Are Americans Who Believe Pres. Donald's Lie's Dumb or Only Brainwashed?

I don't think Trump supporters care about his lies either way. It's enough that he opposes the left, and any harm he does to the country is not as important as that childish opposition.
And the Demon-crat's caused every bit of the bad crap going on in their TDS minds to date. Trump is just trying to help them, but their condition won't allow for it. So onward they go into the abyss.
I don't think Trump supporters care about his lies either way. It's enough that he opposes the left, and any harm he does to the country is not as important as that childish opposition.
And the Demon-crat's caused every bit of the bad crap going on in their TDS minds to date. Trump is just trying to help them, but their condition won't allow for it. So onward they go into the abyss.

I don't think even you believe that. You just like his childish sniping.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
Camp's a greasey little guy with voices in his head. With that much pathology, you can't take him seriously. On the street, you might toss him a quarter.
...The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

That's a bit like asking what came first, the chicken or the egg...
Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

Sorry to disppoint you but you can't really blame the insane orange clown for the fake 'information', remember Saddam's evil WMD? Maybe the babies thrown out of incubators? Gulf of Tonkin? etc. etc.

So, nobody is going to repeal the ministery of Truth, the deep state won't allow it


Mexico is writing a big fat check for the wall any day now.
Well even if that doesn't happen in which it should have, Trump is still battling on for the nation to secure it's border with Mexico whom could care less about the negative impacts it has had on our country and citizens over these years. It wasn't a lie unless Trump would have abandoned his campaign promise completely, but he hasn't done that.
I have always wonder if those Moon Bats that believed Obama's lies about Obamacare were dumb, brainwashed or simply greedy little assholes delighted to get free health care subsidies. Hard to figure the stupidity of these Moon Bats, isn't it?

Kinda like always wondering if the Moon Bats that believe taking money away from the people that earned it and giving away to the little shits that didn't earn it will somehow magically make this country more prosperous are either dumb or brainwashed.
Trump defenders in this thread are ignoring or do not understand the word "Doctrine".
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

Easy, they all want to believe someone in charge of a failed system is actually going to do something for them,or America.

And so they'll cling to anything, Hope & Change ....MAGA....whatever delusional bumper sticker sound byte mentality they're sold, along with the usual partisan blame game

The biggest tools gravitate to extreemisms like Proud Boys, Antifa, Neo-cons, Neo-libs touting views anywhere from Che Guevara to Stalin.

The more savvy have already figured dividing and pitting Americans against each other is the best diversion to mutiny , and do not buy into it

Hopefully that answers your query S~
Mexico is writing a big fat check for the wall any day now.
Well even if that doesn't happen in which it should have, Trump is still battling on for the nation to secure it's border with Mexico whom could care less about the negative impacts it has had on our country and citizens over these years. It wasn't a lie unless Trump would have abandoned his campaign promise completely, but he hasn't done that.
So he lied
Compared to the last 3 presidents, Trump is like a beacon of honesty and truth in politics.

I personally don't give a shit if he lies to bed wetters who believe political whores. He is undoing the damage caused by that meat puppet faggot obozo.

That makes up for everything.
It's beyond my ability to comprehend how people can accept being lied to on such a prolific level. I understand people lie, and politicians tell lies, but the Trump ridiculous level of lying reaches never before accepted levels.
Your answer indicates you seem to accept being brainwashed as a routine or are too stupid to comprehend the repercussions of having a grossly misinformed voter base and the general population. Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us.

Translation: "Unless you hate Trump in an unhealthy and obsessive way, exactly like me, you're either dumb or brainwashed.

I in no way see the fallacy or hypocrisy in this."
Threads using the technique of addressing issues wirh OP's like this thread are used establish a tone and direction. No one is forcing you to participate in the discussion and certainly not requesting your whining and snowflakery, but you are welcome if that is who you are and what you enjoy.

Oh, I'm sorry; Am I the one that sounds like an extremely butthurt and whiny snowflake who's been crying every day since 11/2016 and calling all supporters of the president "Stupid poopy-heads"?

No, that would be you, along with the premise of this thread.

You're pathetic. Grow the fuck up.
The democrats and republicans created the perfect conditions for Trump by pushing the Clinton and Bush dynasties .
The GOP failed to get their pick through.
Independents were tired of both parties pushing elite corrupt lifelong political hacks whose only interest is their position and power.

The corrupted elites are what Jefferson really tried to warn us about.
Trump said he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. He signed a republican bill increasing it more than ever.

Don't ever tell me republicans are fiscally responsible ever again. I'm sick of that bullshit. They are the opposite.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.

Easy, they all want to believe someone in charge of a failed system is actually going to do something for them,or America.

And so they'll cling to anything, Hope & Change ....MAGA....whatever delusional bumper sticker sound byte mentality they're sold, along with the usual partisan blame game

The biggest tools gravitate to extreemisms like Proud Boys, Antifa, Neo-cons, Neo-libs touting views anywhere from Che Guevara to Stalin.

The more savvy have already figured dividing and pitting Americans against each other is the best diversion to mutiny , and do not buy into it

Hopefully that answers your query S~
Good post actually.... There is still the percentage game played, where as the hope is that within all the confusion the citizens might get a good percentage of something that will make their lives better. So far Trump delivering on a large percentage of his promises is raising eyebrows on both sides of the isles.
Trump said he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. He signed a republican bill increasing it more than ever.

Don't ever tell me republicans are fiscally responsible ever again. I'm sick of that bullshit. They are the opposite.
Good grief.. Get help fast.
Why do some Americans believe the constant unending stream of lies and misinformation our dishonest lying President Donald Trump spews almost every day? Even on days, he does not bother to address the public, his administration is full of flunkies who fulfill his doctrine and mission of keeping Americans hopelessly confused and misinformed about National Politics and facts about issues of importance.

A population with so many misinformed citizens is a great danger to America. When so many citizens are brainwashed into believing what Trump officials and followers call "alternate facts" the nation opens itself to exploitation by nefarious entities and conspiracies designed by the worst kinds of deplorable and despicable humans.

The question in this thread is if America's slide into a dangerously misinformed population caused by dumbness, brainwashing or both?

Another question is if misinforming Americans is a permanent Trump Doctrine or will the doctrine be rejected and repealed once Trump is removed from office.
I think it's a combination of both. The lower intelligence folks tend to be the more susceptible ones. When you add that to conservative destruction of our education resources and subject the result to the constant pounding of misinformation you get the sad result we have today.
Trump and republicans are blowing up the debt and they want to spend more on their stupid wall. Get back to me when the check from Mexico comes in.
Trump said he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. He signed a republican bill increasing it more than ever.

Don't ever tell me republicans are fiscally responsible ever again. I'm sick of that bullshit. They are the opposite.
If. You believed that even the fairy god mother could eliminate the national debt in eight years I have a city I will sell you.

Both parties are big spenders. It has always been that way. Though in recent years with the idea of Medicare for all, and raising the minimum wage the left have shown that they do not understand a number of economic principles.

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