Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

One should not seek judgements on sexual issues, nor the rules thereof, from a God who cannot experience it.

To do so is really stupid.

Yes. That is the applicable word.

You don't get a say. After this life is over you WILL be judged. Hope you find repentance before that day
I have a big problem with you and your God's laws and judgements. Homosexual behavior is not a religious evil except in the eyes of religious hypocrites, who pass judgement on the beliefs of others.
Why should homosexuals be celibate or marry the opposite sex? Who are you to make a judgement like that? Have you ever met God and asked God about this, or are you enamored with the verbiage of some religious spook who tells you what God believes?
It seems that I had you wrong.
I have a big problem with you and your God's laws and judgements. Homosexual behavior is not a religious evil except in the eyes of religious hypocrites, who pass judgement on the beliefs of others.
Why should homosexuals be celibate or marry the opposite sex? Who are you to make a judgement like that? Have you ever met God and asked God about this, or are you enamored with the verbiage of some religious spook who tells you what God believes?
They are free to marry, if someone will have them. They are also free to sin--for now

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.(AS) 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools(AT) 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images(AU) made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over(AV) in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.(AW) 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie,(AX) and worshiped and served created things(AY) rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.(AZ) Amen.(BA)

26 Because of this, God gave them over(BB) to shameful lusts.(BC) Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.(BD) 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.(BE)

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over(BF) to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
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That your God, who can cure as easily as kill, chose to kill instead or cure.

An evil God kills while a good God would cure.

Yahweh and St. Hitler are in hell where all such moral monsters reside.

Pray for Jesus and Armageddon, yet another genocide, if your morals allow it.

You call evil, good.

Stop it.

Do you want the 95% of heterosexuals to take away your free moral agency to choose good or evil? We can. We have in the past as well. If you don't want us to do this, then why would you demand God do the same thing? We are free agents to choose good or evil. Adam and Eve chose for all of us that our bodies would not be perfect and would have defects in the genes. But, we all have the right to choose as long as we know the game rules. He doesn't want to heal you without you having faith in him. Keep the commandments. Keep your right to choose.
Basically the same as heterosexuals, in terms of seeing sex as friction between bodies.

If you will hate your gay son, buddy, why did you and your God created that abomination.

Why would your God out a gay person in your blood line?

Why would your God create inferior souls?

Once again, you are quite lost. I have no sons that are gay.
God doesn't create any inferior souls. To be inferior is your decision on whether to keep the commandments or not.
No one creates gays. They choose to be gay. Even if they did not, they choose to act upon their lusts. Just like heterosexuals do.

I hate conclusions drawn by people who would follow an evil god who would have parents hate what they and God created.

Hate the evil creators, not the victim/created.

Then stop following an evil god, Satan. He's deceived you and you need to stop following him. Satan is an evil creator. He wants you to have pleasure but no responsibilities and for you stop procreating the earth. That is what Satan wants. To stop Father's Plan of Salvation.
Right, you never said LGBT don't have a right to participate in society. But you won't agree that they should have the right to FULL participation in society. That would include to marry the person who they are sexually and romantically attracted to . To say that they can be celibate or marry someone of the opposite sex is bigoted, selfish and stupid. You are a dogmatic theocrat who's mind has been poisoned by religion
What do you mean by full participation as to the right to participate in society? Something must be on your mind.
Then stop following an evil god, Satan. He's deceived you and you need to stop following him. Satan is an evil creator. He wants you to have pleasure but no responsibilities and for you stop procreating the earth. That is what Satan wants. To stop Father's Plan of Salvation.
Who told you that? Satan?
I have a big problem with you and your God's laws and judgements. Homosexual behavior is not a religious evil except in the eyes of religious hypocrites, who pass judgement on the beliefs of others.
Why should homosexuals be celibate or marry the opposite sex? Who are you to make a judgement like that? Have you ever met God and asked God about this, or are you enamored with the verbiage of some religious spook who tells you what God believes?
No, not at all. The commandments are written plainly in both the Old and New Testaments. It's for all eyes to see. I've listed them before. Do you need another list? Homosexuals don't have to be celibate or marry the opposite sex. But, if they want to comply with the commandments of Jesus Christ, then they will have to. Jesus said, "If ye are my friends, keep my commandments."

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