Are conservatives smarter than liberals?

Ask yourself this question - Are we advancing or falling behind?
Has Liberal entitlement programs lifted the poor out of poverty or has it kept them in poverty?
Is our society breaking down or is it becoming better?
The answer is no to all three.

What's the matter? You don't like living in a society of the haves and have nots? Why not?
Are we advancing you ask. Well the very rich and the ultra rich are "advancing" just fine. What is the problem?
The declining standard of living for lots of folks is just the outcome of a lack of good paying jobs. Not to worry. Their lack of disposable income will have no effect on the very very rich that run the country. So what is the problem?

My wife and I find ourselves in the upper 10% of income numbers and things are fine with us.
What is YOUR problem? The rest of us with some money are doing fine.

Did you lose your good paying job?

The libs took over 40 years ago and the middle class has been declining ever since.
That is a fact not an opinion.
that is amazing ! where have you been hiding ? oooooooooh ! i get it now, the fact is you just do not know a true blue liberfuck, there are quite a few here on this forum, try to get to know a few, i could recommend some, but they stand out like a car on fire in a crowded parking lot at a night time football game. :up: .............. :lmao:

I think this post proves the point of this thread very well.

Don't be to hard on them. I am guilty of calling these asshole Republicans stupid. And of course, I can PROVE they are stupid. Hell, look at the use of language, sentence structure and the ability too make a coherent point and you start figuring out quickly that some of these Republican poster are really fucking stupid.

For example; there is a group of posters that repeatedly claim that demand for a product or service does not create jobs to fill that demand. Rabbit is the worst to make that claim but there are many others.

And that's just fucking stupid. And you can't argue, find common ground or do anything else with that level of stupidity. Except call them names. Which I do every day.

I sure would like to engage with a smart republican. Do you know any?
The libs took over 40 years ago and the middle class has been declining ever since.
That is a fact not an opinion.

So you are not doing to well eh? Maybe you need to find a better paying job then. Instead of bitching about it.
Yes they are smarter. With education you need to also have COMMEN sense. I find that lacking in most liberals.

I believe the term is "common sense", and I have noticed sometimes that people use the term when arguing with someone who is obviously far more educated than they are - as in "Yes, you went to university for 12 years while I was on welfare, but I have common sense". Is it that the sense in which you use it?

well they did teach you all how to be uppity, but funny how you got the MESSAGE still
that is amazing ! where have you been hiding ? oooooooooh ! i get it now, the fact is you just do not know a true blue liberfuck, there are quite a few here on this forum, try to get to know a few, i could recommend some, but they stand out like a car on fire in a crowded parking lot at a night time football game. :up: .............. :lmao:

I think this post proves the point of this thread very well.

Don't be to hard on them. I am guilty of calling these asshole Republicans stupid. And of course, I can PROVE they are stupid. Hell, look at the use of language, sentence structure and the ability too make a coherent point and you start figuring out quickly that some of these Republican poster are really fucking stupid.

For example; there is a group of posters that repeatedly claim that demand for a product or service does not create jobs to fill that demand. Rabbit is the worst to make that claim but there are many others.

And that's just fucking stupid. And you can't argue, find common ground or do anything else with that level of stupidity. Except call them names. Which I do every day.

I sure would like to engage with a smart republican. Do you know any?

More proof that the far left drones will say or do anything to prove that their superior programming will always make anyone not far left look smarter than themselves..
The libs took over 40 years ago and the middle class has been declining ever since.
That is a fact not an opinion.

Also, EVERYTHING changes. If you are not dealing with the changes very well, that's on you. Adapt and prosper.
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Yes they are smarter. With education you need to also have COMMEN sense. I find that lacking in most liberals.

I believe the term is "common sense", and I have noticed sometimes that people use the term when arguing with someone who is obviously far more educated than they are - as in "Yes, you went to university for 12 years while I was on welfare, but I have common sense". Is it that the sense in which you use it?
Some of the most educated people on earth are the dumbest human beings I have ever encountered. they even supported obamacare.
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?

gawd people like you are such a bore. who would want to be around that?
A party at your place must be soooooooo exciting.
More proof that the far left drones will say or do anything to prove that their superior programming will always make anyone not far left look smarter than themselves..

Talk about incoherent sentences. WTF are you trying to say there Kosh?
Yes they are smarter. With education you need to also have COMMEN sense. I find that lacking in most liberals.

I believe the term is "common sense", and I have noticed sometimes that people use the term when arguing with someone who is obviously far more educated than they are - as in "Yes, you went to university for 12 years while I was on welfare, but I have common sense". Is it that the sense in which you use it?
Education and intelligence are not mutually inclusive
Yes they are smarter. With education you need to also have COMMEN sense. I find that lacking in most liberals.

I believe the term is "common sense", and I have noticed sometimes that people use the term when arguing with someone who is obviously far more educated than they are - as in "Yes, you went to university for 12 years while I was on welfare, but I have common sense". Is it that the sense in which you use it?
Education and intelligence are not mutually inclusive

That is correct the far left on this board are proof of that..
More proof that the far left drones will say or do anything to prove that their superior programming will always make anyone not far left look smarter than themselves..

Talk about incoherent sentences. WTF are you trying to say there Kosh?

Another perfect example of the far left letting the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Yet another well written post from the master.
Roadrunner, Katzngoz, Kosh, Stephanie -

Posting statements assuring us how intelligent you all are and how stupid everyone else is would seem to go a long way towards establishing my point.

Beyond vague insults and claims to startling insight and intelligence - do any of you ever actually have anything of substance to say?

Do you not think that maybe posting intelligent comments might provide better evidence of actual intelligence?
Let's see.

I have two BA's and a Masters from the University of Texas at Austin, score 98th percentile on the NTE when I took it, taught successfully for 25 years, and retired at 55.

That convinces me I am smarter than the average Dem.
Another perfect example of the far left letting the world burn than admit they are wrong!

Are you another of those middle class Republican's whose life sucks and you are looking for anyone to blame but yourself for your lack of prosperity?

Get a better paying job if you have no money. What is the problem?
that is amazing ! where have you been hiding ? oooooooooh ! i get it now, the fact is you just do not know a true blue liberfuck, there are quite a few here on this forum, try to get to know a few, i could recommend some, but they stand out like a car on fire in a crowded parking lot at a night time football game. :up: .............. :lmao:

I think this post proves the point of this thread very well.

Don't be to hard on them. I am guilty of calling these asshole Republicans stupid. And of course, I can PROVE they are stupid. Hell, look at the use of language, sentence structure and the ability too make a coherent point and you start figuring out quickly that some of these Republican poster are really fucking stupid.

For example; there is a group of posters that repeatedly claim that demand for a product or service does not create jobs to fill that demand. Rabbit is the worst to make that claim but there are many others.

And that's just fucking stupid. And you can't argue, find common ground or do anything else with that level of stupidity. Except call them names. Which I do every day.

I sure would like to engage with a smart republican. Do you know any?

I can't imagine why any smart Republican would want to engage with a smartass that thinks everyone else is stupid.

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