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Are blacks still owned by slave owners, i.e. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals???

70% of Black babies born out of wedlock due to socialist programs of Democratic Party that make this an easy lifestyle choice. 88% of Blacks vote Democrat. Free your mind and free your ass Black people.

Out of wedlock births have increased in White folks, too, over the last 50 years, and it's had nothing to do with "socialism".

It has to do with the fact that marriage is not seen as necessary by a lot of people.

It has everything to do with Socialist programs.
And who pushed that message in the 1960's?
Lefty Feminists that's who.
Lefty Feminists who hijacked that movement and made it into hate for traditional family values.

Traditional Family values that meant you had to be dependent on a man?
If I were a black I'd be offended every time I heard or read how the "Democrats" own the black vote! "OWN the black vote"???
Yet it appears that the vast majority of blacks are ok with their Democrat/progressives slaveowners!
2008 Obama did not get 4% of blacks because they obviously weren't owned!
2012 Obama did not get 7% of black votes... learning something I guess!

The vast majority of black voters though vote for Democrats/Progressives because they are told to!
How many times have we heard Democrats/Progressives warn blacks that evil GOP was going to take food from their table?
Evil GOP was going to put them out of their Section 8 apartments! Going to take away their welfare checks?

Where in any of the above does the concept that if Democrats/Progressives are keeping blacks feed, housed, given money does that not appear
to be how a slave lives? After all slaveowners Feed/housed/provided health, and gave some money! The slaves just weren't free to vote!
What is the difference now?

Again bad evil GOP will take all those things away so why would you as a black not listen to Democrat/Progressive slave owners that say you won't
get that if you for those evil GOP... but we your masters will continue to provide all your needs as we know better and want to help you from womb to tomb!

Read what an enlightened (also called an Uncle Tom) black man writes about the "black code"...
The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote | Lloyd Marcus

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ‘War On Poverty’ Is Really A Slavemaster’s Con:
‘I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years’
What it did, as LBJ pointed out, was insure that African Americans would be compelled to vote Democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “Great Society” and the war on poverty.
Read more at Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ?War On Poverty? Is Really A Slavemaster?s Con: ?I?ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years? « Pat Dollard
Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ?War On Poverty? Is Really A Slavemaster?s Con: ?I?ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years? « Pat Dollard

this the typical uneducate view of the right ... no democrats has ever said we own the black vote ...only you republicans say this... time and time again I've heard the dems say we have the balck vote, never own the black vote .... the reason we have the black vote is we support their needs and views on life, republicans has this notion that they only want freebees.... thats the furtgherest from the truth ... republicans call blacks takers they call them welfare queens and on and on of all these degrading names... we dems have helped them get better jobs and a better life becomeing members of the middle class ... republicans have been redistricting theirs states making it harder to vote for all minorities, ronly to acheve one thing to stop the black vote ... morons like you can't see that, the black voters does...

as for woman.... keep up the good work... we need their vote ... you and your fellow republicans are doing just fine for us... take their freed from health care make the second class citizens ... kee up the good work
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Yet it appears that the vast majority of blacks are ok with their Democrat/progressives slaveowners!...

The vast majority of black voters though vote for Democrats/Progressives because they are told to!
Yeah, Blacks must be voting Democratic because they are "slaves!" :cuckoo:
It couldn't possibly be because the GOP insults their intelligence for how they vote.

Come on EddyBoy, you're a bigger fool than I thought if you can't honestly answer why they vote for Democrats, and specifically the obumanation...Listen to her carefully, and what SHE wants!...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

you do realize thats a actor and she was paid by the republican party
If I were a black I'd be offended every time I heard or read how the "Democrats" own the black vote! "OWN the black vote"???
Yet it appears that the vast majority of blacks are ok with their Democrat/progressives slaveowners!
2008 Obama did not get 4% of blacks because they obviously weren't owned!
2012 Obama did not get 7% of black votes... learning something I guess!

The vast majority of black voters though vote for Democrats/Progressives because they are told to!
How many times have we heard Democrats/Progressives warn blacks that evil GOP was going to take food from their table?
Evil GOP was going to put them out of their Section 8 apartments! Going to take away their welfare checks?

Where in any of the above does the concept that if Democrats/Progressives are keeping blacks feed, housed, given money does that not appear
to be how a slave lives? After all slaveowners Feed/housed/provided health, and gave some money! The slaves just weren't free to vote!
What is the difference now?

Again bad evil GOP will take all those things away so why would you as a black not listen to Democrat/Progressive slave owners that say you won't
get that if you for those evil GOP... but we your masters will continue to provide all your needs as we know better and want to help you from womb to tomb!

Read what an enlightened (also called an Uncle Tom) black man writes about the "black code"...
The Black Code: Why Obama Still Owns The Black Vote | Lloyd Marcus

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ‘War On Poverty’ Is Really A Slavemaster’s Con:
‘I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years’
What it did, as LBJ pointed out, was insure that African Americans would be compelled to vote Democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “Great Society” and the war on poverty.
Read more at Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ?War On Poverty? Is Really A Slavemaster?s Con: ?I?ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years? « Pat Dollard
Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ?War On Poverty? Is Really A Slavemaster?s Con: ?I?ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years? « Pat Dollard

this the typical uneducate view of the right ... no democrats has ever said we own the black vote ...only you republicans say this... time and time again I've heard the dems say we have the balck vote, never own the black vote .... the reason we have the black vote is we support their needs and views on life, republicans has this notion that they only want freebees.... thats the furtgherest from the truth ... republicans call blacks takers they call them welfare queens and on and on of all these degrading names... we dems have helped them get better jobs and a better life becomeing members of the middle class ... republicans have been redistricting theirs states making it harder to vote for all minorities, ronly to acheve one thing to stop the black vote ... morons like you can't see that, the black voters does...

Democrat President Lyndon Johnson Explains How His Phony ‘War On Poverty’ Is Really A Slavemaster’s Con:
‘I’ll Have Those ******* Voting Democratic For The Next 200 Years’

In a video posted to YouTube in 2012 titled “Bishop E.W. Jackson Message to Black Christians,” Jackson says:
“It is time to end the slavish devotion to the Democrat party. They have insulted us, used us and manipulated us. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies: ‘Unless we support the Democrat party, we will be returned to slavery. We will be robbed of voting rights. The Martin Luther King holiday will be repealed.’ They think we’re stupid and these lies will hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians.”

He continues:
“Shame on us for allowing ourselves to be sold to the highest bidder. We belong to God. Our ancestors were sold against their will centuries ago, but we’re going to the slave market voluntarily today. Yes, it’s just that ugly.”
Dr. Ben Carson, who delivered a speech blasting the president during the National Prayer breakfast this year and quickly became a darling of the right (The Wall Street Journal declared: “Ben Carson for President”), said of white liberals in a radio interview:

“They are the most racist people there are. Because they put you in a little category, a little box. You have to think this way. How could you dare come off the plantation?”

The Rev. C.L. Bryant, a Tea Party member and occasional Fox News guest, even made a movie called “Runaway Slave,” in which he says that America should “run away from socialism, run from statism, run away from progressivism.”

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But by 1980, Ronald Reagan was making a full out pitch for racism,

I stay away from the race threads due to their emotion over reason content but this statement got my attention.

I was politically active in 1980 and voted against Reagan twice. I remember those elections. I was paying attention. But somehow, I completely missed Reagan "making a full out pitch for racism". Could you supply a link and a few examples of his "full out pitch for racism" please? I can't believe I missed something that blatant.

remember a democrat president said this:

democrat president lyndon johnson explains how his phony ‘war on poverty’ is really a slavemaster’s con:
‘i’ll have those ******* voting democratic for the next 200 years’

what it did, as lbj pointed out, was insure that african americans would be compelled to vote democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “great society” and the war on poverty.

isn't it odd for some reason your quote was said here why's that???
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Yet it appears that the vast majority of blacks are ok with their Democrat/progressives slaveowners!...

The vast majority of black voters though vote for Democrats/Progressives because they are told to!
Yeah, Blacks must be voting Democratic because they are "slaves!" :cuckoo:
It couldn't possibly be because the GOP insults their intelligence for how they vote.

The message from the GOP:

You have no integrity.

You need to be taken care of like the children you are.

You are stupid thugs that need to be "controlled".

You need to be less "lazy".

You shouldn't be "uppity".

Vote for us and we will turn you into the people we feel you should be.

In the meantime, we have some corporation to "baptize". That's what you do to "real" people.
remember a democrat president said this:

democrat president lyndon johnson explains how his phony ‘war on poverty’ is really a slavemaster’s con:
‘i’ll have those ******* voting democratic for the next 200 years’

what it did, as lbj pointed out, was insure that african americans would be compelled to vote democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “great society” and the war on poverty.

isn't it odd for soem reason you quote was said here whays that???

That quote was written by a right wing reporter years ago. He said he overheard Johnson say that because Johnson didn't notice that guy was listening. But some USMB right wingnut asswipe has repeated that line so often, he has weak minded right wingers believing it because they want to believe it. Not because there is evidence.
remember a democrat president said this:

democrat president lyndon johnson explains how his phony ‘war on poverty’ is really a slavemaster’s con:
‘i’ll have those ******* voting democratic for the next 200 years’

what it did, as lbj pointed out, was insure that african americans would be compelled to vote democratic for generations to come by not giving a hand up, but by giving a hand out! He did this through what is called the “great society” and the war on poverty.

isn't it odd for soem reason you quote was said here whays that???

Isn't it appropriate that someone like YOU makes a comment that totally illustrates the ignorance of white/liberal/progressives!
You had a chance in 13 words to spell simple words like "some" and "why's" but you couldn't be bothered by using correct spelling!


Are you one of those blacks that since the above president said he would make you vote Democrat for 200 years that have benefited from
your educational excellence brought to you by the "Great Society" and the "War on Poverty"?

Just saying if you are black your education is showing!

Simple words spelled correctly is not too hard for most educated people.
I am amazed at how the majority of people are too lazy to correct simple words or the use of poor grammar which reminds me of the
following example of how grammar and punctuation makes a Big Difference!

$Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 8.11.40 AM.png
But by 1980, Ronald Reagan was making a full out pitch for racism,

I stay away from the race threads due to their emotion over reason content but this statement got my attention.

I was politically active in 1980 and voted against Reagan twice. I remember those elections. I was paying attention. But somehow, I completely missed Reagan "making a full out pitch for racism". Could you supply a link and a few examples of his "full out pitch for racism" please? I can't believe I missed something that blatant.


You missed the part where he was talking about "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens"?

The racism at the heart of the Reagan presidency - Salon.com

Reagan also trumpeted his racial appeals in blasts against welfare cheats. On the stump, Reagan repeatedly invoked a story of a “Chicago welfare queen” with “eighty names, thirty addresses, [and] twelve Social Security cards [who] is collecting veteran’s benefits on four non-existing deceased husbands. She’s got Medicaid, getting food stamps, and she is collecting welfare under each of her names. Her tax-free cash income is over $150,000.” Often, Reagan placed his mythical welfare queen behind the wheel of a Cadillac, tooling around in flashy splendor. Beyond propagating the stereotypical image of a lazy, larcenous black woman ripping off society’s generosity without remorse, Reagan also implied

another stereotype, this one about whites: they were the workers, the tax payers, the persons playing by the rules and struggling to make ends meet while brazen minorities partied with their hard-earned tax dollars. More directly placing the white voter in the story, Reagan frequently elicited supportive outrage by criticizing the food stamp program as helping “some young fellow ahead of you to buy a T-bone steak” while “you were waiting in line to buy hamburger.” This was the toned-down version. When he first field-tested the message in the South, that “young fellow” was more particularly described as a “strapping young buck.” The epithet “buck” has long been used to conjure the threatening image of a physically powerful black man often one who defies white authority and who lusts for white women. When Reagan used the term “strapping young buck,” his whistle shifted dangerously toward the fully audible range. “Some young fellow” was less overtly racist and so carried less risk of censure, and worked just as well to provoke a sense of white victimization.
Yet it appears that the vast majority of blacks are ok with their Democrat/progressives slaveowners!...

The vast majority of black voters though vote for Democrats/Progressives because they are told to!
Yeah, Blacks must be voting Democratic because they are "slaves!" :cuckoo:
It couldn't possibly be because the GOP insults their intelligence for how they vote.

The message from the GOP:

You have no integrity.

You need to be taken care of like the children you are.

You are stupid thugs that need to be "controlled".

You need to be less "lazy".

You shouldn't be "uppity".

Vote for us and we will turn you into the people we feel you should be.

In the meantime, we have some corporation to "baptize". That's what you do to "real" people.

Lets take an illustrative approach to addressing your concerns.

You have no integrity.


You need to be taken care of like the children you are


You are stupid thugs that need to be "controlled".


You need to be less "lazy"


You shouldn't be "uppity".



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Yeah Joe, the Welfare Queen was Linda Taylor. No doubt you feel an affinity with a fellow parasite, but you are both real.


Except that she wasn't anything close to what Reagan was portraying her has, and she might not even have been black. (She was of mixed race.)

She was also seriously mentally ill.

Kind of like you.
If you open the link you'll see a fellow parasite. Obviously, since I include you, I am not saying all parasites are black.

"Are blacks still owned by slave owners, i.e. Democrats/Progressives/Liberals???"

YES! More so than ever before.

The slave owners of yesteryear owned the bodies of their slaves.

Present day Democrats/Progressives/Liberals own their souls.
You missed the part where he was talking about "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens"?

Thanks for the link and your perspective Joe. I see where you're coming from now. I guess back then I wasn't wired to see being against welfare fraud as a racial issue. I saw it as someone with no scruples stealing money meant for people who were down on their luck and needed a helping hand.

I'm glad I still think that way.

I worked with too many intelligent, hard working, morally straight minorities in the Air Force and in my civilian aviation career to EVER think of them as a group when someone speaks out against welfare fraud. A minority group and welfare fraud don't match up the way I'm wired.

I hope you're happy I voted against Reagan twice :)
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