Are democrats for more drilling of fossil fuels to bring down prices or not?

Oh and don't forget.

We are so loaded with oil that president pudding brain is selling our strategic reserves to China.

What a guy....what a country!
Oh and don't forget.

We are so loaded with oil that president pudding brain is selling our strategic reserves to China.

What a guy....what a country!

Nobody is forgetting the hyperbole around energy independence. Again, we have been oil dependent for over 6 decades now and our production of NG does nothing to offset the price of oil. Furthermore, the world oil market is so large that our huge increased drilling and production in the 2010's did not bring down prices, and would not likely bring down prices in the future. So the prospect of reducing the price of gas is not why I support more drilling. I support more drilling to replace the old wells that are petering out.

Were these same Novel Republicans (or Democrats for that matter) concerned when we were selling US Treasury Notes to China to fund everything they couldn't pay for?
Again, we have been oil dependent for over 6 decades now and our production of NG does nothing to offset the price of oil.
What does though....not starting WW3.

Which is what Biden is doing.

Furthermore, the world oil market is so large that our huge increased drilling and production in the 2010's did not bring down prices, and would not likely bring down prices in the future.

You know what will most definitely NOT bring down prices?

Cutting 25% of the worlds supply off because of Ukraine.

You what does help a bit?

Dumping our strategic reserves onto the global market.

You can keep ignoring my points but you can't ignore the truth.

We have some crazy cocksuckers in charge...and they are fuckin us so many ways.

So you can keep your blue tinted blinders on bud.
It's a question of being damned if you do and damned if you don't.

But the reality of the climate change phenomenon is dictating that we need to face the pain of dramatically reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Let's not allow this thread to turn into profanity and childish spamming in the way the cat paranormal thread ended up!
Climate change is not a phenomenon. It has been happening ever since the creation of our planet. Humans can do nothing to control global climate. You have started with a false assumption.
Nobody is forgetting the hyperbole around energy independence. Again, we have been oil dependent for over 6 decades now and our production of NG does nothing to offset the price of oil. Furthermore, the world oil market is so large that our huge increased drilling and production in the 2010's did not bring down prices, and would not likely bring down prices in the future. So the prospect of reducing the price of gas is not why I support more drilling. I support more drilling to replace the old wells that are petering out.

Were these same Novel Republicans (or Democrats for that matter) concerned when we were selling US Treasury Notes to China to fund everything they couldn't pay for?
Gas prices plunged when Trump rolled back environmental restrictions and the U.S. was a major exporter.
It's a question of being damned if you do and damned if you don't.

But the reality of the climate change phenomenon is dictating that we need to face the pain of dramatically reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Let's not allow this thread to turn into profanity and childish spamming in the way the cat paranormal thread ended up!
That's the position of academia, long dominated by leftwing extremists, and/or scientific groups that depend on government for leftwing funding that they are guaranteed so long as they push the AGW dogma and doctrines.

But those scientists, especially climatologists and paleontologists who are free to offer opinion/data that isn't PC are far more skeptical that humankind is the primary or even a significant driver of climate change. Of course you can't have 7.5+ billion people and their technology on Earth without it being any factor at all just as all other flora and fauna on Earth factor into the environment and climate that we have.

Nevertheless, electric and solar cars/equipment/technology will be such a drop in the bucket as barely noticeable. Eliminating fossil fuels that the huge majority of humankind depends on for food, water, light, heat, transportation, to run their machines, to live their lives is cruel madness that will harm and impoverish humankind in ways it has never known before.

I would hope all thinking Americans would actually do the real research and understand the problem with and the damage that all 'green' policies will do. Humankind has forever found ways to innovate, learn, improve, solve problems, do things better and energy is no different. But for now, forcing the world into 'green' energy that 99% of the world is not ready for any time soon is not only foolish and counter productive, it is criminal.

I hope most Democrats are capable of understanding that. And will join those who are interested in problem solving more than pushing ideology will get together to figure out to best help humankind adapt to inevitable climate change and put our time, energy, and money into that.

It is confusing to say the least. On the one hand, you had Joe Biden during the election promising to end fossil fuels. However, when gas prices start to go up, Biden demands oil companies start producing more fossil fuels and is on his knees to OPEC begging them not to reduce supply, but fails to convince OPEC not to reduce supply, like he fails with everything else.

Then Biden's propagandist, Pierre, also gets caught in the same trap. She first tried to act like she had no recollection that Biden had ever said he was going to end fossil fuels, even though she herself said in June that the administration still intended to end U.S. reliance on fossil fuels.

But that is just it, democrats are unable to tell the truth, for if they did, no one would ever vote for them

Is a bear Catholic?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?
Only with Biden as POTUS.

Nope. In 2019 we imported 7-9 million bpd and exported 2-3 million bpd. During COVID in 2020 when the market demand collapsed over 200 US producers declared bankruptcy. You know absolutely nothing about the oil business.
Nope. In 2019 we imported 7-9 million bpd and exported 2-3 million bpd. During COVID in 2020 when the market demand collapsed over 200 US producers declared bankruptcy. You know absolutely nothing about the oil business.
The pandemic was a Fauci Democrat scam. You left out the years before that when Trump brought us the best economy, lowest gas prices and no new wars.
The pandemic was a Fauci Democrat scam. You left out the years before that when Trump brought us the best economy, lowest gas prices and no new wars.

😂 Obama was president when US oil production doubled. Trump road in on the coattails of that.
At least you ask questions, and that's a lot better than spam and profanity!

Your premise is not entirely correct but granted it is partially correct.

Has the world reduced it's dependence on fossil fuels overall? Are you interested enough to find out?
My premise is 100% correct.

Instead of making a proclamation and dictating your opinion as fact, go ahead and explain why the premise is false.
😂 Obama was president when US oil production doubled. Trump road in on the coattails of that.
No, Trump rolled back Obama's permit and environmental restrictions on drilling. Gas prices went down after that.

Trump signs order to roll back Obama’s offshore drilling limits​

"President Trump signed an order Friday to kick off the process of undoing former President Obama’s restrictions on offshore oil and natural gas drilling."
No, Trump rolled back Obama's permit and environmental restrictions on drilling. Gas prices went down after that.

Trump signs order to roll back Obama’s offshore drilling limits​

"President Trump signed an order Friday to kick off the process of undoing former President Obama’s restrictions on offshore oil and natural gas drilling."

Drilling and exploration stop when the ppb is low, moron.
It's going to bite their ass in a few weeks
I wouldn't count on it. Biden will stop tapping the SOR in December if repubs win the house and senate and gas prices will soar, and the lefty media will go into blame game overdrive about "republicans policies."
Drilling and exploration stop when the ppb is low, moron.
Well, gee whiz then, how on Earth did Biden fuck that one up? If what you say is true then Trump kept prices low and, we know he did roll back the restrictions of Obama. Then, Biden gets in office, rescinds restrictions and all of a sudden, what do you know? Gas prices soar!!! Those are just the facts.
Poopeypants has allowed permits on the fewest leases and least amount of land since WW2. His idiot myna bird should be aware of that.
This is complete horseshit. Your head is full of raw sewage.

New Data: Biden’s First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trump’s By 34%

New federal data shows the Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year, far outpacing the Trump administration’s first-year total of 2,658.

Nearly 2,000 of the drilling permits were approved on public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s New Mexico office, followed by 843 in Wyoming, 285 in Montana and North Dakota, and 191 in Utah. In California, the Biden administration approved 187 permits — more than twice the 71 drilling permits Trump approved in that state in his first year.
Well, gee whiz then, how on Earth did Biden fuck that one up? If what you say is true then Trump kept prices low and, we know he did roll back the restrictions of Obama. Then, Biden gets in office, rescinds restrictions and all of a sudden, what do you know? Gas prices soar!!! Those are just the facts.

Trump begged OPEC to cut production by 9 million bpd in 2020.

It is confusing to say the least. On the one hand, you had Joe Biden during the election promising to end fossil fuels. However, when gas prices start to go up, Biden demands oil companies start producing more fossil fuels and is on his knees to OPEC begging them not to reduce supply, but fails to convince OPEC not to reduce supply, like he fails with everything else.

Then Biden's propagandist, Pierre, also gets caught in the same trap. She first tried to act like she had no recollection that Biden had ever said he was going to end fossil fuels, even though she herself said in June that the administration still intended to end U.S. reliance on fossil fuels.

But that is just it, democrats are unable to tell the truth, for if they did, no one would ever vote for them

Biden said we need to transition to greener renewable energy sources.

This is a fact no one in their right mind can deny.

What is the problem?

Why should Americans and our economy be held hostage to big oil interests.

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