Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

DukeU and really, we have the answers to tha.

You, being ass backwards and on the wrong side of science, hold the burden.

So, all the carbon and hydrogen and phosphorous etc...just before it was biomass, where was it?

Hint: not in rocks.

Take your time. This should be good
You do, otherwise you wouldn't be responding.

When the faggotry movement began in yhe USA you said you only wanted to be left alone..

Today you want to change the definition of marriage and you want to take children you never could have and raise them/brainwash them to accept your version of "morality."
That's the way political and social movements work. Incrementally. You work with what is possible at the time given the political environment. But did the bigots leave the gays alone. No they did not. They supported raiding gay bars and marginalizing and persecuting gays in any way possible. And gays became more militant as you would expect of any oppressed minority.

Today, the definition of marriage has been changed whether you like it or not. And gay folks have always had children. They are not sterile. And they are parents to those children. Damned good parents. They are educating those children to be good and decent people who are not bigots and bullies , but people who respect and accept others who are different. You can call that brainwashing if you want, but the fact of the matter is that you bigots are the ones who are brainwashed but too stupid to know it.

My version of morality is that all people are valid human beings and should not be marginalized and shoved aside because of who they are sexually and romantically drawn to . Your morality is narrowminded bullshit
@DukeU and really, we have the answers to tha.

You, being ass backwards and on the wrong side of science, hold the burden.

So, all the carbon and hydrogen and phosphorous etc...just before it was biomass, where was it?

Hint: not in rocks.

Take your time. This should be good

Quite the conundrum you have found yourself in, trying to make a "truth" claim while believing in evolution.

Evolution is the constant changing of everything including the truth. How do you know what you're saying is true if everything is changing?
If it's proof you want, where's the evidence of this creator bullshit?
Evolution us a verified fact but it did stop momentarily when it came to putting intelligence into the jesus junkies. Their heads are full if bullshit and sticks.
In fact, a single fertiliser cell can be seen to divide and has been seen a million times by science. That is a fact and not a God in sight. But if You Get a warm inner glow from believing the God shit, knock yourself out. A lie is a lie regardless how long you believe it.
YOU can demand all you the like but those immaculate conceptions always let your team down. dream on boy. Heaven must be full of idiots.
I'm glad you can see a cell. But your response is in affirmative to my response. And, it is causing you an unbelievable upheaval in your cortex. You have no evidence that a single cell has become a multi-cell creature. Just more single cell creatures. Yet, you believe somehow something created a creature with two cells. And then 4 and then 8 and then..... You believe this yet you have never seen it happen. No one has ever seen it happen. It's a religious belief that there is a magic cell that created a multi-cell creature. Not fact. Just belief. It may have happened. I could possibly have happened...Just fuzzy words and nothing to witness to it. Yet, I have the Holy Ghost to witness to me Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer of all mankind. Even those who reject him. :nono:
Haha, you goobers always try this idiot parlor trick.

It doesn't work.
It's what you do all the time. But when the shoe is on the other foot, you throw out insults because you can't control others from believing in God. And, that destroys the brain cells of atheists and liberals. :banghead:
that's not what the person who did kill someone, wrote - in their phony commandments ... what they did was not given to others as you suggest. same with the rest of the commandments, they appeal to the lowest denominator if valid at all.

you can not verify they ever existed, the tablets or the inscriptions worse they are as hollow as the desert religions have proven over recorded history.

your pretext is without merit.
You cannot verify that they did not exist. I have the Bible that has the words of the Prophets. You have nothing.
To solve this argument, we can only go back to the real original texts. And so far they are from the Sumerians, circa 4000BC. They invented writing, so they have to be first, unless another society is found to have invented writing before them.

And the original texts prove that the OT was plagiarized and not true. They changed all the stories to suit a monotheistic religion, 2000+ years later. Same stories, different names, and they changed multiple gods into one schizophrenic God.

So if we're gonna go with ancient texts and scripture, you have to ignore the OT. And the OT built the 3 monotheistic religions that have been trying to genocide each other for 4000 years.

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