Are Fox News and MSNBC irresponsible news networks?

Which network is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

  • Fox News

    Votes: 12 23.1%

    Votes: 24 46.2%
  • Equally

    Votes: 16 30.8%

  • Total voters
They are not cable news channels. They are opinion/commentary/entertainment channels that happen to take more newsbreaks than the average cable channel does.
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

Research was done a a UCLA Prof of all the major news networks.

In the end, FOX was 1% to the right, CNN was 15-20% to the left in thier bias.

MSN was the furthest to the left of all in the review.

Take that for what it's worth, and understand that the people that scream "FOX lies!" are themselves, lying.

That study is from 2004. It's a little dated don't you think? As for the "news" at all three...they are pretty much the same...except that Fox bots can't help commenting on the news...with a decidedly right wing spin.

Television news is only good for two things...traffic and weather.
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???

FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.
Besides your (collective) lack-of-skills at sentence-construction, you FAUX Noise fans (also) have no problems offering some whacked-out premise, like MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity....without ANY details to support your doubt a result o' your (many) years swallowing Porky Limbaugh's horseshit; without question.


The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.
.....And, The DICK; Cheney/corporate America DID appreciate your support!!!!

[ame=]'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Soldiers outsourced to KBR - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Special: Blackwater - America's Private Army in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]​
Be that as it wasn't MSNBC that was egging us on. And in was Keith Olbermann that was one of the biggest critics of the war.

This is the same Olberman who got so crazy that MSNBC fired him...

I mean, how fucking crazy to you have to be to get fired from MSNBC?

Well, at least they didn't give him the Howard Beale Treatment.


He got fired because he wouldn't stop picking on Glenn Beck.

Who fired as well. But that was because advertisers were fleeing his show.
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

Research was done a a UCLA Prof of all the major news networks.

In the end, FOX was 1% to the right, CNN was 15-20% to the left in thier bias.

MSN was the furthest to the left of all in the review.

Take that for what it's worth, and understand that the people that scream "FOX lies!" are themselves, lying.

That study is from 2004. It's a little dated don't you think? As for the "news" at all three...they are pretty much the same...except that Fox bots can't help commenting on the news...with a decidedly right wing spin.

Television news is only good for two things...traffic and weather.

When I go to my girlfriend's parent's house..I sometimes put on Al Jazeera..because it's in english..and all the watch is Chinese shows.

I was pretty amazed. It's like the BBC now. And the reporting is almost completely objective.
MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.

Fact is, all the news media breathelessly ran "Saddam is Evil" stories in the runup to the war. They all happily told us what a monster Uday was and how the poor Iraqi people were suffering.

The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.

"surrender"??? to whom?

you have a problem with them telling the truth about how we shouldn't have been in Iraq?

Too bad. *shrug*

do you believe any of what you post?

I have no problem at all. We were in Iraq because Saddam was an asshole.
.....And, that was Excuse #........WHICH?????


[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]​
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Be that as it wasn't MSNBC that was egging us on. And in was Keith Olbermann that was one of the biggest critics of the war.

This is the same Olberman who got so crazy that MSNBC fired him...

I mean, how fucking crazy to you have to be to get fired from MSNBC?

He got fired because he wouldn't stop picking on Glenn Beck.

Who fired as well. But that was because advertisers were fleeing his show.

[ame=]Pittsburgh killer inspired by Beck - YouTube[/ame]​
FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.
Besides your (collective) lack-of-skills at sentence-construction, you FAUX Noise fans (also) have no problems offering some whacked-out premise, like MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity....without ANY details to support your doubt a result o' your (many) years swallowing Porky Limbaugh's horseshit; without question.


The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.
.....And, The DICK; Cheney/corporate America DID appreciate your support!!!!

[ame=]'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Soldiers outsourced to KBR - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Special: Blackwater - America's Private Army in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]​

You mentioned Black water. Thanks. some tough SOBS those guys. Saving marines when the marines wouldnt come to their own aid due to hostile fire.

You should see the sniper videos on u tube. HOORAH!!!
Not sure...........but can anybody tell me why the MSNBC weekday evening anchors are always so angry and miserable?

Can't speak for the other MSNBC stooges but just imagine being shaped like Maddow and trying to find cross-dressing outfits that actually fit. Guarantee you'd be just as angry and miserable.
I voted that both Fox News and MSNBC were in a tie as being the most biased. I can't stand either of them.
I have friends who are either married to one or the other and their political views are very, very narrow and lack any form of objectivity. I avoid getting into any form of political discussions with them as all I get back are redundant talking points that I have heard before from other viewers of either Fox or MSNBC.
MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity. After it started.
Besides your (collective) lack-of-skills at sentence-construction, you FAUX Noise fans (also) have no problems offering some whacked-out premise, like MSNBC egged on craven surrender at every oppurtunity....without ANY details to support your doubt a result o' your (many) years swallowing Porky Limbaugh's horseshit; without question.


The only thing Fox did differently was that when the rest of the media turned against the war, they were for finishing what we started.
.....And, The DICK; Cheney/corporate America DID appreciate your support!!!!

[ame=]'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Soldiers outsourced to KBR - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Special: Blackwater - America's Private Army in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]​

You mentioned Black water. Thanks. some tough SOBS those guys. Saving marines when the marines wouldnt come to their own aid due to hostile fire.

You should see the sniper videos on u tube. HOORAH!!!

They were mercenaries trained by the US government. So the Tax payer got hit twice. First to train them..then to pay them again when Marine pay wasn't enough.

And you complain about the debt?

:lol: Fucking amazing.
Fox News Liberals

Talk to any Fox News-hating liberal and you'll here the same old regurgitated talking point- "Fox is not Fair & Balanced," "Rightwing propaganda." One network, Fox News, has twice the number of opposing commentators than does all media sources combined. If you add up the major media properties; ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, New York Times, Washington Post, and Newsweek -- you get a total of five so-called conservative personalities among hundreds of liberals. At the least, Fox News employs the following liberals;

* Juan Williams
* Alan Colmes
* Kirsten Powers
* Shepard Smith
* Geraldo Rivera
* Mara Liasson
* Bill Schulz
* Susan Estrich
* Ed Henry
* Bob Beckel

A 2009 national survey showed that 46% of those who watch FOX News “just about every day” are Democrats or Independents. Dick Morris interpreted the numbers and determines, "Could it be that the Obama Administration is concerned about FOX News not because it is 'an arm of the Republican Party' but because it is so widely seen among Democrats and Independents?"

The other propaganda by the left is that Fox News watchers only watch Fox. Many viewers watch other news more that MSNBC viewers.

Fox news is just oppisite of the biased liberal news like MSNBC, CNN, CBS, fox viewers are much more informed than MSNBC viewers.

[ame=]Fox News Viewers Are Misinformed Study, The Critique - YouTube[/ame]

Don't believe the mainstream news look up things up for yourself on what they are reporting
I watched Beck for a year, 2009, he is the most irresponsible TV personality I have ever seen. I watched Maddow during the oil spill and found her to be a class act. Both networks are run as political tools but it seems Fox is a lot more effective.
I think their distortion makes anyone who watches these networks on a daily basis terribly misinformed about contemporary issues in America.

Am I wrong?

BONUS: Who is more biased: Fox News or MSNBC?

I disagree. After watching Karl Rove talk about the candidates and their shortfalls, I find the FNC to be fair.

Of course, Obama's shortfalls are more numerous and dangerous for our country. That doesn't come from Fox, but from me.
...owned by special interest groups. Y do U think our USA has been involved in perpetual war since 1916???

FOX egged on the war with Iraq.

MSNBC has done no such thing.

MSNBC fired Donahue an outspoken opponent of the upcoming invasion and soon thereafter hired Michael Savage(though not as a replacement).

I believe they had reporters inbedded with the army as well.

It's all about the ratings.

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