Are Democrats for The Middle Class?

Let's just all agree that the middle class gets no love because we don't count. Its the 1 percent that counts. If you raise this point(fact), you get called a "socialist" or "communist" or something even more warped. Those who throw these terms around are against the middle class as well. Middle class people who work their butts off are not getting ahead. Yet they show up every day and are the most productive workers in the world. AGAIN THOSE THAT DONT LIKE THE MIDDLE CLASS WILL BE CALLED "CLASS WARFARE" PEOPLE AND THAT CLASS WARFARE HAS NO PLACE IN politics. Yes, it does.
Who gets laws to help them, the rich and the poor, not the middle class.

We live in a plutocracy and of course the plutocrats will write laws in their favor. It is what they do.
The poor get some laws written for their situation because their situation sucks so bad and it is better for the plutocrats to have a rather quite poor class as opposed to them protesting and rioting in the streets.

So us in the middle are working, raising our families and trying to do the right thing for the most part. And I think that MOST middle class people don't want ANYONE but ourselves looking out for us.

No matter how many laws are written for the poor, I wouldn't change places for anything.

Now IF somehow I could get my hands on 100 million dollars, I would gladly be a rich plutocrat.
But I ain't holding my breath on that happening.

So yea, a little bit of populism would really help the middle out. But if that don't happen, we will still find a way to keep from being poor. Even if we aren't filthy rich.
The thing is.... if the middle class doesn't speak up what we have will continue to be whittled away until the rich have it all and we have zero. Perhaps its part of a plan?
The thing is.... if the middle class doesn't speak up what we have will continue to be whittled away until the rich have it all and we have zero. Perhaps its part of a plan?

Have you noticed how when someone speaks up for the middle class that there are quite a few middle class people who attack the person who is for middle class?

How do certain middle class Republicans feel that supporting someone (a plutocrat) who does not have your interests in mind is in their best interests?

Why do plutocrats promote class conflicts? How do plutocrats get the middle to vote against their own self interests? What is it about the ultra rich that the middle class Republicans put them on a pedestal?

And while you are answering these easy questions, would you mind answering the question of the meaning of life? jk.
Never mind that the effect of Democrat policies over the last 6+ years has been the decimation of the middle class. We wont go there.

Yeah, becuase it isn't true. Most of the damage to the middle class happened because of Bush. But do carry on.

But Dems are supposed to be the party of the lower class. Yet they constantly pander to the "middle class", as we see with Obama's new giveaways for community college and the like. Hillary is pro middle class. Kerry ran on a middle class tax cut. Now of course they cant do that since most middle class voters pay no income tax so they have to go for giveaways like student debt forgiveness. But I digress.

Uh, I think you are kind of wrong on that one. Most middle class folks are paying income taxes.

The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class. So Dems have to craft their rhetoric, if not their polciies, to supporting the middle class,e ven though more traditionally they were the party of the working class.

I think actual poor people know they are poor, guy.

But in reality they are the party of the special interests. They are the party of the race pimps, gays, trial lawyers, barking-mad eco-nazis, peaceniks, ivory tower eggheads and the like. Certainly nothing fo rth emiddle class, whom they regularly despise and jeer. Recall Obama's "bitterly clinging" rhetoric.

You mean the one where he accurately described dumb shits like you who cling to your guns and bibles while you watch your middle class lifestyle get shipped to China?
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
seems like they are more interested in taking money from those that work and giving it to those that don't

blue print for change = wealth re-distribution

That's nice rhetoric, but not really.

Most of the money that the government spends on entitlements is Social Security and Medicare- middle class entitlements. "Welfare" payments are really small. While "SOcial spending makes up 16% of GDP, the fact is, only 4% of that is "Welfare"- payment to the poor for poverty alieviation.
The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class.

Silly fucking rabbit. Prove it. Beside's that. You are a rabbit and have no class. So where does that put you? The final 2% LMAO. Silly fucking rabbit.
Here is proof enough.

Now that middle class Americans are enjoying a lower strain on their household expenses with the lower gas prices, Nancy Pelosi deems it a good time to increase the gas tax. Middle class Americans are affected by gas prices more than anyone else.....

So tell me how Pelosi, the minority leader, is there for the middle class?

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
oh hell, takesastepback....I did not know you already posted that. Sorry.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
Actually, the republicans that are on board want to make it revenue neutral....they want to lower taxes on other items that the middle AND lower class would appreciate.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill

The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class.

Silly fucking rabbit. Prove it. Beside's that. You are a rabbit and have no class. So where does that put you? The final 2% LMAO. Silly fucking rabbit.
Here is proof enough.

Now that middle class Americans are enjoying a lower strain on their household expenses with the lower gas prices, Nancy Pelosi deems it a good time to increase the gas tax. Middle class Americans are affected by gas prices more than anyone else.....

So tell me how Pelosi, the minority leader, is there for the middle class?

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill

To be fair, republicans are floating the same tax hike. It shows that government parasites care about government and it's finances far more than they care about any individuals income. Middle, low or high.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
Actually, the republicans that are on board want to make it revenue neutral....they want to lower taxes on other items that the middle AND lower class would appreciate.


Link? Because your very article, the one I cited, does not say that. These parasites want more money for government coffers period.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill

The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class.

Silly fucking rabbit. Prove it. Beside's that. You are a rabbit and have no class. So where does that put you? The final 2% LMAO. Silly fucking rabbit.
Here is proof enough.

Now that middle class Americans are enjoying a lower strain on their household expenses with the lower gas prices, Nancy Pelosi deems it a good time to increase the gas tax. Middle class Americans are affected by gas prices more than anyone else.....

So tell me how Pelosi, the minority leader, is there for the middle class?

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
As I said, the republicans that are on board would only be on board if the bill makes it revenue neutral so the lower class can appreciate the lower gas prices as well.
To be fair, republicans are floating the same tax hike. It shows that government parasites care about government and it's finances far more than they care about any individuals income. Middle, low or high.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
Actually, the republicans that are on board want to make it revenue neutral....they want to lower taxes on other items that the middle AND lower class would appreciate.


Link? Because your very article, the one I cited, does not say that. These parasites want more money for government coffers period.
I will look for a link....but I hear an interview with a republican representative who made that statement...I believe it was on Tuesday.
No one Democrat or Republican is for the middle class.

Point proven the latest over gas. Pelosi and other Dems and Repubs are calling for a gas tax hike of up to 10 - 20 cents while prices are low. This just shows that they care much more about government getting more money from working individuals than they care about their financial success. The poor and middle incomes are of course effected much more by such policies.

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
Actually, the republicans that are on board want to make it revenue neutral....they want to lower taxes on other items that the middle AND lower class would appreciate.


Link? Because your very article, the one I cited, does not say that. These parasites want more money for government coffers period.
I will look for a link....but I hear an interview with a republican representative who made that statement...I believe it was on Tuesday.
I am unable to find a link so right now consider it rumor.....but I am sure I saw a GOP rep discuss it during an interview.....I DO see it proposed in an opinion piece by Krauthammer....but that means little.
OK. Lets just be honest for a minute. Do you really think that an income tax decrease will follow a raise in gas taxes? it's a silly thought. I have to agree with Pelosi, as much of a fascist POS is she is, is show business. There will not be an income tax decrease to offset a gas tax increase. What would be the point? Why not just appropriate more money to the highway/infrastructure sector with current revenues and leave everything as is besides that? It's a total republican gimmic to make it look like they are for a gas tax increase, but only if....and it's that very type of doublespeak that republicans are known for. They will say, well, we got the tax hike through but got blocked on the income tax decrease.

We've seen this over and over again from republicans. At least the fascists in the dem party are honest about their fascist desires. While republicans play cloak and dagger with it.
The issue is that about 98% of Americans see themselves as middle class.

Silly fucking rabbit. Prove it. Beside's that. You are a rabbit and have no class. So where does that put you? The final 2% LMAO. Silly fucking rabbit.
Here is proof enough.

Now that middle class Americans are enjoying a lower strain on their household expenses with the lower gas prices, Nancy Pelosi deems it a good time to increase the gas tax. Middle class Americans are affected by gas prices more than anyone else.....

So tell me how Pelosi, the minority leader, is there for the middle class?

Pelosi Time is now for gas-tax hike TheHill
in the article you cited, was this paragraph....

Pelosi all but dismissed the idea, floated by some Republicans, that a gas tax increase could be used to fund a cut in the income tax, arguing that any new revenues from the gas tax must go toward closing trust fund deficits.
OK. Lets just be honest for a minute. Do you really think that an income tax decrease will follow a raise in gas taxes? it's a silly thought. I have to agree with Pelosi, as much of a fascist POS is she is, is show business. There will not be an income tax decrease to offset a gas tax increase. What would be the point? Why not just appropriate more money to the highway/infrastructure sector with current revenues and leave everything as is besides that? It's a total republican gimmic to make it look like they are for a gas tax increase, but only if....and it's that very type of doublespeak that republicans are known for. They will say, well, we got the tax hike through but got blocked on the income tax decrease.

We've seen this over and over again from republicans. At least the fascists in the dem party are honest about their fascist desires. While republicans play cloak and dagger with it.
well, I don't know if it will or wont, but if it is written into the law, it has more of a chance of happening. I doubt it will pass in congress without it being revenue neutral.

But one thing for sure....Pelosi has made it quite clear with her proposal that she is not out there to protect the middle class.

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