Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Where did the single cells come from?
These people are fools. I've posted this before -- walking protein. This isn't "life" but a component of cellular life.

Nor only are cells impossible to "evolve" but an eternity can come and go and this protein could never evolve.

Only a fool can't see a Creator in "life"

These people are fools. I've posted this before -- walking protein. This isn't "life" but a component of cellular life.

Nor only are cells impossible to "evolve" but an eternity can come and go and this protein could never evolve.

Only a fool can't see a Creator in "life"

It takes much more faith to believe what they believe.
It takes much more faith to believe what they believe.
For some reason I can't post youtube videos right now, but if you go to YouTube and search "walking proteins" you'll see something astonishing. This didn't happen by random chance. It's not even remotely possible
For some reason I can't post youtube videos right now, but if you go to YouTube and search "walking proteins" you'll see something astonishing. This didn't happen by random chance. It's not even remotely possible
Summarize it in your own words, if you understand it.

I won't hold my breath.
Where did the single cells come from?
They formed in the ocean, it is thought near hydrothermal vents.
Don't be so naive to think God put them there then 13.8 billion years later he decides to create humans with the puff of smoke you nut cases believe.

There are plenty of literature to
Explain the most plausible but you won't find it in your filthy bible.

Don't worry about Jesus dying. I hear Mary has been having a bit of slap and tickle behind the camel shed and us pregnant again. Hallelujah.
Shameless liar. Lies make baby Jesus cry, sinner.

Your daddy.


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