Are cell phone problems getting worse? Where is law enforcement?


Apr 15, 2010
Cell phone usage in automobiles continues openly in spite of legislation. People walk through stores talking loudly as if they are in a private phone booth. Cell phones are used openly in restaurants. And, common courtesy with cell phone usage is out the window!


Are cell phone problems getting worse? Where is law enforcement?
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Oregon just passed a new law about texting as you are driving. Cops can't be everywhere.

I don't believe the problem to be cell phones. It is just a matter of basic manners.
Are cell phone problems getting worse? Where is law enforcement?
They're busy chasing down poor saps that they might be able to shake down for a for DUI.

Cell phone tickets are chicken feed.

Fine, wait until you are talking on your cell phone in the car and have an accident with injuries, and we'll see how feel then.:badgrin:


My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."

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Fine, wait until you are talking on your cell phone in the car and have an accident with injuries, and we'll see how feel then.:badgrin:


My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."


you may want to consider staying inside so the modern world does not annoy you.....
Fine, wait until you are talking on your cell phone in the car and have an accident with injuries, and we'll see how feel then.:badgrin:


My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."

Yes, you are loony.

My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."

Yes, you are loony.

Well, then I am not alone because there are 20,200,000 listings in Google under "Anti-Cell Phone." Check for yourself, here is the link. Google
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When they first introduced the law in NY, I thought it was so completely dumb. How hard is it to talk and pay attention to the road I thought. Then when I moved to Colorado, with no laws regarding cell phone use and driving, I noticed on a daily basis many people driving oblivious to anything going on around them. I could spot them blocks away, driving way under the speed limit, hesitant in pulling across a road, making turns. it was unbelievable. Had a woman try to make a left turn out of the right lane of a 2 lane, one way road, while talking on the phone. Then you see jackasses texting while driving. As much as I am alert while talking and driving and don't drive overly slow, I've even noticed I have missed my turn while on the cell phone on occasion. So other than a short 1 minute answering if even that, I don't talk and drive anymore,.

It's a huge problem, but they won't do anything about it in Colorado. What did they recently pass? It's illegal for teenagers to text and drive. Just teenagers? REally? It should be illegal for all drivers.

ANd its not even limited to people in cars, people can't even walk and talk on the phone with being aware of what's going on around them. I saw one guy cross diagonally across a 3 lane road intersection, yapping on the phone, and never even looked any direction, while I was ready to cross. Or people standing in the middle of the street talking on the phone or in the middle of a doorway blocking everyon'es exit.

Pisses me off, get off the phone jerks and pay attention. many times it like 7 am and people are on the phone, who the hell do you need to talk to at that hour while driving?
Oregon just passed a new law about texting as you are driving. Cops can't be everywhere.

I don't believe the problem to be cell phones. It is just a matter of basic manners.

They most definitely are a problem when driving. and it may be hard to catch someone talking and driving, but having the law in place holds that person accountable if they wreck while talking on the phone at least.

Fine, wait until you are talking on your cell phone in the car and have an accident with injuries, and we'll see how feel then.:badgrin:


My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

Yeah, that is a bit overboard wanting to regulate talking on cell phones outside of cars. THat just comes down to common courtesy which can't be legislated. But talking on cell phones and driving is proven to cause inattentive driving.

People will argue that people can still be distracted by talking to passengers, but usually you have other eyes watching the road also, so its much less a problem than cell phone usage
When you see these nimrods yapping or texting while driving, lay on your horn and blast the shit out of them. Gets quite a reaction from them.
Laws for cell phones and driving are alright with me, but it's pretty melodramatic to want to ban them in stores and restaurants.
People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."

Yes, you are loony.

Well, then I am not alone because there are 20,200,000 listings in Google under "Anti-Cell Phone." Check for yourself, here is the link. Google

Yes, you are not alone. There are 218,000,000 listings for "crazy", Hey, here's the link!

Fine, wait until you are talking on your cell phone in the car and have an accident with injuries, and we'll see how feel then.:badgrin:


My comment is directed at you apparently wanting to legislate talking on a cell phone even outside of an automobile.

Yeah, that is a bit overboard wanting to regulate talking on cell phones outside of cars. THat just comes down to common courtesy which can't be legislated. But talking on cell phones and driving is proven to cause inattentive driving.

People will argue that people can still be distracted by talking to passengers, but usually you have other eyes watching the road also, so its much less a problem than cell phone usage

I have no problem regulating cell phone usage while operating an automobile, because a person is a hazard to others while doing so. I do have a problem with regulating cell phone usage simply because someone thinks it is "rude".

I can be much much much ruder if they would like, all without the benefit of a cell phone. Imagine that.
People do not multi-task as well as they think they do. Listen to these cell phone conversations, most are junk/gossip calls. I'd like to see cell phones out of business. You sound as if you are going to lose a buck if things go "safety first."

The brain doesn't multi-task, that's a falsehood. The brain is divided between two tasks and rapidly switches from one task to another but it doesn't process both at the same time. When talking on a cell phone and driving the brain is constantly switching back and forth between the two, giving neither all of your attention; doing neither at 100%. Bad news while driving as that should always be given 100%.

When you are driving you have both audio and visual clues as input; when talking on the phone you only have audio and therefore, you must pay even more attention to make sure you 'capture' the conversation. Your brain also needs to imagine images during a phone call because none are provided.

Driving while on the phone affects your cognitive abilities and from my personal experience (of on-coming assholes driving in my lane while on they are on the phone) the driving part does not take priority, more often than not. That endangers me.

I agree with RATL on this . . . . regulating cell phone usage while driving I'm ok with because that poses a danger to other people; regulating rude and stupid while not driving? Some things are better left for people to deal with on their own.
Co worker of my ex wife died while driving and talking on her cell.

Her infant was unharmed and she did get to say GOODBYE to her husband before she expired.

How'd you like to be that guy, today, huh?

Something to think about when you're tempted to talk and drive, folks.

Do you really want to put your friends or loved ones though that?

You KNOW they're going to blame themselves for talking to you while you were driving, ya know that, right?

Don't yack on your cell while you're driving.

Just don't do it!

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