Are "fake bombs" free speech, the same as dems urging harassment?

Is sending fake bombs "free speech" the same as urging mobs to attack members of the GOP?

  • YES, there is actually more danger urging mobs, as shown by the Scalese shooting

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • NO, sending fake bombs is not "free speech"

    Votes: 9 75.0%

  • Total voters
Just thinking about the relative dangers of the dems urging that mobs harass members of the GOP to the point where one Bernie volunteer shot GOP members during a baseball practice.
Then one dem was caught on tape saying he was glad Scalese was shot
Nebraska Democratic official recorded cheering Scalise shooting

Can a case be made that the fake bombs were simply a "shot across the bow" of democrats to knock-off the mob intimidation tactics by the dems before someone really gets hurt?

Well, the police were told to let the freaks riot and destroy private property in Baltimore a couple of years ago to let off some steam.

Also, in Berkeley the riots were not stopped in order to prevent conservatives from speaking.
2017 Berkeley protests - Wikipedia

IMHO the Left gets away with more acts of violence than they care to admit. None of the posters on this thread care to address the dems' urging of harassment of GOP members of the Trump administration. Sending fake bombs is "terror", but screaming in someone's face is not? I'm sensing that the double standard for behavior is still present.
Let alone that the fake bombs may have been sent by dems looking to whine about Trump before the mid-terms all over the fake news MSM.

You could easily plug this into the other side of the equation to make it balance.
I don't believe that any bombs of any sort are an expression of "Free speech". You can't just yell "Fire!" in a crowded theater. And you can't just say anything you may want - even though you may warrant it as "free speech".

Sending bombs is more than harassment. There are other ways to "send a message" if you don't agree with someone. Since it happened around the midterm, you do it by vote. That is how you send a message to someone you don't like or want to represent you or the country. You vote their asses out! That indeed, is Free Speech.

Your post did not respond correctly. Please start over with "Sending FAKE bombs..." (they were not functional)
And you have proof these bombs were share.
None of the bombs exploded, and one analyst said that they could not explode without a triggering device. They looked scary, but had no trigger, i.e. a fake bomb.
Wave of pipe bombs targets Democrats, CNN, but do not explode
Just thinking about the relative dangers of the dems urging that mobs harass members of the GOP to the point where one Bernie volunteer shot GOP members during a baseball practice.
Then one dem was caught on tape saying he was glad Scalese was shot
Nebraska Democratic official recorded cheering Scalise shooting

Can a case be made that the fake bombs were simply a "shot across the bow" of democrats to knock-off the mob intimidation tactics by the dems before someone really gets hurt? equate the two?

What's the difference when you have riots destroying private property and bombs that arent going off?
Fake or real the bombs cross a line, they are a threat of violence. The intent was clear.
So when 1 Democrat elite sends another Democrat elite a pipe bomb that would never go off, it is a threat of violence, or Rules for Radicals?

It is a threat, because at the time the bomb arrives you don’t know whether it is fake or real. The intent to cause harm or threaten is still there.

I don’t know who sent the bombs, nor does it matter.
Just thinking about the relative dangers of the dems urging that mobs harass members of the GOP to the point where one Bernie volunteer shot GOP members during a baseball practice.
Then one dem was caught on tape saying he was glad Scalese was shot
Nebraska Democratic official recorded cheering Scalise shooting

Can a case be made that the fake bombs were simply a "shot across the bow" of democrats to knock-off the mob intimidation tactics by the dems before someone really gets hurt? equate the two?
That is the question posed in the OP. Can sending fake bombs to let dems know that their urging of harassment against the GOP is not appreciated acceptable behavior? i.e. no harm no foul. Since we know from the Scalese shooting that the dems' urging of harassment can actually result in serious injuries. Or in other words, which is worse, sending fake bombs that do not injure anyone, or urging mobs to harass people?
Post #20 nailed the response, "Your free speech is violence, our violence is free speech"
Good question...but lawyers would probably bring up the "you can't yell fire in a theater" response...

No, it’s not a good question. It demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what constitutes a right.

Free speech, like any other right is only extended to the limit of other peoples rights. Your right to free speech, or freedom of expression can not infringe on my rights. A person at their residence has the right to quiet enjoyment.
Since DemNazis sent them to themselves, THEY Will say its free speach when they get caught.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis....
The left has a long history of using violence to achieve its ends.

From the French Revolution to Russian Revolution, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, etc, etc ad infinitum.

The ONLY time I can think of where a socialist scumbag took power peacefully was/is in Venezuela. But now they're making up for it with extreme violence to maintain their grip on the slaves they now control -- Their own people.

Conservatives, OTOH, eschew violence as a means to a political end. It goes against everything we stand for.

We strongly believe in the rule of law. We strongly believe in freedom and liberty.

dimocrap scum do not. dimocrap scum are leftists of the lowest order.

dimocrap scum would gladly initiate a 'Reign of Terror' here that would make Robespierre blush. They would gladly create 'Killing Fields' of their own design. They would gladly build Gulags in Upstate New York and Nevada to imprison Conservatives.

People, you need to understand something..... dimocraps are the absolute scum of the Earth.

And I doubt we catch the perpetrator of this crapfest. He/Xe/It is long gone. I'm thinking South America somewhere.

Someday it will come out that it was a False Flag operation and dimocrap scum will dismiss it with the usual "Old News" excuse and move on to their next terror plot.

dimocraps are scum. The sooner you realize that, the more things will make sense to you.
Just thinking about the relative dangers of the dems urging that mobs harass members of the GOP to the point where one Bernie volunteer shot GOP members during a baseball practice.
Then one dem was caught on tape saying he was glad Scalese was shot
Nebraska Democratic official recorded cheering Scalise shooting

Can a case be made that the fake bombs were simply a "shot across the bow" of democrats to knock-off the mob intimidation tactics by the dems before someone really gets hurt? equate the two?
That is the question posed in the OP. Can sending fake bombs to let dems know that their urging of harassment against the GOP is not appreciated acceptable behavior? i.e. no harm no foul. Since we know from the Scalese shooting that the dems' urging of harassment can actually result in serious injuries. Or in other words, which is worse, sending fake bombs that do not injure anyone, or urging mobs to harass people?
Post #20 nailed the response, "Your free speech is violence, our violence is free speech"

That is a sick attitude

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