Are conservatives the new liberal?

I am millennial.

Every year before I was born was better than the years I have been alive in this multicultural dystopia.
I'm a boomer who has a commitment to reality.

You are correct.
The rapidly dying boomers are trying to take the world with them when they go. No more selfish and entitled a generation of people has ever existed.Milinials know your generation has handed them a shit sandwich and they are not pleased. I am not a boomer or millennial but I know which one has guts and which one is easily scared and easily led.
The rapidly dying boomers are trying to take the world with them when they go. No more selfish and entitled a generation of people has ever existed.Milinials know your generation has handed them a shit sandwich and they are not pleased. I am not a boomer or millennial but I know which one has guts and which one is easily scared and easily led.
Check your stereotype, asshole....I don't expect jack shit from da gubmint.....Guys like me have been trying to warn you dopes about how they'll rip you off...But NOOOOOOOOO! you imbeciles want them to take over even more and more and more.

LOL and you call me a coward, can't take it when someone points out your stupidity. I can sit down and talk to anyone about anything, no one has ever dragged me anywhere in my adult life.
You'd never say the arrogant bullshit you've posted here to the faces of any real Dixie pecerwoods, and we both know it.....Because if you did, it's very likely that you might be posting from a hospital bed.
I was born and raised in the Appalachians and live in rural Florida and I still do not know what you are talking about.
The rapidly dying boomers are trying to take the world with them when they go. No more selfish and entitled a generation of people has ever existed.Milinials know your generation has handed them a shit sandwich and they are not pleased. I am not a boomer or millennial but I know which one has guts and which one is easily scared and easily led.
Check your stereotype, asshole....I don't expect jack shit from da gubmint.....Guys like me have been trying to warn you dopes about how they'll rip you off...But NOOOOOOOOO! you imbeciles want them to take over even more and more and more.

Guys like you do nothing but complain. Tired of hearing it.
The rapidly dying boomers are trying to take the world with them when they go. No more selfish and entitled a generation of people has ever existed.Milinials know your generation has handed them a shit sandwich and they are not pleased. I am not a boomer or millennial but I know which one has guts and which one is easily scared and easily led.
Check your stereotype, asshole....I don't expect jack shit from da gubmint.....Guys like me have been trying to warn you dopes about how they'll rip you off...But NOOOOOOOOO! you imbeciles want them to take over even more and more and more.

Guys like you do nothing but complain. Tired of hearing it. the scale.....LMAO!
I am millennial.

Every year before I was born was better than the years I have been alive in this multicultural dystopia.
I'm a boomer who has a commitment to reality.

You are correct.
The rapidly dying boomers are trying to take the world with them when they go. No more selfish and entitled a generation of people has ever existed.Milinials know your generation has handed them a shit sandwich and they are not pleased. I am not a boomer or millennial but I know which one has guts and which one is easily scared and easily led.
Hilarious how a leftist would actually hate boomers for being selfish.

Without boomers there wouldn’t be a left wing today. There wouldn’t be mass immigration, widespread misandry, militant homosexuals, transsexual freaks or any of this “white privilege” bullshit. keeps banning me. I'm more Liberal than they are. They ban anyone who isn't a Progressive. Read Thomas Payne.
Normal? What's that? When were things normal? Name a year.
The 1920s.
Seriously? Not only can I barely believe you actually gave a year it was quite possibly the very worst answer possible.
The 1920s were arguably the best decade in American history.
Are you that old? It's silly to feel nostalgic for something you never knew.
I am millennial.

Every year before I was born was better than the years I have been alive in this multicultural dystopia.

Nice to see a millennial who is wise, intellectually honest and informed. keeps banning me. I'm more Liberal than they are. They ban anyone who isn't a Progressive. Read Thomas Payne.
The 1920s.
Seriously? Not only can I barely believe you actually gave a year it was quite possibly the very worst answer possible.
The 1920s were arguably the best decade in American history.
Are you that old? It's silly to feel nostalgic for something you never knew.
I am millennial.

Every year before I was born was better than the years I have been alive in this multicultural dystopia.

Nice to see a millennial who is wise, intellectually honest and informed.
There are more and more of us every day.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.

The leftists on this board are closer to fascist than they are liberal. Liberalism is an ideology predicated upon egalitarianism and the same standards being applied to all equally. The fascist leftists are all racial privilege, lock step conformity and unquestioning allegiance to group think. They side with the very most illiberal ideologies on the planet as long as they ascribe these ideologies to a person of color and they hate the notion of freedom of speech with an absolute passion.

The way I see it is that the western world IS liberal, and now it is time to CONSERVE that liberalism. THe useful idiots of the left wouldn't know liberalism if it smacked them along site their stupid little heads.
From racism to fascism to class disparity and more, everything progressives accuse conservatives of is simple projection. Their narratives are free-flowing while they consistently dive in more deeply, so it's difficult to know what to expect less the absurd. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Progressives have control of the internet, which is the source of nearly all information today. They use it to monitor us, to invade our privacy, and to censor and alienate conservatives. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They have control of TV, Hollywood and media. These were built as a demonstration of art and integrity, though most has since been destroyed by progressives under a model of thought control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They destroy art deemed offensive under progressive doctrine. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Minorities are convinced conservatives are racist, which is the result of 24/7 propaganda that promotes division, hatred and bed-time stories that tweaks emotion and dumbs people down. They have the education system that often produces ineffective and well-indoctrinated students. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They're quick to destroy the innocent both personally and economically, which generally falls under a free-flowing PC doctrine. Their deep state and justice dept. is quick to do the same for sake of entertainment and politics, which is celebrated by progressives. Kavanaugh/Ford was a great example of all three in play. Rather than hold their own accountable for worse "offenses", they're celebrated or ignored instead. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They actively censor conservative views on every front, and view the Constitution as flawed while selecting who it applies to, fully demonstrated by the entities they control. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

They use the government to spy on conservatives for political purposes, and invent story lines to investigate. Their IRS treats conservatives as a targeted audit. Do progressives sound liberal to you?

Don't know if conservatives are the new liberal, but IMO they're clearly more liberal than progressives.

The leftists on this board are closer to fascist than they are liberal. Liberalism is an ideology predicated upon egalitarianism and the same standards being applied to all equally. The fascist leftists are all racial privilege, lock step conformity and unquestioning allegiance to group think. They side with the very most illiberal ideologies on the planet as long as they ascribe these ideologies to a person of color and they hate the notion of freedom of speech with an absolute passion.

The way I see it is that the western world IS liberal, and now it is time to CONSERVE that liberalism. THe useful idiots of the left wouldn't know liberalism if it smacked them along site their stupid little heads.
Someone finally gets it.

There is nothing left wing about the modern left.

All you have to do is look at minority voting patterns and you will observe this fact.

While you have black racist fascists like Al Sharpton voting Democrat you have actual black liberals like Ben Carson and especially Jesse Peterson voting Republican because the Democrats appeal to the “far right” of the spectrum when it comes to minorities. The MOST dogmatic and extreme Christians in the country(black Protestants) vote Democrat because they haven’t been weakened and effeminized like white Christian faiths have and instead Democrats empower the extremism from these elements. Same thing with Muslims and Buddhists etc.
Liberalism is conservatism. Anything else is statism.

In fact, liberalism is the most misused term in th American political lexicon.

The problem is the electorate. They largely have no idea what they're talking about when they use these phrases.

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