Are Israelis controlling archaeological digs to manipulate history and claim Palestinian land?


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
There was a recent thread accusing the Palestinians of this. It was supported by links from known Israeli propaganda blogs. I have chosen Jewish archeologists on purpose for this thread. Come see their video evidence yourselves and then decide who is destroying whose history.

The Palestinian village of Silwan is located just below the ancient City of David, in the heart of Jerusalem. Archaeological digs here are under the control of the right wing group, ELAD. The constant threat of demolition hovers over people's houses. "It's part of ELAD's program to take over and occupy large parts of Silwan and make it Jewish", complains archaeologist Dr Rafi Greenberg. Locals have already defeated one plan to destroy close to 100 houses. But despite this victory, the nature of Silwan has changed beyond recognition. As Greenberg laments; "The place I knew as an Arab village with archaeology turned into a place with armed guards, a place with amplified symbols of Israeli presence."

Prove it then. Show me exactly how Israel is deliberately destroying Palestinian history.

It was this quote on the other thread that got me researching this. I didn't want to derail, hence this thread.
We really don't need to manipulate any Jewish history...we leave it UNESCO and co.

Why derail when you could respond to the OP? I know you hate the UN and the international community. The zionists see a different world than the rest of us. That's the problem.

Respond to the Jewish archeologists in the OP or troll another thread. :idea:

I'm not hateful, it's called having a different view and standing by it. Palestinian land is where Palestinians negotiate it.

Archeology is one of the least things that give us a right to claim this land.
Phillistine remnants were found, it was not a Semitic culture. However Israelis still recognize Arab rights in that same land.

This whole narrative is a stupid spin for a headline.
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I like the part of archeology where they dig down so far there aren't any traces of human habitation because there were no humans there. When the scorpions and beetles owned the land.

Now the monkeys all claim to own the dirt and rocks and they love to kill each other over it. Because their god loves them more than he loves the other monkeys. Thus the genesis of the term FUBAR.
Wait, what?! So uncovering thousands of years of Jewish history in one of the most important archaeological areas in the homeland of the Jewish people is "making it Jewish"?

Its already Jewish.

So, what you are really complaining about here is not the destruction of Arab history -- its the revelation of Jewish history.
Wait, what?! So uncovering thousands of years of Jewish history in one of the most important archaeological areas in the homeland of the Jewish people is "making it Jewish"?

Its already Jewish.

So, what you are really complaining about here is not the destruction of Arab history -- its the revelation of Jewish history.
I forgot, you can't watch a video and understand it any better than read something for comprehension that destroys your narrative.

Carry on.
Wait, what?! So uncovering thousands of years of Jewish history in one of the most important archaeological areas in the homeland of the Jewish people is "making it Jewish"?

Its already Jewish.

So, what you are really complaining about here is not the destruction of Arab history -- its the revelation of Jewish history.
I forgot, you can't watch a video and understand it any better than read something for comprehension that destroys your narrative.

Carry on.

Anyone who's been to Israel knows that it's FULL of Jewish history. As for Palestinian history, there's nothing there to erase.
Anyone who's been to Israel knows that it's FULL of Jewish history. As for Palestinian history, there's nothing there to erase.
And yet we have the video evidence from Jewish archeologists.

I like the part of archeology where they dig down so far there aren't any traces of human habitation because there were no humans there. When the scorpions and beetles owned the land.

Now the monkeys all claim to own the dirt and rocks and they love to kill each other over it. Because their god loves them more than he loves the other monkeys. Thus the genesis of the term FUBAR.
There was a recent thread accusing the Palestinians of this. It was supported by links from known Israeli propaganda blogs. I have chosen Jewish archeologists on purpose for this thread. Come see their video evidence yourselves and then decide who is destroying whose history.

The Palestinian village of Silwan is located just below the ancient City of David, in the heart of Jerusalem. Archaeological digs here are under the control of the right wing group, ELAD. The constant threat of demolition hovers over people's houses. "It's part of ELAD's program to take over and occupy large parts of Silwan and make it Jewish", complains archaeologist Dr Rafi Greenberg. Locals have already defeated one plan to destroy close to 100 houses. But despite this victory, the nature of Silwan has changed beyond recognition. As Greenberg laments; "The place I knew as an Arab village with archaeology turned into a place with armed guards, a place with amplified symbols of Israeli presence."

The Palestinian village of Silwan is located just below the ancient City of David,

City of David?
Was that built by a Muslim named David?
And the BS pally propaganda Tool is hard at it again.

This time with some nonsensical claim of corruption in the sciences, which inevitably show there's NO such thing as a palestinian people
There was a recent thread accusing the Palestinians of this. It was supported by links from known Israeli propaganda blogs. I have chosen Jewish archeologists on purpose for this thread. Come see their video evidence yourselves and then decide who is destroying whose history.

The Palestinian village of Silwan is located just below the ancient City of David, in the heart of Jerusalem. Archaeological digs here are under the control of the right wing group, ELAD. The constant threat of demolition hovers over people's houses. "It's part of ELAD's program to take over and occupy large parts of Silwan and make it Jewish", complains archaeologist Dr Rafi Greenberg. Locals have already defeated one plan to destroy close to 100 houses. But despite this victory, the nature of Silwan has changed beyond recognition. As Greenberg laments; "The place I knew as an Arab village with archaeology turned into a place with armed guards, a place with amplified symbols of Israeli presence."

The Palestinian village of Silwan is located just below the ancient City of David,

City of David?
Was that built by a Muslim named David?

The ancient City of David is alot more important that Silwan is.
Wait, what?! So uncovering thousands of years of Jewish history in one of the most important archaeological areas in the homeland of the Jewish people is "making it Jewish"?

Its already Jewish.

So, what you are really complaining about here is not the destruction of Arab history -- its the revelation of Jewish history.
I forgot, you can't watch a video and understand it any better than read something for comprehension that destroys your narrative.

Carry on.

I rarely watch videos. I find it difficult because of my hearing impairment. I actually watched this all the way through. The argument the man is making is that archaeology should be politically correct. I disagree with him. Its relatively common in the world for people who have modern homes built over important archaeological sites to be bought out. Sure, its more sensitive in a place where two peoples are in conflict.
I have shirts in my closet older than the so-called "Palestinians"

No wonder they are envious over Jewish history that dates back 3500 years. Theirs dates back only to 1967.
Yes Israel was a barren wasteland with a population of 0 for all the centuries up until the UN created modern Israel.

I didn't say that, moron.

What are you, like 18 or 19 or something? If you weren't a child, you would realize Arabs didn't refer to themselves as "Palestinian" until furthered on by the Egyptian terrorist who want by the name Yasser Arafat after the six day way.
Sure. They probably referred to themselves as whatever they called that land before the UN decided to plant a theocracy on their territory.

I think I aimed far too high in my estimation of your age.

"theocracy"? Do you make up such ridiculous lies out of decetfulness, utter stupidity or both?
Wait, what?! So uncovering thousands of years of Jewish history in one of the most important archaeological areas in the homeland of the Jewish people is "making it Jewish"?

Its already Jewish.

So, what you are really complaining about here is not the destruction of Arab history -- its the revelation of Jewish history.
I forgot, you can't watch a video and understand it any better than read something for comprehension that destroys your narrative.

Carry on.

As for Palestinian history, there's nothing there to erase.

I have to disagree with you, there.

There is Black September, The Dizengoff Street Bus bombing, The Passover Massacre, The Maxim Restaurant bombing, all the various intifadas.....lots of history, really.
Anyone who's been to Israel knows that it's FULL of Jewish history. As for Palestinian history, there's nothing there to erase.
And yet we have the video evidence from Jewish archeologists.

What EVIDENCE? You're misinterpreting the "perceived injustice" here. It's not that what the archaeologists are finding is "Palestinian history". It's the fact that this KEY monument is located UNDER a fairly recent Pali village.

That leads to contention. Because it needs security to allow visitors into the ruins. To MAKE IT accessible to all. And THAT'S what Goldberg or Greenberg's beef is. That the Israeli PRESENCE in this Arab neighborhood is obnoxious.

Hasn't got a thing to do with "removing Pali history" from the "City of David".. It's you that didn't understand the video...
Hasn't got a thing to do with "removing Pali history" from the "City of David".. It's you that didn't understand the video...
Not sure which video you watched, so try this.

Israeli bulldozers demolish part of an historic Islamic building near Al-Aqsa Mosque, not far from the City of David archaeological site, where land is being confiscated from the Palestinian village of Silwan in what some have called “bulldozer archeology.” Says Palestinian archeologist Hamed Salem, “This important historical site is no longer an archaeological park; it’s an ideological park.” (Photo: Ahmad Gharabli / AFP / Getty)

From the Zionism’s earliest days in the late 1800s until the present, Israel’s battle has always been about land, but for some the issue goes much deeper—literally. What is underground is as valuable as what is above ground, and the battle has been raging for years.

The battle is over ancient artifacts, from Jerusalem to Gaza to Qumran.

The “Jewish State” prioritizes anything that might boost its legitimacy as rightful owner of Holy Land real estate, and has appropriated the science of archeology to help create its narrative.

The goal is to highlight the ancient Jewish presence and discount all other communities. whether historic or current. The Israeli narrative assumes, for example, that Christians may have been present for a short time, but only as visitors, leaving virtually no trace; the same goes for any Muslim presence.

In order to back up this version of history, Israel has found it necessary to destroy villages, demolish ancient sites, appropriate historic areas, rewrite textbooks, redraw boundary lines, and more. With the illusion of an ongoing, dominant Jewish presence, Israel can assert that it is simply “re-claiming” what is rightfully theirs, instead of taking what belongs to others.

Facts under the ground...

How Israel Weaponizes Archeology
Come see their video evidence yourselves and then decide who is destroying whose history.

THIS is from your OP Abi.. You THINK this is about destroying Pali history? It aint'. You don't understand your own threads. It's about FINDING important ancient sites, exploring them and making them SAFE for the public to access.

I asked you a question. Can the POLICE DEPARTMENT in Silwan provide security for VISITORS and workers at this site??? Need an answer..

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