Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

No he didn't. God never created one single item in the universe. He is a total myth.
Free will came with the evolution of the human. As with morality because atheists gave both and God was not involved. Youvr been conned.

Sin dies not exist. It was I vented by religion as a form of punishment to keep idiots in line. The only thing in the bible that is correct is the page numbers. Nice novel but all bullshit.

Bullshit. Have you ever heard of God taking it from anyone?
Of course not because God is irrelevant to any functions humans perform.
Grow up.

It takes more Faith to believe what you do. You believe all life evolved from rocks and water. :eusa_whistle:

No, not at all. The commandments are written plainly in both the Old and New Testaments. It's for all eyes to see. I've listed them before. Do you need another list? Homosexuals don't have to be celibate or marry the opposite sex. But, if they want to comply with the commandments of Jesus Christ, then they will have to. Jesus said, "If ye are my friends, keep my commandments."
How do you know that Christ made this statement or these commandments? If so, does it mean that these "Commandments" mean anything? As long as you follow them, you will remain his friend.
Doesn't mean that others have to do the same. You are religicizing (new word) too much. To each his own is my view.
How do you know that Christ made this statement or these commandments? If so, does it mean that these "Commandments" mean anything? As long as you follow them, you will remain his friend.
Doesn't mean that others have to do the same. You are religicizing (new word) too much. To each his own is my view.
The 10 commandments are just plagiarism. All those concepts aside from the "Worship me and only me" stuff were already codified in society
Thank you for your rant. However, yes, they have those rights afforded by the laws of the land. What you are ranting about are the behaviors of people whom you will never be able to control. The abuses you speak of are also found with Jews, Christians, Mormons, JWs, and other religions from atheist who hate. We find them attacking people of all colors including now, Whites. We find this sort of hatred with Democrat who hate Republicans, Socialists who hate Capitalists. It goes on and on. So, guess what, you are fitting in nicely to the human experience. :meow:
Now who is ranting? There is no denying that there is abundant hate and vile rhetoric on the part of most everyone. But you are just blathering about it to create a divergence in order to avoid my question. Go back and read post 543 again, grow a spine, and answer the questing. WHAT AM I SAYING THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH? What rights should they not have and why. ? And no, not all of those rights are the "law of the land"
Once again, you are quite lost. I have no sons that are gay.
God doesn't create any inferior souls. To be inferior is your decision on whether to keep the commandments or not.
No one creates gays. They choose to be gay. Even if they did not, they choose to act upon their lusts. Just like heterosexuals do.
Nice that you have no gay sons to hate the way your filthy religions asks you to do.

You think it is a choice. When did you choose to be a heterosexual, or not?

Being gay is strictly human and not outside of human control. The Bible states it is due to denying and disobeying God. Thus, homosexual activity is definitely a sin. Of course, beating up gays or f*g bashing is a sin, too. However, if one is tempted or attracted to the same sex, then it's just temptation and not sin. Just don't do it.

Why not just follow your desires?

Why let another mind control yours?

I think is more nurture than nature .. like I said in my other post #458

If they egg them on along that path, well, that's what happens.
Apologies for missing your first.

Who nurtured you to whatever your sexual preference is?

Most nurture comers from the family.

Why would anyone nurture gayness in ones family or friends, and how exactly is ones sexual preference changed?

Being gay is strictly human and not outside of human control. The Bible states it is due to denying and disobeying God. Thus, homosexual activity is definitely a sin. Of course, beating up gays or f*g bashing is a sin, too. However, if one is tempted or attracted to the same sex, then it's just temptation and not sin. Just don't do it.
Just don't do it? Does that also apply to those who do not believe as you do- both Christians and non Christians?? Should your god and your bible apply to everyone?
Nothing requires me to accept the insanity pushed on society by an extremely small perverted minority.

I follow GOD'S Law, not a small perverted minority
No one gives a rats hind parts what you accept. The fact is that we as a society have said that marriage need not be only a man and a woman. It is a fact of life so you night as well stop whining about it
provide the etched tablets from the heavens - to prove the false commandments you use to exert yourself onto others, nefariously do not make you a bigot and a liar ... the same for all those using the same three desert religions for identical purposes. cougarbear.
I'm confirming that the Law given to Moses exists. If you can find the Arc of the Covenant, you will find them in there. I don't need to see the tablets. I know that the commandments are from God to all of us. And, you are just saying about my questions to you, "I can't answer those questions."
How do you know that Christ made this statement or these commandments? If so, does it mean that these "Commandments" mean anything? As long as you follow them, you will remain his friend.
Doesn't mean that others have to do the same. You are religicizing (new word) too much. To each his own is my view.
Again, you can choose good or evil. That's your choice. But, that doesn't mean anything you say is true. I have the Holy Ghost that bears witness that these things are true. Until you can cause me to deny the Holy Ghost, then your logic is mute. The hypothesis you start with is meaningless and the logic and reasoning that follows is as well.
Now who is ranting? There is no denying that there is abundant hate and vile rhetoric on the part of most everyone. But you are just blathering about it to create a divergence in order to avoid my question. Go back and read post 543 again, grow a spine, and answer the questing. WHAT AM I SAYING THAT YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH? What rights should they not have and why. ? And no, not all of those rights are the "law of the land"
I've already adequately answered your questions. There are no rights that gays don't have with the laws of the land. Tell me the last time you were not afforded any of the rights you think you should have with the laws of the land?
My response was not a rant like yours. yours involves hatred towards those who believe in the God of the NT and OT. I showed no rant but true accusations against LGBT's and Atheists who attack religious people.
Keeping commandments is negating the right to choose, --- stupid.

How's that? Take the commandment "Thou shalt not commit Adultery?" You have the right to commit Adultery or not commit Adultery. If you keep the commandment, you still get to choose every time you are tempted to commit Adultery. But, if you break the commandment, without the ability to have your sin of breaking the commandment forgiven and washed away, you now have no choices. It will always be on your record in the book of your life unless you repent and ask for forgiveness to the one who forgives. some of the commandments are more easily able to make restitution than others which is a part of the process of repentance. Adultery is a very difficult one. How to you make restitution for that sacred covenant made with your wife? Same with Murder. The only thing I can think of with murder is accepting the death penalty. Stealing, you can repay with money. Breaking the Sabbath, you can stop breaking it and worship every Sabbath day. But, keeping the commandments is the only way to keep the right to choose.

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