Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

You make a lot of sense coming from your point of view. But a lot of homosexual men are very repressed from a young age. And if they should also be very religious, isn't it possible that they may misunderstand their lack of interest in women as a call to the priesthood? And in that scenario, isn't that person a ticking time-bomb? I think that scenario represents the large majority of priests who are sexually molesting boys. And that is a BIG problem. So avoid that scenario, is what I ask of religions. Let priests have consenting sex with adults, and allow them to get married. At least we can help with a large percentage of the problem.
I agree the Catholic church has to get rid of that celibacy it doesn't work and it's inhuman.
Agreed! Hi fives!!! btw, don't respond to ding, he's a troll and he's malicious. Trust me. I'm not new here. :)
Too late ! I thought he asked a lot of questions. Most people just dismiss me when I start rambling on about my life. Thank you very much, I will be more careful in the future. I've already told him about everything anyway. I do not live in fear of anything. I live in the truth. Lies and deceit are destroying this world, and it was such a good one.
I agree the Catholic church has to get rid of that celibacy it doesn't work and it's inhuman.

There was a reason why this became Canon Law way back when! You actually had married priests and bishops, but like any family men, they wanted to leave something to their kids! That couldn't work for the church; hence celibacy! I suppose it wouldn't be a problem now, actually giving away church land and the like wouldn't fly without DEEDS! :dunno: :itsok::rolleyes::stir:
There was a reason why this became Canon Law way back when! You actually had married priests and bishops, but like any family men, they wanted to leave something to their kids! That couldn't work for the church; hence celibacy! I suppose it wouldn't be a problem now, actually giving away church land and the like wouldn't fly without DEEDS! :dunno: :itsok::rolleyes::stir:

less celibacy and not reasons for its use by the christian church than paterfamilias in particular are corruptions of the politically oriented organized religions and a major reason for their existance.
You make a lot of sense coming from your point of view. But a lot of homosexual men are very repressed from a young age. And if they should also be very religious, isn't it possible that they may misunderstand their lack of interest in women as a call to the priesthood? And in that scenario, isn't that person a ticking time-bomb? I think that scenario represents the large majority of priests who are sexually molesting boys. And that is a BIG problem. So avoid that scenario, is what I ask of religions. Let priests have consenting sex with adults, and allow them to get married. At least we can help with a large percentage of the problem.
Actually the vast majority of the encounters were what would be called trysts if it weren't that it happened with priests. There were only about 200 priests that fit the profile of a predator that "molested" boys and they are all in jail.

Study the numbers and timing in the John Jay report. But yes, other than your characterization of molesting boys, I think your assessment is correct.

See how nice I can be. :)
He does not have that ability. I inquired about it and he had no idea what I was talking about. He believes himself to be the body he's occupied so there is no need to go any further in detail. I had five sisters in this life also. Of those five to work exceptional in different ways. The oldest sister had a photographic minds got straight A's and after 10th grade she didn't attend classes anymore she worked in the principal's office. The other created some beautiful artwork, some of that work graces small museums in upstate New York where she lived. Both are gone now.
Can you describe what it was like to travel through time?
Lies and deceit are destroying this world, and it was such a good one.
You know... I bet people from all ages have said that but it just doesn't seem to be the case. The world is still here. And it's a damn good one. Heck, even you admitted as such, right?

Wasn't it you that said you relished your time here because experiencing bliss all of the time wasn't perfect either? Maybe hell is having eternal bliss and it not feeling comfortable.
Too late ! I thought he asked a lot of questions. Most people just dismiss me when I start rambling on about my life. Thank you very much, I will be more careful in the future. I've already told him about everything anyway. I do not live in fear of anything. I live in the truth. Lies and deceit are destroying this world, and it was such a good one.
You know what struck me the most in your accounts?

That you were still you in all of them. You kept your consciousness. Did you have a body too? Was it the same?
Just so you understand, the so called ten commandments were plagiarized from the Assyrian treaty ( vassal states pledging their allegiance to their lord ruler ) from the Hittites. A suzerain treaty.
".. . Eannatum laid the hus'gal-net of [the god] Enlil upon the Ummaite, [and] he [the Ummaite] swore to him [Eannatum]: "By the life of Enlil, the king of heaven and earthl The fields of Ningirsu I will eat [only] up to one karu, [and only] up to the old dike will I claim; but never unto wide eternity will I violate the boundaries of Ningirsu, nor will I infringe upon their dikes [and] canals; nor will I rip out their stelae. If I violate [this treaty], then may the bubgal-net of Enlil, by which I have sworn, be hurled down on Umma from heaven."

Nothing about Having no other gods before me, keep the sabbath day holy, honor thy mother and father, do not steal, do not commit adultery.... The Ten Commandments is not a treaty. So, you are completely wrong on this.
no, you are wrong - tablets from the heavens with etchings have never existed - moses was a liar. who would use the false commandments would be complicit in their crime. the heavens are polytheistic.

all beings on planet Earth are single cell organisms ...

View attachment 600724

the outer membrane is the original cell, all activity, subdivisions are within the initial surroundings, the membrane is never punctured - cougarbear is either a single celled organism or they are from another planet.
Since my faith, hope and knowledge of this has grown to where I have a firm testimony of the scriptures, I have the knowledge to let you know you are full of crap. No, all beings on earth are not single cell organisms. I already gave you the information from science. We are multi-cell organisms. I'm beginning to think you are a single cell amoeba.
There is no such thing as miracles. People do not walk on water or resurrect. It's total bullshit and you have no evidence to the contrary. Pathenogenisis is impossible in mammals.

There is no God nor ever has been. Only a fool would believe what your saying because it's written in some ridiculous book.
He created nothing and evolution is a fact. Stop being ridiculously naive.

A doctor ay? How long had he been doing embryo transfers or artificial insemination? Do you expect rational human beings to believe that shit?
You don't even understand how ET and AI are performed yet you want me to believe a stupid ghost performed it without Mary knowing??? You are complained brain washedvbybthat rubbish. Grow up.

It not only doesn't exist in my mind but it doesn't exist in the universe. You cannot provide proof it does. What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed without evidence.
And exactly what is this gift your silly ghost mate has given you?
How do you know he hasn't told you lies, if you converse with him regularly which I know you dont, andvwgat exactly us the truth of you've never interacted with your ghost, which I know you haven't and so do you. You are delusional and hallucinating if You think you have. Not to mention a liar.

There is no God to pray to and even so, if there were , how do I get a message from him to advise me? Email? Text?
You're not making any practical sense. It's the same for forgiveness. How do you know you're forgiven? You don't because there is no God.

The bible was not written by God and you know it. He never dictated it to anyone. It was recorded approximately 60 years after the death of this Jesus dickhead by a gaggle of desert dwelling idiots yet you expect me to take it as fact. DOnt make me vomit.

Furthermore, there is no solid evidence your silly Jesus was ever crucified. His mother had 6vchildren and he was apparently the 3rd. there goes your virgin theory boy.
No man lies in a tomb for three days, riddled with maggots then suddenly arises and levitates skyward. Wake up to yourself.

Have you ever wondered why all these spectacular events supposedly performed by that idiot, we now know to be physically impossible like walking in water and crippled people walking immediately?
Ever wonder why all of this was only in a small area in the middle East where gullible idiots were bountiful?

Don't insult my intelligence again. You know absolutely nothing. Not even what you believe can be taken seriously. You are a joke.
It's funny how you say things are impossible when one of the main miracles in all of religion, the conception of the virgin Mary, has been shown to be possible. And, you continue to attempt to conclude that other things are not possible. Funny. You have been shown to be in error and you still hold to your ideology to hide sinful behavior such as homosexual acts.
Since my faith, hope and knowledge of this has grown to where I have a firm testimony of the scriptures, I have the knowledge to let you know you are full of crap. No, all beings on earth are not single cell organisms. I already gave you the information from science. We are multi-cell organisms. I'm beginning to think you are a single cell amoeba.

find a new book - hopefully without forgeries.

you are a subdivide, single cell organism as any and all with protrusions there is no secondary evolutionary level of multidissimilar celled organism - every cell of any being has the identical, unique information throughout.
find a new book - hopefully without forgeries.

you are a subdivide, single cell organism as any and all with protrusions there is no secondary evolutionary level of multidissimilar celled organism - every cell of any being has the identical, unique information throughout.
You obviously don't know the definition of singular cell organism and a multi celled organism. I gave you the article showing that we are multi celled beings and you still want to fight.
You obviously don't know the definition of singular cell organism and a multi celled organism. I gave you the article showing that we are multi celled beings and you still want to fight.

In contrast, cells in a multicellular organism, from the four cells in some algae to the 37 trillion in a human, give up their independence to stick together tenaciously;

that is incorrect - your article. you are not a multi celled being - you are a "single" subdivided cellular being.


as pointed out - to you - previously, the original cell subdivides - there are no multicellular organisms where their cells must "stick together tenaciously" - they are inside the original cell membrane of the single cell that expands as a single subdivided cellular being. and is a consistent evolutionary progression of the single cell origin.
that is incorrect - your article. you are not a multi celled being - you are a "single" subdivided cellular being.

View attachment 601711

as pointed out - to you - previously, the original cell subdivides - there are no multicellular organisms where their cells must "stick together tenaciously" - they are inside the original cell membrane of the single cell that expands as a single subdivided cellular being. and is a consistent evolutionary progression of the single cell origin.
I've already posted the truth from scientists that say we are multi-cell creatures and so is every living creature except single cell microscopic life. I promise you that you have more than one cell in your body and that your cells are not all the same either. They have the same basic organization but are quite different. your muscle cells are different from your bone cells and blood cells. They have different functions as well. You are a multi-cell human being that has a brain. Use it.
I've already posted the truth from scientists that say we are multi-cell creatures and so is every living creature except single cell microscopic life. I promise you that you have more than one cell in your body and that your cells are not all the same either. They have the same basic organization but are quite different. your muscle cells are different from your bone cells and blood cells. They have different functions as well. You are a multi-cell human being that has a brain. Use it.

all your cells are one in the same ...

- and is a consistent evolutionary progression of the single cell origin.

a missing evolutionary gap does not exist for cellular life, all beings are contained within the membrane of a single cell on planet Earth.

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