Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

All of Christianity rests on the foundation of the Resurrection. What proof is there?

Well, there is this: All of the apostles had the chance to save their lives if only they would disavow their belief in Jesus, and none of them did. Even to THEM, the Resurrection was the "exclamation point" on Christ's teachings. How many historical religious leaders inspired this sort of insane loyalty? The answer is approximately zero.

The person we now call "Jesus Christ" was born, lived, and died an Orthodox Jew, as were the Apostles. Consider that, as important as He was to them, they wouldn't even go to the site of his interment on the Sabbath, but waited until sunrise on the day after the Sabbath, because of jewish laws. These were believing, practicing jews.

Regardless of whether Jesus was the promised leader (use whatever term you like), it is clear theologically that Judaism is an incomplete belief system. It has no formal teaching on the afterlife, or what will result from a life of virtue as contrasted with a live of evil. Incomplete. Unsatisfactory.

Believe what you want to believe. The jews have traditions and mountains of philosophy to refer to. But it is still unfinished.
The Jews have loaded the religion with so many traditions that you couldn't find the true Law with a divining rod. :omg:

My Jewish tenants required a new oven, one that hadn't been used to cook unclean foods. Their rabbi told them that the alternative was to blast the oven compartment with a blowtorch to 'cleanse' it. It is noteworthy that no effort was made by them to obtain their own new stove. It just so happened that I had a new one and easily swapped out the old one.
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There's nothing in the Old Testament about Jesus unless we begin substitutions.
Or symbolism, ritual, metaphor, pattern, etc. Bible is full of these. The wave sheaf offering symbolizes in great detail the death of Jesus. His death is also symbolized in the Day of Atonement rituals.
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Science has absolute faith that we are not alone in the universe. However, those who have actually visited space come back with a different perspective.

No they do not have faith, they base a probability on the vastness of the universe and the number of solar systems

Those who have visited space have not even scratched the surface
No they do not have faith, they base a probability on the vastness of the universe and the number of solar systems

Those who have visited space have not even scratched the surface
We can also use probability and based on what is observed; we are alone.

Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?​

NO .
You mean Jews may not all be gathered to Israel, their Messiah may not build a third temple, and world peace may never come?
No; What God wants will happen, but don't forget that the Flood did not occur until about 120 years after the people started living with animals.
Biblical proof of Jesus' messiahship is too long a study for this forum.
Your “proof” is not the topic of the thread. We have had plenty of Christians tell Jews why they are wrong on other threads.

THIS topic is why he was not the Messiah, in accordance with Jewish beliefs and prophesies. None of what was predicted with the coming of the Messiah, who would be a mortal man born of human parents, has come true.
A bad prophecy can be wrong if people correct their wrong doing.
King Hezekiah. God told him he was going to die. That night I think.

He begged for more time. God gave him 15 more years to live. But he didn't appreciate that.

I HOPE I would handle it different and cherish every day as a real gift from God
Your “proof” is not the topic of the thread. We have had plenty of Christians tell Jews why they are wrong on other threads.

THIS topic is why he was not the Messiah, in accordance with Jewish beliefs and prophesies. None of what was predicted with the coming of the Messiah, who would be a mortal man born of human parents, has come true.
You have your messiah, we have ours. No problem.
Anyone with an open mind, looking at today's events with regard to the prophecies of Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Daniel, are going to increasingly have to labor at the task of ignoring them or rejecting their accuracy. Just as a single example - the coalition that is predicted to come against Israel in the last days is made up of multiple peoples that live today in the lands spoken of in prophecy.

Here's a concise table explaining who these people are today. Look at the list, think about the situation in that region and draw your own conclusions:

Can you tell what commonality these nations share? With the single exception of Russia, they are majority Islamic nations...

the last days - would have two possible conclusions, neither of which would involve the salvation of other than all who were remaining or their complete destruction - per the those of the 1st century events of liberation theology, self determination as prescribed by the religion of antiquity as reverified by the events of those at the time of noah.

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