Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

What are the right questions?
What is the reality of my being ? Is this real ? Which is the real life ? Does time exist here ? Just to name a few, I forgot to ask her very important one though and I haven't been able to get back to ask it. When I was younger it was so easy, it's a lot more difficult these days. My time is almost up for this visit and I already know I'm not coming back to this world. So I'm trying to enjoy all the beauty while I still can.
What is the reality of my being ? Is this real ? Which is the real life ? Does time exist here ? Just to name a few, I forgot to ask her very important one though and I haven't been able to get back to ask it. When I was younger it was so easy, it's a lot more difficult these days. My time is almost up for this visit and I already know I'm not coming back to this world. So I'm trying to enjoy all the beauty while I still can.
And what were the answers?
And what were the answers?
When so-called modern humans evolved, we discovered we could coexist within them and live and experience life as an individual here. Our true form is that of a non-corporeal electromagnetic entity. Every individual is part of that greater being in a parallel universe. The whole group cannot enter the physical universe but aspects of the whole can. In passing through the barrier between the universes conscious memory is lost. That's why people here feel they are more than just the physical beings they are, they are much more than that. The problem with eternity and being one with everyone else is it gets boring after all. Coming here we get to live lives as individuals and it revives our spirits. The big question I wanted to ask but forgot at the time you know you're overwhelmed by everything is happening so I forgot but I would have asked wanted to ask was is there an endgame plan. I sense that there is, but I'm leery to say what that is because I'm not certain what that is. Time essentially doesn't exist on the other side.
When so-called modern humans evolved, we discovered we could coexist within them and live and experience life as an individual here. Our true form is that of a non-corporeal electromagnetic entity. Every individual is part of that greater being in a parallel universe. The whole group cannot enter the physical universe but aspects of the whole can. In passing through the barrier between the universes conscious memory is lost. That's why people here feel they are more than just the physical beings they are, they are much more than that. The problem with eternity and being one with everyone else is it gets boring after all. Coming here we get to live lives as individuals and it revives our spirits. The big question I wanted to ask but forgot at the time you know you're overwhelmed by everything is happening so I forgot but I would have asked wanted to ask was is there an endgame plan. I sense that there is, but I'm leery to say what that is because I'm not certain what that is. Time essentially doesn't exist on the other side.
Are you a Buddhist?
Who gets bored being one with everyone else. Do you believe in reincarnation?
I tried to answer all your questions but I have a feeling you're starting to judge me. Life is too short for that. I don't believe in reincarnation because I cannot die. In the normal situation my being my essence can come back to this world and live many more lives but I have grown beyond this world. As worlds go, the Earth is a beginner planet for us to visit. I was already told this will be my last visit to Earth. I just wanted to tell you " bliss " isn't always cracked up to be. We are fortunate to have discovered access to the physical world. It's pleasant to be an individual and the possibility of change and growth; having all kinds of possibilities in front of us.
I tried to answer all your questions but I have a feeling you're starting to judge me. Life is too short for that. I don't believe in reincarnation because I cannot die. In the normal situation my being my essence can come back to this world and live many more lives but I have grown beyond this world. As worlds go, the Earth is a beginner planet for us to visit. I was already told this will be my last visit to Earth. I just wanted to tell you " bliss " isn't always cracked up to be. We are fortunate to have discovered access to the physical world. It's pleasant to be an individual and the possibility of change and growth; having all kinds of possibilities in front of us.
I have not judges you at all. I am trying to make sense of your account.

How many times have you left this world and come back?
I have not judges you at all. I am trying to make sense of your account.

How many times have you left this world and come back?
In my out of body experiences, which began when I was about 8 years old, I mostly traveled around this world. Twice I traveled through time, once to the past with a Munsee warrior ( captured by the Lenape as a youth, later to become chief of the turtle clan of thel Lenape ) he showed me his homeland. I couldn't believe the dense forests and the size of the trees. Elk and Buffalo roamed the forests. Everything was damp. The buffalo head green moss growing on their backs amongst the thick fur. I thought it odd. Another time, he took me into the future, I wish I saw the date somewhere, but it was the time after Washington DC was destroyed in the new capital was in the center of the United States where the Mississippi River in Ohio meet it's is a huge City or I should say will be a huge City. At the center of the city is a thousand foot pyramid. The top hundred feet of the pyramid is solid glass and a beam shines out of it into the sky. There were four entrances, ( four winds as Smoking Pipe says ) to the pyramid. In the central courtyard of the pyramid there was a pond with a fountain. Inscribed on the floor surrounding that pond was a saying, " May the light of wisdom always guide us. " When I asked him what happened to Washington DC, he took me there on the way home. We travel back in time again, I witnessed it's destruction. Along the river on the west side there is a church with two steeples, one small and one large. I saw six men get out of a dark van and entered through a side door. The next thing I knew we were going up up up high elevation over the city. In the shape of a star six atomic weapons went off and level the entire city. Area became a permanent Dead zone in our nation. One of my longer trips happened One night when I was sleeping. I rose out of my bed and I could see there were a lot of "spirits " out. I followed the ones streaming to the south, it was a long journey I ended up hovering above a French observation colony in Antarctica. All these beings were streaming straight up into the atmosphere, I followed them for miles and they seemed to disappear and I still tried to follow them but I hit a wall, a barrier. It was told to me, felt to me ( telepathy ) that I could not follow, I need you to go back. Needless to say I woke up gasping for breath and exhausted. Including the near-death experience, where I actually went to the other parallel universe, I've only left this world once in this physical lifetime. All together I only had about 20 to 25 experiences. I did not have this ability in past lives.
In my out of body experiences, which began when I was about 8 years old, I mostly traveled around this world. Twice I traveled through time, once to the past with a Munsee warrior ( captured by the Lenape as a youth, later to become chief of the turtle clan of thel Lenape ) he showed me his homeland. I couldn't believe the dense forests and the size of the trees. Elk and Buffalo roamed the forests. Everything was damp. The buffalo head green moss growing on their backs amongst the thick fur. I thought it odd. Another time, he took me into the future, I wish I saw the date somewhere, but it was the time after Washington DC was destroyed in the new capital was in the center of the United States where the Mississippi River in Ohio meet it's is a huge City or I should say will be a huge City. At the center of the city is a thousand foot pyramid. The top hundred feet of the pyramid is solid glass and a beam shines out of it into the sky. There were four entrances, ( four winds as Smoking Pipe says ) to the pyramid. In the central courtyard of the pyramid there was a pond with a fountain. Inscribed on the floor surrounding that pond was a saying, " May the light of wisdom always guide us. " When I asked him what happened to Washington DC, he took me there on the way home. We travel back in time again, I witnessed it's destruction. Along the river on the west side there is a church with two steeples, one small and one large. I saw six men get out of a dark van and entered through a side door. The next thing I knew we were going up up up high elevation over the city. In the shape of a star six atomic weapons went off and level the entire city. Area became a permanent Dead zone in our nation. One of my longer trips happened One night when I was sleeping. I rose out of my bed and I could see there were a lot of "spirits " out. I followed the ones streaming to the south, it was a long journey I ended up hovering above a French observation colony in Antarctica. All these beings were streaming straight up into the atmosphere, I followed them for miles and they seemed to disappear and I still tried to follow them but I hit a wall, a barrier. It was told to me, felt to me ( telepathy ) that I could not follow, I need you to go back. Needless to say I woke up gasping for breath and exhausted. Including the near-death experience, where I actually went to the other parallel universe, I've only left this world once in this physical lifetime. All together I only had about 20 to 25 experiences. I did not have this ability in past lives.
How many past lives have you had?
In my out of body experiences, which began when I was about 8 years old, I mostly traveled around this world. Twice I traveled through time, once to the past with a Munsee warrior ( captured by the Lenape as a youth, later to become chief of the turtle clan of thel Lenape ) he showed me his homeland. I couldn't believe the dense forests and the size of the trees. Elk and Buffalo roamed the forests. Everything was damp. The buffalo head green moss growing on their backs amongst the thick fur. I thought it odd. Another time, he took me into the future, I wish I saw the date somewhere, but it was the time after Washington DC was destroyed in the new capital was in the center of the United States where the Mississippi River in Ohio meet it's is a huge City or I should say will be a huge City. At the center of the city is a thousand foot pyramid. The top hundred feet of the pyramid is solid glass and a beam shines out of it into the sky. There were four entrances, ( four winds as Smoking Pipe says ) to the pyramid. In the central courtyard of the pyramid there was a pond with a fountain. Inscribed on the floor surrounding that pond was a saying, " May the light of wisdom always guide us. " When I asked him what happened to Washington DC, he took me there on the way home. We travel back in time again, I witnessed it's destruction. Along the river on the west side there is a church with two steeples, one small and one large. I saw six men get out of a dark van and entered through a side door. The next thing I knew we were going up up up high elevation over the city. In the shape of a star six atomic weapons went off and level the entire city. Area became a permanent Dead zone in our nation. One of my longer trips happened One night when I was sleeping. I rose out of my bed and I could see there were a lot of "spirits " out. I followed the ones streaming to the south, it was a long journey I ended up hovering above a French observation colony in Antarctica. All these beings were streaming straight up into the atmosphere, I followed them for miles and they seemed to disappear and I still tried to follow them but I hit a wall, a barrier. It was told to me, felt to me ( telepathy ) that I could not follow, I need you to go back. Needless to say I woke up gasping for breath and exhausted. Including the near-death experience, where I actually went to the other parallel universe, I've only left this world once in this physical lifetime. All together I only had about 20 to 25 experiences. I did not have this ability in past lives.
Needless to say I woke up gasping for breath and exhausted.

quite a story - so what came of the inhabitants that were bombed in d c ...
How many past lives have you had?
I do not know for certain. Besides this life, I can remember only two, the rest are vague and incomplete memories so I've dismissed them.
You should write a book.
My brother has but I'm not interested. Life is too short. It takes away from the living of it. Besides, the title I would have chosen, " Fantastic Journey ", has already been taken. LOL. My best life here was the middle one.
My brother has but I'm not interested. Life is too short. It takes away from the living of it. Besides, the title I would have chosen, " Fantastic Journey ", has already been taken. LOL. My best life here was the middle one.
What was your brother's book about?
So he didn't visit other worlds like you?
He does not have that ability. I inquired about it and he had no idea what I was talking about. He believes himself to be the body he's occupied so there is no need to go any further in detail. I had five sisters in this life also. Of those five to work exceptional in different ways. The oldest sister had a photographic minds got straight A's and after 10th grade she didn't attend classes anymore she worked in the principal's office. The other created some beautiful artwork, some of that work graces small museums in upstate New York where she lived. Both are gone now.
I am gay, I had one good love in my life that lasted 18 years and I'm thankful for that for that. Now I've moved on. I might be one of the few people on Earth that enjoy living alone. Most everything is on my own time schedule. I don't understand the celibacy part in Catholicism. Priests would better understand the people If they were allowed to marry and became fathers themselves instead of just father in name alone. Most priests that are pedophiles were not homosexuals, pedophilia like rape is a perverted mental game of dominance. It's not about the sex at all. Remember the boy scouts, or the scandal with the Baptists, those were mostly married men. The biggest case was a Baptist minister in Alabama who had sex with 258 of his congregation it included boys girls women and some of the men. How and why anybody would want to do this is beyond me. When I was having sex it was always just one-on-one and preferably with the same person. Pedophiles are very dynamic people.
You make a lot of sense coming from your point of view. But a lot of homosexual men are very repressed from a young age. And if they should also be very religious, isn't it possible that they may misunderstand their lack of interest in women as a call to the priesthood? And in that scenario, isn't that person a ticking time-bomb? I think that scenario represents the large majority of priests who are sexually molesting boys. And that is a BIG problem. So avoid that scenario, is what I ask of religions. Let priests have consenting sex with adults, and allow them to get married. At least we can help with a large percentage of the problem.
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