that got popped, were killed for helping blacks.:afro:

P.S. It doesn't count as a super majority, when you have such a thing as blue dog democrats aka dino's (democrats in name only) see, they represent conservative districts (blanch lincoln etc) so they vote to stay paid and employed, not to help you and I. Sorry:(
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Yep...his obese ass will need to be carried around on one of those Mobile Scooters you see those Orca Fat folks using in the WalMarts of America.


What is it with you and fat people? Are you a tub of self loathing lard or maybe as a kid you were beaten up daily by a fat kid?
I don't believe people are that stupid.

Obama is the closest thing we have ever had to an eye candy president. Some of the worst looking did best in elections. Lyndon Johnson anyone? Eisenhower?

We have had papers which made huge deals about the appearance of the candidates and the president. Lincoln was referred to constantly, even by his generals, as the Baboon. He was the first person elected twice to the presidency after Jackson.

Looks don't matter much, except to the vapid.

I don't know who this thread is aimed at. Probably Christie. He won in New Jersey, despite all his appearance problems.

You are talking about American life...DECADES ago.

You really think that fat/ugly shat is gonna fly today?!?



By "Today" do you mean voters who are under 40?

Remember that only 50% of the public votes, and most are over 45-64 (37%), White (73%), and FEMALE (53%)

Voter surveys: Demographics, votes in '08 -

DECADES ago was JFK, who IMHO beat Nixon partially because he TV. However, Nixon came back and won against Humphrey:


But most voters were MALE.

So, with what Past President are White Females 45-65 most likely to identify?

Their Virginity as Voters was taken between Kennedy and Reagan, both known for their Handsome Manly Appearance.
9000 posts of 20 words or less made up entirely of idiotic non sequitors , emoticons, silly pictures and colored like they were done by a 4 year old with a brand new box of crayons.


I haven't seen one since I started ignoring the idiot 9 months ago.
William Howard Taft

How long ago was that again?

What was the state of the media?

What was the definition of beauty at the time?

Were thin women in?

Or volumptoush*cough*fat women in?

Or did you even stop to consider that before you thought to yourself "I know who...I'll show him!?"

Someone is off his Prozac.

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