Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I believe so.

Logic and reason prove it.

Our thinking is subject to our chemistry, which is DNA controlled. Testosterone and estrogen included.

Think menopause for the extreme case/example. Or just a few drinks.

I'm puzzled with your answer. You agreed that it's about environment and not genetics. Then you say it's all about DNA and our thinking and choices are controlled by our chemistry. That's not environment control. Also, if you believe in God, you know you have a soul with a spirit placed in your body that also has an effect upon our decisions or thinking. Our life's work is to learn to control our bodies even when they want to do evil things. For, to be a friend of Christ, we have to keep his commandments given to us by His prophets and apostles. John 15:14.
God created man and woman to naturally have affection for each other for the purpose of procreation. He therefore put into us the desire and knowledge how to procreate. Through the fall of Adam and Eve, out bodies and minds became subject to earthly degeneration of body and spirit. We became subject to both physical death and spiritual death being separated from the presence of God. By being place in the earth, we are now in charge of deciding whether to choose good or evil. God no longer chooses this for us. We are subject to all the challenges this earth gives us and it is up to us, 100%, to choose good or evil. So, it's up to us to find out what is good and what is evil as well. God provides us with what is good and what is evil through prophets and apostles. He also gives us access to the Light of Christ and the influence and sometimes gift of the Holy Ghost if we recognize it to know good from evil. But, it's up to us, with these helpers, to make our own choices.

So, with the question of how one ends up being homosexual and acting out homosexual behaviors, it's a choice. Whether one is born that way or not, is of no importance whether one will break the commandment not to partake of this forbidden fruit. How one arrives at committing the sin of homosexual acts is purely a choice whether or not to break the commandments of God. By breaking the commandments, one is not a friend of Jesus Christ (John 15:14). I have desires when I see a person of the opposite sex that stirs sexual feelings in me. That is natural. But, the commandments of God require that I act out the feelings only within the bonds of marriage with someone of the opposite sex. I have the same choice. Keep the commandments or not. I know people who have same-sex attractions that are married to a member of the opposite sex. They are happy and live a life choosing God over carnal evil lives. Hope this helps someone...

You think we have a choice. Ok.

When did you choose not to be gay?

How old were you.

You also say God creates male to female and vice versa attractions.

Why is that not taking with gays?

If God screwing up gay natures, or are homophobes just more blessed?

I'm puzzled with your answer. You agreed that it's about environment and not genetics.
That depends on definitions.

Let me give some.

Genetics are a part of the environment and nature. That would include genes and my whole body.

Our chemistry is, FTPOV, and the DNA that controls it, is also a part of the environment that I am a part of.

If by environment you meant something else, please elaborate.

That's not environment control.

As you can see, to me it is all inclusive.

Also, if you believe in God, you know you have a soul with a spirit placed in your body that also has an effect upon our decisions or thinking.
I do not believe in anything supernatural and do not define God your way.

In my ideology, spirit and or life force, --- is soul.

Your soul is subject to the mind in your head. It is reactive and does not think. If anything, it is a conduit to whatever is after death.

Christ, we have to keep his commandments

Do you name Jesus or Yahweh as the author of the 10 commandments.

No they are not the same.

Yahweh used genocide and mass murder on us, the evil bastard, and Jesus has yet to do his Armageddon genocide.

So far, Jesus is not near the prick his father is. Mind you, I do quote the Gnostic Christian Jesus and not your Roman creation much.

Do you place Jesus above Yahweh?

That depends on definitions.

Let me give some.

Genetics are a part of the environment and nature. That would include genes and my whole body.

Our chemistry is, FTPOV, and the DNA that controls it, is also a part of the environment that I am a part of.

If by environment you meant something else, please elaborate.

As you can see, to me it is all inclusive.

I do not believe in anything supernatural and do not define God your way.

In my ideology, spirit and or life force, --- is soul.

Your soul is subject to the mind in your head. It is reactive and does not think. If anything, it is a conduit to whatever is after death.

Do you name Jesus or Yahweh as the author of the 10 commandments.

No they are not the same.

Yahweh used genocide and mass murder on us, the evil bastard, and Jesus has yet to do his Armageddon genocide.

So far, Jesus is not near the prick his father is. Mind you, I do quote the Gnostic Christian Jesus and not your Roman creation much.

Do you place Jesus above Yahweh?

Yes, Jesus and Jehovah are the same being a member of the Godhead. Elohim is the Father or Most High God.
as far as the old genocide nonsense, that’s what it is. Gnostic is just a way to sin and think one gets away with it. It’s also called a reprobate mind. Roman’s Chapter 1.
There is nothing supernatural about heaven and where we (our spirits) came from. There’s nothing supernatural about our spirits placed in our earthly bodies. It’s natural. It all exists.
Ok Good. At least there is someone here who is willing and able to learn and not just fall back on dogma and appeals to authority fallacies

If only some would do the same with morals.

On authority of science as compared to religion. Science can experiment freely and without any boundaries. Not so when our tribalism and it's bounds are making us put the tribal wisdom ahead of our better own.

The right wingers tend to do that.

Yes, Jesus and Jehovah are the same being a member of the Godhead. Elohim is the Father or Most High God.
as far as the old genocide nonsense, that’s what it is. Gnostic is just a way to sin and think one gets away with it. It’s also called a reprobate mind. Roman’s Chapter 1.
There is nothing supernatural about heaven and where we (our spirits) came from. There’s nothing supernatural about our spirits placed in our earthly bodies. It’s natural. It all exists.
So you believe in the bibles God yet not what it says.

Are you a literalist or not?

Where did you say our souls come from, the natural or something else?

You say that Gnostic is just a way to sin.

Do you know that your religions homophobia and misogyny is a sin.

Gnostics are the opposite.

Who is living as Jesus lived?

Now you know why I get no takers when I ask Christians to step up to a real Good Christian.

A Gnostic Christian.

Yes, it is hard on gays when governments are trying to have us all think in terms of equality, while the G D churches are preaching for homophobia and misogyny.

Those right wing religions are traitors to the country.


I wouldn't say "traitors" because that's something else. But preaching intolerance when your holy book says "be tolerant" is freaking ridiculous.
their corrupt recorded history to the present day.

the underlying evil maintained by the all three desert religions and their motivation to abandon the prescribed religion of antiquity and the 1st century events for their own self interest and wanton personal corruption. bing.

as their forged commandments to institutionalize their reprehensible behavior.
That's all in your twisted mind. By any objective measure Christianity has been the greatest force for good in the history of mankind.
There are many adult children of gay people already out there. How is it possible that you do not know that? Where are the stats to support you claims?

Are you so out of touch with reality that you think that gay folks only recently started being parents.
Again... the problems will reveal themselves later in life when they are adults; higher divorce rates, addictions, suicides, etc. There hasn't been enough time for the effects to be fully experienced. It's just now being normalized.
Where the fuck is the data? I presented peer reviewed studies that you ignored. YOU can not accept reality. You are too much of a coward , and too intellectually deficient to even try to refute my data. What are the "predictable Surprises" List them and document them or shut up. You spew a lot of shit but lack any substance
Give it time. It's too early for the effects to be felt. The seeds are being sown now.
I think you're an idiot if you think a same sex couple is even in the same realm as foster care or a home.
I couldn't care less what your opinion of me is. Children's lives are being ruined unnecessarily.
Again... the problems will reveal themselves later in life when they are adults; higher divorce rates, addictions, suicides, etc. There hasn't been enough time for the effects to be fully experienced. It's just now being normalized.
Holy shit! Seriously??!! You keep regurgitating the same tired crap that you have been posting for days. Yet , you are unable to answer a simple question. Do you really think that gay people only recently began to have kids.? Do you not understand that there already are many thousands of adult children of gay people ? You are just bleating your opinion with nothing to back it up. NOTHING!
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

you just need to what Lord says about homosexuality see Lev 18:22 (NLT)
And also if you see John 14:30 this can explain why are there gender bender's
also, see 2 Corinthians 11:4 (NLT)
it could explain many things
Holy shit! Seriously??!! You keep regurgitating the same tired crap that you have been posting for days. Yet , you are unable to answer a simple question. Do you really think that gay people only recently began to have kids.? Do you not understand that there already are many thousands of adult children of gay people ? You are just bleating your opinion with nothing to back it up. NOTHING!
In any significant numbers? Yes. It's only been within the last ten years or so.

Do my beliefs offend you?
How was your life ruined? Something must have happened to you for you to turn out so ignorant and hateful
Oh, all the usual ways. Just as children raised by two men or two women will be. Except they will have the added burden of being raised by gays in a heterosexual world.

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