Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

To solve this argument, we can only go back to the real original texts. And so far they are from the Sumerians, circa 4000BC. They invented writing, so they have to be first, unless another society is found to have invented writing before them.

And the original texts prove that the OT was plagiarized and not true. They changed all the stories to suit a monotheistic religion, 2000+ years later. Same stories, different names, and they changed multiple gods into one schizophrenic God.

So if we're gonna go with ancient texts and scripture, you have to ignore the OT. And the OT built the 3 monotheistic religions that have been trying to genocide each other for 4000 years.
and they changed multiple gods into one schizophrenic God.

there is no reason whatsoever to conclude otherwise the heavens are polytheistic whether a finial superior being exists or not.
But, keeping the commandments is the only way to keep the right to choose.
Those who cannot do sex, like Gods, should not try to tell those who can what the rules should be.

They would not know what they are talking about.

Not so. I am extremely satisfied with the evolution process.

That's correct but it is without doubt a more plausible explanation than a ghost snaps his fingers and here are.

Ironically, you believe your silly Jesus walked on water, performed miracles, was from an immaculate conception yet never seen it happen. Science and you know, those things cannot possibly happen but you ridicule me for believing the division if cells is impossible when it's happening every minute in our bodies. You need to think about that.

Again, exactly the same as yours only mine is now provable.

No you don't. Again, you have never seen, heard or interacted with any ghost, holy nor otherwise. You are a liar and delusional. Not one person on earth has anything whatsoever as evidence of anything like a god.

Again, no he isn't. You will not be saved at all. You only think you will because you have no evidence it has happened in the past. That's a fact. You have no evidence one single person has gone to your ridiculous heaven rubbish. Not one.

You cannot form an opinion of the beginning of evolution without being comprehensively read from both sides. You have nothing but a bible as a reference and you know it.
Both of us are 1/2 a chromosome ftom a chimpanzee and don't bother attempting to reject that. It's fact.
Every so gel living thing on earth has detectable remnants of star dust in our system, even after 6 billion years of evolution, it is still there.
DNA is infallible and proven to be so. The same DNA has links to dinosaurs etc from millions of year ago and can be sequenced to prove it, along with out close heritage.
What does your silly bible and holy ghost say about those indisputable facts? You won't find anything remotely like that where you spend you time.

The fact is, you have no proof of one word you say regarding God etc. Nothing. Just ignorant faith, which is defined as believing without evidence. That's because there is none.
I won't matter if you believe that shit until the sun rises in the West, nothing will be evidenced of any supernatural dictatorship you worship.
YOU have been conned by the oldest trick known to mankind and now have adopted delusions as your only evidence.

Everytime you reply I get another whack at you.
I am well rehearsed on debating godbotherers like you.
Just a couple of comments from this redundant attempt to sound intelligent. We are only at most 85% DNA the same as a Chimp. In fact, as others in here have pointed out that have your same foolish dream of being an ape like creature, we are not related to Chimps. They claim that both hominids and apes have a common ancestor. We proved them wrong about being 99% the same as chimps so now they back track to a common link about 6.5 to 13.5 million years ago. The evolutionists can't even come to an agreement on this either. So, stop acting like you know something about this.

You still believe that God performs miracles? What he does is apply his knowledge and skill to use physics, biology and other sciences to do what we think are miracles. They are called that because we don't have the knowledge for most of those miracles. However, we can artificially inseminate virgin women by taking a male sperm and putting it in a woman's cell. So, why couldn't the Holy Ghost place Heavenly Father's sperm in Mary? Seams quite plausible to me. Until recently, it did seem like a miracle. And, to the women who get to have children through this process today see it as a miracle. So, never say never on other miracles even the resurrection. Seems like if God has our DNA stored somewhere, he could recreate our bodies. We can already recreated organs in the laboratory and there are animals that do the same thing. Just because we don't understand the process and how to do it doesn't mean it can't be done. Yet, you believe without proof that a single cell creature came from nothing and then somehow became a two cell creature and so on. The mutation cycle for something like that to produce a human being is a trillion years of mutations for that to happen. Yet, you believe the universe is only 13.5 billion years old.

You are very poorly rehearsed on debating these issues. Your belief is just that, a belief that you bank on plausibility, not science. And, then you hope it's true.
no one has ever seen a multi-celled creature - because non ... exist.

a level of evolution not yet accomplished - for a good reason.

there are no beings on planet Earth with two dissimilar cells - all beings are either single cell or single, multi subdivided, single cell - creatures.
Well, I'll agree with you that you are a single celled creature. You obviously are over your head on this one. Go back to surfing now.
words are not tablets from the heavens ... provide those tablets or cease using the madeup text associated with them.

yes, that certainly can be proven - you have no basis - for your belief they ever existed or presently exist for what is written in the desert religion text. and makes all three religions as phony as the story made up to include commandments {sic} that never existed they attempt to insinuate came from the heavens.

the religion of antiquity is spoken not written from the beginning of life and is the reason for evolutionary change that verifies its existence.
You don't know if the words from the tablets with the Ten Commandments are from heaven because you won't take the time to ask God with real intent, without a double mind, if this is true. I have.
Those who cannot do sex, like Gods, should not try to tell those who can what the rules should be.

They would not know what they are talking about.

Since God is the rule maker for all humans for his Plan of Salvation, yes he can tell you what the rules are. There is only one way humans are to have sexual relations. That is a man with a woman which is natural. That's the rule set by the rule maker. You do not that the authority to decide what the rules are. You only have the right to choose whether you will adhere to the rules or not.
You don't know if the words from the tablets with the Ten Commandments are from heaven because you won't take the time to ask God with real intent, without a double mind, if this is true. I have.

there are no tablets etched in heaven or inscribed that any soul has ever witnessed.

it is you who uses the pretext of nonexistent tablets or inscriptions to persuade others for your own nefarious purpose with what has never existed.

no physiological being on Earth is composed of two or more dissimilar cells, all beings on Earth are single cell organisms.
Just a couple of comments from this redundant attempt to sound intelligent. We are only at most 85% DNA the same as a Chimp. In fact, as others in here have pointed out that have your same foolish dream of being an ape like creature, we are not related to Chimps. They claim that both hominids and apes have a common ancestor. We proved them wrong about being 99% the same as chimps so now they back track to a common link about 6.5 to 13.5 million years ago. The evolutionists can't even come to an agreement on this either. So, stop acting like you know something about this.

You still believe that God performs miracles? What he does is apply his knowledge and skill to use physics, biology and other sciences to do what we think are miracles. They are called that because we don't have the knowledge for most of those miracles. However, we can artificially inseminate virgin women by taking a male sperm and putting it in a woman's cell. So, why couldn't the Holy Ghost place Heavenly Father's sperm in Mary? Seams quite plausible to me. Until recently, it did seem like a miracle. And, to the women who get to have children through this process today see it as a miracle. So, never say never on other miracles even the resurrection. Seems like if God has our DNA stored somewhere, he could recreate our bodies. We can already recreated organs in the laboratory and there are animals that do the same thing. Just because we don't understand the process and how to do it doesn't mean it can't be done. Yet, you believe without proof that a single cell creature came from nothing and then somehow became a two cell creature and so on. The mutation cycle for something like that to produce a human being is a trillion years of mutations for that to happen. Yet, you believe the universe is only 13.5 billion years old.

You are very poorly rehearsed on debating these issues. Your belief is just that, a belief that you bank on plausibility, not science. And, then you hope it's true.
Don't think relying on a book of myths and lies will convince anyone there is a god etc.
You have no evidence of anything. Your silly holy ghost is bullshit and you know it. Just that. A ghost but a mature human being is peddling that shit as fact.

Yet you attempt to instruct me with your self assessed intelligence that immaculate conception and virgin births are to be believed. Don't make me vomit you brain dead fool. You have nothing but delusions and so does every godbotherer on earth. You're all bloody mad.
What are the odds that nature can take a single cell and develop it to a point where billions of cells develop an organism
with a brain that rivals that of a computer? Colon, you're an idiot, and I'm complementing you. I apologize to all the other
idiots out there.
The odds are enormous but that aside, it happened.
What are the odds that a supernatural dictatorship that conveniently lives in the sky, no one has ever seen or heard, suddenly creates the universe from nothing in 6 days, creates diseases that kill innocent children, supposedly flooded the earth and killed every living thing but those in the dubious ark yet fools like you suggest he loves us all and we should reciprocate because he promised eternity that has never been confirmed?

What are the odds dickhead?
I always know when an argument is exhausted because idiots like you make light if my name as a weapon.
Just how immature and spineless are you?
Now who is the idiot dickhead?
Have another go.
The odds are enormous but that aside, it happened.
What are the odds that a supernatural dictatorship that conveniently lives in the sky, no one has ever seen or heard, suddenly creates the universe from nothing in 6 days, creates diseases that kill innocent children, supposedly flooded the earth and killed every living thing but those in the dubious ark yet fools like you suggest he loves us all and we should reciprocate because he promised eternity that has never been confirmed?

What are the odds dickhead?
I always know when an argument is exhausted because idiots like you make light if my name as a weapon.
Just how immature and spineless are you?
Now who is the idiot dickhead?
Have another go.
I never realized you were a fundie.
there is no reason whatsoever to conclude otherwise the heavens are polytheistic whether a finial superior being exists or not.
The Sumerians, and the Akkadians and the Babylonians, and the Egyptians, wrote of multiple gods. Also the Greeks and the Romans. And many other societies in history have multiple gods. But the OT was based on written tablets telling about the Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian gods. And the OT changed it, purposely, and made it a schizophrenic single "God". That's why the OT doesn't make sense. That's why why we have a god who loves us and hates us, in the same verse. "God" is EN.LIL and EN.KI, the Sumerian leaders. One hated us and wanted to destroy us, one loved and created us. The Bible fucked it up...

AN.UN.NA.KI means "those who came from heaven to earth". They created us, ruled us, and taught us everything we know, per the Sumerian writings in 4000 BC. The bible and jews didn't exist then. They just plagiarized it over 2000 years later.

Same stories, and different names, one "God", and way different meanings. You can read the original texts and decide for yourself.
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Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

God knows all, the entity knew of man's lustful nature and the fertility women possessed so he made up to a third of mankind with homosexual natures. If history did not interfere with the natural process there would be no overpopulation, the world would have been better off. but mankind destroyed that too with his fears, lies and hatred.
God knows all, the entity knew of man's lustful nature and the fertility women possessed so he made up to a third of mankind with homosexual natures. If history did not interfere with the natural process there would be no overpopulation, the world would have been better off. but mankind destroyed that too with his fears, lies and hatred.
Huh? Can you start over? That makes no sense to me.

Where do you stand with homos? Are they something god created, or is that free will?
I won't suck a cock or get butt-fucked, but I wouldn't mind a three-way with two chicks going off on each other.

That's like every man's fantasy. So obviously it's ok if it's chicks! Then why is it so wrong if it's guys?? Priests do it every day except Sunday... I just don't understand the issue...
Huh? Can you start over? That makes no sense to me.

Where do you stand with homos? Are they something god created, or is that free will?
I have been to the other side, I asked the important questions. All the problems we have here on Earth are created by ourselves. The entity most people refer to as God has nothing to do with our fates visiting this world. We create our destiny, it's in our hands.
I have been to the other side, I asked the important questions. All the problems we have here on Earth are created by ourselves. The entity most people refer to as God has nothing to do with our fates visiting this world. We create our destiny, it's in our hands.
That doesn't seem to answer the question, if you will accept my cock in your mouth. What is your stand on that? Are you pro, or neg, cock sucking? We'll get to the "other side" after you answer this question.
That doesn't seem to answer the question, if you will accept my cock in your mouth. What is your stand on that? Are you pro, or neg, cock sucking? We'll get to the "other side" after you answer this question.
I'm an old man. Sex doesn't really interest me anymore sorry about that. Fellatio is enjoyed by both heterosexuals and homosexual alike. Sorry but I'm not interested, I have to know the person first and have something in common before I would do something like that. I guess I'm just old-fashioned.
I'm an old man. Sex doesn't really interest me anymore sorry about that. Fellatio is enjoyed by both heterosexuals and homosexual alike. Sorry but I'm not interested, I have to know the person first and have something in common before I would do something like that. I guess I'm just old-fashioned.
OK, then we're both on the same page. :) I kinda see what you were saying before.

While I'm not personally homosexual, I think it is something that people are born with, and not something they choose. And that's why I have a lot of problems with people who think they can choose which way to roll. They can't.

And young gay men who are religious, are destined for the clergy. And their urges will eventually have to be satisfied. And our kids are sent to them like sacrificial lambs to eventually be molested.

But if priests were allowed to blow each other, or have heterosexual relations with consenting adults, maybe it wouldn't be expressed upon our children as much. I don't know. It seems very logical to me...
OK, then we're both on the same page. :) I kinda see what you were saying before.

While I'm not personally homosexual, I think it is something that people are born with, and not something they choose. And that's why I have a lot of problems with people who think they can choose which way to roll. They can't.

And young gay men who are religious, are destined for the clergy. And their urges will eventually have to be satisfied. And our kids are sent to them like sacrificial lambs to eventually be molested.

But if priests were allowed to blow each other, or have heterosexual relations with consenting adults, maybe it wouldn't be expressed upon our children as much. I don't know. It seems very logical to me...
I am gay, I had one good love in my life that lasted 18 years and I'm thankful for that for that. Now I've moved on. I might be one of the few people on Earth that enjoy living alone. Most everything is on my own time schedule. I don't understand the celibacy part in Catholicism. Priests would better understand the people If they were allowed to marry and became fathers themselves instead of just father in name alone. Most priests that are pedophiles were not homosexuals, pedophilia like rape is a perverted mental game of dominance. It's not about the sex at all. Remember the boy scouts, or the scandal with the Baptists, those were mostly married men. The biggest case was a Baptist minister in Alabama who had sex with 258 of his congregation it included boys girls women and some of the men. How and why anybody would want to do this is beyond me. When I was having sex it was always just one-on-one and preferably with the same person. Pedophiles are very dynamic people.

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