Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

It's either mama's boys, or revenge against their parents, etc. It's not natural; it's a choice.
Thank you so much for that brilliant, thoughtful, and well researched dissertation on human sexuality ! You must have advanced degrees from the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in diverse fields such as biology, psychology, sociology and early childhood development. You clearly raise the bar on the level of intellectual discourse on the USMB Please continue to share your pearls of wisdom with us. There is so much more that we can learn from you . May the Gods and Goddesses bless you always,
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

For one thing, Yahveh commanded that males doing with males as if females, be killed. If one assumes He created them, then you can blame Yahveh, but that is false blame, just like most Christians think that Yahveh created the devil which is not true. Devil or Satan simply means Adversary. Anyone can be an adversary to the King of kings.
Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?


I've known kids who were gay. They didn't choose to be gay. They didn't understand what gay was. They were just reacting to how their body was. It's not nurture.

That doesn't mean that some people don't "become gay" through nurture. I don't know if it is possible, but it might be. But I'd say these people aren't "gay", they're just playing around with people of their own sex, which is different. Or perhaps they're bi-sexual.

I've known plenty of "closet gays" too. People who were unwilling to come out, unwilling to accept who they are. The biggest problem they have are assholes who pound on gay people for being who they are.
How have I observed it? Kids I went to school with and others I have worked with talking to them and observing their relationships with their parents.

So you're saying you've done enough research in order to see the way a relationship works and then for this to become "homosexuality"?

Could it not just be that they were born like it? Or that a conservative family with a gay child would force the child to be what they're not, but a liberal family would allow their gay child to find their own way?

Doesn't stop the conservative child being gay, does it?
I can see your point. Has it ever been proven that sexual behavior is genetic as opposed to conditioned by the person's environment?
For one thing, Yahveh commanded that males doing with males as if females, be killed. If one assumes He created them, then you can blame Yahveh, but that is false blame, just like most Christians think that Yahveh created the devil which is not true. Devil or Satan simply means Adversary. Anyone can be an adversary to the King of kings.
You show the false but not the true.

Who creates gays if not God?

Should the homophobes not hate that creator instead of the gay victim?

I've known kids who were gay. They didn't choose to be gay. They didn't understand what gay was. They were just reacting to how their body was. It's not nurture.

That doesn't mean that some people don't "become gay" through nurture. I don't know if it is possible, but it might be. But I'd say these people aren't "gay", they're just playing around with people of their own sex, which is different. Or perhaps they're bi-sexual.

I've known plenty of "closet gays" too. People who were unwilling to come out, unwilling to accept who they are. The biggest problem they have are assholes who pound on gay people for being who they are.
Yes, it is hard on gays when governments are trying to have us all think in terms of equality, while the G D churches are preaching for homophobia and misogyny.

Those right wing religions are traitors to the country.

I can see your point. Has it ever been proven that sexual behavior is genetic as opposed to conditioned by the person's environment?
I believe so.

Logic and reason prove it.

Our thinking is subject to our chemistry, which is DNA controlled. Testosterone and estrogen included.

Think menopause for the extreme case/example. Or just a few drinks.

Are homosexual natures created by nurture, nature, or God?

I think the answer is is quite important as it would show us the cause/source of homosexuality.

If God, as believers think, then why is God creating gays?

God created man and woman to naturally have affection for each other for the purpose of procreation. He therefore put into us the desire and knowledge how to procreate. Through the fall of Adam and Eve, out bodies and minds became subject to earthly degeneration of body and spirit. We became subject to both physical death and spiritual death being separated from the presence of God. By being place in the earth, we are now in charge of deciding whether to choose good or evil. God no longer chooses this for us. We are subject to all the challenges this earth gives us and it is up to us, 100%, to choose good or evil. So, it's up to us to find out what is good and what is evil as well. God provides us with what is good and what is evil through prophets and apostles. He also gives us access to the Light of Christ and the influence and sometimes gift of the Holy Ghost if we recognize it to know good from evil. But, it's up to us, with these helpers, to make our own choices.

So, with the question of how one ends up being homosexual and acting out homosexual behaviors, it's a choice. Whether one is born that way or not, is of no importance whether one will break the commandment not to partake of this forbidden fruit. How one arrives at committing the sin of homosexual acts is purely a choice whether or not to break the commandments of God. By breaking the commandments, one is not a friend of Jesus Christ (John 15:14). I have desires when I see a person of the opposite sex that stirs sexual feelings in me. That is natural. But, the commandments of God require that I act out the feelings only within the bonds of marriage with someone of the opposite sex. I have the same choice. Keep the commandments or not. I know people who have same-sex attractions that are married to a member of the opposite sex. They are happy and live a life choosing God over carnal evil lives. Hope this helps someone...

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