Are Democrats using Biden as their “Political Suicide Bomber”?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.
The global elites, and the powers that be, had used Trump as the equivalent of a political patsy, as they created a systemic assault to divide the nation, and yeah, I think it is a pretty good bet, they are using Biden for the same reason. IMO, neither was completely aware of the trap they were walking into.

The intent of these forces, is to destroy the nation, and to destroy the reserve status as the dollar. The never ending debt cycle can't go on forever, but their unlimited desire for social engineering through warfare, welfare, and a police state, of course, will.

They want to destroy the dollar, and the economy, so the only thing left, is either a war, or a new global police state.

It has little to do with "Democrats," or "Republicans." If you keep thinking that was, you will never see the old men behind the curtains, pushing the propaganda, corrupting the law, and pulling the levers.

Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.
Joe only has two things on his feeble mind.

Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.
It will be interesting to see if Heels Up is willing to play the same game. Somehow, I don't think even the HNIC can pull that off.
Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.

The ACA is still around and more popular than ever.

When Biden wins his second term...perhaps he will be as well.
Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.

That's pretty much it exactly.


In the Fall of his life, both politically and mentally, the Democrats could pull the cork on the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow forcing it to drain into the Pacific and they could just say: "It was that damned Joe!"

And Joe can babble anything at the podium and everyone will just sit there looking at each other silently wincing that the emperor has no clothes but no one wants to be the first one to SAY IT.

Joe didn't want to do a full four years anyway, so just do a bunch of Scorched Earth policies real quick before Turtle and his GOP even figure out the day has started, then the damage is done. Blame Joe, replace him, and Kammy will go on clean up as a lame duck with a GOP controlled congress trying to blame Trump and the GOP for everything.
That's pretty much it exactly.


In the Fall of his life, both politically and mentally, the Democrats could pull the cork on the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow forcing it to drain into the Pacific and they could just say: "It was that damned Joe!"

And Joe can babble anything at the podium and everyone will just sit there looking at each other silently wincing that the emperor has no clothes but no one wants to be the first one to SAY IT.

Joe didn't want to do a full four years anyway, so just do a bunch of Scorched Earth policies real quick before Turtle and his GOP even figure out the day has started, then the damage is done. Blame Joe, replace him, and Kammy will go on clean up as a lame duck with a GOP controlled congress trying to blame Trump and the GOP for everything.

BINGO, he is their Fall Guy.

You inspired me to make a meme:


Yea, I know you’d prefer it if us Americans that love our country would just stop complaining as Democrats actively destroy it.
Stimulus done
Infrastructure done
Stock market...all time highs
Afghanistan coming to a close

The only thing getting actively destroyed is Trump's legacy...
Stimulus done
Infrastructure done
Stock market...all time highs
Afghanistan coming to a close

The only thing getting actively destroyed is Trump's legacy...
Wow, you’d think with such wonderful accomplishments his approval rating would be sky high.

Weird how even left slanted polls say it’s not.
Several years ago I remember Rush Limbaugh describing the Democrats as they rammed through Obamacare before anyone could read it, he described them as “Political suicide bombers”. I thought this was the perfect description for Democrats. They were passing legislation they knew everyone would hate and even knew it would cost them the next election (and it did). They were willing to sacrifice their own political career to help destroy America, hence the “suicide bomber” mentality.

Since it is clear Biden is just dimly aware of what is going on, it’s clear the people around him are making the calls. It’s hard to fathom anyone fucking up this colossally bad, even a Democrat. They have to be doing this on purpose, knowing that Biden will “take one for the team”. They are going to pin everything on him, and hope it doesn’t translate to the rest of the Democratic Party. They are strapping the proverbial suicide vest on him and letting him blow everything up. His disastrous border and immigration policy, his disastrous handling of WuFlu, his disastrous handling of Afghan withdrawal. Everything he touches turns into a dumpster fire.

It’s like the equivalent of ISIS using a mentally retarded kid for a suicide bomb attack. It’s sickening, you can almost feel sorry for Biden. Almost. But of course he has always been an anti-American commie at heart so he is probably willing to do this. Or maybe he really is aware but is so bitter and dumb he just doesn’t care.

What do you guys think?

I wanted to post this in CDZ, but Democrats are such pieces of shit and we need to be able to correctly and accurately describe them.

I never got past rushes quotes . He s in his place and most of you idiots should have accompanied him.

Your story is fanciful. you excelling your capsbilo tries to think they would do that to themselves . Trump made so many mistakes over the covid he did what you were talking about. Millions fell.out if favour for him and voted accordingly. The difference bring trump had no idea he was beatable.

The republicans who voted him out k we the answer to bad democracy is more democracy. It worked too.
Stimulus done
Infrastructure done
Stock market...all time highs
Afghanistan coming to a close

The only thing getting actively destroyed is Trump's legacy...
Vaccines....Trump’s accomplishment
Infrastructure.....not done yet
Stock market....Thanks Donald Trump
Afghanistan....Biden has gotten a dozen plus Americans killed so far
Normalcy?....not to sane people.
I never got past rushes quotes . He s in his place and most of you idiots should have accompanied him.

Your story is fanciful. you excelling your capsbilo tries to think they would do that to themselves . Trump made so many mistakes over the covid he did what you were talking about. Millions fell.out if favour for him and voted accordingly. The difference bring trump had no idea he was beatable.

The republicans who voted him out k we the answer to bad democracy is more democracy. It worked too.
Try reading the OP to address the issue. This thread is about Biden being used to destroy the country, not another TDS thread.

You “couldn’t make it past the Rush quote”, LMAO. Typical lefty can’t stand hearing the truth.
Try reading the OP to address the issue. This thread is about Biden being used to destroy the country, not another TDS thread.

You “couldn’t make it past the Rush quote”, LMAO. Typical lefty can’t stand hearing the truth.

You're entitled to your opinion but its not my fault you know fuck all.
When anyone quotes that child molesting freak or fix, I turn off.

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