Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

Nope, doesn't call it a sin.


Kind of a glaring hole, there.
In verse 26 it says men and women both committed vile affections by changing the natural use into that which is against nature. No glaring hole. Just vile attempts to hide their sins.
What do you mean by full participation as to the right to participate in society? Something must be on your mind.
I thought that I was quite clear but it was apparently lost on you. Or you are just pretending to not understand.
Full participation in society:
The right and ability to marry a same sex partner, form a family and be parents to children'
The right to be open about who they are and who they love without fear of reprisals
The right to be free of discrimination based on their sexual orientation in employment, housing , public accommodations and financial transactions
The right to pursue public office or otherwise participate in community/ public life without be subjected to bigoted stereotypes and myths and crude characterizations about LGBT people

Now, what about any of that do you have a problem with or do not understand
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I thought that I was quite clear but it was apparently lost on you. Or you are just pretending to not understand.
Full participation in society:
The right and ability to marry a same sex partner, form a family and be parents to children'
The right to be open about who they are and who they love without fear of reprisals
The right to be free of discrimination based on their sexual orientation in employment, housing , public accommodations and financial transactions

Now, what about any of that do you have a problem with or do not understand
Well, which one of those do they not have today? They have all those. None of which will help them on Judgment Day of God. By the way, the term Progressive Patriot is a contradiction of terms. :auiqs.jpg:
Well, which one of those do they not have today? They have all those. None of which will help them on Judgment Day of God. By the way, the term Progressive Patriot is a contradiction of terms. :auiqs.jpg:
First of all, you have your head way up your ass if you think that they have all of that. In many states, as well as at the federal level , they have NO PROTECTIONS against discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations or financial transactions. In many places a gay person could get married on Saturday and fired on Monday if they posted wedding pictures on Fakebook.

In some cases, they are given a hard time about adopting and parenting children and accused of only wanting children to convert them to homosexuality or to abuse them. Do you believe that shit? Yes or no?

In addition, while the use of the N word is now largely frowned upon, there is no shortage of those who will disparage gays as fags and freaks and perpetuate negative stereotypes about them- including those in public life-and they do so largely with impunity

BUT THAT IS NIOT WHAT I ASKED YOU! I asked you what it is that YOU have a problem with. And spare me the bullshit about judgement day. I am dealing with the real world, The here and now. Life on earth

And you can stuff that stupid shit about progressive patriot. I am a patriot because I want this country to be the best place possible for all people. Not just straight, white wealthy Christians. I doubt if you can say the same.
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First of all, you have your head way up your ass if you think that they have all of that. In many states, as well as at the federal level , they have NO PROTECTIONS against discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations or financial transactions. In many places a gay person could get married on Saturday and fired on Monday if they posted wedding pictures on Fakebook.

In some cases, they are given a hard time about adopting and parenting children and accused of only wanting children to convert them to homosexuality or to abuse them. Do you believe that shit? Yes or no?

In addition, while the use of the N word is now largely frowned upon, there is no shortage of those who will disparage gays as fags and freaks and perpetuate negative stereotypes about them- including those in public life-and they do so largely with impunity

BUT THAT IS NIOT WHAT I ASKED YOU! I asked you what it is that YOU have a problem with. And spare me the bullshit about judgement day. I am dealing with the real world, The here and now. Life on earth

And you can stuff that stupid shit about progressive patriot. I am a patriot because I want this country to be the best place possible for all people. Not just straight, white wealthy Christians. I doubt if you can say the same.
Thank you for your rant. However, yes, they have those rights afforded by the laws of the land. What you are ranting about are the behaviors of people whom you will never be able to control. The abuses you speak of are also found with Jews, Christians, Mormons, JWs, and other religions from atheist who hate. We find them attacking people of all colors including now, Whites. We find this sort of hatred with Democrat who hate Republicans, Socialists who hate Capitalists. It goes on and on. So, guess what, you are fitting in nicely to the human experience. :meow:
No, not at all. The commandments are written plainly in both the Old and New Testaments. It's for all eyes to see. I've listed them before. Do you need another list? Homosexuals don't have to be celibate or marry the opposite sex. But, if they want to comply with the commandments of Jesus Christ, then they will have to. Jesus said, "If ye are my friends, keep my commandments."
you've yet to confirm the tablets etched in the heavens do not exist - yet you use their fallacy for your own nefarious purposes.
the bigots and racists are the ones that hide behind lies - the same as those used by the desert religions.

provide the etched tablets from the heavens - to prove the false commandments you use to exert yourself onto others, nefariously do not make you a bigot and a liar ... the same for all those using the same three desert religions for identical purposes. cougarbear.
The taking of an innocent human life is the definition of murder.

Because a nazi government declared Jews to be subhuman and lawful to exterminate as "pests" doesn't change the fact they were murdered.

This is what happens when human authorities replace GOD and His unchanging laws.

You are doing this with the perversion of homosexuality

The father of a missing pregnant mother's unborn child has been arrested and charged with killing them both — nearly five years after the Maryland woman disappeared.

Well God presided over the Nazi's and allowed the extermination of HIS chosen people. All those millions of innocent people brutally suffered and were killed under his watch.

Maybe He was on a lunch break! But He did allow it. And it's the same God that Christians and Muslims believe in. So three of the major religions are culprit in continuing to believe in this evil God is something we should follow! That's why I studied other religions. They make more sense, but still, not enough to convince me.

Matthew 7:14 Context​

11If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? 12Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. 13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

I have problems quoting since I came back... So i gotta do it manually... forgive me.

This is where religion becomes evil in our modern times. We used to kill gay people by burning them, and the reason for the word faggots is that it is kindling for the fire.

Christians say that "yeah, we used to kill others based on their religion, but we don't do it any more."

Well, yes you do. And you continue to propose that it is ok to kill others, because they don't believe in your religion. Or are different than you in some way or another.

Who taught you that shit? And if that person can amass enough people, what are you capable of doing?
I disagree- I think its learned behavior.

San Francisco, parts of New York City, etc., all used to be solidly Normative back in the day.

The LGBTQ community was able to successfully convert large swaths of the population to taking it in the caboose.

In other areas of the country, homos were unable to really get a recruiting foothold and remain straight to this very day.
That's hysterical, but in a bad way. I guess I can forgive you, because you're Polish...
provide the etched tablets from the heavens - to prove the false commandments you use to exert yourself onto others, nefariously do not make you a bigot and a liar ... the same for all those using the same three desert religions for identical purposes. cougarbear.
I know this isn't for me, but while I can't provide etched tablets (well actually I can, but we can't read them lol), I can provide the original Sumerian/Babylonian texts, that the Old Testament plagiarized into a monotheistic "God". Causing a snowball effect on subsequent religions. This is a "known" thing. It's not new news.

So monotheistic religions all started wrong! How can we argue that they're correct today when they've been changed at least thousands of times since first written? We just have make-believe religions today! Might as well believe in Santa... At least we get a sale on stuff once in a while.
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I think is more nurture than nature .. like I said in my other post #458

If they egg them on along that path, well, that's what happens.
Well, let's listen to one of our modern day geniuses, who tells the truth. Though he makes jokes about it, he's entirely correct! He puts things in present day perspectives. Hopefully you can see the idiocy.

Being gay is strictly human and not outside of human control. The Bible states it is due to denying and disobeying God. Thus, homosexual activity is definitely a sin. Of course, beating up gays or f*g bashing is a sin, too. However, if one is tempted or attracted to the same sex, then it's just temptation and not sin. Just don't do it.
God created man/woman with a FREE will.

No he didn't. God never created one single item in the universe. He is a total myth.
Free will came with the evolution of the human. As with morality because atheists gave both and God was not involved. Youvr been conned.
Homosexuality is no different than any other sin, as outlined in the Bible

Sin dies not exist. It was I vented by religion as a form of punishment to keep idiots in line. The only thing in the bible that is correct is the page numbers. Nice novel but all bullshit.
. It is a decision a person makes with the free will god has given.

Bullshit. Have you ever heard of God taking it from anyone?
Of course not because God is irrelevant to any functions humans perform.
Grow up.
Are they allowed by God? Because, not only is that homosexual behavior, there's gotta be another sin against doing it to a minor. Or did God not make a commandment about minors?

edit: Sorry, that was for Bond, James Bond.
Not one single priest has been smited in recorded history. But they've been sucking on our boys like popsicles for almost 2 thousand years.

Totally ok, per the Vatican.

So God is sitting back enjoying child porn, crime, genocide, starvation, tsunamis, earthquakes. and other terrible stuff, while eating popcorn in heaven.

God is a dick! But the truth is he doesn't exist. It's the only way things make sense.

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