Are Americans Who Believe Pres. Donald's Lie's Dumb or Only Brainwashed?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
What are ewe confused about?
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

So when did you stop torturing local animals to death?
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

Which specific lie bothers you the most?
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

"False Dilemma"

(also known as: all-or-nothing fallacy, false dichotomy*, the either-or fallacy, either-or reasoning, fallacy of false choice, fallacy of false alternatives, black-and-white thinking, the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses, bifurcation, excluded middle, no middle ground, polarization)"

False Dilemma
A little from column 'A' and a little from column 'B'.

Basically, he is conning them.

And, traditionally, people who tend to be conned the easiest are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

(interestingly, the exact same people who fall for major religions)
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.

Translation: "Unless you hate Trump in an unhealthy and obsessive way, exactly like me, you're either dumb or brainwashed.

I in no way see the fallacy or hypocrisy in this."
I don't think Trump supporters care about his lies either way. It's enough that he opposes the left, and any harm he does to the country is not as important as that childish opposition.
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.

Translation: "Unless you hate Trump in an unhealthy and obsessive way, exactly like me, you're either dumb or brainwashed.

I in no way see the fallacy or hypocrisy in this."
Threads using the technique of addressing issues wirh OP's like this thread are used establish a tone and direction. No one is forcing you to participate in the discussion and certainly not requesting your whining and snowflakery, but you are welcome if that is who you are and what you enjoy.
They don't care if he lies. He's on their team so anything he does or says is ok
A little from column 'A' and a little from column 'B'.

Basically, he is conning them.

And, traditionally, people who tend to be conned the easiest are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

(interestingly, the exact same people who fall for major religions)
And this con bothers you why???? If it doesn't affect you in anyway, then why would it matter to you ????? Are you just so caring of your American brethren, that you just want to warn them in any way that you can about such things or does these things expose the con that the demon-crats fed to this nation for years and years and years now ?? Where is your seat on the fence or are you a swamp creature defending your Lilly pad ???

Again, Donald Trump was a referendum on the Demon-crats, and the Demon-crats lost because of their con.
A little from column 'A' and a little from column 'B'.

Basically, he is conning them.

And, traditionally, people who tend to be conned the easiest are either weak and/or ignorant and/or desperate.

(interestingly, the exact same people who fall for major religions)
And this con bothers you why???? If it doesn't affect you in anyway, then why would it matter to you ????? Are you just so caring of your American brethren, that you just want to warn them in any way that you can about such things or does these things expose the con that the demon-crats fed to this nation for years and years and years now ?? Where is your seat on the fence or are you a swamp creature defending your Lilly pad ???

Again, Donald Trump was a referendum on the Demon-crats, and the Demon-crats lost because of their con.

Thank you for reinforcing my remarks in #12
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

I love libtard Butt Hurt..

If you like your doctor you can keep him..
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
See the problem is very simple. You can have someone lie to you and then not only do the opposite but do great harm. As in you can keep your doctor and your healthcare plan. All the while knowing that they have no intention of following through on the lie.
Or you can have someone that will tell you what they plan to do and then attempt to follow through on that plan. Then you can decide to let the little lies go. As in I have very big words.

Or you can let little lies eat you up inside and shrug off the harmful lies as everyday politics. It really is simple.

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