Are democrats for more drilling of fossil fuels to bring down prices or not?

It is confusing to say the least. On the one hand, you had Joe Biden during the election promising to end fossil fuels. However, when gas prices start to go up, Biden demands oil companies start producing more fossil fuels and is on his knees to OPEC begging them not to reduce supply, but fails to convince OPEC not to reduce supply, like he fails with everything else.

Then Biden's propagandist, Pierre, also gets caught in the same trap. She first tried to act like she had no recollection that Biden had ever said he was going to end fossil fuels, even though she herself said in June that the administration still intended to end U.S. reliance on fossil fuels.

But that is just it, democrats are unable to tell the truth, for if they did, no one would ever vote for them

And on top of what you mentioned, we are also imposing sanctions on Russia just about every way we can. So this reduces global supply, and also contributes to the price increases.

Russian production is down [link], and expected to decrease next year too [link].

Then they tell us that the price of oil is controlled by global markets. Well, who exactly is that? It's us, and we have a tremendous amount of control over it.

What we are witnessing is not due to some unforeseeable events or some forces beyond our control. It's all deliberate, and Biden has no plans to fix it, just attempt to keep it tolerable until the election, at which point the price is going to rocket, and our SPR will be drained.
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It's an important point.

If I recall correctly, the circumstances were remarkably different though.

Price of gas was low.
Saudi's were leveraging the low price of the pandemic to put out much of US production by flooding the market with record production. It was viewed as hostile.

Today, the price is high, and Biden is begging the Saudis to produce.

So, apples and oranges.


cc: surada
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Trump begged OPEC to cut production by 9 million bpd in 2020.
Since Trump cut U.S. oil production prices by rolling back Obama's restrictions there was a glut of oil on the international market. Trump was stabilizing the American oil industry by keeping it profitable. We did not need to import their oil because we were a major exporter and they were diluting our market.
It's an important point.

If I recall correctly, the circumstances were remarkably different though.

Price of gas was low.
Saudi's were leveraging the low price of the pandemic to put much of US production by flooding the market with record production. It was viewed as hostile.

Today, the price is high, and Biden is begging the Saudis to produce.

So, apples and oranges.


cc: surada
Thanks, these lefties are so brainwashed by the MSM controlled Democrat party it's more than obvious because of their ignorance.
It's an important point.

If I recall correctly, the circumstances were remarkably different though.

Price of gas was low.
Saudi's were leveraging the low price of the pandemic to put out much of US production by flooding the market with record production. It was viewed as hostile.

Today, the price is high, and Biden is begging the Saudis to produce.

So, apples and oranges.


cc: surada

The Saudis didn't increase production. Trump was grandstanding. Everyone was cutting production anyway because of COVID.
Since Trump cut U.S. oil production prices by rolling back Obama's restrictions there was a glut of oil on the international market. Trump was stabilizing the American oil industry by keeping it profitable. We did not need to import their oil because we were a major exporter and they were diluting our market.
Right. That's why over 200 US producers declared bankruptcy in 2020.
The Saudis didn't increase production. Trump was grandstanding. Everyone was cutting production anyway because of COVID.
What are you talking about?

The g5000 post I replied to included a link which is a quite detailed and states:

"That changed after Saudi Arabia announced in mid-March it would pump a record 12.3 million bpd – unleashing the price war with Russia. The explosion of supply came as governments worldwide issued stay-home orders - crushing fuel demand - and made clear that U.S. oil companies would be hit hard in the crude price collapse. Senators from U.S. oil states were infuriated."
What are you talking about?

The g5000 post I replied to included a link which is a quite detailed and states:

"That changed after Saudi Arabia announced in mid-March it would pump a record 12.3 million bpd – unleashing the price war with Russia. The explosion of supply came as governments worldwide issued stay-home orders - crushing fuel demand - and made clear that U.S. oil companies would be hit hard in the crude price collapse. Senators from U.S. oil states were infuriated."
Surada is belching Democrat half-ass talking points.
Poopeypants has allowed permits on the fewest leases and least amount of land since WW2. His idiot myna bird should be aware of that.
Big oil recieves billions of dollars in tax breaks & grants every fucking year & they're pissed because they can't have MORE federal land to drill on? What balls. When is Big Oil going to start kicking back a % of their profis to American citizens?
Big oil recieves billions of dollars in tax breaks & grants every fucking year & they're pissed because they can't have MORE federal land to drill on? What balls.
They also pay great salaries to over 100,000 US employees who pay all kinds of taxes, and buy property and hire workers themselves.

Quite demonizing them! We should be encouraging big oil, not battling it!

When is Big Oil going to start kicking back a % of their profis to American citizens?
A lesser price if we act now than acting later.

Less if we act proactively.

We have to act proactively in order to determine how much we can reduce the pain.

Why would you get that impression. There's a high possibility that we won't act soon enough and thoroughly enough.

In fact I'm on record of saying that nuclear has to be part of the solution.

You're spamming and insulting and that's where I tune you and others like you, out.

I'm never experienced normal and civil behaviour from you, but I took a chance because sometimes it's better to answer irrelevant spamming.

Clean it up or we're finished.
I thnk we may be finished then because you won't answer the question.

Again, how much pain is too much pain, or is the sky the limit?

It is confusing to say the least. On the one hand, you had Joe Biden during the election promising to end fossil fuels. However, when gas prices start to go up, Biden demands oil companies start producing more fossil fuels and is on his knees to OPEC begging them not to reduce supply, but fails to convince OPEC not to reduce supply, like he fails with everything else.

Then Biden's propagandist, Pierre, also gets caught in the same trap. She first tried to act like she had no recollection that Biden had ever said he was going to end fossil fuels, even though she herself said in June that the administration still intended to end U.S. reliance on fossil fuels.

But that is just it, democrats are unable to tell the truth, for if they did, no one would ever vote for them

Dems are for drilling a penis into buttholes muh gays are important.
It's a question of being damned if you do and damned if you don't.

But the reality of the climate change phenomenon is dictating that we need to face the pain of dramatically reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Let's not allow this thread to turn into profanity and childish spamming in the way the cat paranormal thread ended up!
Do you not realize how many products you use daily. Has oil in it?
Nope. The US uses more oil than it produces.
Of course you are correct. Nonetheless, we produce and export more energy that we consume and import and yet we are still an oil dependent/consuming populous.
Gas prices plunged when Trump rolled back environmental restrictions and the U.S. was a major exporter.
No they didn't plunge until covid shut down the economies of the world.

In 2017 we were already a major exporter of petroleum.


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