Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

You see a problem with judging, while your bible promotes it.

You have judged, and found evil to be good, yet you would deny me the same right to judge because I see your genocidal god differently and can show his immorality.

So why can you judge and I cannot?

God is the judge of this earth. So, of course we will find judgment in the Bible. We have a choice to choose good or evil. It's our unalienable right from God. We can choose liberty or death, virtue or vile, love or hate, pleasure or pain and so on. It's why we are here on earth to be tested whether we will follow God and his commandments or choose for ourselves our own carnal and devilishness. But, ultimately, when it's time for judgment whether the 1st or the 2nd day of judgment, God will ultimately do so. But, it would not be fair if you don't know what the rules are. That's where the Bible and other books of scripture God has given us comes in to play. And, that is where God's Saints also come into play to give the word of God to as many as possible to have the rule book. So, it isn't me judging you. You are judging and making your choice.
what you refer to as the 10 commandments - never existed - or provide the etched tablets from heaven claimed to have them etched on their surface. the jews are liars.

same for the 10000 pg c bible written by the crucifiers 400 years past the 1st century - the state religion of the roman empire. without a singe word written by the crucified itinerant included in their book - wrought with forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page.
I didn't say there aren't racists and bigots in today's world. There are and we know that anti-semitism is on the rise and you just said you are one of them. We aren't the haters. Jews and Christians that adhere to the words of God are the messengers for all to learn what the rules are in life. So, it is you that is doing the judging.
I didn't say there aren't racists and bigots in today's world. There are and we know that anti-semitism is on the rise and you just said you are one of them. We aren't the haters. Jews and Christians that adhere to the words of God are the messengers for all to learn what the rules are in life. So, it is you that is doing the judging.

We aren't the haters. Jews and Christians that adhere to the words of God are the messengers for all to learn what the rules are in life. So, it is you that is doing the judging.
what you refer to as the 10 commandments - never existed - or provide the etched tablets from heaven claimed to have them etched on their surface. the jews are liars.

where are the etched tablets from heaven ...

prove yours is not a madeup religion of selfserving despots by providing the tablets they claim were etched in heaven -

stop your lies, the jews persuade by their false commandments the same as christians claim a false resurrection of a crucified itinerant.
"Good and evil" are not useful concepts to work with. They are too subjective and often religiously based.

No one is suggesting that there be no boundaries of which there are many. All rational people agree that certain acts are wrong: To kill, rob, rape, oppress others to name a few. The exception to those constraints is usually sanctioned by religious people who may kill or enslave others who believe differently, and believe that their religion gives them dominion of their wives and other women.

We as a society generally decide and agree on the boundaries that you speak of. Behaviors that harm others and disrupt the social order are prohibited and most people accept those boundaries because they understand that that is how civilizations function and they do not want to live in Chaos.

The mob rule comes into play when you have a tyranny of the majority that imposes rules and restrictions on a minority for no reason other than the fact that they fear or disapprove of them, usually with religious undertones, Tis mob rule is also manifested at times when a vocal and well-connected minority asserts themselves

There is no better example that then with the issue of gay rights, opposition to which has gone from a tyranny of the majority to a tyranny of the minority. The fact is that there is no ration societal benefit for denying LGBT people full participation in society.. In fact there is much to be gained

They are human being who have the right to live and love. That is my commandment
Nice deflection. Have I claimed that LGBT's don't have a right to participation in society? I don't know what is gained for it. I think society would be just fine without it. Certainly less contention. But, once again, the rules referred to are from God for the purpose of the test of life in which we are commanded by God to adhere to certain ways of living.

I would say about the paragraph about society deciding what the boundaries are that may be disruptive is most important to business and church. I see no reason gays cannot work at places of business or even church as long as they adhere to their rules of conduct while at work. However, transgenderism with cross-dressing is another issue. That may be disruptive to a business and a society as it is having right now. Do you have a problem with separate bathrooms in a business or school? You know what I'm talking about.

In any event, the entire concept of my comments are, "What does God want us to do?"
where are the etched tablets from heaven ...

prove yours is not a madeup religion of selfserving despots by providing the tablets they claim were etched in heaven -

stop your lies, the jews persuade by their false commandments the same as christians claim a false resurrection of a crucified itinerant.
Go find the tablets if that's how you want to know they are true and the commandments are true. But, you are certainly judgmental. What is it with atheists and their need to be judgmental? :bowdown:
You should be asking what GOD will do when He returns.

It is a perversion that GOD SAYS, do not do.

You only have one shot at this life. After that the Judgement.

LIVE your life as if God is watching, because He is
I am grounded in reality and secular society. I live according to what I know and see with my own eyes, not what I am told to believe
I disagree- I think its learned behavior.

San Francisco, parts of New York City, etc., all used to be solidly Normative back in the day.

The LGBTQ community was able to successfully convert large swaths of the population to taking it in the caboose.

In other areas of the country, homos were unable to really get a recruiting foothold and remain straight to this very day.
I have 2 boys, 3 years apart. Raised exactly the same way. One is gay and the other is not. You are born that way.
Go find the tablets if that's how you want to know they are true and the commandments are true. But, you are certainly judgmental. What is it with atheists and their need to be judgmental? :bowdown:
I didn't say there aren't racists and bigots in today's world.

you've yet to confirm the tablets etched in heaven do not exist - yet you use their fallacy for your own nefarious purposes.

the bigots and racists are the ones that hide behind lies - the same as those used by the desert religions.
Nice deflection. Have I claimed that LGBT's don't have a right to participation in society? I don't know what is gained for it. I think society would be just fine without it. Certainly less contention. But, once again, the rules referred to are from God for the purpose of the test of life in which we are commanded by God to adhere to certain ways of living.
What deflection? No ,you did not say directly that LGBT's don't have a right to participation in society. But you invoke the ten commandments and rail against homosexual behavior, think that society would be better off without them and think they should be celibate so as not to offend your god ( small g intended) Then you claim that you would not deny gays full participation in society. So can IO assume that you support their right to marry, to be parents, to not have to fear discrimination in housing, in the work place, in public accommodations?. Unless you can honestly answer yes, and I don't think that you can, you're lying. Everyone has the right to determine how they live to the extent that it is not harmful to others. You and your god do not
I would say about the paragraph about society deciding what the boundaries are that may be disruptive is most important to business and church. I see no reason gays cannot work at places of business or even church as long as they adhere to their rules of conduct while at work. However, transgenderism with cross-dressing is another issue. That may be disruptive to a business and a society as it is having right now. Do you have a problem with separate bathrooms in a business or school? You know what I'm talking about.
The business of the church is to minister to the spiritual need of its followers. It is not to poke its nose into the private affairs of others

You say that you see no reason gays cannot work at places of business long as they adhere to their rules of conduct while at work. What rules are you talking about. What do they do that is different than others? Your ignorance and bigotry is coming through loud and clear. And your reference to trans people as cross dressers is as stupid as stupid gets. Bathrooms? Yes I know what you're talking about. It used to be lunch counters and water fountains. Now it's bathrooms. Same bigotry, different victim
Nice deflection. Have I claimed that LGBT's don't have a right to participation in society? I don't know what is gained for it. I think society would be just fine without it. Certainly less contention. But, once again, the rules referred to are from God for the purpose of the test of life in which we are commanded by God to adhere to certain ways of living.

I would say about the paragraph about society deciding what the boundaries are that may be disruptive is most important to business and church. I see no reason gays cannot work at places of business or even church as long as they adhere to their rules of conduct while at work. However, transgenderism with cross-dressing is another issue. That may be disruptive to a business and a society as it is having right now. Do you have a problem with separate bathrooms in a business or school? You know what I'm talking about.

In any event, the entire concept of my comments are, "What does God want us to do?"

In any event, the entire concept of my comments are, "What does God want us to do?"
I don't give half a crap. My concept is what makes sense and what is just for humankind
Not an expert here.....but the environment will lead you down a path....

So yes, nurture is a big fact in all of this IMO
What deflection? No ,you did not say directly that LGBT's don't have a right to participation in society. But you invoke the ten commandments and rail against homosexual behavior, think that society would be better off without them and think they should be celibate so as not to offend your god ( small g intended) Then you claim that you would not deny gays full participation in society. So can IO assume that you support their right to marry, to be parents, to not have to fear discrimination in housing, in the work place, in public accommodations?. Unless you can honestly answer yes, and I don't think that you can, you're lying. Everyone has the right to determine how they live to the extent that it is not harmful to others. You and your god do not
Correct. I have never said LGBT don't have a right to participate in society. Glad you got that straight. The ten commandments are not society's laws. They are God's laws and there will be a judgment concerning our test on whether we kept them or not. I think homosexuals wish they weren't as well even with all the gay pride stuff.
I think that all marriages should be done by local magistrates. Then, religions can have their own ceremony for the religious rights. Many countries already do this. And, again, homosexual behavior is a religious evil and we are commanded to avoid the behavior. Be celibate or marry the opposite sex. There are those that do and are happy because they are keeping God's commandments. Do you have a problem with that?

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