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Are blacks still owned by slave owners, i.e. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals???

If you want to live like a Republican (i.e. have money in your pocket) vote for the Democrat.

This election cycle? I'm going straight Democrat on my ticket. Not only do they seem to care about the lower class and want to raise it, they also make a whole lot better sense.

Sorry, but Cruz, Bachmann, Boehner and McConnell are on the list of those I would like to see removed.

Same thing with that dirtbag called Issa. If the fucker showed up on my front lawn, I would punch him in his large ass nose and tell him to leave my property.

After all..................Texas does have the "castle doctrine".

Fuckers like Issa or even that idiot known as Perry are not welcome on my property.

You fell for half-truths and outright lies to get to this state.

Very little of what the Democrats want is good for you, yet you support them exclusively.

Democrats know which buttons to push and they make plenty of promises that they never keep. This is no problem because all they have to do is blame everything that goes wrong on those evil Republicans.

It's easy to be a Democrat in politics. All you have to do is learn to lie convincingly. It's tough being honest and a politician. Being honest handicaps your rhetoric. How many times has Obama been caught lying to us? How many times has he made up excuses when he's caught? How many more times will you liberals trust him?

As long as Obama tells you how much he loves the poor, blacks, illegals, children, gays, and the environment you'll continue to support him and hold your noses as you watch him destroy this country from within. The answer to everything he does is always "Somebody else was fucked up too". I guess a poor excuse is better than no excuse in your minds.
Yeah, Blacks must be voting Democratic because they are "slaves!" :cuckoo:
It couldn't possibly be because the GOP insults their intelligence for how they vote.

Come on EddyBoy, you're a bigger fool than I thought if you can't honestly answer why they vote for Democrats, and specifically the obumanation...Listen to her carefully, and what SHE wants!...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio"]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

you do realize thats a actor and she was paid by the republican party

Please post your PROOF! Or did Obuma come in your eye as you were typing that!
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Black people are just beginning to realize the monumental betrayal of the democrats in ending the borders. Hundreds of illegals are sent to Chicago, which will cause the already unstable city to explode. Federal Government Sends Hundreds of Unaccompanied Alien Children to Multiple Locations in the Chicagoland Area | National Review Online Blacks in Baltimore are already starting to complain that they are just as gang infested as Honduras!. Black American from Gang-Besieged Baltimore: 'Where Can I Get Asylum?'

Are blacks still owned by democrats is the wrong question. Have blacks been sold out by democrats is the one to ask.
Black people are just beginning to realize the monumental betrayal of the democrats in ending the borders. Hundreds of illegals are sent to Chicago, which will cause the already unstable city to explode. Federal Government Sends Hundreds of Unaccompanied Alien Children to Multiple Locations in the Chicagoland Area | National Review Online Blacks in Baltimore are already starting to complain that they are just as gang infested as Honduras!. Black American from Gang-Besieged Baltimore: 'Where Can I Get Asylum?'

Are blacks still owned by democrats is the wrong question. Have blacks been sold out by democrats is the one to ask.

Perfect- Send more to Detroit. :lol:

If you want to live like a Republican (i.e. have money in your pocket) vote for the Democrat.

This election cycle? I'm going straight Democrat on my ticket. Not only do they seem to care about the lower class and want to raise it, they also make a whole lot better sense.

Sorry, but Cruz, Bachmann, Boehner and McConnell are on the list of those I would like to see removed.

Same thing with that dirtbag called Issa. If the fucker showed up on my front lawn, I would punch him in his large ass nose and tell him to leave my property.

After all..................Texas does have the "castle doctrine".

Fuckers like Issa or even that idiot known as Perry are not welcome on my property.

Ask yourself which party wants to get innercity kids out of those horrible schools and give the kids a chance at a good education.
Hint- It is not the Dems.
Really Peach? Dems think your goal is to defund Public schools for everyone so that federal money for public schools withers on the vine....and that the only reason republicans support vouchers is because THEY want to use the federal money to put their own children in to Private Schools.

To think that the republicans support vouchers to get black children and the impoverished out of poor performing schools because of their concern for these children, is unbelievable....the support comes because they want their own constituents to get federal money to put their own children in Christian schools....

I'm sorry, but if there were even an OUNCE of compassion and concern that republicans have shown the poorest among us....maybe, maybe it could be believed you as a group, as a political party, are supporting vouchers solely for your concern for the inner city blacks....but this site with all of its posters, and what they post, clearly shows otherwise.

isn't it odd republicans feel if the cut money to the public school they will be come stronger... how many public scholls in your neigeed repair or have been shut down and republicans say tjhey want to help??? i gusee the old addage those how help them selves get the help
Ask yourself which party wants to get innercity kids out of those horrible schools and give the kids a chance at a good education.
Hint- It is not the Dems.
Really Peach? Dems think your goal is to defund Public schools for everyone so that federal money for public schools withers on the vine....and that the only reason republicans support vouchers is because THEY want to use the federal money to put their own children in to Private Schools.

To think that the republicans support vouchers to get black children and the impoverished out of poor performing schools because of their concern for these children, is unbelievable....the support comes because they want their own constituents to get federal money to put their own children in Christian schools....

I'm sorry, but if there were even an OUNCE of compassion and concern that republicans have shown the poorest among us....maybe, maybe it could be believed you as a group, as a political party, are supporting vouchers solely for your concern for the inner city blacks....but this site with all of its posters, and what they post, clearly shows otherwise.

isn't it odd republicans feel if the cut money to the public school they will be come stronger... how many public scholls in your neigeed repair or have been shut down and republicans say tjhey want to help??? i gusee the old addage those how help them selves get the help
LOL <I hope>

Although I've seen enough not to be sure.
70% of Black babies born out of wedlock due to socialist programs of Democratic Party that make this an easy lifestyle choice. 88% of Blacks vote Democrat. Free your mind and free your ass Black people.

Out of wedlock births have increased in White folks, too, over the last 50 years, and it's had nothing to do with "socialism".

It has to do with the fact that marriage is not seen as necessary by a lot of people.

It has everything to do with Socialist programs.
And who pushed that message in the 1960's?

Lefty Feminists who hijacked that movement and made it into hate for traditional family values.

have you notice with these republican if they don't walk in step with the republican mandate its they're socialist ... the democrats didn't push feminist, women push it ... the democrats embraced their point of view ...repubicans apposed it ... the fact that you want to keep a woman barefoot and pregnant and the slave to your sexual desires and when they object to your republicans point of view of what a woman should be, you say they are hijacked ... that they are too stupid to make decisions for them selves ... that you feel your belief of what a traditional family value is you have a lot to learn
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Ask yourself which party wants to get innercity kids out of those horrible schools and give the kids a chance at a good education.
Hint- It is not the Dems.

True. I don't think blacks are owned as much as they're very gullible and naive. Look at black unemployment yet the vast majority of blacks don't question Obama's open borders and his catering to cheap labor illegals. Obama delivers nothing to the youth of the inner cities while he promises all kinds of jobs, college financial aid, and easy citizenship to anyone who comes here illegally.
Ask yourself which party wants to get innercity kids out of those horrible schools and give the kids a chance at a good education.
Hint- It is not the Dems.
Really Peach? Dems think your goal is to defund Public schools for everyone so that federal money for public schools withers on the vine....and that the only reason republicans support vouchers is because THEY want to use the federal money to put their own children in to Private Schools.

To think that the republicans support vouchers to get black children and the impoverished out of poor performing schools because of their concern for these children, is unbelievable....the support comes because they want their own constituents to get federal money to put their own children in Christian schools....

I'm sorry, but if there were even an OUNCE of compassion and concern that republicans have shown the poorest among us....maybe, maybe it could be believed you as a group, as a political party, are supporting vouchers solely for your concern for the inner city blacks....but this site with all of its posters, and what they post, clearly shows otherwise.

isn't it odd republicans feel if the cut money to the public school they will be come stronger... how many public scholls in your neigeed repair or have been shut down and republicans say tjhey want to help??? i gusee the old addage those how help them selves get the help

Yes, cutting funding to everything just gives us a thrill.

Oh, sorry, Obama cut funding to schools of all kinds. Yet another Obama act blamed on the GOP.


A popular program that allows D.C. public school students to receive tuition for private school education has had its funding cut under President Obama's 2013 budget.

The Heritage Foundation wrote on its blog yesterday that Obama has cut funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, under which some 1,600 public school students have received $8,000 each annually towards private school education. The program was created in 2004 and functioned until 2009, when Democrats in Congress threatened to cut off funding. Republicans reinstated funding for the program last year.

The scholarship program has always been something of a political football. Some local officials and national public school advocates have argued that it takes necessary funding away from public schools, while proponents, both locally and nationally, have said that it provides a vital alternative to poor families in a city with notoriously bad schools. During a hearing on the Hill last year on the program, Mayor Vince Gray came out against it while D.C. Council Chair Kwame Brown testified in favor of it.

A 2007 study of the program's first years found no statistical difference in test scores between students that took the tuition and those that remained in public schools, but parents' satisfaction and perception of school safety improved. Still, as one advocate pointed out last year, some 9,000 parents signed up for the 3,300 slots available in the first five years of the program.

Given its bipartisan support, Congress could well reinstate the program's funding. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) tweeted today that he was "very disappointed to see Pres. budget zeroes out funding for DC Opportunity Scholarship Program" and was "committed to ensuring that this valuable program gets the support it needs and deserves from Congress."


Obama Cuts Funding for D.C. Voucher Program: DCist

5 Consequences of Education Budget Cuts and What Obama Plans to Do About It

Obama Administration Slashed Funding for School-Safety Programs | National Review Online

Obama Cuts Funding For Soldiers To Take College Classes, While Funding Education For Illegal Aliens // Mr. Conservative

Every morning I have one of my negroes read me the sports section of the post while a second and third prepare my breakfast and give me a sponge bath.

ya knoe..., i really do believe you this time, you democripps have been hiding this fact since your mulatto/****** got elected. :up:

and you wonder why we say you republicans are racist .... now you all know

Yeah, as if all of us are morons like dickhead is.
Really Peach? Dems think your goal is to defund Public schools for everyone so that federal money for public schools withers on the vine....and that the only reason republicans support vouchers is because THEY want to use the federal money to put their own children in to Private Schools.

To think that the republicans support vouchers to get black children and the impoverished out of poor performing schools because of their concern for these children, is unbelievable....the support comes because they want their own constituents to get federal money to put their own children in Christian schools....

I'm sorry, but if there were even an OUNCE of compassion and concern that republicans have shown the poorest among us....maybe, maybe it could be believed you as a group, as a political party, are supporting vouchers solely for your concern for the inner city blacks....but this site with all of its posters, and what they post, clearly shows otherwise.

isn't it odd republicans feel if the cut money to the public school they will be come stronger... how many public scholls in your neigeed repair or have been shut down and republicans say tjhey want to help??? i gusee the old addage those how help them selves get the help

Yes, cutting funding to everything just gives us a thrill.

Oh, sorry, Obama cut funding to schools of all kinds. Yet another Obama act blamed on the GOP.


A popular program that allows D.C. public school students to receive tuition for private school education has had its funding cut under President Obama's 2013 budget.

The Heritage Foundation wrote on its blog yesterday that Obama has cut funding for the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, under which some 1,600 public school students have received $8,000 each annually towards private school education. The program was created in 2004 and functioned until 2009, when Democrats in Congress threatened to cut off funding. Republicans reinstated funding for the program last year.

The scholarship program has always been something of a political football. Some local officials and national public school advocates have argued that it takes necessary funding away from public schools, while proponents, both locally and nationally, have said that it provides a vital alternative to poor families in a city with notoriously bad schools. During a hearing on the Hill last year on the program, Mayor Vince Gray came out against it while D.C. Council Chair Kwame Brown testified in favor of it.

A 2007 study of the program's first years found no statistical difference in test scores between students that took the tuition and those that remained in public schools, but parents' satisfaction and perception of school safety improved. Still, as one advocate pointed out last year, some 9,000 parents signed up for the 3,300 slots available in the first five years of the program.

Given its bipartisan support, Congress could well reinstate the program's funding. Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) tweeted today that he was "very disappointed to see Pres. budget zeroes out funding for DC Opportunity Scholarship Program" and was "committed to ensuring that this valuable program gets the support it needs and deserves from Congress."


Obama Cuts Funding for D.C. Voucher Program: DCist

5 Consequences of Education Budget Cuts and What Obama Plans to Do About It

Obama Administration Slashed Funding for School-Safety Programs | National Review Online

Obama Cuts Funding For Soldiers To Take College Classes, While Funding Education For Illegal Aliens // Mr. Conservative


we needed a budget passed ...paul ryan writes a budget and now mudpacker want to blame obama for a bad budget .... ya must of over look that one mudpacker... republicans cut just about everything that the schools need ...instead of letting the governmen default obama signed it and now mudpacker wants to blame OBAMA... thats the republican way they fuck everythuing up then blame the left for it failing
And on the welfare state, regarding black women trending with more and more babies out of wedlock, (as with all other races)....

Although I have not seen specific demographics, or studies regarding this, my gut would say that something more than women having the liberty, and acceptance that they once did not have, is making these statistics of out of wedlock babies go higher that could be involved with welfare.

And of course, as a woman, I will defend these women who continue to have babies....I don't think it is because they are getting the limited amount of welfare benefits that most of them are getting...and having another child gives them more and more money....because there is a cutoff of the number of children written in to federal law that no longer pays more for more children, at least from my novice understanding of the law??? ....but because the Fathers of these children, are not coming through, are not having to do what they should do, as the Fathers of these children, and that is, provide for them...give them a life that is even better than their own, a future, a reason to live and strive for better, and want this for their own children, for goodness sakes....to me THAT'S the problem....the men feeling the government will just take care of their children...and walking away from his own flesh and blood family....

so maybe, if I am right...welfare does have something to do with the abandonment of the Father figure.

(black women have ALWAYS bore more children than white women as an example....can't ever remember a time when they did not, even when they were predominantly married families)

yes, abandonment of the Father figure, primarily in the black community, but not exclusively the black community.

but I don't know how to fix it, without harming the children that are born impoverished....so for now, it is the status quo for me....I accept paying welfare to those impoverished with my taxes, until we can come up with a better idea that does not harm people/children, more than help them....I wish we all could come up with a better idea...like putting these fathers to work, in a job that they were given the skills to do, that would give them higher income, so that they wouldn't be so afraid to take on the responsibility of being Fathers....

and also, imo, austerity for these women who need welfare to help feed their children, might lead to even MORE ABORTIONS as a result, and this is not my goal...I don't want to see even more abortions....nor should anyone.
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ya knoe..., i really do believe you this time, you democripps have been hiding this fact since your mulatto/****** got elected. :up:

and you wonder why we say you republicans are racist .... now you all know

Yeah, as if all of us are morons like dickhead is.

and yet mudpacker is the boards biggest moron ... look how he bought all of his sources as facts... then when push comes to shove he gets his ass stomped to the ground for not doing any research .... blames dems when republicans wrote the budget and we dems signed it to keep THE US from defaulting ..then this ass clown wants to blanme dems for doing the right thing ... if republicans had their way all of the funding would have been cut ... dems believe in compromise and so we compromised with these ass clowns and now mubpacker want to blame us for their bad leadership
And on the welfare state, regarding black women trending with more and more babies out of wedlock, (as with all other races)....

Although I have not seen specific demographics, or studies regarding this, my gut would say that something more than women having the liberty, and acceptance that they once did not have, is making these statistics of out of wedlock babies go higher that could be involved with welfare.

And of course, as a woman, I will defend these women who continue to have babies....I don't think it is because they are getting the limited amount of welfare benefits that most of them are getting...and having another child gives them more and more money....because there is a cutoff of the number of children written in to federal law that no longer pays more for more children, at least from my novice understanding of the law??? ....but because the Fathers of these children, are not coming through, are not having to do what they should do, as the Fathers of these children, and that is, provide for them...give them a life that is even better than their own, a future, a reason to live and strive for better, and want this for their own children, for goodness sakes....to me THAT'S the problem....the men feeling the government will just take care of their children...and walking away from his own flesh and blood family....

so maybe, if I am right...welfare does have something to do with the abandonment of the Father figure.

(black women have ALWAYS bore more children than white women as an example....can't ever remember a time when they did not, even when they were predominantly married families)

yes, abandonment of the Father figure, primarily in the black community, but not exclusively the black community.

but I don't know how to fix it, without harming the children that are born impoverished....so for now, it is the status quo for me....I accept paying welfare to those impoverished with my taxes, until we can come up with a better idea that does not harm people/children, more than help them....I wish we all could come up with a better idea...like putting these fathers to work, in a job that they were given the skills to do, that would give them higher income, so that they wouldn't be so afraid to take on the responsibility of being Fathers....

and also, imo, austerity for these women who need welfare to help feed their children, might lead to even MORE ABORTIONS as a result, and this is not my goal...I don't want to see even more abortions....nor should anyone.

if you look at the numbers welfare has been cut in half then it useto be ... abortion rate are cut in half too compaired to the 1980's
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Republicans always say old black men and women are the most racist people on the planet.

Well... fuck aren't they maybe the only people on the planet with a free pass to be racist? They were literally treated as subhuman for a significant portion of their lives by white people.

LMAO- Justify away all you want. This woman is vile. :eusa_hand:

and you wonder why we say you republicans are racist .... now you all know

Yeah, as if all of us are morons like dickhead is.

and yet mudpacker is the boards biggest moron ... look how he bought all of his sources as facts... then when push comes to shove he gets his ass stomped to the ground for not doing any research .... blames dems when republicans wrote the budget and we dems signed it to keep THE US from defaulting ..then this ass clown wants to blanme dems for doing the right thing ... if republicans had their way all of the funding would have been cut ... dems believe in compromise and so we compromised with these ass clowns and now mubpacker want to blame us for their bad leadership

Yeah, everyone you hate is always the biggest moron......of the moment.

Funny, I was thinking that you were a pretty big one too. Maybe not the biggest, but you're moving up there. Ropey gives you a run for your money. rdean is neck and neck with you. franco and leddy-neddy are pulling up on your six.
If you want to live like a Republican (i.e. have money in your pocket) vote for the Democrat.

This election cycle? I'm going straight Democrat on my ticket. Not only do they seem to care about the lower class and want to raise it, they also make a whole lot better sense.

Sorry, but Cruz, Bachmann, Boehner and McConnell are on the list of those I would like to see removed.

Same thing with that dirtbag called Issa. If the fucker showed up on my front lawn, I would punch him in his large ass nose and tell him to leave my property.

After all..................Texas does have the "castle doctrine".

Fuckers like Issa or even that idiot known as Perry are not welcome on my property.

Liberals dont want to raise people up, they want to lower everyone else,

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