Are Eccentric Candidates hurting the GOP?


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Aug 4, 2009
Are eccentric candidates hurting the GOP? - The Week

Reinforcing an election-year trend, Republican voters in this week's Colorado and Connecticut primaries chose "offbeat" candidates over those anointed by the national party. The "deeply unusual pool" of GOP nominees, says Alexander Burns at Politico, now includes "a former professional wrestling executive, a libertarian ophthalmologist, and a man who thinks bicycle use could empower the United Nations." GOP strategists fear that these eccentrics will hurt the party in November, but Republican pollster Whit Ayres says Americans are "attracted to people who want to radically change the status quo." What's the risk factor?
LOL, I read something earlier about all these dumb articles about goofy, eccentric candidates and how it might hurt the Gop.

There is real news out there, such as Democrats being charged with ethics charges, the economy is in the shitter, the Democrat controlled Congress is spending us int bankruptcy, STILL AT 10% UNEMPLOYMENT after all the spending, the boykings poll numbers are in the shitter, so these types of articles about the Gop are a try at DISTRACTION.

all a bunch of BULLSHIT from the left. good thing the American people are wising up though.

vote them out starting NOVEMBER.
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Are eccentric candidates hurting the GOP? - The Week

Reinforcing an election-year trend, Republican voters in this week's Colorado and Connecticut primaries chose "offbeat" candidates over those anointed by the national party. The "deeply unusual pool" of GOP nominees, says Alexander Burns at Politico, now includes "a former professional wrestling executive, a libertarian ophthalmologist, and a man who thinks bicycle use could empower the United Nations." GOP strategists fear that these eccentrics will hurt the party in November, but Republican pollster Whit Ayres says Americans are "attracted to people who want to radically change the status quo." What's the risk factor?


we can call it that, i suppose.
this post was done yesterday i believe, except the title was, is the tea party hurting the gop.

show me how nancy pelosi is mainstream and than we can talk.
The Washington Monthly

A former professional wrestling executive, a libertarian ophthalmologist and a man who thinks bicycle use could empower the United Nations filed to run in elections. That's not the start of a joke: that's a sampling of the deeply unusual pool of candidates running -- and actually being nominated -- for high office this year.

A phenomenon that began with physician Rand Paul's victory in the Kentucky Senate primary has effectively gone national: Primary voters are again and again choosing offbeat candidates shunned by national party strategists, and imperiling potential Republican gains this November in the process.

Elections this week in Colorado and Connecticut yielded a new crop of oddball nominees. Ken Buck, a gaffe-prone prosecutor once ordered to take ethics classes for his handling of an illegal guns case, defeated former Colorado Lt. Gov. Jane Norton in a Republican Senate primary. In Connecticut, Linda McMahon, who founded World Wrestling Entertainment with her husband Vince, was linked to steroid investigations and appeared in numerous violent and sexually suggestive sketches, bested Rob Simmons, a former congressman and decorated veteran, for the GOP's Senate nomination.

Perhaps the week's most out-of-right-field nominee was Colorado Republican Dan Maes, a conservative activist and first-time candidate who capitalized on a plagiarism scandal involving primary opponent Scott McInnis to capture the Republican nomination for governor.

To its credit, Politico added that some of these primary-winning candidates are "downright strange," which seems more than fair.
so linda mcmahon appeared in violent and sexually suggestive sketches?


it's called acting.

she helped run a wildly-successful business.

now i know that would exclude her from being a member of the obama cabinet, but it doesn't mean she couldn't be a good senator.
The Socialist/Progressive definition of the word 'Eccentric' would be very questionable at best. Sounds like the Democrats are getting pretty desperate. Obviously the answer is No.
According to the liberals and the press, most of us are "eccentric." Or "crazier than a bedbug at a crack house"

calling Republican candidates crazy and eccentric has been the rule since 1854. There is nothing new here at all.
how's that giannoulias guy doing for you in illinois?

how many loans did his bank give to the mob before they had to be taken over by the government?

he wasn't just playing the role of a crooked inept banker.

he actually was one.
Well, they can go with the tried and failed, or attempt to shake things up. We'll see how it works out, but it's premature for either side to feel too confident one way or the other. It's fun to make predictions though.
Are eccentric candidates hurting the GOP? - The Week

Reinforcing an election-year trend, Republican voters in this week's Colorado and Connecticut primaries chose "offbeat" candidates over those anointed by the national party. The "deeply unusual pool" of GOP nominees, says Alexander Burns at Politico, now includes "a former professional wrestling executive, a libertarian ophthalmologist, and a man who thinks bicycle use could empower the United Nations." GOP strategists fear that these eccentrics will hurt the party in November, but Republican pollster Whit Ayres says Americans are "attracted to people who want to radically change the status quo." What's the risk factor?

Not nearly as much as the incompetency of the Obama admin and the crooks in the Dem controlled congress are hurting the Democrats.
It doesn't matter who the Republicans put up as a candidate. The main stream press will make up lies about them and liberal comedians will make fun of them.
What a patently idiotic premise.

As though the likes of moonbats Al Frankenstein, Nancy Pelosi, Alan Grayson, and Barney Frank are any great examples of "onbeat" candidates. :rolleyes:

:clap2: Don't forget their mascot from the Office of Democratic Senate Candidate-Elect: Alvin Greene. (D-SC)

Are eccentric candidates hurting the GOP? - The Week

Reinforcing an election-year trend, Republican voters in this week's Colorado and Connecticut primaries chose "offbeat" candidates over those anointed by the national party. The "deeply unusual pool" of GOP nominees, says Alexander Burns at Politico, now includes "a former professional wrestling executive, a libertarian ophthalmologist, and a man who thinks bicycle use could empower the United Nations." GOP strategists fear that these eccentrics will hurt the party in November, but Republican pollster Whit Ayres says Americans are "attracted to people who want to radically change the status quo." What's the risk factor?


we can call it that, i suppose.

I think the term "nut cases" describes them better. THE DEMS SHOULD BE THANKING THE TEA BAGGERS!
how's that giannoulias guy doing for you in illinois?

how many loans did his bank give to the mob before they had to be taken over by the government?

he wasn't just playing the role of a crooked inept banker.

he actually was one.

Please put a link to any charges filed.

Besides, it's probably a wash, even Mark Kirk took money from Tony Rezko.
What a patently idiotic premise.

As though the likes of moonbats Al Frankenstein, Nancy Pelosi, Alan Grayson, and Barney Frank are any great examples of "onbeat" candidates. :rolleyes:

:clap2: Don't forget their mascot from the Office of Democratic Senate Candidate-Elect: Alvin Greene. (D-SC)


Republican plant Alvin Greene? THAT Alvin Greene?

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