Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

Its one ever comes to the natural and apparently obvious conclusion.....

If there is a "God", perhaps it is as twisted as the humanity supposedly created in its image.
Perhaps it needs entertainment and watching living feeling thing suffer or be tortured is "amusing"
Jusus Fucking Christ. !! Murderers and thieves prey on other and harm them . Is it possible that you are not bright enough to see that you are presenting a false equivalency logical fallacy?

Let us see you post that same statement......but replace Jesus with Muhammad and Christ with Allah.'re too chicken shit
Its one ever comes to the natural and apparently obvious conclusion.....

If there is a "God", perhaps it is as twisted as the humanity supposedly created in its image.
Perhaps it needs entertainment and watching living feeling thing suffer or be tortured is "amusing"
Exactly what I said back here... He either likes it, or doesn't care, or doesn't exist...


Let us see you post that same statement......but replace Jesus with Muhammad and Christ with Allah.'re too chicken shit
Well fuck yeah! I'll do it! All 3 monotheistic religions that came from the OT, are evil. They are made to create armies to fight to the death for the benefit of their rulers. They are all evil institutions! And they make lots of money from the fools that cannot think enough to realize they are being used.

Let us see you post that same statement......but replace Jesus with Muhammad and Christ with Allah.'re too chicken shit
He's not chicken shit. He's absolutely right. And you're absolutely wrong. Are you ok with the genocide that Christianity did, multiple times? Just because you born into that religion?
He's not chicken shit. He's absolutely right. And you're absolutely wrong. Are you ok with the genocide that Christianity did, multiple times? Just because you born into that religion?


wellthat wentrightoveryourhead.jpg
You could have been born Jewish, or Muslim. And I guarantee you would have a MUCH different opinion about stuff.

So you're brainwashed by your birthright. You never actually thought about it, and made your own choice...

I know for a fact that you will reply saying you made your own choice. But that's just face-saving bullshit. You were born into your religion, and that's the only thing you can possibly accept.

It's like telling you Santa Claus isn't real, after you have been believing for 50 years. You won't accept it.
You could have been born Jewish, or Muslim. And I guarantee you would have a MUCH different opinion about stuff.

So you're brainwashed by your birthright. You never actually thought about it, and made your own choice...

I know for a fact that you will reply saying you made your own choice. But that's just face-saving bullshit. You were born into your religion, and that's the only thing you can possibly accept.

It's like telling you Santa Claus isn't real, after you have been believing for 50 years. You won't accept it.

You have no clue what you're rambling about. :auiqs.jpg:

And you know absolutely nothing about me. :spinner:

But keep pulling ASSumptions out of your.......:cul2:
Maybe we agree :) I may have misunderstood your post. :cool:

I'm sorry? I apologize if I went after the wrong person

But, the above is all truth for posterity... :)
Sorry, it was this post to someone else, that made me misunderstand:


Let us see you post that same statement......but replace Jesus with Muhammad and Christ with Allah.'re too chicken shit
And I'm willing to change all the names.
Your post sounded like you were dismissing the argument with a strawman statement. And called him a chicken shit.

I still don't understand why you're calling him a chicken shit, when he agrees with you.

But if I somehow mistook your intentions, then I apologize. :)

But otherwise, we shall have words.
I'm glad you can see a cell. But your response is in affirmative to my response. And, it is causing you an unbelievable upheaval in your cortex.

Not so. I am extremely satisfied with the evolution process.
You have no evidence that a single cell has become a multi-cell creature. Just more single cell creatures.
That's correct but it is without doubt a more plausible explanation than a ghost snaps his fingers and here are.
Yet, you believe somehow something created a creature with two cells. And then 4 and then 8 and then..... You believe this yet you have never seen it happen. No one has ever seen it happen. It's a religious belief that there is a magic cell that created a multi-cell creature
Ironically, you believe your silly Jesus walked on water, performed miracles, was from an immaculate conception yet never seen it happen. Science and you know, those things cannot possibly happen but you ridicule me for believing the division if cells is impossible when it's happening every minute in our bodies. You need to think about that.
. Not fact. Just belief. It may have happened. I could possibly have happened...Just fuzzy words and nothing to witness to it

Again, exactly the same as yours only mine is now provable.
. Yet, I have the Holy Ghost to witness
No you don't. Again, you have never seen, heard or interacted with any ghost, holy nor otherwise. You are a liar and delusional. Not one person on earth has anything whatsoever as evidence of anything like a god.
to me Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer
Again, no he isn't. You will not be saved at all. You only think you will because you have no evidence it has happened in the past. That's a fact. You have no evidence one single person has gone to your ridiculous heaven rubbish. Not one.

You cannot form an opinion of the beginning of evolution without being comprehensively read from both sides. You have nothing but a bible as a reference and you know it.
Both of us are 1/2 a chromosome ftom a chimpanzee and don't bother attempting to reject that. It's fact.
Every so gel living thing on earth has detectable remnants of star dust in our system, even after 6 billion years of evolution, it is still there.
DNA is infallible and proven to be so. The same DNA has links to dinosaurs etc from millions of year ago and can be sequenced to prove it, along with out close heritage.
What does your silly bible and holy ghost say about those indisputable facts? You won't find anything remotely like that where you spend you time.

The fact is, you have no proof of one word you say regarding God etc. Nothing. Just ignorant faith, which is defined as believing without evidence. That's because there is none.
I won't matter if you believe that shit until the sun rises in the West, nothing will be evidenced of any supernatural dictatorship you worship.
YOU have been conned by the oldest trick known to mankind and now have adopted delusions as your only evidence.

Everytime you reply I get another whack at you.
I am well rehearsed on debating godbotherers like you.
The studies started out with a predetermined outcome and arranged for the study to conclude the exact concept intended.

I have known many same sex families. Before there was sam3 sex marriage, adoption was extremely complicated since two men or two women could not adopt. I formed hundreds of these families and had occasion to watch these children as they grew up. These kids were all dysfunctional. They were dysfunctional in the same way as children raised by a single parent. The most successful had designated opposite sex role models actively participating in the child's life.

It should never have been.
Its one ever comes to the natural and apparently obvious conclusion.....

If there is a "God", perhaps it is as twisted as the humanity supposedly created in its image.
Perhaps it needs entertainment and watching living feeling thing suffer or be tortured is "amusing"
Hmmm. A leftist God. Interesting.
Its one ever comes to the natural and apparently obvious conclusion.....

If there is a "God", perhaps it is as twisted as the humanity supposedly created in its image.
Perhaps it needs entertainment and watching living feeling thing suffer or be tortured is "amusing"
Or maybe an eternal being would see thus short human existence as a mere TEMPORARY blip on the radar of all eternity where we are being asked to CHOOSE whom we follow, Satan or our Creator. I've made my choice. The God Haters have made theirs
If it's proof you want, where's the evidence of this creator bullshit?
Evolution us a verified fact but it did stop momentarily when it came to putting intelligence into the jesus junkies. Their heads are full if bullshit and sticks.
In fact, a single fertiliser cell can be seen to divide and has been seen a million times by science. That is a fact and not a God in sight. But if You Get a warm inner glow from believing the God shit, knock yourself out. A lie is a lie regardless how long you believe it.
YOU can demand all you the like but those immaculate conceptions always let your team down. dream on boy. Heaven must be full of idiots.
What are the odds that nature can take a single cell and develop it to a point where billions of cells develop an organism
with a brain that rivals that of a computer? Colon, you're an idiot, and I'm complementing you. I apologize to all the other
idiots out there.
I'm glad you can see a cell. But your response is in affirmative to my response. And, it is causing you an unbelievable upheaval in your cortex. You have no evidence that a single cell has become a multi-cell creature. Just more single cell creatures. Yet, you believe somehow something created a creature with two cells. And then 4 and then 8 and then..... You believe this yet you have never seen it happen. No one has ever seen it happen. It's a religious belief that there is a magic cell that created a multi-cell creature. Not fact. Just belief. It may have happened. I could possibly have happened...Just fuzzy words and nothing to witness to it. Yet, I have the Holy Ghost to witness to me Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Even those who reject him. :nono:
No one has ever seen it happen. It's a religious belief that there is a magic cell that created a multi-cell creature.

no one has ever seen a multi-celled creature - because non ... exist.

a level of evolution not yet accomplished - for a good reason.

there are no beings on planet Earth with two dissimilar cells - all beings are either single cell or single, multi subdivided, single cell - creatures.
You cannot verify that they did not exist. I have the Bible that has the words of the Prophets. You have nothing.

words are not tablets from the heavens ... provide those tablets or cease using the madeup text associated with them.

yes, that certainly can be proven - you have no basis - for your belief they ever existed or presently exist for what is written in the desert religion text. and makes all three religions as phony as the story made up to include commandments {sic} that never existed they attempt to insinuate came from the heavens.

the religion of antiquity is spoken not written from the beginning of life and is the reason for evolutionary change that verifies its existence.

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