Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

King Hezekiah. God told him he was going to die. That night I think.

He begged for more time. God gave him 15 more years to live. But he didn't appreciate that.

I HOPE I would handle it different and cherish every day as a real gift from God
You left out more than half the story; try again by reading every verse.
You left out more than half the story; try again by reading every verse.
Tell me what I left out that is significant. We're discussing prophecy failing. I gave an example

But the truth is, when most people think a prophecy "fails" it is a lack of understanding on their part, like the Jews misunderstanding the messianic prophecies.
Both here and IRL, Christians feel quite comfortable telling Jews why they are wrong - and why Jesus was the Messiah. (It’s quite rude when Christians keeping arguing and warning Jews they will be damned, that G-d is angry with them, etc.), but they never are willing to hear why Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah.

It’s as if they only want to tell Jews (“you’re wrong, and I’ll tell you why) and never want to hear the reasons for the opposite - why Jews think Christians are wrong.

So I’ve written to Christians asking if they would be interested in hearing the Jewish perspective, and they never respond. So I’m asking now:

Are there any Christians here who would like to understand why Jesus is not the Messiah - from the Jewish perspective - or must we simply be silent about our opposite view?

Thank you.
If you're a true Christian you already know why Jews don't think Jesus is the Messiah.
As a matter of fact Jesus himself spelled it all out to the disciples in detail....and this is something we learned in Sunday School.

I hope this isn't something you just discovered recently.
Tell me what I left out that is significant. We're discussing prophecy failing. I gave an example

But the truth is, when most people think a prophecy "fails" it is a lack of understanding on their part, like the Jews misunderstanding the messianic prophecies.
Nope...Christians keep taking the easy way out.
Jews learn Tanach by reading and studying every single verse in order and context.
Your responsibility as an adult is to visit a web site and study the chapter before, the chapter itself and chapter afterwards.
If you're a true Christian you already know why Jews don't think Jesus is the Messiah.
As a matter of fact Jesus himself spelled it all out to the disciples in detail....and this is something we learned in Sunday School.

I hope this isn't something you just discovered recently.

What exactly were you taught in Sunday school?
Neither were considered messiah's, but there some 13 claimants including Cyrus the great.
Which shows yet again that you have absolutely no idea what the word messiah means.
The Hebrew word is M'Shee'Chah, which means annoited with oil.
The Preists that served in the Temple as well as the king were M'Shee'Chah.
Which shows yet again that you have absolutely no idea what the word messiah means.
The Hebrew word is M'Shee'Chah, which means annoited with oil.
The Preists that served in the Temple as well as the king were M'Shee'Chah.

I'm surprised you don't know what I'm talking about. There were at least six Jewish messiahs.
I'm surprised you don't know what I'm talking about. There were at least six Jewish messiahs.
What which language does the word messiah originate?
What is the definition of the word?

I am waiting for you to post a lie with a pathetic Link.
Nope...Christians keep taking the easy way out.
Jews learn Tanach by reading and studying every single verse in order and context.
Your responsibility as an adult is to visit a web site and study the chapter before, the chapter itself and chapter afterwards.
Larry David is a Bible student 😂.

Being born into the Tribe of Judah gives you no special knowledge. "You" screwed up like every other Tribe of Israel..

"You"picked up so much paganism yourself after you've been ruled over by so many gentile nations.

I don't sweat it. God will bring you back in His own good time. The pagan "Christians" as well.
Larry David is a Bible student 😂.

Being born into the Tribe of Judah gives you no special knowledge. "You" screwed up like every other Tribe of Israel..

"You"picked up so much paganism yourself after you've been ruled over by so many gentile nations.

I don't sweat it. God will bring you back in His own good time. The pagan "Christians" as well.
Larry David is a Jew but is anything but Jewish.
What he knows about Judaism is less than an electron without a nucleus.
Larry David is a Jew but is anything but Jewish.
What he knows about Judaism is less than an electron without a nucleus.
I know. People speak of Jews as a collective. You did too. But you have MANY Larry David's. He is a great entertainer though.
And you, as we, are entitled to your faith. What is it that you do believe? Regardless the attempt to stand on the scientific method and declaim against the ignorance of all who disagree, science is still a form of faith. They earnestly believe they WILL find the answers if they work at it long enough.

No harm and no foul to any believer in God. All have a right to believe as they will. To paraphrase Pascal - If those who trust in God are wrong, they will never become aware of it. Those who reject that faith may find they missed out on a joy unspeakable. We each, ALL OF US, will make that choice and take the consequences that come.
Those who reject that faith ...

faith in the everlasting is literally unnecessary speaking of pascal ...

take note.

freeing ones spirit from their physiology to exist otherwise would be related to the metaphysical forces that created life and to assume standards less than appropriate would invalidate their wager for who wrongly insinuate false religions.

and suffer the consequences.
All of Christianity rests on the foundation of the Resurrection. What proof is there?

Well, there is this: All of the apostles had the chance to save their lives if only they would disavow their belief in Jesus, and none of them did. Even to THEM, the Resurrection was the "exclamation point" on Christ's teachings. How many historical religious leaders inspired this sort of insane loyalty? The answer is approximately zero.

The person we now call "Jesus Christ" was born, lived, and died an Orthodox Jew, as were the Apostles. Consider that, as important as He was to them, they wouldn't even go to the site of his interment on the Sabbath, but waited until sunrise on the day after the Sabbath, because of jewish laws. These were believing, practicing jews.

Regardless of whether Jesus was the promised leader (use whatever term you like), it is clear theologically that Judaism is an incomplete belief system. It has no formal teaching on the afterlife, or what will result from a life of virtue as contrasted with a live of evil. Incomplete. Unsatisfactory.

Believe what you want to believe. The jews have traditions and mountains of philosophy to refer to. But it is still unfinished.

who are you kidding -

"Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times."

they were criminals, every one of them - the other exemplars, the two mary's had nothing in common with the apostles. they were nonmonogamous ...

The person we now call "Jesus Christ" was born, lived, and died an Orthodox Jew

good luck, loser.

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