Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

It is always interesting that conservatives assume that Dems supported Obamacare because they are stupid - whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well from the get.go, and supported the policies because they thought they were best for America.

What is ironic about this is that so many on the extreme right wing clearly did not understand the concept of universal healthcare at all - as evidenced by protesters waving banners about Dachau and fascism.
Don't be silly. Very,very few people understood what Obamacare was about. Liberals supported Obamacare because it was an extension of government and Conservatives opposed it for the very same reason.

It passed because the ignorance of voters and the domination of the Democrats in government at that time. It passed because its creators correctly assumed Americans would not understand it. It passed because Obama lied about being able to keep your plan.

I call absolute and unmitigated BS on that. Stop being such a low-life hack.

One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

do a google search on the defective liberal gene. its been identified as DRD4. Its not really stupidity, its a mental disease.

Yea, it is page after page of the right wing echo chamber...MASS ignorance
Oh, so terms like 'moochers' is meant to be endearing...

I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Romney was talking about the 47% who do not pay taxes.
Fact-checking Romney s 47 percent comment - CBS News
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
True or false? Much of Romney's statement relies on assumptions about one demographic: The 47 percent of Americans who he says "pay no income tax." So is it true that 47 percent of Americans don't pay income tax? Essentially, yes, according to the the Tax Policy Center, which provides data showing that in 2011, 46.4 percent of American households paid no federal income tax.
There is where he messed up by not saying federal income tax.

WOW. talk about blind ignorance...

You IGNORE this?

"who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them"

Truth is not a friend to some people, it seems to be an insult.
Many Americans have come to view government as the solution to their problems rather than the cause of them. The principles of limited government by our Founders, to an ever larger government is a dangerously misguided trend that promotes an entitlement mentality in a country that has long been known for its positive work ethic. The entitlement mentality, in turn, encourages the growth of government and the cycle continues, creating a downward spiral toward disaster.
After decades of prosperity, America’s economy is being undermined by a rapidly mutating government that devours initiative, drive, innovation, and the capital needed to seed an economic recovery. Too many Americans have bought into the increasingly discredited philosophy of the left that the government is the answer to all problems.
Some government does help but not all. There needs to be a delicate balance between the two.

Thank you for proving my don't use the 'word', instead you describe 'moocher'...

I just PROVED to you that there is no entitlement gone wild in America. But don't let FACTS dent your dogmatic parroting.

You have just described the right wing world view, not the view of our founders. Another 'word' for that is ignorance.

There is no "rapid mutation' going on except for the right being completely brainwashed by plutocrats and talking heads. The only 'entitlement mentality' in this country is from the wealthy, not the poor.
One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?
If he didn't, then according to Saigon, he might have been the only liberal who didn't.

I'm sure both Obama and most liberals understood that conservatives would kick, scream, lie and cheat in order to compromise the bill whenever and wherever they could - as they still doing through the courts, of course.

I stand by what I said earlier - most people who voted for Obama voted for Obamacare understanding the principle of universal healthcare and the basic idea of the plan, if not the details of the plan.

I actually think the GOP should respect that.
It is always interesting that conservatives assume that Dems supported Obamacare because they are stupid - whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well from the get.go, and supported the policies because they thought they were best for America.

What is ironic about this is that so many on the extreme right wing clearly did not understand the concept of universal healthcare at all - as evidenced by protesters waving banners about Dachau and fascism.
Don't be silly. Very,very few people understood what Obamacare was about. Liberals supported Obamacare because it was an extension of government and Conservatives opposed it for the very same reason.

It passed because the ignorance of voters and the domination of the Democrats in government at that time. It passed because its creators correctly assumed Americans would not understand it. It passed because Obama lied about being able to keep your plan.

I call absolute and unmitigated BS on that. Stop being such a low-life hack.

One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?

I think that he was told that and he believed them. It was very obvious to those of us that had read the bill that he had not read it.
One thing is certain. Whenever USMB "conservatives" are rightfully accused of something negative.......they will proclaim that "both sides do it!!"

While often true......albeit not to the same degree....this is not an intelligent method of seeking solutions.

Correct me if im wrong, but isn't the thread you have linked in your signature about mocking the intelligence of conservatives?
I myself would never use that word.
People that can work for a living but take government assistance programs.
Why should they when the can get more in assistance than working in a low paying job?
Would most work at a job that pays 12,000.00 a year or get government assistance that pays 32,000.00 a year?

We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Romney was talking about the 47% who do not pay taxes.
Fact-checking Romney s 47 percent comment - CBS News
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
True or false? Much of Romney's statement relies on assumptions about one demographic: The 47 percent of Americans who he says "pay no income tax." So is it true that 47 percent of Americans don't pay income tax? Essentially, yes, according to the the Tax Policy Center, which provides data showing that in 2011, 46.4 percent of American households paid no federal income tax.
There is where he messed up by not saying federal income tax.

WOW. talk about blind ignorance...

You IGNORE this?

"who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them"

Truth is not a friend to some people, it seems to be an insult.
Many Americans have come to view government as the solution to their problems rather than the cause of them. The principles of limited government by our Founders, to an ever larger government is a dangerously misguided trend that promotes an entitlement mentality in a country that has long been known for its positive work ethic. The entitlement mentality, in turn, encourages the growth of government and the cycle continues, creating a downward spiral toward disaster.
After decades of prosperity, America’s economy is being undermined by a rapidly mutating government that devours initiative, drive, innovation, and the capital needed to seed an economic recovery. Too many Americans have bought into the increasingly discredited philosophy of the left that the government is the answer to all problems.
Some government does help but not all. There needs to be a delicate balance between the two.

Thank you for proving my don't use the 'word', instead you describe 'moocher'...

I just PROVED to you that there is no entitlement gone wild in America. But don't let FACTS dent your dogmatic parroting.

You have just described the right wing world view, not the view of our founders. Another 'word' for that is ignorance.

There is no "rapid mutation' going on except for the right being completely brainwashed by plutocrats and talking heads. The only 'entitlement mentality' in this country is from the wealthy, not the poor.

Did you see the resent video on the news with those women who had a hissy fit because they got there too late to get their egg Mcmuffin?
One question:

When Obama said that people would be able to keep their plan.....did he believe that to be the case at the time?
If he didn't, then according to Saigon, he might have been the only liberal who didn't.

I'm sure both Obama and most liberals understood that conservatives would kick, scream, lie and cheat in order to compromise the bill whenever and wherever they could - as they still doing through the courts, of course.

I stand by what I said earlier - most people who voted for Obama voted for Obamacare understanding the principle of universal healthcare and the basic idea of the plan, if not the details of the plan.

I actually think the GOP should respect that.
FFS, this is your quote, "... whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well, "

Now, the president of the United States didn't know, the Speaker of the House Pelosi said we had to pass the bill to see what's in it, and yet you claim liberals were well-versed on the plan.

You're not American and you're way over your head trying to discuss these things. I call absolute and unadulterated BS once again.

Simply stupid!
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.
That must have really hurt with that spin.
Now show a link to support your lie.
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.

We had to compromise because there was Dems who were also against a universal single payer.
RomneyCare - The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care Mitt Romney Central

It is often asserted that RomneyCare is the same thing as ObamaCare, but this is simply not true. It is important to note that Massachusetts, the state where Romneycare was founded, opposed Obamacare. In fact, Massachusetts opposed Obamacare so much that they elected Senator Scott Brown (R) in 2010 to be the deciding vote against Obamacare after Senator Ted Kennedy’s death. Why would the state where Romneycare was founded be opposed to Obamacare if the two laws were really the same? The answer is, of course, that they are not the same. While there are similarities between the two laws, there are also key differences. Below is a table of differences between the Romney plan and the Obama plan.

Overall Size and Scope-Whole bill was 70 pages
Romney vetoed significant sections of the bill including the employer penalty for not providing health insurance
-Romney favored an “opt out” provision from the mandate
-Romney favored no mandated benefits for health care coverage, catastrophic only
-No federal gov. insurance option
-Intended as a market driven solution to healthcare
-Whole bill was 2,074 pages
Very broad regulation of the insurance industry including an employer penalty for not providing health insurance and no “opt out” provision
-Establishes a 15 member board of unelected bureaucrats with great control over health care benefits and risks rationing health care
-Leaves open the option of creating single-payer gov. insurance in the future
-Intended as a step toward gov. run insurance
Costs-No new taxes!
Romney balanced the state’s budget first, then passed healthcare law
-No cuts to Medicare benefits
-Modest cost to state (only added 1% to state budget)
-Increased taxes by $500 billion and taxes people who don’t buy insurance
Despite massive federal gov. debt, Obama still passed Obamacare
-Cuts Medicare by $500 billion
-Overall costs unknown!
Popularity-Very strong bipartisan support
Strong special interest support
-Very popular among the public in Massachusetts
-Strong consensus of approval was built in the state to support the law
-Consensus was built to support an individual mandate
-Absolutely no bipartisan support
Very controversial and divided special interest groups
-Unpopular in nation overall
-No consensus was built to support a mandate
Does Constitution Define it as a “Tax” or “Penalty/Fee”?-Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts ruled state mandates are “penalties” because states have different authority and powers than the fed. gov.
-Mass. constitution never considered this a tax
-Supreme Court ruled that federal gov. only has the authority to enact this law by its ability “tax,” and does not meet the required standards to be considered a “penalty.”
-This tax will be enforced by the IRS and breaks Obama’s promise that he would not raise taxes on the middle class
Federalism-A state solution to a unique state problem. Much easier to change and adapt a state law. However, ObamaCare is a new federal entitlement program (like Medicare & Social Security), thus extremely difficult to reform.
-Through collaboration and discussion, Massachusetts created a consensus among stake holders to support its new law.
-Federal gov. “one-size-fits-all” plan
-Doesn’t take into account that each state is unique in important ways such as:
1)Vastly different debt levels between states (some states can’t afford new spending on health care)
2)Some states have three times the percentage of uninsured citizens (Much greater costs will be imposed on states with a larger percentage of uninusured citizens)
3)Conservative states will reject implementation of federal gov. plan.
Romney is not nor has he ever been a conservative.
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.
That must have really hurt with that spin.
Now show a link to support your lie.

Don't know how to post links with a phone. Look up Heritage Foundation healthcare reform plan.
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.

We had to compromise because there was Dems who were also against a universal single payer.
RomneyCare - The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care Mitt Romney Central

It is often asserted that RomneyCare is the same thing as ObamaCare, but this is simply not true. It is important to note that Massachusetts, the state where Romneycare was founded, opposed Obamacare. In fact, Massachusetts opposed Obamacare so much that they elected Senator Scott Brown (R) in 2010 to be the deciding vote against Obamacare after Senator Ted Kennedy’s death. Why would the state where Romneycare was founded be opposed to Obamacare if the two laws were really the same? The answer is, of course, that they are not the same. While there are similarities between the two laws, there are also key differences. Below is a table of differences between the Romney plan and the Obama plan.

Overall Size and Scope-Whole bill was 70 pages
Romney vetoed significant sections of the bill including the employer penalty for not providing health insurance
-Romney favored an “opt out” provision from the mandate
-Romney favored no mandated benefits for health care coverage, catastrophic only
-No federal gov. insurance option
-Intended as a market driven solution to healthcare
-Whole bill was 2,074 pages
Very broad regulation of the insurance industry including an employer penalty for not providing health insurance and no “opt out” provision
-Establishes a 15 member board of unelected bureaucrats with great control over health care benefits and risks rationing health care
-Leaves open the option of creating single-payer gov. insurance in the future
-Intended as a step toward gov. run insurance
Costs-No new taxes!
Romney balanced the state’s budget first, then passed healthcare law
-No cuts to Medicare benefits
-Modest cost to state (only added 1% to state budget)
-Increased taxes by $500 billion and taxes people who don’t buy insurance
Despite massive federal gov. debt, Obama still passed Obamacare
-Cuts Medicare by $500 billion
-Overall costs unknown!
Popularity-Very strong bipartisan support
Strong special interest support
-Very popular among the public in Massachusetts
-Strong consensus of approval was built in the state to support the law
-Consensus was built to support an individual mandate
-Absolutely no bipartisan support
Very controversial and divided special interest groups
-Unpopular in nation overall
-No consensus was built to support a mandate
Does Constitution Define it as a “Tax” or “Penalty/Fee”?-Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts ruled state mandates are “penalties” because states have different authority and powers than the fed. gov.
-Mass. constitution never considered this a tax
-Supreme Court ruled that federal gov. only has the authority to enact this law by its ability “tax,” and does not meet the required standards to be considered a “penalty.”
-This tax will be enforced by the IRS and breaks Obama’s promise that he would not raise taxes on the middle class
Federalism-A state solution to a unique state problem. Much easier to change and adapt a state law. However, ObamaCare is a new federal entitlement program (like Medicare & Social Security), thus extremely difficult to reform.
-Through collaboration and discussion, Massachusetts created a consensus among stake holders to support its new law.
-Federal gov. “one-size-fits-all” plan
-Doesn’t take into account that each state is unique in important ways such as:
1)Vastly different debt levels between states (some states can’t afford new spending on health care)
2)Some states have three times the percentage of uninsured citizens (Much greater costs will be imposed on states with a larger percentage of uninusured citizens)
3)Conservative states will reject implementation of federal gov. plan.
Romney is not nor has he ever been a conservative.

I agree
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?

If you truly have substance in a debate, you don't resort directly to "You are stupid!" simply use your substance.

When someone holds the debate "You are stupid" EVERYONE knows they lost the debate.

Have you followed the "Manmade Global Warming is killing the planet, you fucking denier!!!" debates?
It is always interesting that conservatives assume that Dems supported Obamacare because they are stupid - whereas to my mind most liberals understood the pros and cons of universal healthcare very well from the get.go, and supported the policies because they thought they were best for America.

What is ironic about this is that so many on the extreme right wing clearly did not understand the concept of universal healthcare at all - as evidenced by protesters waving banners about Dachau and fascism.
Don't be silly. Very,very few people understood what Obamacare was about. Liberals supported Obamacare because it was an extension of government and Conservatives opposed it for the very same reason.

It passed because the ignorance of voters and the domination of the Democrats in government at that time. It passed because its creators correctly assumed Americans would not understand it. It passed because Obama lied about being able to keep your plan.

I call absolute and unmitigated BS on that. Stop being such a low-life hack.
Wrong. It passed because Democrats had a filibuster proof Senate.
We found who the 47% Romney trashed really are...

America's safety net is below almost every other industrialized country in every measure. America more closely resembles the likes of Mexico than a modern First World industrialized nation.

We heard the ignorant rant of Mitt Romney and his 47%...

If there is a citizenry on this planet that does NOT have an entitlement mentality, it is the American people. American workers receive less benefits, paid leave, health care and take less vacation time than any other people. American workers take pride in the quality of their work and their work ethic.

What Romney said is a gross insult and reveals a dangerous mindset. He reeks of contempt for middle class working people and the poor.

Who are the 47%?


Federal budget and Census data show that, in 2010, 91 percent of the benefit dollars from entitlement and other mandatory programs went to the elderly (people 65 and over), the seriously disabled, and members of working households. People who are neither elderly nor disabled — and do not live in a working household — received only 9 percent of the benefits.

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

80 percent of the workforce has seen their wages decline in real terms over the last quarter-century, and the average household has seen 40 percent of its wealth disappear during the Great Recession. Through it all, families never asked for a handout from anyone, especially Washington. They were left to go on their own, working harder, squeezing nickels, and taking care of themselves. But their economic boats have been taking on water for years, and now the crisis has swamped millions of middle class families. ref ref

"Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country—they are America."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Romney was talking about the 47% who do not pay taxes.
Fact-checking Romney s 47 percent comment - CBS News
The Quote "There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."
True or false? Much of Romney's statement relies on assumptions about one demographic: The 47 percent of Americans who he says "pay no income tax." So is it true that 47 percent of Americans don't pay income tax? Essentially, yes, according to the the Tax Policy Center, which provides data showing that in 2011, 46.4 percent of American households paid no federal income tax.
There is where he messed up by not saying federal income tax.

WOW. talk about blind ignorance...

You IGNORE this?

"who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them"

Truth is not a friend to some people, it seems to be an insult.
Many Americans have come to view government as the solution to their problems rather than the cause of them. The principles of limited government by our Founders, to an ever larger government is a dangerously misguided trend that promotes an entitlement mentality in a country that has long been known for its positive work ethic. The entitlement mentality, in turn, encourages the growth of government and the cycle continues, creating a downward spiral toward disaster.
After decades of prosperity, America’s economy is being undermined by a rapidly mutating government that devours initiative, drive, innovation, and the capital needed to seed an economic recovery. Too many Americans have bought into the increasingly discredited philosophy of the left that the government is the answer to all problems.
Some government does help but not all. There needs to be a delicate balance between the two.

Thank you for proving my don't use the 'word', instead you describe 'moocher'...

I just PROVED to you that there is no entitlement gone wild in America. But don't let FACTS dent your dogmatic parroting.

You have just described the right wing world view, not the view of our founders. Another 'word' for that is ignorance.

There is no "rapid mutation' going on except for the right being completely brainwashed by plutocrats and talking heads. The only 'entitlement mentality' in this country is from the wealthy, not the poor.

Did you see the resent video on the news with those women who had a hissy fit because they got there too late to get their egg Mcmuffin?

There you go...forget the FACTS, anecdotal evidence is all you need to reinforce your dogma...
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.

We had to compromise because there was Dems who were also against a universal single payer.
RomneyCare - The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care Mitt Romney Central

It is often asserted that RomneyCare is the same thing as ObamaCare, but this is simply not true. It is important to note that Massachusetts, the state where Romneycare was founded, opposed Obamacare. In fact, Massachusetts opposed Obamacare so much that they elected Senator Scott Brown (R) in 2010 to be the deciding vote against Obamacare after Senator Ted Kennedy’s death. Why would the state where Romneycare was founded be opposed to Obamacare if the two laws were really the same? The answer is, of course, that they are not the same. While there are similarities between the two laws, there are also key differences. Below is a table of differences between the Romney plan and the Obama plan.

Overall Size and Scope-Whole bill was 70 pages
Romney vetoed significant sections of the bill including the employer penalty for not providing health insurance
-Romney favored an “opt out” provision from the mandate
-Romney favored no mandated benefits for health care coverage, catastrophic only
-No federal gov. insurance option
-Intended as a market driven solution to healthcare
-Whole bill was 2,074 pages
Very broad regulation of the insurance industry including an employer penalty for not providing health insurance and no “opt out” provision
-Establishes a 15 member board of unelected bureaucrats with great control over health care benefits and risks rationing health care
-Leaves open the option of creating single-payer gov. insurance in the future
-Intended as a step toward gov. run insurance
Costs-No new taxes!
Romney balanced the state’s budget first, then passed healthcare law
-No cuts to Medicare benefits
-Modest cost to state (only added 1% to state budget)
-Increased taxes by $500 billion and taxes people who don’t buy insurance
Despite massive federal gov. debt, Obama still passed Obamacare
-Cuts Medicare by $500 billion
-Overall costs unknown!
Popularity-Very strong bipartisan support
Strong special interest support
-Very popular among the public in Massachusetts
-Strong consensus of approval was built in the state to support the law
-Consensus was built to support an individual mandate
-Absolutely no bipartisan support
Very controversial and divided special interest groups
-Unpopular in nation overall
-No consensus was built to support a mandate
Does Constitution Define it as a “Tax” or “Penalty/Fee”?-Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts ruled state mandates are “penalties” because states have different authority and powers than the fed. gov.
-Mass. constitution never considered this a tax
-Supreme Court ruled that federal gov. only has the authority to enact this law by its ability “tax,” and does not meet the required standards to be considered a “penalty.”
-This tax will be enforced by the IRS and breaks Obama’s promise that he would not raise taxes on the middle class
Federalism-A state solution to a unique state problem. Much easier to change and adapt a state law. However, ObamaCare is a new federal entitlement program (like Medicare & Social Security), thus extremely difficult to reform.
-Through collaboration and discussion, Massachusetts created a consensus among stake holders to support its new law.
-Federal gov. “one-size-fits-all” plan
-Doesn’t take into account that each state is unique in important ways such as:
1)Vastly different debt levels between states (some states can’t afford new spending on health care)
2)Some states have three times the percentage of uninsured citizens (Much greater costs will be imposed on states with a larger percentage of uninusured citizens)
3)Conservative states will reject implementation of federal gov. plan.
Romney is not nor has he ever been a conservative.

I agree
richie pup said conservative plan which what you posted is not a conservative plan.
Liberal stupidity is connected with support of obama and obamacare
That is a proven fact. Just ask the creator of obamacare.

Kind of true. After all, "Obamacare" was based on a conservative plan to reform healthcare, in lieu of going all out for the better plan of universal single payer healthcare.

But we had to compromise.
That must have really hurt with that spin.
Now show a link to support your lie.

Don't know how to post links with a phone. Look up Heritage Foundation healthcare reform plan.
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