Are democrats TRYING to create a constitutional crisis with mass mail in voting?

as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

you mean its true. USPS may count ballots okay. maybe they SHOULD do that, but making them responsible for getting said ballots crom point A ro B? USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it. theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact. UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally.

much of what you said isnt true.....
USPS may count ballots okay
no they dont count ballets....
maybe they SHOULD do that
thats not their job....
USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it.
never had a problem when i worked there got my route done
theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact.
and those committing theft and fraud and dumping mail were caught and fired
and go home early?....that was back pre 1980's....
UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally. are right they cant handle an election...

1. i never said they counted ballots.

2. USPS cant do its job in good times. USPS flatly states in about a billion articles that they are having a 5 day back log in deliveries due to covid.
3. again, you ARE YOU. you said "when youcwere there" youcarwnt there now. the oeople that are there now (working for and running USPS) say in very public comments through many outlets they expect issues.
4. whoops, UPS is not USPS. my bad.

so just because i point out why I have issues with mail in ballots, which them thay run USPS seem to have as well, that doesnt mean im saying YOU are low quality or anything like that. i just point out issues that point to USPS not being able to handle something as important as a presidential election.

New postal policies that are slowing service may affect 2020 mail-in voting, union leader says

they expect issues because they dont want to do this you said they have enough problems.....and crixus i like you and always seemed to get along with you.....but man if you are drunk or just high come down some....some of your spelling is all running together......
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....
Mail in voting has been used successfully for decades with little or nothing in the way of fraud. What has Republican panties all in a twist over this is that the usual means of suppressing the vote (especially minority vote) will be removed.
I worry more about the fact that if he loses, he'll refuse to leave, or trash the White House on his way out.
the corrupt democratic party absolutely cannot be trusted with mail-in ballots
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

you mean its true. USPS may count ballots okay. maybe they SHOULD do that, but making them responsible for getting said ballots crom point A ro B? USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it. theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact. UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally.

much of what you said isnt true.....
USPS may count ballots okay
no they dont count ballets....
maybe they SHOULD do that
thats not their job....
USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it.
never had a problem when i worked there got my route done
theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact.
and those committing theft and fraud and dumping mail were caught and fired
and go home early?....that was back pre 1980's....
UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally. are right they cant handle an election...

1. i never said they counted ballots.

2. USPS cant do its job in good times. USPS flatly states in about a billion articles that they are having a 5 day back log in deliveries due to covid.
3. again, you ARE YOU. you said "when youcwere there" youcarwnt there now. the oeople that are there now (working for and running USPS) say in very public comments through many outlets they expect issues.
4. whoops, UPS is not USPS. my bad.

so just because i point out why I have issues with mail in ballots, which them thay run USPS seem to have as well, that doesnt mean im saying YOU are low quality or anything like that. i just point out issues that point to USPS not being able to handle something as important as a presidential election.

New postal policies that are slowing service may affect 2020 mail-in voting, union leader says

they expect issues because they dont want to do this you said they have enough problems.....and crixus i like you and always seemed to get along with you.....but man if you are drunk or just high come down some....some of your spelling is all running together......

i will just adress the fisrt part, the rest is just butthurt . " THEY JUST DONT WANT TO DO THIS SHIlT". There you go! And they shouldent have to. they arw having a hard enoigh time just doing what the job requires, let alone handling ballots in an election. USPS just isnt able to do it.
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

And they said why, and they described how to make the right changes. But your attention span lasts for one sentence, apparently.
I DO NOT see any way this pans out and a president is duly elected with the faith of the voter.

I don't see how this will EVER work.

They've been doing it for two decades in Oregon.

FFS, if Oregonians can do it, so can the rest of the country.
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

you mean its true. USPS may count ballots okay. maybe they SHOULD do that, but making them responsible for getting said ballots crom point A ro B? USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it. theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact. UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally.

much of what you said isnt true.....
USPS may count ballots okay
no they dont count ballets....
maybe they SHOULD do that
thats not their job....
USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it.
never had a problem when i worked there got my route done
theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact.
and those committing theft and fraud and dumping mail were caught and fired
and go home early?....that was back pre 1980's....
UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally. are right they cant handle an election...

1. i never said they counted ballots.

2. USPS cant do its job in good times. USPS flatly states in about a billion articles that they are having a 5 day back log in deliveries due to covid.
3. again, you ARE YOU. you said "when youcwere there" youcarwnt there now. the oeople that are there now (working for and running USPS) say in very public comments through many outlets they expect issues.
4. whoops, UPS is not USPS. my bad.

so just because i point out why I have issues with mail in ballots, which them thay run USPS seem to have as well, that doesnt mean im saying YOU are low quality or anything like that. i just point out issues that point to USPS not being able to handle something as important as a presidential election.

New postal policies that are slowing service may affect 2020 mail-in voting, union leader says

they expect issues because they dont want to do this you said they have enough problems.....and crixus i like you and always seemed to get along with you.....but man if you are drunk or just high come down some....some of your spelling is all running together......

i will just adress the fisrt part, the rest is just butthurt . " THEY JUST DONT WANT TO DO THIS SHIlT". There you go! And they shouldent have to. they arw having a hard enoigh time just doing what the job requires, let alone handling ballots in an election. USPS just isnt able to do it.

geezus crixey lol.....i hope tomorrow you go back and read the shit you put up....
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

you havent hurt my feelings you are just some wasted person jabbering away ......probably drooling down your shirt....
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

you mean its true. USPS may count ballots okay. maybe they SHOULD do that, but making them responsible for getting said ballots crom point A ro B? USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it. theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact. UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally.

much of what you said isnt true.....
USPS may count ballots okay
no they dont count ballets....
maybe they SHOULD do that
thats not their job....
USPS has a a real issue just doing its job. thats why you cant adress it.
never had a problem when i worked there got my route done
theft, fraud, and just plain dumping mail so they can finish early and go home. i get it, the truth hurts but its a fact.
and those committing theft and fraud and dumping mail were caught and fired
and go home early?....that was back pre 1980's....
UPS can not handle an election. they can barely handle their day do day job. stop taking it so personally. are right they cant handle an election...

1. i never said they counted ballots.

2. USPS cant do its job in good times. USPS flatly states in about a billion articles that they are having a 5 day back log in deliveries due to covid.
3. again, you ARE YOU. you said "when youcwere there" youcarwnt there now. the oeople that are there now (working for and running USPS) say in very public comments through many outlets they expect issues.
4. whoops, UPS is not USPS. my bad.

so just because i point out why I have issues with mail in ballots, which them thay run USPS seem to have as well, that doesnt mean im saying YOU are low quality or anything like that. i just point out issues that point to USPS not being able to handle something as important as a presidential election.

New postal policies that are slowing service may affect 2020 mail-in voting, union leader says

they expect issues because they dont want to do this you said they have enough problems.....and crixus i like you and always seemed to get along with you.....but man if you are drunk or just high come down some....some of your spelling is all running together......

i will just adress the fisrt part, the rest is just butthurt . " THEY JUST DONT WANT TO DO THIS SHIlT". There you go! And they shouldent have to. they arw having a hard enoigh time just doing what the job requires, let alone handling ballots in an election. USPS just isnt able to do it.

geezus crixey lol.....i hope tomorrow you go back and read the shit you put up....

as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

you havent hurt my feelings you are just some wasted person jabbering away ......probably drooling down your shirt....

no. i dont work for usps.
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

you havent hurt my feelings you are just some wasted person jabbering away ......probably drooling down your shirt....

no. i dont work for usps.

thats what you got out of that?
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

you havent hurt my feelings you are just some wasted person jabbering away ......probably drooling down your shirt....

obvously i did. yoh can not argue with USPS's own statments, or the houres of vedio of USPS mail carriers dumping mail i ditches, dumpsters and ponds, or the hoires and houres of vedio depoctimg theft and so on. USPS on a good day has a very hard time moving mail from point A to point B. they cant even pay their bills. so if you teally feel so confidant thwn post why. you cant.
as long as the registered voter lists are up to date and ballots are sent out to just registered voters there should be very few problems....but like i said...the lists have got to be up to date....

they cant even count the ballots in time. USPS, aside from TSA is about the most incompitant agency we have. are we really good with them having anuthing to do with something like a presidantial election?
the PO doesnt do the counting.....the PO would be just fine if congress and its many commitees would stop micromanaging it....

wasnt talking about the counting. im talking about the quality of employee. before you go off and say you have been a carrier for 40 years and everyone where you work is a sterling excample of and awesome employee, yes, i will say im sure there are good employees with USPS, just that 95% of tbem only work for USPS because they have been fired everywhere else and cant be fired from usps.

and no, i am not worried a USPS guy or gal will just dump Trump votes, im concurned that a carrier just wants to get home at 5 and will dump a sack of mail in a creek or something. USPS can barely manage its current task. involving them in a heavy election is asking for trouble. they can barely deliver mail.

i would answer you but some of the stuff you said is so pathetic it aint worth a show a lot of ignorance in this post....

if it hurts less, adress the video ignore the statment..

i did address the video to lucy hamilton she wasnt drunk like you are, read it if you havent passed out yet....

see? truth hurts doesnt it. you arent even ther anymore. you your self just said you were just a mail carrier so you really wouldnt have a clue on anything other then macing dogs and shooting up your work place. thats another thing, do we REALLY want the guys who invented mass shootngs amd took work place violance to a whole new level involved in presidantial elections ?

yea truth are drunk.....

yup, and that all you can say because its true. Takenitbup with USPS. they are thenones whocsay they cant handle it. i juat happen to agree. sorry itbhurtbyour feelings.

you havent hurt my feelings you are just some wasted person jabbering away ......probably drooling down your shirt....

obvously i did. yoh can not argue with USPS's own statments, or the houres of vedio of USPS mail carriers dumping mail i ditches, dumpsters and ponds, or the hoires and houres of vedio depoctimg theft and so on. USPS on a good day has a very hard time moving mail from point A to point B. they cant even pay their bills. so if you teally feel so confidant thwn post why. you cant.

come back when you sober up.....geezus lol.....
I DO NOT see any way this pans out and a president is duly elected with the faith of the voter.

I don't see how this will EVER work.

Perhaps open your eyes?

Some states allow nothing but mail voting. And others have been voting by mail for about 100 years. Little if any fraud occurs.

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