Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I have 2 boys, 3 years apart. Raised exactly the same way. One is gay and the other is not. You are born that way.
Something set the gay boy off when he was very young on a nurturing path towards homosexual behavior. He was not born that way. Also, his environment when you weren't looking tempted him. Could have been internets stuff, schoolmates, TV shows putting junk in his mind. The other boy didn't fall for it. But, the two boys have different personalities and different ways they assimilate information and then there's possibilities of the inability to control one's thoughts about it. But, it doesn't have to be because of genetics or biology in which has never been proven.
because all flesh had become so corrupt that
That your God, who can cure as easily as kill, chose to kill instead or cure.

An evil God kills while a good God would cure.

Yahweh and St. Hitler are in hell where all such moral monsters reside.

Pray for Jesus and Armageddon, yet another genocide, if your morals allow it.

You call evil, good.

Stop it.

There are commandments
Who elected the commander?

The one who set to die needlessly?

Most Christians break the commandment by putting Jesus as figurehead for Christianity instead of Yahweh.

Ask around.

Would you follow Hitler as faithfully? They are twins.

Homosexual behavior and acts.
Basically the same as heterosexuals, in terms of seeing sex as friction between bodies.

If you will hate your gay son, buddy, why did you and your God created that abomination.

Why would your God out a gay person in your blood line?

Why would your God create inferior souls?

"Good and evil" are not useful concepts to work with. They are too subjective and often religiously based.
I do not agree with this.

The vast majority of us begin our moral thinking with a reciprocity or do unto others tenet.

Harm/Care in the more modern.

When you say religiously based, I hear tribally based.

All a religion is is another tribe.

Secular tribes, Statists, have shown, quite easily, that their laws are better than the laws of God and his homophobic and misogynous religions/tribes.

It is a perversion that GOD SAYS, do not do.
Which does God say?

Do not put love above sexual issues, or do not put sex above them?

What has the greater value, sex or love?
Homophobes say sex while those who are spiritual say love.

As to God and sex in the greater scheme of things, a God who does not do it is not fit to judge it.

Your God is disqualified and and judgement day on sex issues is cancelled out of divine ignorance of the issues.

I believe that a lack of caring nurture and nature are a major cause.

If nurture, parents then, and those that helped child rear gays, are to blame for gays being gay.

Strange that homophobes hate the programmed victims, while ignoring the people who victimized and created the child in the first place.

What did you mean by nature?

DNA damage?

GreatestIam may I posit an answer to the question in the title?

Who gives a shit? Why do some people like boobs, and some like asses?

Who cares? It's none of our business.
Not to be rude or crude ---

Insert gays and women harmed by homophobic and misogynous religions to this quote.

You should get an idea of what you should be doing with the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions if you live by the golden rule.

Martin Niemöller
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Injustice is everyone's business, isn't it Fort?

Do you have a problem with that?

I hate conclusions drawn by people who would follow an evil god who would have parents hate what they and God created.

Hate the evil creators, not the victim/created.

They're created by nature, but nurtured and promoted by God, among his priests and worshippers. Cocksucking little faggots, that prey on our children. And God's cool with it. He's like "Hi five!" to his clergy. And family is like, "Heck yeah! Suck my children dry!"
And worshippers support it. And it's hidden under the rug when people investigate it. And when kids grow up and finally say something about it, they're liars and drug-addicts.
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?



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God is gay, or at least he's bisexual. Nothing wrong with that, but worse, he likes to watch child porn among his clergy.

If he was a human, he'd be arrested and locked away...
But here we are, with everyone loving him every day of the week and twice on Sundays. And giving our children to his priests for his dirty evil enjoyment. And parents rejoicing at their donations to the perverts.
Just a few points

1. Both of the articles, especially the first one (2007) are out dated and from a time when gay relationships were not widely accepted. Both are before gay people were able to marry nation wide

2. When gay couple are allowed to fully participate in society and enjoy their relationships in the open, they are less likely to be promiscuous which is the leading cause of STDs

3, There is a good deal of promiscuity among heterosexuals as well and there is little doubt that the STD rates among them are similar but there is no mention of that .

4. In any case, I have to ask...what is your solution? Do we condemn homosexuality, strip gays of their rights and drive it back underground and into the bath houses and darkened XXX porn theaters where the have anonymous sex ? What effect on the STD problem will that have.?

5. On the other hand, we can continue the trend towards legitimizing and validating gay relationships so that they can fully participate in society by the light of day fostering stable monogamous relationships which will tamp down the STD rates.

6. The fact is that no matter what is done, you are not going to stamp out homosexuality. The choice to either criminalize it and condemn it and drive it inro the shadows where physical disease and emotional distress will fester, OR accept the fact that gay people have become part of the fabric of society and that gay relationships have been for the most part normalized? And given the latter option, we can see that gay people are very much like, and behave very much like, everyone else. When accepted as human beings as -opposed to freaks who are defined only by how they have sex -we see that are very much part of their communities. They have families, homes and jobs. THINK ABOUT IT

7 A final note. All of the physical and emotional problems of gay people can be attributed-not to their gayness in and of itself- but to the bigotry and abuse that they have historically suffered

YOU LIVE In denial...

Gay on average have far more sex partners and have more stds..

Need I address the rest of the nonsense that you put up?

What we need to do, just as a start, is allow priests/nuns to marry. Just to allow people with normal sexual urges to join the clergy. Instead of forcing people who deny their sexuality. Clergy can be gay or straight, no problem at all, but at least they're not repressing and hiding their urges, and taking it out on our poor children when nobody's looking.

So let our clergy have sex with consenting adults. It's an easy fix for a lot of the problems. Sure, won't fix all the child-molesters who wanna be priests, but it will take care of a great percentage of them.

Why isn't this done? After so many hundreds of years? With a God who loves us? There's only one answer... There is no God. And the religions are run by sexually sick perverted people, who put a little of themselves into each of the blind followers, thereby corrupting them as well. And they make money! And gain power.
And when told to do so, the religious leaders will make the followers kill and rape everyone who doesn't believe, take all their land and belongings, and capture the kids that survive as sex slaves.

This is history, folks. It's how religions roll.

I don't think God exists, and if he does he's oblivious, or he likes it. Pick your choice out of that... because those are the only true choices.
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Which does God say?

Do not put love above sexual issues, or do not put sex above them?

What has the greater value, sex or love?
Homophobes say sex while those who are spiritual say love.

As to God and sex in the greater scheme of things, a God who does not do it is not fit to judge it.

Your God is disqualified and and judgement day on sex issues is cancelled out of divine ignorance of the issues.

DO NOT commit homosexual acts.

You are free to do as yoi please in THIS life, but God will judge whether you receive ETERNAL life after your 70 years here are over


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