Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

The fact that you cannot be honest to the fact that God put's love above sex, and your deflection into fiction, shows you running but unable to hide.

Pathetic apologetics my friend.

Such is what is helping kill Christianity.

Keep it up. Please..

No amount of justification changes God's COMMAND about what is permissible human activity. He said, "don't do this!"

You, and most of humanity follow Eve and give God the finger. This won't end well for you
The taking of an innocent human life is the definition of murder.

Because a nazi government declared Jews to be subhuman and lawful to exterminate as "pests" doesn't change the fact they were murdered.

This is what happens when human authorities replace GOD and His unchanging laws.

You are doing this with the perversion of homosexuality

The father of a missing pregnant mother's unborn child has been arrested and charged with killing them both — nearly five years after the Maryland woman disappeared.
If I replace your "nazi" above, with Christianity, and exterminate with inquisition, would you agree that Christianity murdered en mass, just like their genocidal God does, and will do again?

What has happens when human authorities replace GOD and His unchanging laws you ask.

We get to live the more sane and human laws that promote equality, and not the inequality that evil religions promote with homophobia and misogyny.

No amount of justification changes God's COMMAND about what is permissible human activity. He said, "don't do this!"

You, and most of humanity follow Eve and give God the finger. This won't end well for you
You wish to emulate your God as scriptures urge you to do.


So do I.

Your God also commands you bash a babies head against a stone for no reason.

Scriptures also say that you, not Jesus, have to die for your own sins.

Will that baby live or die at your hand?

Let's compare answers.

If I replace your "nazi" above, with Christianity, and exterminate with inquisition, would you agree that Christianity murdered en mass, just like their genocidal God does, and will do again?
I'm not part of the Catholic Church or any of her daughters (Protestants).

I have nothing to do with their past or present actions
Christ's Church has ALWAYS been a TINY flock.

“Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven"
You serve God well.

You ignore the bible that has Jesus saying he came to serve, not to be served.

You are not letting a Jesus consciousness serve you?

I'm not part of the Catholic Church or any of her daughters (Protestants).

I have nothing to do with their past or present actions
You use the same immoral tactics to keep yourself in the dark on issues. You hide behind a supernatural shield.

I do not mind, if it does not force you to have a double moral standard, but it does, and that is pure evil to a free mind. You have to justify and forgive God for murder while condemning men for the same infraction.

That is not a good quality.

The logic and reason in this clip might change your views.

You know you're insane don't you
That was what the inquisitor types like you had to resort to, instead of arguments, when they could not justify their evil god to good people.

You are just showing that it is true that good Christian apologists are just not around.

That was what the inquisitor types like you had to resort to, instead of arguments, when they could not justify their evil god to good people.

You are just showing that it is true that good Christian apologists are just not around.

No, you're actually insane. Your hatred of God and your acceptance of Satan into your life has fused your brain into the mess that it is
A God who loves His creation. The Logos gave His life willingly so that we may share in His glory. This was planned from the beginning
The Father did not give his life. He took away Jesus' free will and volunteered him.

Your God did not have the balls to lie to us and thought we would listen to a half breed chimera god.

God is a jealous God. He does not share.

If you wish to continue our chat, go into logos and drop all the mythos.

It demands more honesty.

Correct. I have never said LGBT don't have a right to participate in society. Glad you got that straight. The ten commandments are not society's laws. They are God's laws and there will be a judgment concerning our test on whether we kept them or not. I think homosexuals wish they weren't as well even with all the gay pride stuff.
I think that all marriages should be done by local magistrates. Then, religions can have their own ceremony for the religious rights. Many countries already do this. And, again, homosexual behavior is a religious evil and we are commanded to avoid the behavior. Be celibate or marry the opposite sex. There are those that do and are happy because they are keeping God's commandments. Do you have a problem with that?
I have a big problem with you and your God's laws and judgements. Homosexual behavior is not a religious evil except in the eyes of religious hypocrites, who pass judgement on the beliefs of others.
Why should homosexuals be celibate or marry the opposite sex? Who are you to make a judgement like that? Have you ever met God and asked God about this, or are you enamored with the verbiage of some religious spook who tells you what God believes?
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