Are Dems all in with BLM, mob rule and lawlessness? What will MN, MI, PA, OH, WI, NV think of that come November?

Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

Denouncing Christianity? If conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Christianity is not being denouced. What is being denounced is right wing fundamentalist propaganda, and dogma around women's reproductive rights, gay rights, and other minority rights, being shoved down OUR throats.

Why are conservative men so fascinated by gay sex? Why do they make the most lurid and graphic references to men having sex with men? As a straight woman, who has never had any interest in having sex with another woman, I don't denigrate or make lurid references to lesbian sex just because I'm not a lesbian. Live and let love.

As with gay sex, if you're not transgender, how does this affect you. As someone who actually know a transgender person, why is it so hard to treat them with respect. As someone who claims that Christians are discrimminated against, I would remind you "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a two-way street.

Your Right Wing Christians are not upholding Jesus' most fundamental instruction to his followers: Treat others the way YOU want them to treat you. Would you want to be refused service because of YOUR beliefs. No one is begruding you the right to hate whoever you want to hate. But you cannot express your hate to those people in any way, because they have a right to live their lives without your hate.

Your beliefs - religious or otherwise, do not permit you to do harm to others. We're not telling you to like them. We're telling you to treat them the way you want everyone to treat YOU. Why is that so hard for YOU, because this truly is YOUR problem, not ours.

Chicks with dicks are shitting in a private stall, with the door closed and locked, and your daughter doesn't even know they're there.

No one hates American sovereignty - that's an Billionaire Media lie.

America's Congress is working for the American PEOPLE, not the the American Billionaires who WANT illegal Mexican labour to drive wages for American workers down. Tyson Foods, Koch Industries, Trump Corporation = all have been caught flat out, multiple times hiring illegals. All oppose immigration reform. None have ever been charged with hiring illegals. The Billionaire Media continues to push the narrative that Democrats are soft on illegal immigration, but Democrats prosecute the employers. Republicans never prosecute the employers.

Your lowest grade citizens are calling the shots: Trump, Murdoch, Tyson, Koch, Mercer, Sinclair. The New Age Robber Barons - screwing over the American workers, lying to them for their votes, while they pay no taxes and get richer and richer from every Republican crash.
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
Religions always die as time moves forward. It has happened countless times.

"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
99% of the time when gay anal sex is brought up in a conversation, it is a conservative that brings it up because they long to talk about it.

"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
Yeah that will probably continue. Future conservatives will probably lose their shit when technology advances to where humans can make a complete biological transition.

"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
You are really disturbed

"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"

"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"

"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"
^ LOLOLOL says a TRUMP supporter! :lmao:
The Mao style cultural revolution is inevitable.
Forget about engineered polls for a minute...are the voters of the aforementioned states the type to embrace the BLM mantra and all that comes with it?

Let's see, Biden wants to increase funding for police. So I guess that is a no.
Forget about engineered polls for a minute...are the voters of the aforementioned states the type to embrace the BLM mantra and all that comes with it?
DemoCommies are all in with BLM. Pelosi orchestrated the DEM leaders kneeling in the Capitol wearing African Kente Cloth and she presented George Floyd's family with a memorial triangle folded flag that is reserved for deceased Veterans.
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
Religions always die as time moves forward. It has happened countless times.

"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
99% of the time when gay anal sex is brought up in a conversation, it is a conservative that brings it up because they long to talk about it.

"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
Yeah that will probably continue. Future conservatives will probably lose their shit when technology advances to where humans can make a complete biological transition.

"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
You are really disturbed

"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"

"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"

"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"
^ LOLOLOL says a TRUMP supporter! :lmao:
The Mao style cultural revolution is inevitable.

You're obsessed with China, and yet you never mention the deal Trump tried to make with the Chinese to help his election. He asked Xi to buy more soy beans to ensure his re-election. Screw American farmers, although Trump has totally screwed American farmers already. Most farm bankruptcies in history, two years running, since Trump started his trade war.

But hey, Ivanka got 20 trade marks in China. And Don Jr. got a $500 million loan approval for Trump Indonesia.

Trump tells you he's tough on China, just like he tells you he's tough on Russia. He's lying. He's helping both of them take over the world.
Biden has a lot of accomplishments in his 40 years in government.

LMAO list them or admit you are a big fat liar. :eusa_hand:

Search Bills in Congress -

Over a career of 40 years, you're going to have your ups and opposed to the 3.5 DOWN years Trump has had.

And yet you can't list even one, shocker.

Listed about 35 or so in that link. All you gotta do it read.
I can count Trumps on one hand..without raising any fingers.
Biden has a lot of accomplishments in his 40 years in government.

LMAO list them or admit you are a big fat liar. :eusa_hand:

Search Bills in Congress -

Over a career of 40 years, you're going to have your ups and opposed to the 3.5 DOWN years Trump has had.

And yet you can't list even one, shocker.

Listed about 35 or so in that link. All you gotta do it read.
I can count Trumps on one hand..without raising any fingers.
Trump is a billionaire, president of the US and he's boinking Melania. Now, tell us a little be about No-Trade Jack.
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
Religions always die as time moves forward. It has happened countless times.

"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
99% of the time when gay anal sex is brought up in a conversation, it is a conservative that brings it up because they long to talk about it.

"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
Yeah that will probably continue. Future conservatives will probably lose their shit when technology advances to where humans can make a complete biological transition.

"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
You are really disturbed

"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"

"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"

"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"
^ LOLOLOL says a TRUMP supporter! :lmao:
The Mao style cultural revolution is inevitable.

You're obsessed with China, and yet you never mention the deal Trump tried to make with the Chinese to help his election. He asked Xi to buy more soy beans to ensure his re-election. Screw American farmers, although Trump has totally screwed American farmers already. Most farm bankruptcies in history, two years running, since Trump started his trade war.

But hey, Ivanka got 20 trade marks in China. And Don Jr. got a $500 million loan approval for Trump Indonesia.

Trump tells you he's tough on China, just like he tells you he's tough on Russia. He's lying. He's helping both of them take over the world.

You are just a smelly old cooch. No one cares what you think.
Forget about engineered polls for a minute...are the voters of the aforementioned states the type to embrace the BLM mantra and all that comes with it?

What you should be asking is whether the people of those states will support the continued murder of American citizens by "law enforcement" officers.
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

Denouncing Christianity? If conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Christianity is not being denouced. What is being denounced is right wing fundamentalist propaganda, and dogma around women's reproductive rights, gay rights, and other minority rights, being shoved down OUR throats.

Why are conservative men so fascinated by gay sex? Why do they make the most lurid and graphic references to men having sex with men? As a straight woman, who has never had any interest in having sex with another woman, I don't denigrate or make lurid references to lesbian sex just because I'm not a lesbian. Live and let love.

As with gay sex, if you're not transgender, how does this affect you. As someone who actually know a transgender person, why is it so hard to treat them with respect. As someone who claims that Christians are discrimminated against, I would remind you "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a two-way street.

Your Right Wing Christians are not upholding Jesus' most fundamental instruction to his followers: Treat others the way YOU want them to treat you. Would you want to be refused service because of YOUR beliefs. No one is begruding you the right to hate whoever you want to hate. But you cannot express your hate to those people in any way, because they have a right to live their lives without your hate.

Your beliefs - religious or otherwise, do not permit you to do harm to others. We're not telling you to like them. We're telling you to treat them the way you want everyone to treat YOU. Why is that so hard for YOU, because this truly is YOUR problem, not ours.

Chicks with dicks are shitting in a private stall, with the door closed and locked, and your daughter doesn't even know they're there.

No one hates American sovereignty - that's an Billionaire Media lie.

America's Congress is working for the American PEOPLE, not the the American Billionaires who WANT illegal Mexican labour to drive wages for American workers down. Tyson Foods, Koch Industries, Trump Corporation = all have been caught flat out, multiple times hiring illegals. All oppose immigration reform. None have ever been charged with hiring illegals. The Billionaire Media continues to push the narrative that Democrats are soft on illegal immigration, but Democrats prosecute the employers. Republicans never prosecute the employers.

Your lowest grade citizens are calling the shots: Trump, Murdoch, Tyson, Koch, Mercer, Sinclair. The New Age Robber Barons - screwing over the American workers, lying to them for their votes, while they pay no taxes and get richer and richer from every Republican crash.

So scripture is wrong unless YOU agree with it?
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
Religions always die as time moves forward. It has happened countless times.

"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
99% of the time when gay anal sex is brought up in a conversation, it is a conservative that brings it up because they long to talk about it.

"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
Yeah that will probably continue. Future conservatives will probably lose their shit when technology advances to where humans can make a complete biological transition.

"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
You are really disturbed

"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"

"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"

"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"
^ LOLOLOL says a TRUMP supporter! :lmao:
The Mao style cultural revolution is inevitable.

It's already here.
Forget about engineered polls for a minute...are the voters of the aforementioned states the type to embrace the BLM mantra and all that comes with it?
DemoCommies are all in with BLM. Pelosi orchestrated the DEM leaders kneeling in the Capitol wearing African Kente Cloth and she presented George Floyd's family with a memorial triangle folded flag that is reserved for deceased Veterans.
She has always been a piece of shit that one.
Nevada supported Bernie, that's all you need to know.
Nevada is full of free shit beggars...but do they support lawlessness and cancel culture mobs?

We've gone the way of California. PROG is a poison that spreads. Coming to a State near you unless we wise up to communists and snowflakes
Aggrieved conservatives have felt like you do since the dawn of time. Yet you've never been able to prevent time from moving forward.
LefTard Logic:
"Time moving forward = Denouncing Christianity"
"Time moving forward = Men pounding the anus of men"
"Time moving forward = Choosing your gender"
"Time moving forward = Chicks with dicks shitting next to your 7yo daughter"
"Time moving forward = Hatred for America's sovereignty"
"Time moving forward = Americas congress working for Mexico's people"
"Time moving forward = Our lowest grade citizens calling the shots"

Is that what you mean?

Denouncing Christianity? If conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say. 70% of Democrats are Christians. Christianity is not being denouced. What is being denounced is right wing fundamentalist propaganda, and dogma around women's reproductive rights, gay rights, and other minority rights, being shoved down OUR throats.

Why are conservative men so fascinated by gay sex? Why do they make the most lurid and graphic references to men having sex with men? As a straight woman, who has never had any interest in having sex with another woman, I don't denigrate or make lurid references to lesbian sex just because I'm not a lesbian. Live and let love.

As with gay sex, if you're not transgender, how does this affect you. As someone who actually know a transgender person, why is it so hard to treat them with respect. As someone who claims that Christians are discrimminated against, I would remind you "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is a two-way street.

Your Right Wing Christians are not upholding Jesus' most fundamental instruction to his followers: Treat others the way YOU want them to treat you. Would you want to be refused service because of YOUR beliefs. No one is begruding you the right to hate whoever you want to hate. But you cannot express your hate to those people in any way, because they have a right to live their lives without your hate.

Your beliefs - religious or otherwise, do not permit you to do harm to others. We're not telling you to like them. We're telling you to treat them the way you want everyone to treat YOU. Why is that so hard for YOU, because this truly is YOUR problem, not ours.

Chicks with dicks are shitting in a private stall, with the door closed and locked, and your daughter doesn't even know they're there.

No one hates American sovereignty - that's an Billionaire Media lie.

America's Congress is working for the American PEOPLE, not the the American Billionaires who WANT illegal Mexican labour to drive wages for American workers down. Tyson Foods, Koch Industries, Trump Corporation = all have been caught flat out, multiple times hiring illegals. All oppose immigration reform. None have ever been charged with hiring illegals. The Billionaire Media continues to push the narrative that Democrats are soft on illegal immigration, but Democrats prosecute the employers. Republicans never prosecute the employers.

Your lowest grade citizens are calling the shots: Trump, Murdoch, Tyson, Koch, Mercer, Sinclair. The New Age Robber Barons - screwing over the American workers, lying to them for their votes, while they pay no taxes and get richer and richer from every Republican crash.
Don't you ever shut up?
Biden has a lot of accomplishments in his 40 years in government.

LMAO list them or admit you are a big fat liar. :eusa_hand:

Search Bills in Congress -

Over a career of 40 years, you're going to have your ups and opposed to the 3.5 DOWN years Trump has had.

And yet you can't list even one, shocker.

Listed about 35 or so in that link. All you gotta do it read.
I can count Trumps on one hand..without raising any fingers.

You listed none and offered zero commentary. You googled some fake news, apparently you are completely ignorant of Biden's record there's a shocker.
The worm is turning enjoy the remaining days you have.
Well all know that Trump hasn't lost a single supporter....are you thinking the indys and moderates in swing states side with the BLM and the cancel culture mob?

Nonsense. There are plenty of real Republicans that will not vote for Trump again.

Because you said so?
Voters elected Trump on two things in 2016....
1.) To stop wetbacks from ruining are nation
2.) To destroy the filthy Left

Are you thinking those same voters will vote for Biden continue doing that?

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