Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

The point of what was talking about was the "odds". Try and keep up with the conversation, stud.

what odds -

physiology is a metaphysical substance not native to planet Earth and has a spiritual content that when removed causes the physiology to disappear into the atmosphere. - - it just occurred in thought maybe comparing a semi to physiological evolution was kind of like looking at an apple and saying it was an orange. sorry.
I already said that the immaculate conception of a virgin was a miracle to the people of their time. Even up to a few decades ago, it was still considered a miracle.
There is no such thing as miracles. People do not walk on water or resurrect. It's total bullshit and you have no evidence to the contrary. Pathenogenisis is impossible in mammals.
But, since we are able to impregnant a virgin today with a cell from a male, it's not so unbelievable that God was able to do this since he created everything we see and hear and don't see and hear.
There is no God nor ever has been. Only a fool would believe what your saying because it's written in some ridiculous book.
He created nothing and evolution is a fact. Stop being ridiculously naive.
The Holy Ghost was the doctor. Just because you can't understand something I can, doesn't mean it does not exist.

A doctor ay? How long had he been doing embryo transfers or artificial insemination? Do you expect rational human beings to believe that shit?
You don't even understand how ET and AI are performed yet you want me to believe a stupid ghost performed it without Mary knowing??? You are complained brain washedvbybthat rubbish. Grow up.
It just doesn't exist in your prejudiced mind is all. By the way, I rely on the gift of the Holy Ghost to decide truth.
It not only doesn't exist in my mind but it doesn't exist in the universe. You cannot provide proof it does. What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
And exactly what is this gift your silly ghost mate has given you?
How do you know he hasn't told you lies, if you converse with him regularly which I know you dont, andvwgat exactly us the truth of you've never interacted with your ghost, which I know you haven't and so do you. You are delusional and hallucinating if You think you have. Not to mention a liar.
Read and study the doctrine in the scriptures. Meditate on them. Then pray and ask God if those things are true with real intent,
There is no God to pray to and even so, if there were , how do I get a message from him to advise me? Email? Text?
You're not making any practical sense. It's the same for forgiveness. How do you know you're forgiven? You don't because there is no God.
without your double-mindedness and He will give you the answer that the Bible is the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.
The bible was not written by God and you know it. He never dictated it to anyone. It was recorded approximately 60 years after the death of this Jesus dickhead by a gaggle of desert dwelling idiots yet you expect me to take it as fact. DOnt make me vomit.

Furthermore, there is no solid evidence your silly Jesus was ever crucified. His mother had 6vchildren and he was apparently the 3rd. there goes your virgin theory boy.
No man lies in a tomb for three days, riddled with maggots then suddenly arises and levitates skyward. Wake up to yourself.

Have you ever wondered why all these spectacular events supposedly performed by that idiot, we now know to be physically impossible like walking in water and crippled people walking immediately?
Ever wonder why all of this was only in a small area in the middle East where gullible idiots were bountiful?

Don't insult my intelligence again. You know absolutely nothing. Not even what you believe can be taken seriously. You are a joke.
An animal cell -- evolved over several billion years

There is no such thing as miracles. People do not walk on water or resurrect. It's total bullshit and you have no evidence to the contrary. Pathenogenisis is impossible in mammals.

There is no God nor ever has been. Only a fool would believe what your saying because it's written in some ridiculous book.
He created nothing and evolution is a fact. Stop being ridiculously naive.

A doctor ay? How long had he been doing embryo transfers or artificial insemination? Do you expect rational human beings to believe that shit?
You don't even understand how ET and AI are performed yet you want me to believe a stupid ghost performed it without Mary knowing??? You are complained brain washedvbybthat rubbish. Grow up.

It not only doesn't exist in my mind but it doesn't exist in the universe. You cannot provide proof it does. What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
And exactly what is this gift your silly ghost mate has given you?
How do you know he hasn't told you lies, if you converse with him regularly which I know you dont, andvwgat exactly us the truth of you've never interacted with your ghost, which I know you haven't and so do you. You are delusional and hallucinating if You think you have. Not to mention a liar.

There is no God to pray to and even so, if there were , how do I get a message from him to advise me? Email? Text?
You're not making any practical sense. It's the same for forgiveness. How do you know you're forgiven? You don't because there is no God.

The bible was not written by God and you know it. He never dictated it to anyone. It was recorded approximately 60 years after the death of this Jesus dickhead by a gaggle of desert dwelling idiots yet you expect me to take it as fact. DOnt make me vomit.

Furthermore, there is no solid evidence your silly Jesus was ever crucified. His mother had 6vchildren and he was apparently the 3rd. there goes your virgin theory boy.
No man lies in a tomb for three days, riddled with maggots then suddenly arises and levitates skyward. Wake up to yourself.

Have you ever wondered why all these spectacular events supposedly performed by that idiot, we now know to be physically impossible like walking in water and crippled people walking immediately?
Ever wonder why all of this was only in a small area in the middle East where gullible idiots were bountiful?

Don't insult my intelligence again. You know absolutely nothing. Not even what you believe can be taken seriously. You are a joke.
Don't agree with me. Have a whack at them. They feel this forum is theirs to own and shouldn't go challenged. Look how they treat me. As if I'm some type of alien communist.
Get up the idiots. They have no guts.
Don't agree with me. Have a whack at them. They feel this forum is theirs to own and shouldn't go challenged. Look how they treat me. As if I'm some type of alien communist.
Get up the idiots. They have no guts.
I understand who / what I am. I understand the reason religions exist. I understand why the concept of God exists. No religion explains who we are and the reality of our existence.
I understand who / what I am. I understand the reason religions exist. I understand why the concept of God exists. No religion explains who we are and the reality of our existence.
Why do you believe the concept of God exists?
Why do you believe the concept of God exists?
Like I said I've already been there. Both in outer body experiences and a near death experience. The near-death experience was the most informative, I had a lot of time there and I asked the right questions.
Like I said I've already been there. Both in outer body experiences and a near death experience. The near-death experience was the most informative, I had a lot of time there and I asked the right questions.
You said you understand why the concept of God exists. What you just told me though was why you believe God exists. I am interested in why you think the CONCEPT of God exists.
You said you understand why the concept of God exists. What you just told me though was why you believe God exists. I am interested in why you think the CONCEPT of God exists.
It's not God as most people think of God. It is more like the power, the force of the universe. Everything and everyone is connected and although physical life will end, life is forever, unending. We are not separate from God we are all part ( aspects ) of God. Here we are individuals, in the parallel universe of our origin we are as one. I know this because I've been there. And please don't tell me what drugs I was doing cuz I do not do drugs never have well no I don't lie I did do a little smoke a little pot back in the '80s. I am quite normal in every other respect but I do have specific insight on issues most people do not.
It's not God as most people think of God. It is more like the power, the force of the universe. Everything and everyone is connected and although physical life will end, life is forever, unending. We are not separate from God we are all part ( aspects ) of God. Here we are individuals, in the parallel universe of our origin we are as one. I know this because I've been there. And please don't tell me what drugs I was doing cuz I do not do drugs never have well no I don't lie I did do a little smoke a little pot back in the '80s. I am quite normal in every other respect but I do have specific insight on issues most people do not.
Ok, but why do other people have a concept of God. Do you have an opinion on that? As that seemed to be what you were claiming when you said you understand why the concept of God exists.
Ok, but why do other people have a concept of God. Do you have an opinion on that? As that seemed to be what you were claiming when you said you understand why the concept of God exists.
Because they realize they are more than just the physical, they can't explain it themselves, they can't understand it so they turn to religion for the answers. It's an easy answer.
Because they realize they are more than just the physical, they can't explain it themselves, they can't understand it so they turn to religion for the answers. It's an easy answer.
So why doesn't everyone do that?
So why doesn't everyone do that?
Most people choose that route. They're indoctrinated into it at a early age. You don't argue with what is familiar with you. Thinking requires a lot of work. It's one less problem for them to deal with.
Most people choose that route. They're indoctrinated into it at a early age. You don't argue with what is familiar with you. Thinking requires a lot of work. It's one less problem for them to deal with.
What about the others?
What about the others?
More and more people aren't growing up with religion aren't familiar with it it's alien to them. Religion is slowly but surely dying out there are revivals but it's like the last hurray. I have a friend who's Indian Asiatic Indian if you know what I mean from India he said people there are falling away from religion very fast they are too busy trying to eke out a living and make your lives better to be bothered with it. I live in a small town here in the middle of America practically none of my neighbors go to church anymore so if they are Protestants or Catholics they are not practicing Catholics or Protestants they are that in name only.
More and more people aren't growing up with religion aren't familiar with it it's alien to them. Religion is slowly but surely dying out there are revivals but it's like the last hurray. I have a friend who's Indian Asiatic Indian if you know what I mean from India he said people there are falling away from religion very fast they are too busy trying to eke out a living and make your lives better to be bothered with it. I live in a small town here in the middle of America practically none of my neighbors go to church anymore so if they are Protestants or Catholics they are not practicing Catholics or Protestants they are that in name only.
So then none of those people know they are more than just physical?
Like I said I've already been there. Both in outer body experiences and a near death experience. The near-death experience was the most informative, I had a lot of time there and I asked the right questions.
What are the right questions?

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